Lifetime of Bliss and Contentment With You

Chapter 124: Get rich instantly


Soon, Lin Yan changed into the same clothes as Pei Nanxu's assistant and came out.

"Director Zhao, don't worry, I will send Miss Lin back safely." Pei Nanxu said.

Zhao Hongling thanked politely: "Then please."

After Lin Yan left with Pei Nanxu, Duoduo couldn't help but muttered curiously, "Sister Ling, do you believe what Lin Yan said? She and Emperor Pei are really distant relatives? Lin Yan seems to have always liked Emperor Pei, right? I remember that even her profile picture and nickname on private WeChat are Actor Pei!"

Zhao Hongling shook her head: "Not sure. At least it's not a relationship between a man and a woman."

Lin Yan was indeed obsessed with Pei Nanxu, but judging from the way the two got along just now, there shouldn't be any ambiguity.

After thinking about it for a while, "Actually Lin Yan's words are also reasonable, and Best Actor Pei may indeed be just helping out..."

Pei Nanxu led Lin Yan and a bodyguard to the underground parking lot from the VIP passage.

Sure enough, there was also a group of fans besieging the parking lot.

Seeing Pei Nanxu appearing from afar, the fans screamed wildly.

Lin Yan wore a mask and tried to stay calm and followed behind Pei Nanxu.

Pei Nanxu subconsciously wanted to open the door for Lin Yan in a gentlemanly way, but Lin Yan was pretending to be Pei Nanxu's assistant, so how could he let him open the door for him.

Full of desire to survive, Lin Yan rushed to the front first, opened the car door for Pei Nanxu, and then she got into the car from the other side.

The bodyguard got into the car behind and followed.

"Brother, I got it." After getting in the car, Pei Nanxu said.

Pei Yucheng: "Yes."

At this moment, Pei Yucheng was already sitting in the back seat of the car.

I saw the man holding a stack of documents in his hand, wearing a formal suit, and the light in the car was a little dark, but just a side face in the dim light was enough to make people's heart beat faster.

That face is completely 360 degrees without dead ends.

Especially Pei Yucheng's outfit today, it seems that he just came from a formal occasion, different from the usual casual, the suit and tie are not messy, the seemingly low-key but expensive Buccellati gemstone cufflinks, the gold of LOTOS Silk glasses, and the button of the white shirt was fastened to the first button of the neckline meticulously.

It was the first time for Lin Yan to see Pei Yucheng in a formal suit, and this sight almost caused her to have a cardiac arrest.

No wonder it was just a photo that wasn't very clear back then that drove those women so crazy...

But at this moment, this man was sitting in front of her so vividly.

The space in the back seat is very spacious, Pei Nanxu sat opposite, Lin Yan could only sit down next to Pei Yucheng.

However, Lin Yan was sitting next to the window, and there was at least one empty seat between the two of them.

"Mr. Pei..." Lin Yan greeted cautiously.

Pei Yucheng raised his head from the document, revealing his dark eyes like the deep sea behind the lens, "Miss Lin."

The hoarse and magnetic voice flew low in the airtight compartment like a cello, and Lin Yan somehow felt that his alienated "Miss Lin" sounded so uncontrollable.

no! It was agreed to let go of her beauty and get rich instantly!

Viewing the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva for a long time, if you practice the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, you will see that all the five aggregates are empty, and you will overcome all hardships. Shariputra, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of thinking and knowing...

Lin Yan was reciting the mantra of purifying the heart silently, at this moment, a head popped out of the driver's seat in front, "Sister-in-law!"