Life-Threatening Career

Chapter 97: is not easy


Because it was the beautiful woman who shot first, Wei Tianlong was in a passive stage from the beginning. He just blindly defended what the woman did. Because he also felt something wrong in his heart. The brothers who were usually behind this had already jumped out, but now they are just standing there watching the excitement, which is not reasonable at all. He didn't fight back with all his strength.

"Wang Wei, do you want to rebel?" Wei Dashan roared. From his eyes, he could tell that if Wang Wei answered'yes', then he would kill Wang Wei immediately. Because the most taboo thing for organizations like this is rebellion. If that is the case, then the society will become a mess. If someone takes advantage of the "chaos" to strike, then this community that has just improved a bit will be over.

"What you say, you just wait a while." Wang Wei smiled, lowered his head and looked at the watch. Yi Dongwu seemed to know what was going on, so he changed the nervousness on his initial face to plain.

Wei Tianlong felt that this beautiful woman was not bad at her skill, and she was attacking one by one after confronting herself for so long. The girl looked less than twenty years old, but the intensity of her attack did not decrease every time. The only drawback is that the speed is too slow.

Wei Tianlong also wanted to know what was going on. After he saw the people behind him, he knew that they would definitely give him an answer. So he wants to fix this woman as soon as possible, or the brother behind him still laughs at himself? So he quickly grabbed the chest of the beautiful woman in front of him, and the woman came back to rescue when she saw the danger in her chest. When she returned, Wei Tianlong hit her abdomen with a kick. But there was a lot of affection at his feet, and the woman that stepped down just stepped back a few steps. Wang Wei and his party were watching. If Wei Tianlong had gone all out just now, then the person in front of him had flew out early and didn't know how far he was.

After the woman glanced at Wang Wei, she waved her fist and continued to rush up. Wang Wei knew in his heart that Wei Tianlong was familiar with all of that woman's moves now, although it only took less than a minute.

"Time is up!" After Wang Weiwei shouted, the woman stopped her movements.

"I knew it was your kid who was doing the ghost." Wei Dashan pointed to Wang Wei and said.

"I don't know what Long Ge thinks of her skill?" Wang Wei asked Wei Tianlong with a smile.

Wei Tianlong patted his clothes and said, "Satisfied, don't think about getting through it like this, your kid!"

Wang Wei smiled and said: "Brother Long, you know that there are really very few people who can fight you for a minute. Just a few of our brothers here fight you with real swords and guns. I think this minute. There is also a problem. So my brother was sorry, and chose a time when you were tired after a long journey and a time when you were unprepared. I think they are so careless and have the concept of lasting a minute."

"Okay, you passed the test!" Wei Tianlong also understood in his heart that none of what Wang Wei said was flattery, and every sentence was a big truth.

"What about the other people?" Wei Tianlong and his party walked into the car.

"No, what Brother Long saw just now are the results I just trained."

Wei Tianlong thought about the neat people just now, all of them were full of energy.

"Thanks to Xiaowei!"

"Which, Long Ge to the beautiful girl's body just now?"


"The girl is an orphan and her name is Bailiu. I ran into it on the road when I was in Vietnam. At that time, he was trafficked to Malaysia by some people. I thought he was pitiful and beautiful, so I bought her. Later, I bought her. I found that she had some skills and incorporated her into this training group. Not long ago, Long Ge was assassinated. I have always been concerned about it, thinking that Yi Dongwu has been following Long Ge. There are a lot of differences between the two big men. Coordinated, the goal is also big, so I trained a few women. She is also the best skill among them. I want her to follow Brother Long. Although the skill is not as good as Brother Long, it is possible that Brother Long will protect her, but I I think it should be better." Wang Wei said so much because he was afraid that Wei Tianlong would not accept it. Wang Wei, who was always bad at talking, made up so many excuses because he was afraid that Yi Dongwu had ideas. These things really make sense.

Only then did Wei Tianlong discover that the driver in the extended Lincoln he was sitting in was the girl.

Wang Wei knew Wei Tianlong's thoughts.

"Don't worry, Brother Long, they are not top-notch in all aspects, but they are not bad. Because I have hired a few retired agents and some retired officers to train at a high price. You can rest assured." Wang Wei said this. Most of the tone in that tone is a kind of pride and self-confidence.