Light In The Deep Alley

Chapter 44


Qin Qingzhuo didn't know what was going on backstage. He guessed that everyone was in a panic, and the stage design and lighting came to a standstill.

The light on the stage was dim, and one could only make out the silhouettes of the three people of Rough Cloud and the outlines of the musical instruments.

It was not until Jiang Ji opened his mouth that a beam of light hit him.

It was cold and white, like the bleak moonlight. It made his voice seem to be coated with a layer of cold moonlight.

"Standing on this old street at two in the morning

Watching the lights in front of me gradually go out

I set out into the long night

Going to a date without time and place

The cold wind blows in the seventeen-story building

The long dark night seems to have no boundaries

You jump down

Make the most resolute farewell in this life

The rustling leaves

Do you know the feeling of a cold wind running through your body

The sun and moon hiding behind the clouds

Did you remember to say goodbye to you

As soon as Jiang Ji opened his mouth, people felt as if their surroundings were suddenly empty, as if they were in a deserted alley in the early morning.

Qin Qingzhuo could almost imagine Jiang Ji standing on Honglu Street, staring blankly at the row of street lights going out every night.

Many images flashed through his mind in an instant, from the night before at the music festival when Jiang Ji was drinking beer one sip at a time, to the night after the first recording, when Jiang Ji was standing in front of the cold noodles stall, leaning against a motorcycle and smoking.

Jiang Ji's voice is very special. It's not the kind of specialness that is deliberately created by technique, but there is a sense of story with scars in the tone that can easily make people empathize.

The main song does not have a complicated arrangement. The electric guitar's slightly sad and slow melody dominates. The drums and bass are added little by little, rising slowly like the tide, making people unconsciously swept into the thick emotions surrounded by the instruments, and by the time they come to their senses, they are suffocated and can't breathe.

During the interlude, the sound of drums and bass suddenly rose up, like a sudden and overwhelming rainstorm. The dense drum beats seemed to be wrapped in a strong wind and hit you in the face, interweaving with the sound of the electric guitar to create a thick and violent atmosphere of sadness.

Section 47

This gradual and increasingly intense drum beat and melody has formed an impenetrable wall of sound by the chorus, and the almost roaring human voice is wrapped in it, like a trapped beast rushing around trying to find a way out.

"Why is there always a difference in fate in this world

Some people live passionately

Some people live a despicable life

Someone's life is full of thrilling details

Some people's lives ended in the cold twelfth month

I pray for this beautiful world

Collapse in this silent night

Let those festering lives

Covered with white snow

I pray for this brilliant world

Perish in these decadent years

Destroy all traces of

Only pale writing is left"

Jiang Ji sang the chorus twice, the first time with some confusion, the second time with a despair that was heart-wrenching. The emotion and technique were integrated naturally, and every subtle treatment made Qin Qingzhuo once again confirm that his judgment was correct - Jiang Ji really had a keen sense of smell for music like a wild animal's prey.

The ending was extremely crisp, and when the last drum beat came down, the whole audience fell into silence.

The huge studio was filled with a thick sadness, and there was no outlet for it, so it could only continue to ferment and expand in this limited space.