Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 27: XXVII


Seeing Qi Yan only took a sip and put it down, Lu Fenghan asked him: "Why did you steal my cigarette?"

Qi Yan answered seriously: "I want to taste the taste of your favorite things."

He remembered that at the last celebration party at the Qi family, when Lu Fenghan went out to meet Mengge and came back, there was a very light smell of cigarettes on his body, which was not irritating.

Lu Fenghan thought, is his picky cleanliness gone? There was a smile in his voice: "How does it taste?"

"It tastes bad." Qi Yan returned the cigarette to Lu Fenghan, recalling the feeling just now, "It's a bit cold. After I inhaled it, it was like my nerves were suddenly immersed in ice water."

"Well, take a puff and you'll suddenly become very sober." Lu Fenghan twisted the cigarette with his fingertips. "This kind of cigarette was originally used to calm people. When encountering a sudden emergency, people's adrenaline will rise quickly. In order to prevent people from getting too excited and making irrational judgments, take a puff of this kind of cigarette and they'll calm down quickly."

This is a habit he developed on the front line.

At first he didn't understand why such a thing was included in the military supply list. Later, when he went to the battlefield for the first time and pressed the launch button himself to destroy a small starship, when he led a team to sneak attack the enemy and wiped out all the people on the ship, he realized that his fingers would tremble.

Most people are not born to be on the battlefield.

From then on, he would do as the veterans said and keep this kind of cigarette on hand, but for fear of becoming dependent on it, he only dared to smoke one or two at a time.

Later, he boarded the command ship, where a single order could affect the life and death of countless people. Even though he was already accustomed to the battlefield, he would still smoke a cigarette from time to time to remind himself that he must always remain calm and restrained.

Qi Yan was curious: "Do you have a smoking habit?"

"I guess so, but I'm not addicted. I only light one when I need it."

After hearing this, Qi Yan thought for a moment, “Then you often encounter sudden critical situations.”

Seeing his assurance, Lu Fenghan chuckled, "You're obviously trying to trick me." He then mentioned, "This kind of cigarette only has a small calming effect and is not addictive. To me, it's more like a psychological suggestion that I must be calm and rational. There is another kind that has a stronger effect. After taking a little, the whole person will no longer feel strong emotions, such as fear and timidity, for a period of time. But this kind is harmful to the human nervous system, so it is contraband."

Qi Yan thought for a moment and said, "Then Lu Fenghan is half a contraband."

Law-abiding citizen Lu Fenghan was labeled as a "contraband" for no apparent reason. He raised the corners of his lips and said, "How did I become half a contraband?"

Because when I am with you, I will no longer feel intense fear.

However, Qi Yan did not give the answer, but stood up and asked: "Do you want to leave?"

This trip to the coffee shop was a sudden trip. Vincent suddenly wanted to meet Lu Fenghan, so the two of them came here.

Although Qi Yan did not answer, Lu Fenghan vaguely understood what Qi Yan meant. He did not ask further questions, but just followed Qi Yan's instructions: "I'll listen to you. You are the employer."

The two walked out of the cafe and walked a little further to the edge of the Sky Diamond Plaza. As usual, many tourists were looking around, and the places surrounded by people were basically where bards were "preaching".

Lu Fenghan has always been a man of firm mind, extremely difficult to shake. He ignored all the opinions, thinking it was just a waste of time to listen to them. Qi Yan thought there were too many people and didn't want to squeeze in, so the two of them tacitly didn't go over there and just walked on the boulevard.

Faintly hearing the bard talking about the history of mankind's rise in the universe, and how they conquered a certain star map in a certain year, he was talking passionately. Lu Fenghan suddenly became curious about Qi Yan's opinion: "What do you think of the rebels?"


"The core of their propaganda is theocracy."

"No logic at all." Qi Yan gave a direct four-word evaluation.

A cruise plane flew lightly overhead. Qi Yan walked under the shade of a tree, the dim light making his figure appear slanted and long.

"The so-called 'divine authority' of the rebels is just a kind of sustenance, allowing humans to attribute certain scientific achievements to the name of 'God'. If this scientific achievement repeats the mistakes of the Space Source, then humans can say that this is a punishment from God. While attributing achievements to God, failures and negligence can also be attributed to 'God'."

Lu Fenghan found this insightful: "Humanity cannot bear the consequences of technological destruction, so they fabricated a non-existent 'God' and asked him to bear the consequences?"

"Well, human nature is cowardly. If a person spills his last glass of water in the desert, he may blame himself and collapse. If there are two people at the time, then the first thing he thinks of is,"

"Blame the other person? Make yourself feel better?"

"Yes, if there are humans and gods in this world, then when this cup of water is spilled, humans can blame God. The space source is this cup of water. When the space source causes the destruction of countless planets and the deaths of countless humans, humans do not need to feel regret or self-reflection. The two words 'God's punishment' are enough." Qi Yan looked at his own shadow, "However, science does not tolerate cowardice and shirking. Wrong is wrong, right is right. Only by constant self-reflection and correction can we turn 'wrong' into 'right'."

Lu Fenghan: "But not everyone has enough courage to face their mistakes and the impact they cause."

"That's why we need to do our best to avoid mistakes." Qi Yan answered the question just now. "At that time, we urgently needed a 'scapegoat' to bear the consequences of the great technological destruction. In the Earth era, in Jewish rituals, sheep took the sins of people. Now it's reversed, and God has become the scapegoat of people. This is why the so-called 'theocracy' of the rebels was established in the first place. In the final analysis, the superficial theocracy of the rebels is just a form of righteousness, practicing personal dictatorship."

Lu Fenghan agreed: "The so-called opposition to the Alliance's development of technology that offends the gods is just an excuse to fool people. In fact, they want to subvert the Alliance's rule. Wolf ambitions will always be disguised with some high-sounding excuses."

Qi Yan felt that Lu Fenghan was not in a good mood.

When saying this, the corners of Lu Fenghan's lips were tightly clenched, and a hint of sharpness was faintly revealed.

He guessed that Vincent had talked to Lu Fenghan about the rebels when they just met.

So if Lu Fenghan wanted to chat, he would chat with him.

The two walked around the Diamond Plaza, stopping and starting, and waited until the fountain show was over before leaving. As the car was driving on the fast lane, Qi Yan's personal terminal rang.

"Xia Zhiyang?"

"Qi Yan, do you have time? If so, come and play with me?" Xia Zhiyang was surrounded by some noise. "It's not easy for the school to let us have a day off. If we don't seize the time to have fun, we will be sorry for all the hard work we put in studying!"

As soon as he said this, Qi Yan heard someone laughing next to him. From the voice, it should be Chen Mingxuan. There were also people talking. Some of the voices sounded familiar. They were from the same class.

Qi Yan did not refuse: "Where are you? I'll come over now."

There were quite a few people sitting in the private room of the club. Xia Zhiyang and Chen Mingxuan had originally called a few acquaintances from the same circle to get together. Unexpectedly, when they walked to the door, they happened to meet Jiang Qi. There were also several people on Jiang Qi's side, so in the end everyone booked a large private room to play together.

Given that Qi Yan has been so popular recently, many of the people present were Turan's students, and as they chatted, the topic naturally turned to Qi Yan.

Jiang Qi's left sentence "My brother has never been home" implies that Qi Yan is not filial. His right sentence "It's normal that my brother just came back and is not close to his family" implies that Qi Yan has been away from home for more than ten years and has a bad relationship with his family, and he is the one who grew up in luxury in the Qi family.

These words, combined with Jiang Qi's expression and tone, made Xia Zhiyang feel a headache.

"Jiang Qi, you are the best among us! You got into Turan with your own strength, without spending a penny! You don't know how many times your dad has praised you. Every time he praises you, my dad will come to make trouble for me, saying that I am embarrassing him."

Someone nearby answered, "That's right, compared to those people who paid to get into Turan, you are much better!"

Xia Zhiyang had a wooden face and whispered to Chen Mingxuan who was concentrating on playing games: "Jiang Qi only scored two points higher than Turan's admission score, and he got in on the cusp. How can he be so proud? Qi Yan has applied for two open source projects a month after the start of the school year, but he is not as cocky as him."

Chen Mingxuan glanced at him and said, "The point is not that he got two points higher, but that his father held a celebration party for him. How could he not be proud? Didn't you hear that his father kept praising him over and over again?"

Xia Zhiyang came to his senses.

Maybe it's because they are not legitimate, so they are always eager to show how much attention they receive, and make the one who is truly legitimate sound like an outsider.

Not long after, the door of the box was opened, and the first person to walk in was Qi Yan, followed by the restrained Lu Fenghan.

Xia Zhiyang smiled and waved his hand: "Qi Yan, here!"

For a moment, everyone in the box looked at Qi Yan.

It happens again.

Jiang Qi looked at Qi Yan who walked over to sit next to Xia Zhiyang, and his eyes darkened.

No matter what the occasion, as long as Qi Yan appears, he will attract almost everyone's attention and become the center of conversation.

This was the case in Turan, and it is also the case here.

He heard the person who had just said he was amazing turn around and whisper to others, "That's Qi Yan? I thought those with good grades were just average-looking nerds, but I didn't expect him to be so good-looking!"

"He doesn't look much like Uncle Qi, but probably looks more like his mother. My mom told me that his mother is also a Turan graduate, very pretty, and had excellent grades. It seemed like Uncle Qi fell in love at first sight, and he pursued her for two or three years before he got her!"

"So long? I thought he grew up on a remote planet and had a temperament that was not presentable, but it seems that no one would believe that he grew up in Leto, right?"

Jiang Qi's fingers had left marks on the sofa before he tightened his expression and called out to Qi Yan, "Brother."

But Qi Yan didn't seem to hear it, and didn't even raise his eyes. Only Chen Mingxuan glanced at him, and his eyes seemed to be full of mockery.

The smile on Jiang Qi's face froze.

Xia Zhiyang was chatting with Qi Yan while playing games: "Come to think of it, I also think you don't look like Uncle Qi. Your eyes and nose are not alike. To be honest, Jiang Qi looks more like Uncle Qi than you do!"

Qi Yan: "I look like my mother."

Xia Zhiyang carefully examined Qi Yan's facial features and commented sincerely, "Your mother must be very beautiful." He then casually asked, "Does your aunt live in the Messier area now?"

"No," Qi Yan paused as he manipulated the game character on the screen, "She's already passed away."

Xia Zhiyang didn't expect to get this answer, his eyes slightly widened: "I didn't expect... No, I'm sorry!"

Qi Yan shook his head: "Nothing."

Xia Zhiyang didn't dare to ask any more questions. He recalled that he had only heard bits and pieces from his elders over the years. Qi Yan was taken to the Messier region by his mother when he was three years old to live with his grandparents. Eight years ago, Qi Wenshao married Jiang Yunyue, and Jiang Qi also moved into the Qi family. On the contrary, there was no news about Qi Yan and his mother.

Could it be that... Qi Yan's mother died eight years ago

After guessing a lot in his mind, Xia Zhiyang knew that it was not good to expose someone's scars, so he never mentioned it again and just continued to talk about games.

But I felt a little sad for Qiyan - if Qiyan's mother really died eight years ago, then Qiyan was only eleven years old, right? Still so young.

Qi Yan felt the box was stuffy and left early after staying there for a short while, but was stopped by Jiang Qi in the corridor.

Jiang Qi didn't call him brother with a smile this time. He said, "Didn't the school catch a few spies who were colluding with the rebels a few days ago? I told dad that Leto and Turan are not safe now."

Qi Yan waited for his next words.

Jiang Qi's eyes stopped at Lu Fenghan, who was half a step behind Qi Yan: "Did your father find this bodyguard for you?" With a smile on his face, he asked Qi Yan in a negotiating manner, "What do you think, if I tell my father that I also want a bodyguard to protect my safety, and then ask my father to give your bodyguard to me, do you think he will agree?"

He knew that he shouldn't have come to provoke Qi Yan so early. He should have always played the role of the submissive younger brother so that his father would love him more and be more biased towards him.

But he couldn't bear it any longer.

Qi Yan stood where he was.

Eliza once said that he was emotionally indifferent, there was nothing he particularly wanted, but there was nothing he could not let go of or lose, including his life.

But at this moment, even though he knew that Jiang Qi was trying to provoke him out of self-righteousness, Qi Yan still felt an irritation he had never felt before.

Someone wants to snatch Lu Fenghan away.

Qi Yan’s eyes turned even colder.

He took half a step towards Jiang Qi.

Instinctively, Jiang Qi hurriedly stepped back.

Qi Yan's voice was very soft, and his eyes looked at Jiang Qi calmly. There was no obvious emotion on his face, but he said the words that Jiang Qi feared the most.

"So you want everyone to know that you are Qi Wenshao and Jiang Yunyue's child, and you are actually only three months younger than me?"

Why would he know

Hearing the strong warning in Qi Yan's words, Jiang Qi's heart beat violently, his fingers suddenly clenched, and his voice was dry: "What do you want to do?"

Qi Yan took a half step back and said nothing.

Jiang Qi's breathing became tight, and he avoided Qi Yan's cold gaze, "What I just said... No, I didn't say anything just now!"

Qi Yan then looked at Lu Fenghan who was waiting on the side and said, "Let's go."

Walking out of the club, Lu Fenghan walked up the stairs and couldn't help but look at Qi Yan.

It was obvious that Qi Yan was angry just now and even warned Jiang Qi.

But Lu Fenghan felt inexplicably happy because of Qi Yan's rare sharpness.