Lifetime of Bliss and Contentment With You

Chapter 101: Not only can you see from a distance


After Pei Yucheng let go, the assistants and bodyguards all retreated, and Pei Yutang and Pei Nanxu also left. For a moment, only Lin Yan and Pei Yucheng were left in the living room.

Lin Yan always felt that his relationship with Pei Yucheng's boyfriend and girlfriend was unreal, and also felt that Pei Yucheng was too far away from him. He really didn't expect that Pei Yucheng would change his mind just because of her soft words.

Pei Yucheng walked to the swimming pool outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Lin Yan followed slowly.

The night is as cool as water, and the stars are sprinkled on the water.

"Mr. Pei... Can I... May I ask you a question?"


"That's... before, why did you agree to my confession so casually and let me be your girlfriend?" Lin Yan finally asked this question.

She was so curious. Although she had thought about many reasons, she still found it incredible.

Pei Yucheng turned his head and looked at her secretly: "Do you think... I just agreed?"

Lin Yan was taken aback, and quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I didn't mean you are casual! I just felt surprised. After all, with your status and status, I really don't belong to the same world as me. You didn't take the initiative to contact me, so I thought you just said that casually.

In fact, after I went back, I thought about it for a long time and regretted it for a long time. I think what I said that day was too much. In fact, I just want to look at you from a distance. The reason I was disrespectful to you that night was because I drank too much. I swear I only have pure admiration for you, and absolutely have no other dirty thoughts, and I didn't expect you to agree, so... "

Pei Yucheng looked at her casually: "So?"

Lin Yan swallowed and spit: "..."

So, why don't we break up

The word "break up" was almost on the verge of Lin Yan's lips, and in the end, he turned a corner: "So... so... I must cherish you even more... I like you even more... I will be devoted to you until death …”

Seeing the girl's nervous expression, Pei Yucheng smiled, "Are you afraid of me?"

Lin Yan smiled dryly, "No... no... that's just admiration... just admiration... In my heart, you are just like the god who doesn't eat fireworks... You can be seen from a distance but not playful... I think it's really a kind of relationship with me... Defilement of you... ”

Hey, why is it so difficult to break up

boss! I really don't deserve you!

Pei Yucheng did not speak for a long time.

Lin Yan couldn't figure out what he was thinking, panicked, and couldn't help but sneak a look at him, but in the next second, he met the man's eyes that were deeper than the night—

"What if it can not only be viewed from a distance?" the man said.

Lin Yan was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out, this... What does this mean

It can't be what she thinks it means!

Pei Yucheng stretched out his hand and gently kneaded the tight neck of the girl, "Don't be nervous, as I said, our relationship will not have any impact on your life, your attitude towards me, your opinion, even your attitude towards me. My address doesn't need to be changed in any way, everything can be done according to your comfortable way."

Lin Yan's original intention to break up began to disintegrate because of the short words of the other party.

This is really a fairy boyfriend!

No wonder Pei Yucheng never corrected her estranged address, and always called her "Miss Lin" cooperatively. It turned out that she was just afraid that she would not get used to it.