Light and shadow and flying dust

Chapter 24


, Said he was in love. "

Cen Fei lightly stroked Shiying's hair. He heard Shiying's muffled voice, and he didn't know whether he was crying or laughing: "I was shocked when I first heard it. He said his partner was a man. , and a son of a rich family..."

"How can it be long? Rich people... are the most snobbish, aren't they? Or men... You must be just playing with him. When you get tired of playing with him that day, you will definitely not want him. "

"I tried to persuade him to leave you, but he looked too happy for me to say... I haven't seen him smile for a long time."

"I'm so jealous, Cen Fei, I'm so jealous. He lives so tired, but whenever he mentions you, he will laugh... How much does he like you?"

"Later, I could only force myself to think about it. Anyway, it's good for him to be happy... But, God wants to take away even this little bit of happiness from him! When the disease was diagnosed, I really felt... felt... Anyway, if he If I die, I won't live anymore, and living is meaningless."

Cen Fei hugged Shi Ying tightly, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, he survived."

Shiying sniffed, gave a soft "um", and buried his face deeper, as if he was about to suffocate himself: "I'm sorry, I hid him because I don't think you really like him... ok Well, that's just a poor excuse."

"He doesn't remember anything, and he even lost the ability to take care of himself for a while, but I actually think... I think it's good. I can take care of him, and he has only me to rely on. He believes everything I say, and I He agrees to do anything, even if I want to be with him...he has no objection."

"I'm a thief... I'm just a thief..."

Cen Fei sighed deeply, gently raised Shi Ying's face, and stared deeply into his eyes.

This is the first time for Cen Fei to look at Shiying from this angle, and it is also the first time he has seen him defenseless, heartbroken... How strange, even when he was in the hospital yesterday, he still maintained his last stubbornness ... so now it's burnt out

Cen Fei treasured this moment for no reason, he wondered if Shiying would open his heart to him again after today.

"You are not a thief. Your brother is mentally and intellectually normal now. If he makes any decision, it must be the one he thinks is correct." Cen Fei said, "As for me, I'm sorry, it was me who got involved unreasonably. You two live a stable and harmonious life. But I'm not ashamed, and I don't want to give in... I don't know if rich people are snobbish, but greed is certain, and I don't want to let any of you go."

Fan Shi stared at him, blinked slightly, and another tear slid down his cheek.

"I... I'm also greedy..." Shi Ying said in a low voice, "I originally thought that my brother was enough, but you... Cen Fei, you... why do you say you have so many routines? Are you doing it on purpose? You I know I'm tired... I'm really tired... It's tiring to live, it's tiring to make money, it's tiring to force a smile, it's tiring to lie, it's tiring to even pretend to be murderous... So you just trick me, you... You profiteer! No traitor, no business!"

Seeing that the little monster was about to bark its teeth and claws again, Cen Fei quickly held him down: "Don't beat me up, it's obvious that you are tricking me. I had a lot of fun deceiving me, Shiying, do you know that I have never been in the mall these years?" You have been cheated, are you worthy of my trust?"

"You... didn't you lie to me yesterday too?!" Shi Ying sat up angrily, making a gesture to hit him.

Cen Fei pressed Shiying's forehead and laid the man back down, then pecked him hard on the lips: "Okay, then I will settle the score with me when I have a chance, and now I will recover from my illness... Xiaoguang Why haven't you come back?"

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, the doorbell rang.

Shi Ying snorted, glared at Cen Fei, and shrank to a corner of the big bed wrapped in a quilt.

Cen Fei rubbed his head, got out of bed and opened the door for Time.

Not long after, the slender young man entered the warm home with the chill all over his body.

"Has Aying's fever gone?" Shi Guang took off his scarf and jacket, took out a hot breakfast from his arms, and put it on the dining table, "Is he awake? When he wakes up, he will drink peas... eh!"

Cen Fei hugged Shi Guang's waist and kissed him deeply.

Shi Shi widened his eyes in surprise, and the feeling between his lips and teeth was strange and familiar. It was undeniable that it was wonderful, just like the feeling of kissing his brother... No, it was still different.

The two entangled their lips and teeth for a long time, and for a moment neither of them was willing to let go, until they were interrupted by an abrupt voice.

"Hey, are you finished!" Shiying leaned against the corridor not far away at some point, still wrapped in a quilt, and said in a low voice, "Where's my hemp ball?"

"Ah, Ah Ying, are you feeling better? Wait, wait for me, I'll find a bowl..." Shi Guang clumsily pushed Cen Fei away, grabbed the breakfast on the table and ran into the kitchen with a blushing face.

Cen Fei squinted at Shiying with a half-smile: "How old are you and still clamoring that you have to eat hemp balls?"

"I want you to take care of it! My brother spoils me!"


In the morning, Cen Fei started the video conference that he owed yesterday, and he was busy for several hours. When it was lunch time, he suddenly felt a little bit unappetizing.

In the afternoon, his limbs and shoulders started to ache, and his head was a little dizzy.

Cen Fei felt bad, he was about to have a fever.

It is said that happiness can easily lead to sadness, and Cen Fei guessed that he was probably complacent and forgetful. After kissing this one and that one, who would have guessed that Shiying's fever was not due to catching a cold, nor was it an inflammation of the wound, but where did he get the flu from?

I just don't know if time is also infected.

At three or four o'clock, Cen Fei quickly finished the work at hand and drove home with great energy.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the room, he saw the two brothers sleeping in a ball next to each other, and it wasn't too hot to touch their foreheads

Oh, it's not that it's not hot, it's probably because I'm already as hot as them.

Cen Fei had no choice but to call Xiao Yang and ask him to pick him up in a car.

After hanging up the phone, he took off his shirt and got into the bed, hugged the hot bodies of the two brothers, and the three of them fell asleep together.

Cen Fei, who had a high fever, was sometimes hot and sometimes cold.

When it was hot, he felt like a fried sesame ball in a frying pan, turning it over and over again was always hot. When the quilt was lifted with a "squeak", he felt the sesame seeds on his body smelling fragrant, and it was probably ready to be served, but he didn't know. Is it crispy or not, is the shape round enough, does someone like to eat something like him

But Cen Fei suddenly felt cold again, a cold that penetrated deep into his bones, and he could hear the sound of the surging river and the shrill wind. Even the bones may not be recovered. In his half-awake and half-dream state, he softly called his friend Wei Dacheng's name: "Dacheng, I can't die, someone is waiting for me..."

"Yes, yes, we are all waiting for you. Mr. Cen, wake up, put on your clothes and go to the hospital, why am I so heavy..."

Hearing this familiar voice, Cen Fei woke up suddenly, with Xiao Yang's face in front of him.

"You're here." Cen Fei sat up with effort, took the cashmere sweater from Xiao Yang's hand, and put it on by himself.

He turned his head and looked around. Shi Shi and Shi Ying were also sitting on the bed, wearing their clothes weakly.

Noticing his gaze, Shi Guang raised his eyes and smiled sheepishly: "Oh, I don't know what's going on, but I also have a fever."

"It's all my fault." Shi Ying said sullenly while buttoning his buttons with his head down.

Cen Fei suddenly smiled slightly, as if his whole body regained strength, he leaned over, hugged their faces, and kissed each other.

The two brothers stopped dressing at the same time and stared at him with wide eyes.

"What? They're all sick anyway, so I'm not afraid of cross-infection." Cen Fei said with a smile.

"Ahem!" Shi Ying pointed to Xiao Yang, who was already petrified by the side.

Xiao Yang turned around dully, and floated back to the living room as quietly and lifelessly as a ghost, as if he had never appeared in the bedroom.

Until Cen Fei was fully dressed and walked into the living room, Xiao Yang was still immersed in the huge shock and couldn't react. The three views were smashed and then reorganized, reorganized and reorganized, no matter how many times the reorganization failed.

"I'm so stupid, really..." Aunt Yang Lin's eyes were empty, and she muttered, "I should have guessed from the beginning that this younger brother will not be an ordinary younger brother, and of course this older brother cannot be an ordinary older brother. Our Mr. Cen is definitely not an ordinary Mr. Cen. The only ordinary person in this world is probably me, oh, and my simple and lovely Ayue... Ah, it’s too complicated. The world of rich people is too complicated. My understanding of human social relations... ”

"It's not that complicated." Cen Fei smiled and said calmly, "You know Shiying, and you met his brother Shiguang yesterday. They are both my boyfriends."

"What?!!!" Xiao Yang screamed and sat down on the sofa after being stunned for a second, the shock on his face didn't seem to be faking, "Boss Cen, you... have too much appetite, right? Hug left and right? Big and small eat everything." ? Blessings of Qi people? Ehuang Nvying?"

"I know a lot of idioms. But the facts may be a little different from what you imagined. Our relationship is probably..." Mr. Cen stretched out his hand and drew a triangle in the void, "It's this kind of stable structural relationship."

Xiao Yang opened his mouth wide, and with a "click", his jaw dropped.

Cen Fei coughed, turned around and went into the kitchen to pour four cups of warm water, and put them in a row on the tea table, then sat down beside Xiao Yang, took a sip from one of the cups of water: "Congratulations, Yang