Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 102


It takes six hours to sail from the expeditionary force's current base to the natural wormhole. On the star map lit up by the technical department, the green light representing the starship is moving slowly.

Ye Pei skillfully bit open a bag of nutrients, preparing to fill his empty stomach, while habitually glancing at the star map to see where the starship was.

The sound of chatting drifted by his ears. It sounded like Fantov was chatting with Ouyang Yu, who was analyzing radar detection data. Ye Pei found it novel. During the time that Fantov came to the technical department, although he was not arrogant, he was very purposeful in who he greeted and who he chatted with. He always disdained to talk to ordinary people.

Ouyang Yu only came to the expeditionary force one or two years earlier than himself, but he actually won Fantov's "favor"

Glancing at the data on the virtual screen, Fantov pretended to be casual and asked, "Are you processing the data from the radar detection system? Aren't there no wars?"

Ouyang Yu had very short hair and was concentrating on the virtual screen in front of him. He took the time to answer: "Although there is no battle, in addition to the enemy ships, the large rocks and larger metal debris floating around should be taken seriously. If they can be pushed away with force fields, they should be pushed away. If they can't be pushed away, they can only be bombarded. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous if they collide with them at high speeds."

"I see," Vantov didn't listen carefully. He looked around for a few seconds and lowered his voice. "There are so many huge rocks floating around. Is it possible that there are rebel starships hidden behind them?"

Ouyang Yu thought that Fantov had just arrived at the front line and was easily worried, so he laughed heartily and said, "No, there is no place to hide, and unless the rebels have mastered new stealth technology, they will not be able to escape our detection system."

Fantov immediately grasped the point he wanted to hear: "What you mean is... if the rebels really have mastered more advanced stealth technology, they can really march in large numbers without us noticing?"

"In theory, it is true, but with the current level of technology, neither the Alliance nor the Rebels can do it." Ouyang Yu thought carefully about the problem in this field, "It is very difficult. Last year or the year before last, there seemed to be news that the Rebels had received some 'divine gift' and developed a new starship stealth technology. But everyone knows that the Rebels are diligent in releasing news, so we don't see much of it in reality. If they really developed it, they would have used it long ago."

Fantov didn't pay much attention to the last few words. With a stern face, he hurriedly walked away from Ouyang Yu. When he passed the porthole, he looked out. He seemed to have something frightening hidden in the dark space. His face immediately turned pale and his breathing rhythm became disordered.

Mondrian nudged Ye Pei with his elbow: "The boss asked us to sit in on the class, what are you watching?"

Retracting his gaze, Ye Pei picked up the recording board and metal pen: "Nothing, I just think Fantov is a little weird."

The technical department's affairs were not as piled up as before, so Lorenz had some free time, so he would teach the newcomers. Compared with the professors at Turan College, Lorenz, who had been stationed at the front line for many years, was more practical, good at putting theory into practice, and then summarizing his own methods.

This also resulted in Ye Pei needing several hours to fully understand every twenty-minute lecture from Lorenz.

After finishing the content, Lorenz picked up the empty coffee cup. Ye Pei, who was finishing his notes, reminded him: "Boss, the espresso is finished. I reported it to the logistics department. They said they will send it to us later."

Headed by Lorenz, the entire technical department is a huge coffee consumer, so much so that there is a bitter smell in the air.

Just as Lorenz was frowning as he held the empty cup, the metal door of the technical department opened, and a young man in a military uniform with "Logistics Department" marked on his armband walked in, followed by a small transport robot.

Here to deliver coffee.

People from the logistics department come every few days, and usually whoever is at the door will sign.

While Ye Pei was organizing his notes, he glanced and found that the person who was going to sign this time was Fantov.

I couldn't help but wonder: Isn't Fantov usually the one who likes to avoid these chores? When did he become so active? Or did he just happen to be at the door

On the other side, while no one was paying attention, Fantov hid in a small cubicle in the lounge, avoiding the surveillance cameras, and quietly looked at the square metal piece hidden in his palm. He once again confirmed that the other party's small action of putting the metal piece into his palm by using the recording board he handed over for signature was not discovered.

Fantof breathed a sigh of relief.

He naturally put his hands in his pockets, straightened his collar, opened the door again and went out.

The technical department was still busy, with conversations going on one after another, and many people jogging past Fantov.

A thrill of excitement rose in Fantof's heart.

Isn’t it amazing

These people were clearly on the front lines, yet they looked down on the rebels, completely unaware that the rebels had already mastered suppressive starship cloaking technology.

Countless starships are coming from afar, and are about to use artillery fire to reduce the entire fleet to ashes!

He had lived in Odin since he was a child, and the rebels were too far away from him, but he remembered very clearly that on the second day of the founding day, countless people fled hastily from the capital star Leto to Odin, including even the Secretary-General of the Alliance and Admiral Nie Huaiting!

Those who escaped were all terrified and would show fear in their eyes when the rebels were mentioned.

In the previous battle, the rebels were just a step away from hitting the command ship.

Fantov thought contemptuously: These people in the expeditionary force will soon pay the price for their arrogance.

In the command room, Lu Fenghan was wearing a standard shirt. He was tall and had long legs. His sleeves were half rolled up. He placed the rice with star mushroom sauce in front of Qi Yan. “How is it?”

"We've cracked it." Qi Yan turned the virtual screen to Lu Fenghan, "Vantov avoided the military's encrypted channel and contacted Odin's family, asking them to help him find a reason to transfer him back from the front line as soon as possible. His family agreed and asked him to wait another week, and then he could go back with the military transport ship that travels between the front line and Odin."

While Qi Yan opened his mouth, Lu Fenghan scooped half a spoonful of rice and fed it to him, saying softly, "Eat first." He then ordered, "Pojun, you speak."

Po Jun asked: "General, do you prefer plain narration or expressive narration?"

Lu Fenghan thought: Is there anything else to choose from

Before he could swallow the rice, Qi Yan's cheeks puffed up slightly as he explained, "When Po Jun was designed, one of its functions was to tell you a story, but I didn't know which storytelling tone you would like, so I left two options."

Po Jun added: "After studying, I have mastered a variety of expressive tones. General, you can try to listen to them."

Not wanting to try, Lu Fenghan just picked the safest option: "Just tell it straight."

Po Jun seemed disappointed at the loss of the opportunity to show off, but he still followed the instructions and continued with Qi Yan's words: "When Fantov avoided the military's encrypted channel, the communication signal he sent was captured."

After Vantov cut off contact with Odin, a communication was forcibly connected to his personal terminal, telling him that he had no chance to leave the front line and return to Odin, because the rebel fleet would arrive soon and destroy the expeditionary force in one fell swoop.

Fantov didn't believe it. Although the previous battle was tortuous, it was the expeditionary force that won.

The person on the other end of the line gave him a video and told him that the expeditionary force had been unaware of it until now because the rebels had acquired a new stealth technology that could avoid all existing detection methods.

Qi Yan drank water while listening: "He was deceived. According to the current level of technology, this new stealth technology will only appear in fifteen years at the earliest, whether it is the Alliance or the Rebel Army."

Even if it is a technological leap, there must first be a certain technological foundation.

Lu Fenghan stood beside Qi Yan, leaning his back against the edge of the table. He lowered his head and used his knuckles to wipe the sauce off the corner of Qi Yan's mouth. "But this man named Fantov was scared and believed it, right? He came from Odin."

Before joining the expeditionary force, he had witnessed the brutality and power of the rebels, and was already filled with fear.

Qi Yan nodded. "Yes, he believed it, and he thought that the Alliance could not crack this stealth technology and would definitely lose. So he was very scared and hoped that the rebels would let him go after they attacked the command ship. He also said that he had a lot of top-secret information in his hands, and he would hand it over as long as the rebels did not kill him."

"Trade the data for your life?" Lu Fenghan's eyes were a little cold, and he thought again, "Vantov's data was copied from 'Nandou'."

"Well, copying the data is normal. He has the authority to do so, but his expression and behavior at the time were very strange, so when I cracked the rebels' system, I put a piece of surveillance data in it, just in case."

Unexpectedly, not long after, this "line" was pulled.

Po Jun continued Qi Yan's words: "After Fantof surrendered, the other side asked him if he knew who Y was, and Fantof said he didn't know. The other side asked him again if there were any suspicious people on the command ship, and Fantof mentioned the chief's name."

Lu Fenghan's voice sank: "Go on."

"Vantov's original words were, 'There is a suspicious person, but he is definitely not Y. He is the mistress of the expeditionary force commander. Turan didn't even finish his second year. He takes advantage of his backers to act pretentiously and tries every way to flatter himself.'"

Po Jun spoke in a straightforward manner, his tone even without any ups and downs, "In order to get rid of Y, the people on the other side asked Fantov to cooperate in blowing up the equipment room, and Fantov agreed."

Once the equipment room was blown up, not only the central control system of the starship, but also the power system and protection system would all stop working immediately. At that time, only enough explosives would be needed to instantly turn the entire command ship into ashes from the inside out.

Qi Yan had already finished half of his meal and looked up to ask Lu Fenghan: "Is the person who contacted Fantov a spy planted by the rebels?"

After his identity was exposed in the technical department, the news was not leaked. It was obvious that Lu Fenghan still had some concerns.

Lu Fenghan pinched Qi Yan’s cheek and said, “After I came back from Dawn Star, I screened the expeditionary army and killed nine and a half of the ten hidden agents. The remaining few were hidden very deeply, so deeply that even Weiss and his men didn’t know the specific identities of these hidden agents.”

Obviously, the rebels are targeting Y at all costs by using these hidden agents.

At this moment, like a ferocious beast whose territory has been invaded in the jungle, Lu Fenghan's profile was as cold as a mountain. He slowly soothed Qi Yan, "It's okay. This time we can completely remove these thorns."

"Report, we have entered the asteroid belt!"

"Report, we have arrived near the wormhole, the communication signal is normal!"

The person reporting the incident swallowed his saliva, his voice shaking with excitement. "It looks like a small translucent planet, and there seems to be a nebula inside. It's beautiful!" He said a little embarrassedly, "In fact, it looks similar to other wormholes."

In the command room, along with the report, there was also a steady noise of sound waves. As they approached the wormhole entrance, the interference increased, and a "hissing" sound was heard from time to time.

On the virtual star map that lit up, the green light dot representing the starship was getting closer and closer to the coordinates of the natural wormhole. Mei Jielin propped up her chin and watched intently: "Even from such a long distance, I was actually excited too. My heartbeat was steadily accelerating!"

She didn't move her lips much, and her words were not clear. "If I had been born a hundred years ago, I would have definitely been involved in expanding the star map and finding wormholes everywhere!"

Lu Fenghan casually continued, "It's better to say that if you were born a million years ago, you would definitely have climbed trees to pick fruits, fished in rivers, and entered caves to steal wild animal eggs."

Is this saying that she can't sit still

Mei Jie Lin felt that this was really hard to refute. She waved her hand and said, "If I had the magical skill of quietly drinking a cup of tea for an entire afternoon, I would have been a noble lady in Leto long ago. Why would I join the expeditionary army to fight?"

The "hissing" noise in the communication channel never stopped. Mei Jielin changed to a more lazy sitting posture: "Is it really possible to run into interstellar pirates when we get out of the wormhole? Speaking of which, we haven't seen the shadows of those pirates recently. If we really run into them, we can just go and have a fight!"

Lu Fenghan answered her: "General Nie ordered the garrisons in each administrative district to deal with a lot of them. In addition, half of the people stationed on Prism Star were interstellar pirates, and they were all wiped out."

After all, the Alliance star field is too large and the rebel forces are not strong enough to capture it.

The game started with a major defeat on the front line and the death of Lu Fenghan, and then went straight to Leto. It was a correct move, as the bet was that the alliance would suffer successive defeats, the people would lose their morale, and would be unable to fight back.

It’s a pity that the alliance did not get what the rebels wanted after its dignity was crushed on its founding day.

At this time, a report came from the communication channel: "Prepare to enter the wormhole, countdown to 5... 2-1-"

What followed was endless noise.

In the command room, even Mei Jielin subconsciously shut up and stopped making any sound, quietly waiting for news.

Qi Yan was discussing something with Jia Miye through his personal terminal. When he heard Mei Jie Lin's words, he asked something off topic: "What do you think is on the other side of the wormhole?"

Jia Miye sent a line of words.

"It reminds me that the same question was asked at the end of the Earth Age, before the Great Voyages began."

Soon, the second line of words was received by the personal terminal.

“The answer is - on the other side of the wormhole lies the future of mankind.”

His finger hovered over the characters, and for a moment, Qi Yan did not press down again.

After an unknown amount of time, a voice was heard again in the communication channel: "Report! We have safely passed through the natural wormhole, the starship is undamaged, and the data has begun to be transmitted back!"

The person reporting the incident suppressed his excitement and said, "We have arrived at an asteroid belt. We can confirm for now that this place has not been included in the Alliance's star map. It is a brand new star field!"

At the same time, the picture on the virtual screen as high as the wall changed, connecting to the field of view of the starship in front. Then, the rolling rocks and floating debris in the asteroid belt appeared in front of everyone, endless.

The light of the strange star was reflected in Lu Fenghan's eyes, and he ordered: "After confirming safety, the exploration team can set off. Please keep in touch with the command ship at any time."

Just as countless people's eyes were focused on the virtual screen, Qi Yan, who was sitting next to Lu Fenghan, quietly stretched out his finger and hooked Lu Fenghan's hand.

The moment Lu Fenghan looked over, he quickly withdrew his hand and pretended nothing had happened.

Qi Yan actually didn’t quite understand the purpose of his actions. It seemed that he just simply wanted to touch Lu Fenghan, with his fingers, his Adam’s apple, his arm, anywhere.

The mere existence of Lu Fenghan was extremely attractive to him.

The nerve endings under the skin exploded. Seeing Qi Yan sitting upright with an expression as if nothing had happened, Lu Fenghan did not expose him. He just smiled at the corner of his lips and put his numb and itchy fingers into his palm.

However, the little trick between the two was still discovered. Mei Jielin shook her head and said, "Do you think we are blind?"

Long Xiyun also saw it, his expression unchanged: "They probably don't think we are blind, it's just that it doesn't matter whether we are here or not."

Mei Jielin suddenly felt a sense of desolation.

After everyone in the command room left and the metal door closed, Lu Fenghan grabbed Qi Yan's narrow waist, carried her to the conference table, and rubbed her nose against his: "You did it but you don't admit it?"

His voice was low and with a hint of laughter, so soft that it made people's ears numb.

Qi Yan grasped the fabric on Lu Fenghan's waist, not daring to look at him: "... I didn't deny it, I just wanted to touch you just now."

Lu Fenghan's voice became a little hoarse: "Just one touch is enough?"

Qi Yan nodded slightly, acknowledging Lu Fenghan's words: "Yes."

It's like an addiction. Once you touch it, your craving is satisfied and the addiction is temporarily relieved.

Under the light, Qi Yan's eyebrows were neat and tidy, his eyes were curved inward and outward, and his eyelashes were dense, soft and fragile.

His fingers brushed across the corners of his slightly raised eyes, and Lu Fenghan felt warm in his heart.

The itchiness caused his breathing to stagnate, and Qi Yan subconsciously shouted: "General..."

"Sh ...

Qi Yan didn't say anything else. He tightened his fingers around the fabric and closed his eyes tremblingly.

Lu Fenghan leaned closer, pressed his lips against Qiyan's, and whispered, "Yanyan is so good."

The author has something to say: Compare a heart made up of sweet oranges~ I was stuck on writing for the past few days, and finally I figured out the stuck plot points. I’m sorry to have kept the fairies waiting for so long~ Love you!


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-16 05:37:53~2020-11-20 05:41:57~

Thanks to the little angels who threw rocket launchers: Chi Mu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: Tao Xiaochun, Pudding, Jiang Shili (2); Chi Mu, Lin Minhan (1);

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Maotou Shit Shoveler, Yagi Sawakawa 2; 0_o, 40952558, Qiqi 1234567 Qiqi, Ni Sheng, Zijin, Lanzhou Ramen, Xizhou, Kun Milk Tea, Nian Zhu (sft's biological father), blindliar, Zhuanzhuolongjiancha, Yuyan, Grass and Trees Have Their Own Hearts, Ling Ruoming, Shu Huai Bu Shu, Chocolate Gradient, Seventh Melody, Pika Pika Pikachu, Southeast, Oh, Meow Lord, Qiong Qiong, Baijiahei 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Quyeqing 145 bottles; Shinuo 118 bottles; It's none of your business 109 bottles; Mimimi Xijiang 103 bottles; Seventeen Chongya 100 bottles; Strawberry Boboyu and Gubei 80 bottles; Tanjiu 69 bottles; Qianz 66 bottles; Qiao, Yiyezhiqiu Bujianqiu 50 bottles; ゞQianchensijin 48 bottles; Bandu! 42 bottles; Shui Cheng 40 bottles; Sloth V, Lu Renxing, Hush, Quiet, Twenty-Nine, Mumu Mida 30 bottles; Tong Tong 29 bottles; Sea, Land and Air 27 bottles; Fish in Love with Bubbles 25 bottles; Tutu 22 bottles; Hardcore Diver, Twenty Summer, White Dragon, A Tea is Green, Meow Meow Desert, 35126868, Six Commandments and Seven Ans, Little Foxes are the Cutest, Seasons Like Flow, I Want to Ragdoll Cat, Green Orange, Aurrabrealis, 17167471, Blue Bridge Spring Snow, Green Girl, Dawn Flame, Mint Candy, Rolling, Mountain Wind, Wink 20 bottles; Qianpipi, Chaosanmu Ni 18 bottles; Jiuzi, Bi'an Yijiu, Ruoye Shishui 15 bottles; Luoyu, Ling Ruomeng 14 bottles; Xiaoqingshan 13 bottles; Quan Zimu 12 bottles; I'm Jiajia 11 bottles; fina2357, Xiaoai, Shiyu, Fengxi Tingzi---Lin, Yushui Huala, Ai Ai Ai Bufen, Xiao Dujiao Zazaw, Ciyu, august, Yagi Zechuan, Weiweiweiweiwei, 31780656, the seventh vortex Lu, Oh, Xiao Li is full, the gray rabbit holding the star?, pisces123456, cautious words, Corgi Kai, white peach, evil dog, icedrink, Zixia, fish sauce, more and more, lazy cat, never, I mean, 0_o, Xiao Zhan I like you very much, leafsylvie, I will cry if you chase me again, pears on the grass, South City, my peace of mind, cold current cooling, Yunxiu out 10 bottles; ** successor, yu 9 bottles; a salted fish, cat cub, Xi Zhi 8 bottles; study hard ing, research 7 bottles; Shinran·Conan, farewell gift 6 bottles; Crane Huanlai, Sui Yi, Ling Yuling, Mo Chen, midsummer in the sycamore, Jiang Shuyi, Miao & Ye, sft his father, 198057184, Youshu, cshi, the lamb who doesn't like to eat grass, dazzling☆stars, who am I? , calm, sunny surname Qin, that is Wukong, gwh, firefly, paranid frame 4 quilt punishment river, Xi Nuo, salted fish is angry, a cup of tea is used as wine, life is over, t 5 bottles; ufge, Nue Xun 4 bottles; Nan Xuemu, Want to Eat Candy, Youyouran, 17940353, Xiaozhi is not here, Little Fairy, Lan Deng, Shu Nanqing, Evil Witch, Pudding, Ye Zhiwen, Qingzhi 3 bottles; Xu Xiaomi, Skull of the Dead, Changfengyin, I am a Little Waste, Lan Ran, samsnpig, Taste of Human Relationship, Zhu Xiaomao 0416, Red Dust Du Qinghuan, Mr. Yu's Miss Lengqiu, 40952558, I am a Little Maruko, Xiaolin Jun 2 bottles; Shu Huai Bu Shu, Yunlei's Girlfriend Outside the Circle, Yinxi, Old Tree, Gu Hean, Blatantly, minniellkk298, Little Paper Ball, Little Whale in the Deep Sea, Orange Yellow Orange Green, q... qnm?, white peach, delicate wife, timeline, heart is like fire, one two three four is a song, snow rabbit's destruction, little dodder ~~ obedient, Liu Xixi, little, blooming half summer, Lin Wuyu, Qiqi, nyuyu, the north of the city is very wild, Wang Xixi, orange who loves to drink orange juice, ghost, water words, do not lose 15 pounds and do not change your name, it is 00 la, do not cross, break branches, Changan brother 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!