Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 41: XXI


Qi Yan thought she was already dressed very warmly with the sweater and earmuffs, but when she walked into the classroom, she saw Xia Zhiyang, who had wrapped himself up so much that he looked almost ten pounds fatter.

Xia Zhiyang had all the necessary items, including gloves and a scarf. Seeing Qi Yan staring at him, he lowered his head to look at his orange-red coat and said, "Will I become the center of attention when I put it on? This is Leto's latest hot style!"

He clumsily opened his coat and pointed inside: "Look, it's not only bulletproof, but also impact-proof, and even has a certain degree of explosion-proof effect. It can save my life at a critical moment!"

Qi Yan understood why this style of clothing was so popular. He then asked, "Do you want to stay in school as much as possible recently? Turan has a protection system, so it will be much safer."

"Hey! That makes sense. Not having to take the hovercraft home can reduce the chances of hovercraft accidents!" Xia Zhiyang's eyes lit up, and he pounded his fist into his palm. "That's a good idea! I'll apply and see if I can stay in school for a while."

He sighed again, "I don't want to die early. I still have a lot of limited edition hover cars in my garage that haven't been used on the road yet!"

Lu Fenghan brought up the topic: "Is the situation particularly serious?"

Xia Zhiyang poured out everything he knew: "It should be very serious. My parents don't have the energy to keep an eye on me. They go out every day, either for afternoon tea or dinner, or a group of people get together to discuss things. I don't know the details, but I just need to be careful. My family has been a single-line family for three generations. Since my uncle was seriously injured, my parents really want me to stay at home, but they are afraid that the house will be bombed and the whole family will die."

He asked Qi Yan again: "Did your family not warn you at all?"

Qi Yan nodded.

Xia Zhiyang was angry: "I knew it! Besides, Jiang Yunyue was released on bail, but she really acted as if nothing had happened and went to parties and tea everywhere! My mom was still talking to my dad last night, saying that Jiang Yunyue was lucky, not only did she become Madam Qi, but two of the people who died in the accident had been at odds with her recently."

Lu Fenghan was concerned: "What a coincidence?"

"Yes, someone just said at the afternoon tea party that Jiang Yunyue was born in a lowly family, so going to jail was no big deal. Unexpectedly, he died in an accident on the way home at night." Xia Zhiyang guessed, "I wonder if Jiang Yunyue has mastered the skills of cursing!"

Lu Fenghan didn't think of any curse, he had deeper suspicions.

In the flower hall of the Qi family, several ladies who were drinking tea also talked about this matter. They covered their mouths and laughed, saying that the man was not kind and had bad luck.

Jiang Yunyue concealed her smug look, said she was going to check out the kitchen, and left for the time being.

She had just walked a short distance when someone caught up with her. It was Sha Ke's mother. Their sons were classmates and had a good relationship, so the parents were naturally close.

They went to the kitchen together. Jiang Yunyue picked up a few exquisitely crafted snacks and put them on the plate, while keeping an eye on the time.

Sha Ke's mother's concerned expression did not seem fake: "Jiang Qi is just a little bit obsessed, he is still very good. Now that Tulan can't study anymore, where are you going to go to school next?"

Seeing a figure at the door out of the corner of her eye, Jiang Yunyue took back what she was about to say, changed her tone, and said sadly: "I am also worried. After this incident, his father is also angry with us. You know, Jiang Qi and I have no one else to rely on. We can only rely on his father. Wen Shao liked him very much before, but now that Qi Yan is back, everything has changed."

Sha Ke's mother heard the hidden meaning of Jiang Yunyue's words and covered her mouth in surprise: "I didn't believe it when Sha Ke told me. Is it true? Although Qi Yan was raised outside, Qi Wenshao has been training him with all his heart. In the end, he wants Qi Yan to inherit the Qi family?"

Jiang Yunyue's eyes were red, and she lowered her head to cover up: "Qi Yan is Wen Shao's biological child after all, and he is smart. I understand that Wen Shao gave Qi Yan money and paved the way for Qi Yan to enter Turan."

She gradually choked up as she spoke, "It's just that my poor child was also used as a stepping stone by Wen Shao and handed to Qi Yan. It was because I felt a sense of crisis that I was in a hurry to get a prize for Jiang Qi to have more capital, but I didn't expect-"

"I didn't expect that the one who was praised again and again and stole the limelight was Qi Yan." Sha Ke's mother also sighed, "You are still too impatient."

"How can I not be anxious?" Jiang Yunyue became more and more sad. "Qi Yan is now in the limelight, but Jiang Qi dropped out of Turan, and other schools don't want to accept him. He is only eighteen years old, what will he do in the future?"

Jiang Qi, who was hiding by the door, originally went into the kitchen to get food as usual, but unexpectedly he heard the "truth" of the matter.

Everything has a reason!

It turns out that he would be expelled from school, would be despised and scorned by others, would be humiliated at the Roentgen Prize ceremony, and become a joke, all because he was just a stepping stone for prayer!

At this moment, his shaky spirit seemed to have found support, and a surge of anger surged in his heart. He ran out with a pale face, almost stumbling.

I kept thinking, if Qiyan disappeared from this world, if he disappeared—

In the kitchen, after making sure Jiang Qi had left, Jiang Yunyue suppressed her tears and emotions, and continued to pick out snacks while thinking -

Although she cannot rely on the son whom she has raised for more than ten years, she can still play a small role.

After dealing with Qi Yan, the Qi family would be without an heir for the time being. As for Qi Wenshao, that man was no longer the rich young man who was suave, talented, and loved by Lin Zhi when he was young.

If they really fight, it’s hard to tell who will win or lose.

She walked towards the greenhouse with a dignified manner and a smile on her face - Jiang Qi, please don't let your mother down.

Qi Yan stayed in the laboratory for two more hours and worked overtime with his group members to complete the final data sorting.

This experience was new to Qi Yan: "I have always believed that scientific research is a lonely and solitary thing, but now I find that—"

"Isn't it lively?" Ye Pei's high ponytail swayed with her steps. "I like to think quietly by myself, and I also like to do things together in a lively manner!"

She looked at Qi Yan with a smile in her eyes, "Do you know that you have a big problem?"

Qi Yan: "What's wrong?"

"It's too cold! It's not that being cold is bad, but you can occasionally have a taste of the worldly life, and maybe you can gain a different kind of happiness!"

Ye Peiwang also tried to find Lu Fenghan as an ally, "Right?"

Lu Fenghan followed Qi Yan and just smiled: "As long as he is happy."

After getting in the car, Qi Yan called up the screen again and continued with the structure of "Po Jun".

Lu Fenghan drove the hovercraft very steadily and asked him, "It's the research team's mission and the 'Broken Army'. Will it be tiring?"

Qi Yan shook his head: "No, doing the research team's tasks is a rest time for me. When I am very tired from building 'Po Jun', doing the research team's tasks can relax my brain."

He annotated his words, "Just like when you get tired of calculating the Shapley constant, you calculate that two plus two equals four and take a break."

Lu Fenghan laughed.

"Don't say this in front of Ye Pei and the others."

Qi Yan wondered: "Why?"

"It may cause irreversible damage to their self-esteem." Lu Fenghan pinched Qi Yan's face and said, "How did you grow up to be so smart?"

Qi Yan replied: "I grew up breathing oxygen."

Lu Fenghan raised his eyebrows: "We both breathe oxygen, why am I not as smart as you?"

Qi Yan thought for two seconds, and said half-comfortingly: "You are beautiful."

Lu Fenghan tightened his grip on the joystick.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to answer, so I looked away and stopped looking at Qi Yan.

The hovercraft drove for a while, and Lu Fenghan broke the silence in the car: "Someone is following us." He also lazily commented, "The technology is really not good, it's hard not to be discovered."

Qi Yan looked away from the screen and listened to Lu Fenghan's narration: "It's a bit strange."

Lu Fenghan also found it strange.

If it was the person who attacked Leto’s dignitaries in the past few days, his skills couldn’t be so bad. If it wasn’t him, Qi Yan hadn’t offended anyone.

Jiang Qi sat in the driver's seat, staring at the car that belonged to Qi Yan, his eyes were crazy and sinister.

He couldn't help thinking that if Qi Yan hadn't existed, he would still be the popular young master of the Qi family, an excellent heir in everyone's eyes, a good student admitted to Turan with a bright future, and his mother would still be the noble and elegant Madam Qi.

There will be no stain on their lives.

They will not be laughed at or ridiculed, their lives will not have any twists and turns, and they will not become anyone's stepping stones.

He will not be thrown into jail for so-called academic fraud, and the identity of his illegitimate child will remain a secret forever!

Why do prayers exist

It would be great if there was no such person...

Jiang Qi's eyes were filled with bloodshot, but his facial features formed a strange smile. He pressed the accelerator button hard with his thumb, staring straight ahead, his voice mixed in his throat, and he kept saying, "Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell—"

The moment the hovercraft behind him suddenly hit him, Lu Fenghan reached out with his long arms and held Qi Yan in his arms. At the same time, the protective device in the car was quickly activated, protecting the two of them tightly.

The violent collision that would normally cause the hovercraft to be damaged or exploded, and the people inside to be seriously injured or even killed, miraculously only caused the rear end of the hovercraft where the two were located to be dented for a large part, with sparks flashing.

Half an hour later, at the police station.

Qi Yan sat on the sofa next to Lu Fenghan, holding a cup of warm water. On the other side, Jiang Qi sat against the wall, with his head down, his slightly longer hair covering his eyebrows and eyes.

According to surveillance footage, Jiang Qi suddenly accelerated to the limit on the fast lane, slammed into the target hover car, and took safety precautions for himself before the collision. His purpose was self-evident.

The incident was initially judged to be attempted murder.

Jiang Qi argued for himself: "I didn't! I didn't kill anyone intentionally. I was sitting in the hovercraft and the car suddenly lost control...Hasn't Leto had so many accidents recently? I suspect that my hovercraft was tampered with! I am innocent!"

The policeman interrupted him coldly: "We have retrieved the vehicle records, which prove that it was you who accelerated."

Ignoring Jiang Qi, the police turned to Qi Yan and Lu Fenghan and pointed to a surveillance camera: "Only the rear of the car is dented."

In this type of accident, no matter how good the quality of the hovercraft is, it will definitely be smashed to pieces by such a violent collision.

Lu Fenghan replied: "The car body is made of liquid composite metal."

The police were speechless for a moment.

Liquid composite metal for the car body? Isn't that something that is only used for land armor

It turns out this is how rich people spend their money nowadays.

Between Jiang Qi and Qi Yan, he chose Qi Yan as the person to question: "Through data comparison, we found that the perpetrator and one of the victims are relatives in the legal sense. Since you are still students, we contacted your parents. Is that okay with you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Qi sat up straight with his eyes wide open: "No..." His voice suddenly rose, "No contact!"

"Don't let Dad know... No, don't let Dad know..."

Not long after, hurried footsteps were heard. Qi Wenshao came in first. Jiang Yunyue was wearing a brown coat and accidentally sprained her ankle when she entered.

In front of everyone, Qi Wenshao slapped Jiang Qi in the face, furious: "You are so young, but you still don't learn good deeds. You are learning to murder people? Do you know what the entire Star Network is discussing now? They are all discussing the ugly things you did!"

There was a cold look on Lu Fenghan's lips.

When Qi Wenshao entered the room, he didn't understand the situation and didn't even ask whether Qi Yan was injured. The reason he was angry was mostly because the ugly thing was exposed and his face was hurt.

He lowered his eyes to look at Qi Yan and found that Qi Yan had put the empty cup aside and was in a daze. He probably was thinking about the problem of "Po Jun" in his mind again, so he was barely relieved.

On the other side, Jiang Qi shrank back, not daring to look up at Qi Wenshao. Jiang Yunyue was speechless, she just stared at the two of them and cried.

Qi Wenshao closed his eyes and clenched his fists: "I thought that raising you in the Qi family would make you excellent, but look at what you have done? Academic fraud, being put in jail, and now intentional murder, you have ruined my reputation!"

Every word Qi Wenshao said made Jiang Qi tremble more severely. When he looked up again, his face was full of tears. He whispered in embarrassment: "Dad, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I was just impulsive, I shouldn't have done this, I shouldn't, I shouldn't... Dad, don't give up on me, I will work hard, really, you believe me! I will listen to you-"

Qi Wenshao didn't want to pay attention to him. He turned to Jiang Yunyue and said tiredly: "Look at the good son you taught!"

Jiang Yunyue's eyes were red, and she reached out to grab Qi Wenshao's clothes: "Wenshao, I, I can't help myself. He has grown up, and I can't control him. Last time, he cried and begged me for the Roentgen Award, and I couldn't bear it, so I helped him. He is my son, how can I bear not to help him. I just don't know why he became like this..."

It seemed like Jiang Qi took a long time to digest Jiang Yunyue's words.

Was he the one crying and begging Jiang Yunyue

No, it was Jiang Yunyue who took the initiative to let him participate in the Roentgen Prize and told him that everything was ready and he only needed to do as she said to win the Roentgen Prize trophy.

Qi Wenshao pressed his eyebrows and said, "A loving mother often spoils her child!" But his tone was much gentler.

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Yunyue, who was standing with Qi Wenshao with her eyes red from crying, and he went from being incredulous at first to suddenly bursting into laughter.

He understood.

His father gave up on him, and his mother used this incident to clean herself up and clear herself of all charges.

Those words he heard at the kitchen door were also intentional, right

Seeing the reporter who came in a few steps later than Qi Wenshao and Jiang Yunyue, Jiang Qi smiled maliciously. His voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear clearly: "Dad, didn't you say before that I am your and mom's biological son, and blood is thicker than water, and you will love and care for me no matter what time it is?"

Jiang Yunyue's face turned pale.

Several reporters who followed in happened to hear this and realized that this was big news.

Not a stepson, but... an illegitimate child

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Yunyue's face with satisfaction: "Mom, you told me since I was little that I should act very well and be very pitiful, so that Dad would come to see us and like me. You asked me to get rid of Qi Yan, and I did as you said. Why are you still crying?"

Jiang Yunyue pinched her wrists with her nails, trying hard to maintain her composure.

The reporters at the scene had already posted this scene to the Star Network page of their newspaper. After a brief blank, countless sentences appeared quickly.

"—Is the beginning so shocking? This car accident was not an accident, but an illegitimate child intended to murder the legitimate child? Or, after the mistress came to power, she instigated her son to murder the ex-wife's child? Together with the analysis of the Roentgen Prize incident, it's too scary!"

"—He is clearly an illegitimate child, but he was suddenly given the identity of a moral step-son with inheritance rights. I am really sick of it!"

"—Turan students raised their hands to speak. Jiang Qi always called Qi Yan "brother" in school, but implicitly he accused Qi Yan of having a bad attitude towards him. He endured humiliation for the sake of family unity. If I were Qi Yan, I would be so angry that I would die! Pay attention to him? Say nice things to him? How shameless is he? And they say the family is united. Jiang Qi is not much younger than Qi Yan. Think about it!"

Qi Yan approached Lu Fenghan and whispered, "They are so noisy."

Lu Fenghan covered his ears with his hands and imitated him in whispering: "Do you want noise-canceling earplugs?"

Qi Yan shook his head. At this moment, his personal terminal lit up, indicating that a message had been received.

I opened it and saw it was a message from Feng Ji, deputy director of the Special Intelligence Department 5.

The content of the message was brief. He told Qi Yan that the person who had been promised to investigate before, who paid Laurent to frame Qi Yan, causing Qi Yan to become infamous and be expelled from Turan College, had been found.

Qi Yan clicked on the character information and chain of evidence that was sent along.

Not surprisingly, the name at the top of the information column reads "Jiang Qi".

At the same time, the police in charge of this matter also received a piece of information.

Lu Fenghan noticed this detail and guessed that the information the other party received should be the same as the information Qi Yan received - it was obvious that Feng Ji knew what was happening and wanted to do Qi Yan a favor.

As expected, after reading the information, the police looked at Jiang Qi seriously and said, "In addition to the charge of attempted murder, in early September, you used an unregistered communication number to ask Laurent, a second-year student in Turan, to frame Qi Yan in exchange for a reward of one million star coins, until Qi Yan was expelled from Turan College."

The reporters waiting on the side looked at each other, and the crowd watching on Starnet were also extremely surprised.

"—I thought there were only attempted murder and illegitimate children, but there are also scenes of defamation and paid framing?"

"—The identification is complete. This illegitimate child is really evil-minded. He wanted to kill people from the beginning! According to the laws of the Alliance, how should he be sentenced? I hope the trial can be broadcast live on the Star Network. The final result of the trial is really exciting!"

The night deepens.

As the chain of evidence was complete, Jiang Qi had been temporarily detained, awaiting the court's verdict. At the entrance of the police station, Qi Wenshao and Jiang Yunyue were surrounded by reporters who had rushed over after hearing the news. Countless miniature video recording robots were flying in the air, recording every expression and movement of the two without missing a single detail.

Jiang Yunyue had been following Qi Wenshao, looking flustered and at a loss. No matter what questions the reporters asked, she kept crying and remained silent.

Qi Yan was taken into the car by Lu Fenghan before the reporters gathered around him.

Looking through the car window, Qi Yan retracted his gaze and saw that Lu Fenghan seemed worried, so he took the initiative to speak: "They are just unimportant people, don't worry about me."

Lu Fenghan met his clear eyes, but did not respond. Instead, he pulled him into his arms without giving him a chance to refuse.

Qi Yan's eyes widened slightly, and after a brief moment of shock, he slowly rested his chin on Lu Fenghan's shoulder.