Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 21


It’s not that Lu Fenghan has never slept with other people before. When he was on the front line, if the fighting was fierce, he had to stare at the star map for days and nights without relaxing. The floor of the command ship was his bed, and dozens of people took turns sleeping on it. No one cared who was lying next to them, as long as they could get some shut-eye.

It's not like he's never been this close to someone before.

At that time, he had not yet become the commander-in-chief of the front line. Once when he was on a mission, he was ambushed by the rebels. He and Erich were forced to land on a remote planet, and the escape pod was blown to pieces as soon as it hit the ground.

At that time, Erich was seriously injured, the bleeding could not be stopped, and his body temperature dropped very quickly. Not to mention the treatment cabin and medical robots, there was not even a pill or a bandage. The planet was uninhabited, and the temperature difference between day and night was very large. By midnight, the temperature dropped to below zero. He could only try his best to use his own body temperature as a heat source, so that his brother would not live until rescue arrived.

However, these situations seem to be somewhat different from now.

The noise of the fortress's operation was constant and annoying once you noticed it, but at this moment, it was nothing compared to the gentle breathing in your ears.

Lu Fenghan thought, maybe it was because Qi Yan always had a cold expression, rarely smiled, and didn’t talk much, which often made people feel distant and difficult to approach—

It was very different from the way she was now, snuggling tightly in his arms.

Or perhaps it was because the person in his arms was too thin, too soft, and too fragile, which made Lu Fenghan dare not move, and even breathe lightly for fear of waking the person up.

How can I sleep like this

Lu Fenghan tilted his head slightly and looked down at Qi Yan's sleeping face. His eyes traveled over Qi Yan's straight and dense eyelashes and straight and narrow nose bridge one by one, and he silently asked in his heart: Qi Yan, do you know that you will be so clingy when you fall asleep? Huh

Of course no one answered him.

The little clingy person was sleeping soundly and had no idea that he was a little clingy person.

In the darkness, Lu Fenghan looked at the metal plate above, trying his best to adapt to the feeling of having someone in his arms, and slowly closed his eyes in the familiar noise.

After a long time, he raised his arm that was hanging at his side, loosely placed it on Qi Yan's waist, and never moved it away.

When Qi Yan woke up, he was the only one lying on the narrow single bed.

His sleep quality has always been poor, and he could only make up for it by the length of time. But this time he slept particularly comfortably and did not even have any dreams.

"What time is it?" His voice was still a little hoarse.

"It's still early, half past eight." Seeing Qi Yan's sleepy eyes, Lu Fenghan couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't stay in bed. Didn't your team leader say yesterday that we had to gather at nine o'clock?"

He sat up slowly, the soft fabric fitting his body lines. Qi Yan rinsed his mouth with the mouthwash that was provided with Fontaine No. 1, then took the water handed to him by Lu Fenghan and swallowed the medicine.

Knowing that he would not feel good after taking the medicine, Lu Fenghan asked him, "Would you like to take a rest before gathering?"

Qi Yan said "hmm" and had no objection.

With his back against the metal wall, Lu Fenghan thought for a moment: "Do you know that when you sleep at night—"

Forget it. Lu Fenghan inexplicably didn’t want to talk about this matter. It was a bit like... a secret, a secret that only he knew.

So under Qi Yan's puzzled gaze, he changed his words: "Don't sleep in the same bed with anyone other than me in the future."

Qi Yan is very averse to physical contact with others, and naturally does not like sleeping in the same bed with others. Lu Fenghan is an exception.

But he still asked, "Why?"

Lu Fenghan lied with his eyes open: "You make a scene when you dream at night, and I am the only one who can control you."

Qi Yan knew clearly that he did not have any dreams last night, and he always slept very well at night. Most of the time, even the sheets or the quilt covering him would not be messy.

He didn't understand why Lu Fenghan said that, but he wouldn't sleep in the same bed with anyone else, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay."

Lu Fenghan's secret emotion was satisfied.

During the gathering, Mondrian and the others were not in good spirits and kept yawning. Ye Pei was a little shaky when he stood, and complained quietly: "I should have brought silent earplugs earlier. I didn't feel it during the day, but when I went to bed, the humming sound of the engine was too noisy. I probably only slept for three or four hours last night, and I kept dreaming that I was captured by interstellar pirates."

Qi Yan suddenly realized that although Lu Fenghan had prepared noise-canceling earplugs for him, he didn't use them at all last night and still slept well.

Not long after, Professor Fu came over with a staff member, "Okay, students, make sure you have everything with you. We should go back to the ground."

Ye Pei asked: "Professor, will we have another chance to come in the future?"

Professor Fu joked, "Didn't you almost cry because of the attack yesterday? Now that you're not scared anymore, do you still want to come?"

Ye Pei wrinkled his nose: "The attack was an emergency, and it does not affect my yearning and attachment to Fontaine One!"

The group boarded the small starship, and the door of the Fontaine No. 1 fishing cabin slowly opened, and the vast space appeared in sight.

The entire starship slid out like a fish falling back into the ocean.

Ye Pei leaned on the porthole, looking at the Fontaine No. 1 which was gradually moving away, and couldn't help but sigh: "When we were inside the fortress, I felt that the internal space was very large and could accommodate many people, but now, Fontaine No. 1 is so small."

"So, don't you think it's great?" Professor Fu also looked at the scene outside the porthole. "The starship we are on now, Fontaine I, and even Leto, are just a drop in the ocean compared to the scale of the universe. But we have successfully escaped the limitations of the earth and reached space. When the alliance was at its largest, it even had nine administrative regions and brought countless planets under human rule."

“Humans are insignificant, but they never allow themselves to remain insignificant.”

Mondrian, who was quietly looking out the window, continued: "This is why I chose scientific research. My father once said that the human race needs someone to face the earth and someone to look at the stars."

"Yes, your father is right." Professor Fu nodded. After a moment of distraction, he looked confused. He sighed and said, "But now, 'Looking at the Stars' has caused fear in many people."

Ye Pei asked in a low voice: "Because of the great destruction of technology, right?"

"You have all learned in history textbooks that the beginning of the third technological explosion was due to the fact that humans mastered a new substance - space source. After the discovery of space source, we easily obtained a variety of scientific and technological achievements, even scientific and technological achievements that we dared not even think of."

Mondrian: “But those scientific achievements have no theoretical support.”

"Yes," Professor Fu seemed to have moved the discussion from Turan to the starship. "You see, it's like a light is on, but we don't understand why it is on. Space sources are like this to humans.

However, when we first entered space, we were like a boat entering the sea, at risk of drowning at any time, and the space source was the driftwood that appeared at our hands.

So we ignored its instability, ignored the many unsolved problems about it, and just went straight into using it, and then—"

Everyone is aware of this extremely tragic "Great Destruction".

The space source collapsed, and the spreading force field caused large-scale destruction: countless planets exploded, three-quarters of humanity died, the nine administrative regions shrunk to four, and the territory once conquered by humans sank back into eternal darkness. Except for the central administrative region, the other three regions could only retain the core areas, and the marginal locations were forced to be abandoned and became increasingly desolate.

Amid the devastation, the Alliance officially launched the "Technology Renaissance Plan".

After losing the space source, the alliance seemed to have regressed to the Earth era overnight, and only one tenth of the results of the third technological explosion survived. A large number of laboratories and scientific researchers died, data was lost, and in many fields, there was even a situation of severance.

"After the Great Destruction, the rebels used the border of the Southern Cross Region as their base, openly opposing the Alliance and the Human Interstellar Covenant, attempting to replace 'human rights' with 'divine authority'.

It was the 145th year of the Star Calendar, and the Alliance was in a state of disrepair and had no time to take the rebels seriously.

But the fact is that the Alliance has ignored the stimulation that the technological destruction has brought to the entire human race. How great is the stimulation? The rapid growth of the rebel army and its continued existence is one of the proofs. "

Professor Fu recalled the wreckage of the destroyer floating in space after the surprise attack yesterday. "As long as there is one person who does not trust humans, technology, and the future, the rebels will never disappear."

Lu Fenghan listened and thought that Professor Fu should be aware that yesterday's attack was not caused by interstellar pirates who accidentally intruded, but was the work of the rebels.

Professor Fu looked at the people present with a sincere look: "You are all excellent students of Turan College, and you will become excellent scientists in the future. You still have a very long life ahead of you, but no matter what the situation, you must never give up your trust in the tribe and your hope for the future."

Ye Pei and Mondrian all felt the heaviness in Professor Fu's words and nodded in agreement.

Qi Yan looked out the window, remembering what his mother had once told him: "You have a talent that is beyond the reach of ordinary people, but this talent will also bring you pain. You will often feel lonely because of the misunderstanding of others, and you will feel scared because you realize how small you are. But Yan Yan, even when it gets dark, remember to look up at the stars."

He thought, he did it, and he never gave up easily.

When we arrived in Turan, the afternoon class had already ended and several people went straight back to the laboratory.

The news that "Fontaine 1 was attacked by interstellar pirates" was on the front page of the Leto Daily yesterday. As a result, they attracted everyone's attention as soon as they returned.

Ye Pei had to tell the whole story from beginning to end to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

Qi Yan sat down at his seat, took out the optical storage device and connected it, preparing to complete the progress made in the past two days.

While inputting the characters, he remembered that before going to bed last night, Lu Fenghan said that the reason why the rebels launched a sudden attack was because the source structure of the starship's central control system was in the fortress at the time, and the destination was Leto.

He speculated that the source architecture was sent here to debug the new information processing model developed by the military and Turan. The military might have the idea of adapting this system to civilian starships and land.

Finding himself thinking too far ahead, Qi Yan gathered his thoughts and focused on the task at hand, preparing to finish it early and go home.

He is a little hungry.

Laurent's position is at the oblique angle of the prayer.

During the two days when Qi Yan and his team were not in the lab, anyone who encountered a problem they couldn't handle would come to him for help. Although he was a little impatient, he didn't refuse.

But now, as soon as Qi Yan came back, all the people who had said "Laurent, I never thought of this method!" and "You are so awesome!" all came to Qi Yan in an instant.

He was like an invisible man, invisible to everyone.

No, it should be said that isn't he a completely invisible man now

Professor Fu would not take him with him to the Space Fortress. Everyone took it for granted that the quota that originally belonged to him belonged to Qi Yan. Every teacher praised Qi Yan for the PVC93 model and the R9-03 accelerator he made...

All are prayers, prayers, prayers—

Why does this person exist in the world

At this moment, his personal terminal received a message.

"What do you think? We can discuss the price."

Laurent originally wanted to delete the message directly, but stopped before doing so.

Glancing in the direction of Qi Yan, Laurent lowered his head and stared at the line of words on his personal terminal.

Half a minute later, he replied: "The price will be 40 percent higher."

The other party replied very quickly: "Sure."

Laurent's eyes were filled with excitement, but he quickly concealed it: "Tell me the time and place of the transaction."

Qi Yan helped the other members of the group solve a few problems, and then continued to do the tasks assigned to him. After saving the final analysis results and putting the light storage device aside, Qi Yan stood up and went to find Lu Fenghan: "Let's go home, I'm hungry."

Walking out, Qi Yan brushed past Laurent and after taking two steps, he felt something strange.

In the laboratory, except for him who is equally flexible with both hands and there is no left-handed or right-handed person, so he always uses his personal terminal in his right hand, everyone else uses it in their left hand for convenience, including Laurent.

But just now, he inadvertently glanced and saw that Laurent had moved his personal terminal to his right wrist at some point.

Lu Fenghan, who was standing nearby, suggested: "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it."

After hearing this, Qi Yan refused without hesitation: "No, I'll have set meal A."

So, you would rather eat the bland set meal A than eat the food I cook

This realization made Lu Fenghan, who could easily learn anything, couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the penetrating wound to his waist last time did not affect his ability in that area, but affected his cooking performance