Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 23: XXIII


In the vice-principal's office, Caroline asked the housekeeping robot to pour a few cups of tea.

The layout style of her office is very different from that of the principal. The principal's office, whether it is the fireplace or the bookshelf, is generally very retro, while Caroline's office has simple colors and a strong sense of geometric design.

Several people sat down on the light-colored sofa.

The person from the Security Department's Special Service Division 5 did not touch the cup on the table. Instead, he showed his ID to Caroline and said, "Special Service Division 5 is investigating the case. Please cooperate."

What it means is, you let me come to our office and we give you this face in public. On the other hand, you also have to give us face when we do things.

"Solo?" Caroline spoke slowly. "Superintendent Solo, this matter should have been handled by the principal, but the principal went to Kepler Region to attend an academic conference a week ago. He is now on the starship and it is not convenient for him to talk on the phone, so I am here to handle this matter."

Solo, with his brown hair and dark eyes, revealed Caroline's purpose: "You want to protect him?"

He looked to the side, and at this moment, Qi Yan was holding a teacup and drinking water with his eyes downcast. Perhaps it was because this person looked too delicate and good-looking, making people feel that he should not be doing scientific research in Turan, but should appear in screen pictorials.

Solo has never had a good impression of good-looking people, because eight out of ten spies they catch have good looks.

Caroline answered without hesitation, "Yes."

"Do you know what this good student of yours has done that you asked to protect him?" Solo deliberately emphasized the word "good", with obvious sarcasm in his words.

Caroline's attitude was not affected, and she said: "The principal and I both fully believe in Qi Yan's personal qualities. He will never do anything bad."

It seems that this prayer can really mislead people.

Solo pointed at Qi Yan and said bluntly: "I will take him back today. Before tomorrow, he will be convicted of stealing and selling alliance secrets, betraying the alliance, colluding with the enemy, and seriously endangering the security of the alliance. Oh, and maybe even espionage."

He looked at Caroline with a half-smile, "Your attitude makes me wonder if Turan himself is not so clean."

This is why Caroline doesn't like to communicate with people from the Special Intelligence Department. When these people speak, it seems that every sentence carries an extra meaning. Their eyes are full of inquiry and suspicion. Every time they look at you, they want to see through you and catch your unknown handle.

Caroline did not fall into Solo's language trap and sat up straight. "Even if it is the Special Intelligence Department's case, sufficient evidence is needed. Otherwise, I will not allow you to take any of Turan's students away."

Solo smiled and said, "Evidence? Pari and I came here to arrest someone. Of course, it wasn't a sudden whim we had after getting up this morning. We certainly have evidence, and a lot of it."

He loosened his five fingers, revealing a light storage device in his palm. "This is something we found from a man codenamed 'Mantis'. This man has been hiding in Leto for a long time, providing the rebels with confidential information obtained in various ways. This light storage device contains scientific research data with a classified level of B, which is closely related to a military project with a classified level of SS."

He glanced at Qi Yan and asked, "I wonder if Qi Yan would find this light storage device familiar?"

At the same time, in the exchange area of Turan College.

"Qi Yan was taken away by the Security Department's Special Intelligence Department 5!!!"

"Who? Qi Yan? The genius of artificial intelligence? The architect of the r9-03 accelerator I'm using?"

"Is this true? Someone from the Special Intelligence Department came in person?"

"The second-year research group's laboratory is in Building D-77. When Qi Yan was taken away, many people saw him, including the vice-president. What did he do? Did he leak the project information like the people who quit the group before?"

"Leaking information? That's more than that. Think about what the Fifth Special Intelligence Department does. Usually, only traitors from the Alliance will alarm the Fifth Special Intelligence Department to take action personally. Needless to say, you will not see Qi Yan in Turan anymore."

"Betrayed the Alliance? Did he leak the information to the rebels? Or is he simply a spy for the rebels? It seems that there were problems with the PVC93 and the accelerator before. Maybe it was the rebels who did it and let him use it to knock on Turan's door. Many people really think he is a genius and brag about him in the exchange area every day. Is he disgusting now?"

"A rebel has actually infiltrated Turan? Professor Fu even brought him with him when he went to the Space Fortress! Fortunately, he has been captured now. If he had stayed in Turan, who knows how many secrets he would have leaked!"

In the office, Solo folded his five fingers and asked Qi Yan: "How about we talk about it first, where is your light storage device?"

Qi Yan sat on the sofa, his eyes not panicking or avoiding. He put the teacup back on the table and answered calmly, "I put it on the table when I left the lab yesterday. When I came to the lab today, I found that the optical storage device was gone."

"Oh, so it's missing." Solo deliberately dragged out his tone, with obvious disdain in his eyes - what a poor excuse.

He continued, "Where were you from 11:13 to 17 yesterday?"

"I am at home."

"At home? Do you have a video to prove it? Either from a surveillance system or a household robot will do."

Qi Yan shook his head: "No, I don't have a surveillance system installed at home, nor do I have a housework robot."

The sneer on Solo's face widened, as if he had heard a joke: "It's fine if you don't have a surveillance system, but you don't have a housework robot?" His eyes were sharp, "Classmate, you can even come up with such an excuse?"

Qi Yan frowned as he listened to Solo's tone and said, "This is the truth."

After entering the office, Lu Fenghan, who had been standing beside Qi Yan without speaking, spoke up: "Is there any problem with not installing a monitoring system or using a housework robot? This Solo... Superintendent? I can testify that he was at home last night and was with me the whole time."

Solo raised his eyes and looked at Lu Fenghan.

When he checked Qi Yan, he habitually checked the bodyguard as well. There was nothing wrong with his resume, or it could be said that he was extremely ordinary. There were countless ordinary people like him in the entire alliance. But at this moment, he sensed a not-so-obvious sharp aura from this person.

It's like accidentally invading a wolf's territory and sensing a vague sense of danger.

"Qi Yan is your employer. Even if you prove that he did not leave home last night, your testimony is meaningless."

Solo turned his gaze back to Qi Yan, "But I'm really sorry that you can't produce the video, but I have a video here."

He leaned back on the sofa, turned on the projection function of his personal terminal, and played a short video.

The video was narrow, but all that could be seen clearly was someone throwing a palm-sized square box into the metal box.

"This is the footage recorded by the delivery box. I have to say that you were very cautious and tried your best to avoid surveillance equipment. You chose long-sleeved clothes and wore thick gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints. You didn't reveal any of your physical features."

Solo pressed pause, zoomed in on a picture, and circled the key points: "But you didn't notice, look, on your right hand, there's a little gap between the cuff and the glove, and a corner of your personal terminal is exposed."

Solo's gaze slowly fell on Qi Yan's right wrist, where a personal terminal was installed.

"As we all know, except for left-handed people, most people will place their personal terminal on their left wrist for easy operation. In your laboratory, you are the only one who places your personal terminal on your right wrist."

Solo really enjoyed the psychological collapse of these villains when he tore off their masks. He continued, "As for what you said about your light storage device being lost? Of course it's gone, because you sent it away at midnight last night. You keep saying that you can't find it, which is no different from the thief crying "stop thief". "

Lu Fenghan recalled Qi Yan's look when he couldn't find the optical storage device, and his tone was a little bad: "You said Qi Yan was the only person in the entire laboratory who configured his personal terminal on his right hand. Such an obvious habit, you can find it, and other people in the laboratory can also find it. This cannot be used as a convincing evidence point."

Solo: "The information inside that light storage device is a prayer."

Lu Fenghan sneered, his lips straightened: "Even if they deliberately configured the personal terminal to their right hand, could it be that the person who framed them would send their own optical storage device away? Maybe even the exposed corner of the personal terminal was deliberately exposed for you to see."

Caroline also said: "Another question is, why are you sure that Qi Yan is colluding with the rebels?"

Solo was a little impatient: "You are the vice-president, you should know that every optical storage device with a confidential level will trigger the sensing system when it is taken out of Turan, and it will not pass the scan when it is sent, unless the optical storage device is put into a black box.

The black box can block signals, but this thing is invented by the rebels to hinder the Alliance's search. You can ask your good student where the shielding box he uses comes from. "

After listening to this, Qi Yan pointed out: "All your speculations are based on the premise that 'Qi Yan is colluding with the rebels'. Your logic itself is wrong. You should find enough evidence to prove my crime, instead of proving my crime first and then filling in the evidence."

Lu Fenghan's eyes were as cold as ice: "If you want to take Qi Yan away with only these two so-called evidences, then one has to doubt the ability of the Special Intelligence Department 5 to do things."

"You—" Solo stood up suddenly and took a small step forward.

Pari, who was sitting next to him, quickly grabbed his arm and whispered to stop him: "Solo!"

Lu Fenghan leaned against the wall and sneered, "You are so stubborn that you can't even figure out such a small matter. Next time when you make an interstellar jump through a wormhole, you can throw your police uniform and badge and the ID you just showed into the wormhole together."

Qi Yan looked up at Lu Fenghan.

I thought to myself, I could remember this sentence, maybe I could use it in the future.

Solo sat back down with a sullen face. "If you believe it's a frame-up, I can check everyone in the lab. But Qi Yan is currently suspected of leaking important scientific research data with a classified level of B. He is the first suspect and I must take him away."

Lu Fenghan refused to give in. "If he is really taken back, according to Superintendent Solo's professionalism, in order to get the so-called truth, torture? Forced confession? Mental abuse? If we want to investigate the people in the lab, it's easy. We can start investigating now."

He would never let Qi Yan be taken away.

Special Intelligence Department No. 5 is not a good place. Qi Yan is delicate and afraid of pain, so she absolutely cannot go there.

Pari, who was sitting next to them, had been observing their performance.

What surprised him most was the prayer.

After all, Qi Yan was just an ordinary 19-year-old student. In short, he had never seen the world, not to mention that he was immediately accused of stealing secrets and betraying the alliance as soon as he sat down in the office.

But from beginning to end, Qi Yan never showed any panic, and even pointed out Solo's logical loopholes.

This was not a normal reaction from a nineteen year old boy from a remote planet.

On the contrary, it seems like he has received relevant psychological training and can remain completely calm even when faced with emergencies.

In addition, after reading Qi Yan's complete and detailed personal information, based on the sense of smell that he and Solo had developed over the years, they both agreed that there was something wrong with the information.

So he reported to his superiors and asked for a thorough investigation of this person. If this information was only his superficial identity, then he must have another hidden true identity.

Moreover, Qi Yan lived alone in Leto, and according to investigations, the Qi family did not provide him with any financial support. So where did he get the money to make custom clothes in studios like Debo

The rebels have always been very generous in purchasing confidential information from the Alliance.

That was why he and Solo came to Turan in a hurry, hoping to use prayer as a breakthrough point, perhaps they could dig out a lot of things.

As long as they dug something out, his and Solo's ranks would be promoted by at least two levels.

At this moment, a communication prompt sounded on Solo's personal terminal.

"Deputy director?" He was a little surprised.

He was only a first-class superintendent, and the deputy director of the Special Intelligence Department was not his direct superior.

"Where are you now?"

Solo looked up at Qi Yan who was sitting opposite him and replied, "Deputy Director, I am currently handling a B-level data leak at Turan College and have already captured the suspect."


Solo paused, "It's him."

Ten seconds after the communication was disconnected, Solo and Pari received a picture on their personal terminals at the same time.

There isn’t much to it.

Name: Prayer

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: [No access]

Personal profile: [No access]

Authority: Confidentiality Level SSS

Solo's expression suddenly froze, and he turned sharply to Pari, and saw the same shock in the other's expression.

Since the confidentiality level of the prayer information was 3S, the deputy director of the Special Intelligence Department 5 not only had no right to review it, but even what was sent to Solo was just a temporary photo, which would be automatically destroyed within 30 seconds after being opened.

What does 3s mean

It means this person is very important.

Meaning that this person is highly protected by the alliance.

This means that everyone in the Alliance Security Department has the obligation to protect his personal safety, even at all costs when necessary.

They were in a hurry and found the wrong person.

Completely wrong!

Parry stood up first: "Sorry."

Solo also quickly stood up and apologized.

Qi Yan roughly guessed that they should have just received another copy of his information: "I don't mind."

Parry added: "Someone stole the optical storage device with your information and falsely accused you of colluding with the rebels. We will definitely investigate this matter."

In the laboratory, after Qi Yan was taken away, Ye Pei, Mondrian and others were worried and did not leave.

Laurent sat at his seat, looking through Turan's communication area.

Because of the emergence of Special Intelligence Department 5, most people have come to believe that Qi Yan is a traitor who leaked information and colluded with the rebels, and a stain on Turan.

Just wait for the people from Special Intelligence Department 5 to take Qi Yan away. Soon, Qi Yan will completely disappear from Turan, and this name will no longer be associated with "genius", but only with "traitor".

An anonymous communication number sent a message: "You are doing a good job."

Laurent's expression was full of excitement, and even his breathing was trembling. He replied: "It will soon be possible to drive him out of Turan in disgrace."

Laurent thought that getting 1.5 million star coins was a little too easy.

When the buyer contacted him again after more than half a year and wanted him to sell the research materials he had, he refused, not because he was afraid -

Half a year ago, he was short of money and sold his research materials for the first time. He was very scared for a while, but later he found that everything was done secretly and no one knew what he had done.

This time, he just felt that the other party's bid was too low and didn't want to do it.

But then he changed his mind.

This is an opportunity that just came to my doorstep.

How convenient is it to use someone else's hand to get rid of the prayer

He only needed to avoid surveillance like he did the first time, take the optical storage device out with a black box, and mail it to the buyer. Then he could provide the buyer's information to the Special Intelligence Department No. 5 by anonymously providing clues.

No matter how Qi Yan argued, the light storage device was irrefutable evidence. In addition, he had left a tiny "flaw", so there was no need to worry that the people from the Special Intelligence Department Five would not be able to find Qi Yan.

According to the buyer, if he is discovered one day, a second "buyer" will contact him.

He will be safe.

Sure enough, the Special Intelligence Department was very efficient. They caught the buyer and found Qi Yan within just one day.

Laurent thought that he took the prayer too seriously.

See, if he wants to destroy a person, he only needs to move his fingers.

It's as easy as blowing away a handful of sand.

Having seen the outcome of the matter, Laurent was not prepared to wait any longer in the laboratory. Holding a portable recording board, he walked out of the laboratory. When he turned the corner of the corridor, he looked up and saw two people standing in front of him.

Someone from Special Intelligence Department 5.

Laurent quickly adjusted his expression: "Excuse me-"

Solo said, "We want to talk to you."

"About the prayer?" Laurent was very cooperative. "What do you want to know?"

Parry paused, then replied, "Just talk about what you know."

"I'm not very familiar with Qi Yan. I only know that he comes from a very well-off family because he usually eats and dresses very well. At first I had a prejudice against him, thinking that he lived a very extravagant life and spent money to go to Turan, so his grades must not be very good. But he later made PVC93 and an accelerator, and the professors all thought he was amazing, and I admired him very much."

Laurent was disappointed again, "I didn't expect that he would do something like colluding with the rebels."

Solo asked him, "How do you know he is colluding with the rebels?"

"I saw someone say that in Turan's exchange area."

"Then do you know what will happen if you betray the alliance and collude with the rebels?"

Laurent thought carefully for a few seconds, hiding all his malice very well, pretending to be ignorant, and guessed: "I'm not sure, □□, or the death penalty?"

As he finished speaking, Laurent felt a chill on his wrists. He looked down and saw a pair of electronic handcuffs on his hands.

The portable clipboard fell to the ground with a thud.

Laurent pursed his lips and said, "What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be catching Qi Yan?"

Parry answered patiently, "More than half a year ago, you sold a document with a classified level of B for three million star coins. Yesterday, you sold another document with the same classified level of B."

Laurent clenched his fists. "I didn't," he repeated. "I didn't do such a thing."

He said every word with great force: "I am one of the best sophomores at Turan College. I will join Professor Fu's research project. I will have a bright future. I will become a scientific researcher—"

Solo sneered: "If you really become a scientific researcher, it will be a huge loss to the Alliance. Don't try to quibble. We have investigated everything that needs to be investigated. You will soon know what will happen if you betray the Alliance and collude with the rebels."

"Have we found out everything we need to find out?" Laurent muttered as he stood there. "Where's Qiyan? Where's Qiyan?" He suddenly shouted, "Go and catch Qiyan! Yes, he is in the same group with me! He betrayed the alliance, he is a traitor!"

Parry looked at Laurent with crazy eyes and said, "He will never do anything that will harm the alliance."

Laurent panted, half crying and half laughing, "Why? Why are you so sure?"

Parry no longer looked at him and simply replied, "You are not qualified to know."