Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 114


Mei Jielin thought, I didn’t show off on my own initiative. Now the entire expeditionary force should know that I’m going to become the richest man.

She touched her chin and began to worry - after I pay the bill and get the star coins, if someone comes to borrow money from me, should I lend it to them or not

What a trouble for rich people!

"Pojun, why do you seem so idle? Aren't you assisting the commander in the mecha?" Mei Jielin reminded him again, "Don't say such things anymore. Be careful that the commander may shut down your mecha forcibly."

"As an artificial intelligence, I can do many things at once," Po Jun answered the first half of the sentence, and then continued with a tone of sudden enlightenment, "Thank you Miss Mei Jielin for reminding me, so that's how it is. I think I understand. No wonder every time I am ordered to leave, I am forbidden to enter the lounge or the command room."

The communication channel fell silent again.

This sentence seems to reveal... some extraordinary information

Mei Jielin immediately covered her ears: "If I say now that I heard nothing and I know nothing, will it still be of any use? Will the commander believe me?"

Wei Yin asked weakly: "Do you believe it yourself?"

"I really can't believe it," Mei Jie Lin said earnestly, "Po Jun, brother, don't blame me for not helping you. You are going further and further down the road of being shut down. I can't stop you!"

However, the lounge and command room...

While thinking about all sorts of things, Metierin nimbly dodged the successive laser cannons: "The rebels reacted very quickly. They couldn't aim at the commander, so they just kept aiming at me. Are they planning to destroy me first and make the commander lose his cover? Wei'in, send a wave of long-range missiles to help me clear the small and medium-sized ships around me. They're blocking the way!"

Wei: “Coming right up!”

A few seconds later, a row of enemy ships near the Chanyuan fleet were instantly reduced to ashes.

Du Shang said: "If I were a rebel, I would be stunned right now! Suddenly releasing humanoid mechas in the middle of a battle is pure cheating!"

Mei Jielin raised the corner of her mouth and smiled arrogantly: "How cool it is to cheat! In the eyes of the wise, a string of space fortresses is an iron wall that not even a mosquito can fly over, so they want to lure us into the range of the fortresses. I didn't expect that not only the outer attack area was breached, but the fortresses were also blown through one after another. He was so angry!"

"Fortunately, the commander and I are on the same side!" Du Shang's forehead was sweating, and his blood was boiling. He became more talkative and pulled Metierlin to chat whenever he had the chance. "I suggest that after the war, we assign a starship to the commander and go around the universe to look for energy and minerals."

"Hahaha, what a great idea!" Mei Jie Lin's newly cut princess hair swayed with her movements. "The new minerals found on the nameless deserted planet after the starship crashed can support the energy consumption of mobile jumps and humanoid mechas. If we do it a few more times, maybe the White Tower and the Alliance will give the commander a banner to thank him for solving the energy problems of several scientific research projects!"

As she was talking, she suddenly cursed, "The guy on the other side actually attacked me while I was chatting, but he may not know that my defense system is reinforced, and not everyone can destroy it!"

The isco equipment center is located eleven floors underground.

According to the information he had obtained in advance, Xia Zhiyang fumbled and took out a gun from the secret compartment in the wall. He had learned some superficial knowledge of firearms and could recognize that the gun was a Burlock 17 model with a ballistic corrector.

Xia Zhiyang breathed a sigh of relief - although he had taken lessons, his shooting accuracy was really poor. With the corrector, he could at least improve his aiming accuracy a little.

For example, if you fire five or six shots, you can hit at least one person.

The secret service personnel who came with August have already gone to the ground and will be the first line of defense.

And he is the second line of defense to prevent the rebels from approaching the super optical computer "Galaxy".

Although he failed every exam and didn't learn the basic knowledge very well, Xia Zhiyang still had a clear concept -

Once the "Galaxy" is destroyed, the planetary defense system of the capital star will be immediately retaken by the rebels. At that time, the rebels in space can threaten the alliance with the lives of Leto civilians at any time.

Not to mention failure, at least the alliance will be hindered and its combat power will be restrained, making it unable to display its strength.

The hand holding the gun was shaking uncontrollably, and Xia Zhiyang quietly hid behind, not wanting to be seen by August.

At this time, from the surveillance, it can be seen that the rebels arrived near the equipment center and had a gun battle with the special agents.

Xia Zhiyang stared at it intently and subconsciously squeezed the cold handle of the gun.

August advised: "You are still a student, you can wait for support with me underground."

"Leto is in a mess right now, and it's uncertain when support will arrive," Xia Zhiyang pursed his lower lip, "If we can't hold it back and support doesn't come, I'll quietly go up and help. Although my aim isn't very good, I can still hide in the dark and fire a few sniper shots."

Knowing that August couldn't bear it, Xia Zhiyang deliberately smiled and said in a relaxed tone: "Anyway, you can't go up, and you are more needed here."

He thought for a moment and said, "I remember the human history teacher at Turan College said that no matter what era it is, there are always people who rush to the front regardless of everything. I can't remember the exact words, but it was something like this."

His voice became lighter, but his smile became even brighter: "Now it's my turn to be at the forefront. I won't shrink back."

Xia Zhiyang quietly crawled out from the underground ventilation duct in the equipment center.

Before setting off, he estimated that with his aim, the bullets in one gun might not be enough for him, so he found two more guns from the secret compartment and put them in his pocket, as he could not carry more.

August connected the ground surveillance to his personal terminal. He could see on the palm-sized virtual screen that there were a lot of rebels. Although the special agents had strong individual combat capabilities, they could not withstand too many opponents. Now there were only nine people left in the battle circle - eight rebels and one special agent.

Ignoring the pain in his knees, Xia Zhiyang increased his crawling speed.

When he lifted the metal cover of the ventilation duct, he breathed very restrainedly and saw the body lying on the ground at first sight.

His face was covered in blood, and there was a bloody hole the size of a fist in his abdomen.

He still remembered this man's face. When August got off the hovercraft, this man walked in front, with an expressionless face and looked very fierce.

Watching it through surveillance was completely different from seeing it with one's own eyes. The strong smell of blood lingered on the tip of Xia Zhiyang's nose, making his breathing begin to feel suffocated. His heartbeat quickened, and there was a feeling of rage running rampant in his chest, making him want to roar and curse.

But at this moment, he could only quietly hold the gun in his hand, and other than that, he could not make any movement.

Recalling what he had learned in the shooting class, Xia Zhiyang tried to raise his gun and aim.

In the battle circle, only one special agent was still standing, and only two of the eight rebels were left. The empty guns of both sides were thrown on the ground, and now it was almost a pure hand-to-hand fight.

Just as the special agent was gasping for breath and twisting the larynx of a rebel, Xia Zhiyang saw a rebel who had been lying on the ground quietly stand up, and from his movements, he was preparing to launch a sneak attack.

The special forces may be close to exhaustion and have not discovered it yet.

Xia Zhiyang swallowed, put his finger on the trigger, and pulled the trigger hard as the other party raised the dagger towards the special agent!

There was no sound from the silenced gun, only the sound of a bullet breaking through the air.

Hit it.

As the rebels who attempted a sneak attack fell, the hairs on the back of Xia Zhiyang's neck that had stood up due to nervousness also calmed down.

But when the shot was fired, his position was exposed.

The special agent looked towards where he was hiding. Although he had not learned any gestures or secret codes, Xia Zhiyang somehow understood what the other party meant - hide and don't move.

Knowing that he was just an ordinary person, and that the only reason he was able to hit the target was because of the ballistic corrector and his extraordinary performance, Xia Zhiyang stayed where he was, trying his best to protect himself while observing the movements in the battle circle, and was determined not to move forward to cause trouble.

However, after a long fight, the special forces showed signs of exhaustion. Xia Zhiyang wanted to throw the gun in his hand over to them, at least to help, but was rejected by the special forces.

Xia Zhiyang was anxious and fiddled with the scope, but perhaps the rebels were on guard against him and kept very close to the special agents, so he could not find a chance to shoot without causing any casualties.

Another rebel fell.

Less than half a minute later, the special agent also fell to the ground.

The only rebel standing kicked the special agent hard a few times and looked over with a fierce look.

Xia Zhiyang's palms were full of sweat.

He couldn't go back. Once he went back along the ventilation duct, the rebels would follow him, and the situation would become even more out of control.

No matter what, he had to stop the people here.

At this moment, Xia Zhiyang suddenly remembered the motto of the First Military Academy across the river.

Just for the alliance, move forward.

For alliances only.

It was as if courage was aroused and he increased his efforts, but this time he lost his previous luck. He fired more than ten shots, but only two of them grazed the rebel's arms.

Xia Zhiyang clenched his teeth, his forehead and neck were covered with sweat, and he whispered unconsciously: "Hurry up and hit it... Why can't I hit it... Hit it... Hit it quickly..."

As the last bullet penetrated the rebel's shoulder, the enemy had already approached.

The world was spinning and Xia Zhiyang fell out.

After the empty gun was checked, it fell to the ground with a heavy "click" sound.

At this moment, Xia Zhiyang's brain was almost blank. He couldn't hear what the rebels were saying. He just felt pain in his legs, waist, ribs, and face. There was a strong taste of blood in his mouth. After a while, he couldn't tell which part of the body was hurt. He just felt the pain one after another, which made his eyes go black.

He had never learned any fighting skills and had never fought with anyone since he was a child. Now, in the hands of a rebel who had been provoked to be violent, he was like a sandbag that could not fight back.

Once again, he was knocked to the ground, choking and coughing and spitting blood foam. Xia Zhiyang had a vague thought: Why should I take this beating? Just like Chen Mingxuan said, I can still continue to be a rich young master, study, make money, and live comfortably every day without caring about anything or thinking about anything.

Is it not good

Isn’t it better than being beaten and dying

But, it’s different…

After witnessing three professors being shot in the square of Turan, after saying goodbye to Wen Shiqing, after seeing the devastated city, the depressed streets, and the countless ordinary people who were depressed and panicked, he could no longer become the carefree Xia Zhiyang he used to be.

It hurts so much... it really hurts so much.

An idea became stronger and stronger, as if, as if death was no big deal.

Breathing became more and more painful, his trachea was spasming, his vision became blurry, and he could no longer see clearly. Just as his eyelids slowly drooped, the note that was handed to him after many twists and turns suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

What does it say above

Xia Zhiyang's increasingly hazy mind began to recall with difficulty, the signature was... Qi Yan

That sentence—

“You must survive.”

Thinking is slowing down.

I must survive... Why should I survive

I seem to have said that I would make a lot of money in the future to provide them with research funds. I still have a lot of things to do and places to go. I don’t want to leave this world so hastily…

A few seconds later, his scattered eyes focused again. Xia Zhiyang tightly grasped the rebel's hand that was clamping his throat. With his other hand, he endured the severe pain, trembling as he tried his best to move back. With a speed that he could hardly imagine, he pulled out the gun and pointed it at the rebel's heart.


Xia Zhiyang didn't know how many times he had pulled the trigger. He felt exhausted and fell to the ground with the rebel. After an unknown amount of time, he barely managed to pry the rebel's hand away. He rolled to the side and lay flat on the ground.

At this time, his hands and clothes were covered with sticky blood, and his whole body was in so much pain that even breathing felt like torture.

The wind blew over from an unknown direction, bringing a chill. Looking at the twin moons in the night sky, Xia Zhiyang took a deep breath and pulled at the corners of his swollen mouth.


Not long after, the rebels also discovered changes in the expeditionary starship's protection system.

Butler was annoyed: "The expeditionary force's starship protection system has been upgraded, why is there no news at all?"

Fritz ignored him.

Since the secret agents planted in the alliance were removed one by one, they were like being blindfolded and deafened. There were more than just one or two cases where they had no information at all.

Butler also reacted and was silent for a few seconds: "Do you think the Space Fortress can stop it?"

In a short time, Lu Fenghan, who was driving a humanoid mecha, had blown up five of the seventeen space fortresses. The huge creation was shattered in the deep space, and the bright fire blinded everyone's eyes.

Everyone must admit that when humanoid mechas first appeared on the battlefield, the characteristics they displayed made the bulky and slow-moving space fortresses irresistible, like a natural nemesis.

Looking at the humanoid mecha moving swiftly through the rain of bullets and fire, Fritz spoke slowly: "Don't forget, if there is no one driving the humanoid mecha, it is just a useless piece of metal.

But no matter how strong a person is, it is impossible for him to concentrate highly for a long time and maintain his nerve reflexes at the limit level. In addition, not everyone can drive a humanoid mecha, and the expeditionary force cannot put the commander-in-chief into the mecha and then put a captain in. Therefore, there must be only Lu Fenghan inside the mecha. "

He slowly squeezed the candy into his palm, "Butler, how about we guess how long Lu Fenghan can hold on?"

Five seconds after he finished speaking, the movement of the humanoid mecha suddenly stopped for two seconds.

With a dim light in his eyes, Fritz calmly peeled off the candy wrapper with a smile on his lips: "Look, isn't this being hit by a laser cannon?"

Inside the mecha cabin, Po Jun reminded: "General, Chief, the right arm was hit by artillery fire, and the fuselage damage is 17%."

"Got it." Lu Fenghan responded in a hoarse voice. One could tell that his vocal cords were stretched very tight. Large beads of sweat dripped along the distinct edges of his jaw, leaving dark watermarks on the fabric.

Qi Yan had been paying attention to Lu Fenghan's condition. When he found that even the exposed muscles of Lu Fenghan's forearms were obviously tense and had reached their limit, he whispered, "General, you need to rest."

Without objection, Lu Fenghan ordered: "Pojun, hand over the driving authority."

Without hesitation, he handed over the victory or defeat of the battle and his own life.

The control panel in front of Qi Yan rose up quickly, and the virtual screens were lit up one by one. Po Jun began to count down: "Begin handover, 5, 4... 1, 0!"

At the same time as the countdown ended, Qi Yan perfectly took over the driving authority while the mecha was moving. Immediately, two metal arms rose up beside Lu Fenghan's driver's seat, scanned and determined the injection location, and injected him with injections to soothe his nerves and muscles.

The soothing agent took effect quickly, and Lu Fenghan felt briefly distracted. He had the illusion that he was soaking in warm water, or like his entire body was made of mud. After getting wet, he felt limp and unable to stand up.

He unconsciously turned his head to look at Qi Yan.

The flames caused by the explosion, the white light cast by the particle cannon as it passed by, and the pale blue light of the virtual screen overlapped on Qi Yan's profile, like a snow-covered cliff under the moonlight, appearing a bit chilly.

This caused Lu Fenghan to be fascinated for a moment.

The fuselage shook heavily.

Before Lu Fenghan could speak, Qi Yan started to explain: "Two medium-sized enemy ships exploded nearby, and the force field that spread over caused the fuselage to vibrate."

As he spoke, he simultaneously manipulated the humanoid mecha to turn sideways, successfully avoiding the missile that passed by.

Surrounded by splattering shrapnel, everyone was on the brink of death, swaying, not knowing what would happen in the next second.

Lu Fenghan fixed his gaze on Qi Yan, revealing a gentleness that was inappropriate with the swordplay and fire on the battlefield.



"Do you remember when you and I first went to the Diamond Plaza, I asked you what you wanted to write as your epitaph?"

Qi Yan was trying to do two things at once and answered, "I remember."

They were standing in front of Lu Jun's statue, and he told Lu Fenghan that he wanted to write "In the darkness, I once chased a firefly."

I don’t know if it’s the effect of the soothing agent, but Lu Fenghan felt very soft in the heart.

He used to think that if he died on the front line, regardless of whether he could have a statue in the Sky Diamond Plaza, he would have to use the words "Only for the Alliance" as his epitaph, just like his father.

It seems profound and intimidating.

But I don't know when he changed his mind.

"It's written in the lifetime contract that the compensation is to allow my tombstone to be placed next to yours. If yours is engraved with 'In the darkness, I once chased a firefly'."

Qi Yan's heartbeat was a little erratic, and he heard himself asking, "What would the general carve?"

In the flames that lit up one after another, Lu Fenghan replied: "I once chased you."