Lifetime of Bliss and Contentment With You

Chapter 62: She is so hard!


At this second, Lin Yan's brain exploded like a firework.

It may be because most of the time in the racing industry, she deals with men, and all she comes into contact with is equipment and engine oil. After a long time, she has become a little numb to men, and she treats them as brothers when getting along.

For example, Wang Jingyang, she has never seen him as a man. Even Pei Nanxu is just an idol of worship and admiration to her.

Han Yixuan used to complain that she was not feminine, emotional, and romantic.

Over the years, she has also met many handsome men of all kinds, but for the first time, there is a man who can make her straight steel heart beat like an eighteen-year-old girl!

At this moment, the man's eyes were sleepy and lazy, and her reddish face was fully reflected.

A crack suddenly burst in Lin Yan's mind, revealing a wonderful illusion.

This breath... why is it so familiar

As if... she's known this person... for a long... long time...

Lin Yan was absent-minded for a long while, and then suddenly realized that he was still falling on someone.

And Pei Yucheng patiently maintained this posture from beginning to end, gently supporting her waist to prevent her from falling.

The fingers placed on her waist and abdomen seemed to comfort a frightened little rabbit...

Lin Yan has the feeling that the softest and most fragile parts of himself are being held in his hands, but he is willing and completely dependent.

In the next second, Lin Yan shook his head violently, trying to wake himself up quickly.

With a sound of "bang—", Lin Yan twisted his body forcefully, rolled under the sofa, and then quickly patted his buttocks to get up.

After it was over, Lin Yan knelt down in front of the sofa and pleaded guilty: "Boss Pei, I'm sorry..."

What reason should she use this time

Lin Yan's brain was spinning rapidly—

"Actually, it's like this..."

"Because... because..."

"That's right! Because of Pei Yutang!"

"It was he who asked me to come and look for him! He said he was here, and he gave me the password here!" Lin Yan became more and more confused as he spoke, and continued, "As a result... I accidentally dropped it when I was looking for it. I fell, and I didn't expect to fall on Mr. Pei, disturbing your nap!"

Pei Yucheng sat up slowly, with a bit of admiration between his brows: "I have made progress."

Lin Yan: "Huh?" What's the progress

"The reason this time is very logical." Pei Yucheng commented.

Lin Yan: "..."

Hey, you really still don't believe her!

Don't believe the truth, don't believe the lie!

She is so difficult...