Lifetime of Bliss and Contentment With You

Chapter 92: meaning of this profession


At that time, she didn't know that the previous few times were planned by Lin Shuya privately and bribed the reporter to post the release, so she had no doubts about this ordinary Weibo sharing life.

If she hadn't seen this Weibo, she would have almost forgotten that she had helped a small fan...

At this moment, after reading all the comments on this Weibo, Lin Yan suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart when he saw this little firework desperately speaking for himself.

This feeling of being trusted and protected...

It turns out that she is not alone, and there are people who will work so hard to protect her...

In the past, she didn't really understand this profession, and even chose this profession for Han Yixuan, even when she made up her mind to get serious, it was mostly for life.

However, at this moment, she suddenly discovered the meaning of this profession.

Lin Yan called Wang Jingyang and asked him to buy more food for him, and then began to retreat.

Late at night, under the lights, Lin Yan pondered over his acting skills over and over again.

She is not from a major, and has not experienced any professional training. She can only rely on her own comprehension to conquer this brand new field bit by bit...

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Yan read all the professional books, read a lot of film and television materials, and practiced it over and over again.

For a completely ignorant newcomer, the most difficult part of acting is the sense of the camera when facing the camera. In front of the camera, the feeling of unnaturalness and embarrassment will be magnified hundreds of times.

Fortunately, Lin Yan started competing in major arenas at the age of eighteen. He has a strong mental quality and is best at eliminating external interference. This does not exist.

Even under the eyes of thousands of people, she can still remain calm and composed, which is her greatest strength.

So she only needs to master the skills of acting and understand the essence of the role she plays.

In the former, she has learned a little bit by reading a lot of professional books, while in the latter, she has repeatedly watched the videos sent by Pei Yutang, trying to figure out every movement, every expression, and every tone of every sentence of Pei Yucheng bit by bit.

If she could act out one-tenth of Pei Yucheng's aura, she would also be able to confidently control the personality of this domineering female president.

Facing the mirror, Lin Yan practiced his eyes over and over again, and in the end he almost went crazy.

"Huh... I'm exhausted... Take a break..." Lin Yan lay down on the dressing table exhausted.

A domineering president is really not that easy to imitate. If one's own aura can't hold up, if one is not paying attention, the acting will be very disobedient and stupid.

Lin Yan was sighing, he didn't know what to think of, and suddenly he was stunned.

She suddenly realized... Pei Yucheng hadn't seen her for a week since the last time they met at the villa, and she hadn't seen her for a week!

Once Lin Yan concentrates on doing one thing, she will devote herself wholeheartedly and forget about everything outside. Recently, she has been honing her acting skills so much that she almost forgot that she has an extra boyfriend.

I go! How did you forget about this time bomb

What exactly does Pei Yucheng mean

Although she is a straight steel girl, she has been in a relationship anyway. Under normal circumstances, as a boyfriend and girlfriend, it has been too long without a phone call, isn't it too abnormal

Did Pei Yucheng, like her, forget about this