Light In The Deep Alley

Chapter 105


With his wrists held, Qin Qingzhuo didn't try to struggle, but leaned in to kiss Jiang Ji: "Don't be so serious..."

He tried to change the topic to a direction that would make both of them happy, just like before.

However, Jiang Ji refused to go along with him this time. He clamped his wrists with one hand, gently pried his jaw with the other hand, and called out "Qin Qingzhuo" again.

Whenever Jiang Ji talked about this matter in the past, he always used a coaxing and negotiating tone, and once he noticed Qin Qingzhuo's evasion and resistance, he would quickly soften his heart and stop halfway.

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And now he looked very serious, serious to the point of being solemn, as if he had made up his mind to push this topic forward.

"Didn't you say," Jiang Ji looked at him and said, "Lovers should participate in each other's lives and discuss things together. Why can't we discuss this matter?"

Qin Qingzhuo fell silent and stopped kissing him like a spoiled child.

He indeed said these words a few days ago. He had to admit what he had said, and he couldn't deny what he asked Jiang Ji to do.

I had originally made up my mind to keep working on it until the final day, but now it seems that this is not going to work.

After a moment, he sighed and said softly, "Jiang Ji, I just don't want to be the backup singer. Every time you asked me, I refused. I don't understand why you force me to do something I don't want to do. If you don't want to do something, I will never convince you to do it again and again."

Jiang Ji released his wrist, and the two stood face to face, finally starting to talk about this topic directly and seriously for the first time.

It's like the elephant in the room, it's there, but they have chosen to ignore it before.

And now they really dare to reach out and touch it and talk about it.

"What if I don't want to go to college," Jiang Ji said, "I just want to go back to the days of singing in the bar, will you choose to indulge me or persuade me?"

"That's different," Qin Qingzhuo frowned slightly, "Whether you go to college or not is very important to your life, but whether you do this backup singing or not is not that important to you or to me."

"I thought what we were discussing was not just the issue of singing as a supporting singer this time," Jiang Ji said, "but the question of when you can overcome your psychological barriers and start singing again."

Qin Qingzhuo was silent again.

Jiang Ji realized that he was touching the core of the problem, because Qin Qingzhuo's brows were getting more and more furrowed and his expression became more and more solemn.

For a moment, he really wanted to reach out and help Qin Qingzhuo smooth out the wrinkles between his brows, but he clenched his fingers and restrained his impulse.

It was not easy to get Qin Qingzhuo to face this problem. He couldn't fail because of soft-heartedness. He had to be ruthless and be the one to force Qin Qingzhuo.

However, these words made Qin Qingzhuo feel very uncomfortable. He took a deep breath before speaking: "Jiang Ji, I thought I told you about my illness. It is an organic disease. It is a problem with the Eustachian tube and ears, not caused by my psychological reasons."

"You've had surgery," Jiang Ji said calmly, "and the doctor has almost solved your physical problems. But if your psychological problems are not resolved, you will never be able to completely recover from this disease."