Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 44


Early the next morning, Qi Yan and Lu Fenghan went to the ISCO Ultra-Optical Computer Equipment Center. After the service robot scanned their identity information, the two took the elevator to the eleventh floor underground.

When Qi Yan found out that Xia Zhiyang was calling, he subconsciously looked at the time - half past six.

"You're up so early?"

"It's not that I got up early, I didn't sleep at all last night!" Xia Zhiyang's voice was hoarse and weak, "It's over, it's over, I'm afraid of marriage. As soon as I closed my eyes last night, I saw Qi Wenshao lying on the bed. That poison called alkali is too terrible!"

The silver metal door opened in front of the two of them. Qi Yan listened to Xia Zhiyang while walking towards the location of the "Galaxy" host.

The space on the eleventh underground floor is very spacious. All the walls are decorated with silver metal, which is smooth and seamless. There are no partitions except for the glass room where hundreds of thousands of light modulator components are placed.

Hearing the noise, Xia Zhiyang seemed to roll around on the bed again, his voice muffled: "And I'm confused, why did Qi Wenshao stop us from calling the police? He's been poisoned and is almost dead, but he didn't call the police to arrest Jiang Yunyue! I quietly told my mother about this last night, but my mother didn't even want to call the police. Is this the world of adults?"

Qi Yan didn't understand either, and his eyes subconsciously turned to Lu Fenghan.

"Leto advocates late marriage and late childbearing. Qi Wenshao is almost sixty years old? He has been immersed in the circle of Leto's rich and powerful for decades, and his way of doing things is deeply rooted. They have never believed in legal regulations, because in their minds, the rules can be flexible. They also don't trust the police, because in their eyes, all the alliance police can be bought."

Lu Fenghan poked Qi Yan's face and said, "That's why Qi Wenshao contacted you first after getting the personal terminal instead of calling the police."

In the communication, Xia Zhiyang suddenly realized: "So that's how it is! So my mother didn't want to call the police?"

"Maybe. Qi Wenshao himself said that Jiang Yunyue has someone to rely on behind her. Qi Wenshao didn't dare to call the police, fearing that if he did, Jiang Yunyue would not be arrested, and he would anger Jiang Yunyue instead, and he would not be able to survive the remaining days."

Lu Fenghan remembered Qi Wenshao's state when they left the Qi family. "He has already recognized the reality and knows that he will not live for a few more days. He is very likely trying to lower Jiang Yunyue's vigilance and drag Jiang Yunyue to die with him."

Xia Zhiyang took a deep breath and managed to utter after a while: "People are so scary."

Lu Fenghan: "It needs to be qualified. Those who have no rules and moral constraints and do whatever it takes to satisfy their ambitions are scary."

Xia Zhiyang thought about it and felt that it was right: "So even though you look very powerful and hard to mess with, when you talked to Qi Yan, even your tone was very gentle. You are a good person!"

Lu Fenghan: “…”

The observation ability is quite strong.

Xia Zhiyang thought about it and said, "Can Qi Wenshao succeed? Although this idea is a bit... But I still hope he can get revenge."

Lu Fenghan: "But if he hadn't found another lover while Jiang Yunyue was in prison, making Jiang Yunyue feel threatened, these things might not have happened."

"…That makes sense." Xia Zhiyang felt as if everyone's actions had reasons, but if he really judged, he couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong. "Forget it, forget it. I'll take a nap. I don't want to think about it anymore!"

After the communication ended, Qi Yan completed the preparations, turned on the "Galaxy" host, and turned off all the lights while transmitting data.

It got dark around me.

Lu Fenghan didn't understand.

Qi Yan pulled his sleeve and pointed in a direction: "Look."

In the glass house where the components are placed, there are little fireflies gradually lighting up, like a summer forest. The faint light shines through the glass and is reflected on the surrounding metal walls, like a wrinkled water surface filled with stars.

Qi Yan told Lu Fenghan: "The reason why this super optical computer is named 'Galaxy' is because hundreds of thousands of optical modulators are put together. When the surrounding lights are turned off, countless flickering lights can be seen, like the starlight of the Milky Way."

Lu Fenghan's eyes were also full of stars: "It's beautiful, and the name is beautiful too."

"Well, I want you to see it." Qi Yan added, "'Galaxy' is the work of my grandparents, and they named it."

"Your grandparents?" Lu Fenghan looked at Qi Yan with surprise in his eyes.

"In the 144th year of the Star Calendar, after losing the space source, the Alliance proposed the 'Technology Renaissance Plan'. In the 145th year, my grandparents joined the plan together. However, twenty years later, my grandparents were assassinated by the rebels. My mother was six years old at that time. The last work they left behind before they died was this 'Galaxy'."

There was a hint of envy in Qi Yan's words, "They are amazing and good at naming, but I don't think I inherited this gene."

Lu Fenghan was impressed by Qi Yan's "pvc93" and "r9-03 accelerator", and laughed unceremoniously. Fearing that Xiao Jiaoqi would be sad, he tried to make amends, "I will help you think about it in the future, and you won't have to be embarrassed."

He couldn't help but think of what Qi Yan had said when he met the principal of Turan College, "But there are some things that you can't not do even if you could die at any time."

Looking back now, I have a lot of different emotions.

Qi Yan was very familiar with the super-optical computer. Although the countless buttons and symbols on the console were complicated, he was methodical and even had a sense of rhythmic beauty.

Lu Fenghan was originally doing a strategic simulation, but was attracted by the continuous "click" sounds and couldn't help but stare at it for a while.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yan's hands slowed down a few beats, and finally he tilted his head and objected quietly: "Don't look at me."

Lu Fenghan smiled, spread his long legs, and nodded twice: "Okay, okay, I won't look."

There is low white noise when "Galaxy" is running, and this environment makes Lu Fenghan more focused - he has the illusion of being on a front-line command ship, doing tactical design, and then going to the conference room to meet with his subordinates.

At noon, Lu Fenghan placed the set meal A he brought next to Qi Yan, and waited for him to pause before interrupting him: "Let's continue after dinner?"

Qi Yan was doing two things at once, and answered Lu Fenghan's question: "No nutritional supplements?"

"No, I didn't bring it on purpose." Lu Fenghan glanced at Qi Yan's waist, "You're almost losing weight. Nutritional supplements alone are not enough. You need to eat well."

Lu Fenghan insisted, so Qi Yan accepted the meal and ate while staring at the screen.

There was a prompt on the personal terminal, and Qi Yan allowed the connection to communicate. The next second, Xia Zhiyang's voice rang out in the equipment room: "Oh no, oh no, Qi Wenshao is dead!"

Qi Yan paused holding the spoon and asked, "Then?"

"Jiang Yunyue said in an interview that Qi Wenshao's death was related to you, and that Jiang Qi's car crash into you was also directed and acted by you, with the ultimate goal of sending Jiang Qi to prison!"

Xia Zhiyang spoke as fast as marbles, "This vicious woman is so shameless. She even cried and said what she would do without Qi Wenshao. She must have thought about it before poisoning him, right? Hypocrisy!"

While Xia Zhiyang was speaking, Lu Fenghan opened the star network.

Due to the extremely huge flow of information and number of people on the Star Network every second, Jiang Yunyue's interview had just begun and the discussion level had already ranked among the top three today.

In the projected image, Jiang Yunyue's hair was slightly disheveled, her eyes were swollen from crying, her face was full of tear marks, and she looked nothing like the noble lady she used to be.

"If I had known this would happen, I should have opposed my husband from the beginning to taking Qi Yan back! It was obviously his mother who took him away from Leto when he was young, and Wen Shao had always taken care of him...

Qi Yan pretended not to care at all, but secretly, he wanted to remove all obstacles and get the family property. I don't know what method he used to anger Jiang Qi and cause this car accident. Everyone thought Jiang Qi wanted to kill him, but in fact, he wanted to use this method to put Jiang Qi in jail and have no chance to compete with him for the family property! "

The host at the side asked at the right time: "Why do you have such doubts about the car accident?"

"Qi Yan's car was only slightly damaged after being hit. Isn't that enough? If he didn't know in advance that there would be a car accident, how could he have made all the necessary preparations?" Jiang Yunyue looked at the host with tears in her eyes and asked with a choked voice, "Would an ordinary person drive a car like this every day?"

Many people are discussing this.

"—This is also my doubt in the car accident! Everyone knows the speed of the cars on the fast lane. In the previous car accident videos, both cars were destroyed after a collision. But this time it was very strange. It was obviously hit at full speed, but Qi Yan's car was only dented a little. Was it installed with an external protection device? But would ordinary people do this to their cars? Unless you know someone is going to hit your car!"

"—Then the real sequence of events was actually that Qi Yan prepared in advance, then deliberately angered Jiang Qi, let Jiang Qi hit him with his car, went to the police station, contacted reporters, and let everyone know that Jiang Qi deliberately murdered and he was the victim?"

"—You are so scheming... No wonder you were discovered only now..."

"This was just my guess, and I'm not sure until now... It's all my fault. I didn't protect my son, and I didn't protect my husband..."

Jiang Yunyue's voice was nasal because she was crying so much that even her narration was a little disorganized, as if she was in a state of excessive sadness.

"Wen Shao was very sad because of the disagreement between the two brothers and fell ill. I have been taking good care of him and hope that he will get better soon. I was too scared. Wen Shao was also suspicious of what role Qi Yan played in the car accident while he was in the hospital bed and wanted to ask Qi Yan in person. He was afraid that I would be sad, so he asked me to go out and relax for a while."

Jiang Yunyue's expression gradually turned into grief and anger. Her hands, which were tightly holding the hem of her skirt, were shaking, as if she had seen some painful scene. "But when I got home, I found that Wen Shao was no longer breathing! The medical robot determined that he died of suffocation. Qi Yan was the only one who came to the house that morning!"

She turned toward the camera and begged, "Qi Yan, I will give you everything you want, money, property, house, I don't want anything, I just want Wen Shao to be alive..."

"—Oh my god, could it be that Qi Yan's motive was exposed by his father, so he killed him in anger?"

"—It's so pitiful. She lost her son and now her husband has been killed..."

Lu Fenghan put his hand on the back of Qi Yan's chair, half encircling the person under his figure.

He watched Jiang Yunyue's excellent performance and sneered, "She doesn't have enough evidence to prove that you killed Qi Wenshao, so she just pretends to be weak and pitiful to guide public opinion. In this way, it involves public opinion, and it is natural for the police to take you away on suspicion of intentional homicide."

Qi Yan was curious: "What happens after you take it away?"

Lu Fenghan pinched the back of Qi Yan's delicate neck and said, "There will be someone in the police station to help her. Once you are locked up, there will be no chance for you to get out. Wait until you die quietly in there, and then let the news of your suicide out of fear of punishment spread. The entire Star Network might believe Jiang Yunyue's story."

Qi Yan pointed at the projection screen and said, "So she cried for so long and accused me of murder just to arrest me?"

"Of course, if the car accident didn't work, you will definitely be more vigilant. If you want to start with an accident, the success rate is low and it is easy to be exposed. Jiang Yunyue has already established a connection with the rebels. She wants to get rid of you, and her partners will definitely take the opportunity to express their opinions and consolidate their cooperation."

Lu Fenghan deliberately changed his tone and spoke in a low voice, "You just need to give us a reason to arrest him, and we won't let him walk out alive."

"You don't look like a bad person at all." Qi Yan understood immediately, "So the fact that Qi Wenshao contacted me was also a loophole she left on purpose."

Lu Fenghan hummed, "She has been with Qi Wenshao for so long, she has figured out his preferences and temperament, and she knows his habits. She left a loophole and let you meet Qi Wenshao. When Qi Wenshao died, you naturally became the last person Qi Wenshao met before he died, and you are the most suspicious."

Qi Yan had no idea that he was in the middle of a conspiracy, and objectively commented: "This design seems... to have no loopholes."

As he was watching, Ye Pei's call came again.

"I was just working on a model, and I only found out about this after looking at the intranet communication area. Qiyan, we all believe you! As for the communication area, you should block it immediately. The school is so big, there are always some fools who are willing to judge others by their own standards!"

Qi Yan asked instead: "What did they say to make you so angry?"

After hesitating, Ye Pei replied, "What do you mean, Qi Yan? You are obviously short of money. You came back from the deserted planet and dreamed of getting rich overnight. You took the ore for appraisal. Maybe you would really do such a thing for money and property."

Qi Yan looked up and asked Lu Fenghan: "Do I really look like I'm short of money?"

Lu Fenghan told the truth: "Those people are blind."

Qi Yan's thinking was very direct. "Jiang Yunyue's argument is that I framed Jiang Qi and killed Qi Wenshao for the Qi family's property. I just need to prove that this argument is not true, right?"

"Yes," Ye Pei replied, "But once this matter is transformed into an academic issue, it seems to become... simple?"

She always felt that Qi Yan's question was very familiar. The last time Qi Yan used this sentence structure was when...

After making PVC93, he was accused of hiring a "tutor". Qi Yan said at the time, "Is it okay as long as I can prove that PVC93 was made by me?"

Ye Pei subconsciously became excited: "Qi Yan, what are you going to do!"

Prayer: "Refute."

Ye Pei immediately responded: "The affirmative side uses evidence to point out that the negative side's arguments are wrong or incorrect, thereby defeating the negative side!"


Twenty minutes later, as the popularity of Jiang Yunyue's interview continued to rise and countless news about "Qi Yan has been detained" and "Qi Yan admitted his crime" were flying around, the Central Bank of the Alliance issued a notice.

"At the request of Mr. Qi Yan, a seven-star customer of our bank, we hereby announce the following: Mr. Qi Wenshao is a six-star customer of our bank, and Jiang Yunyue is a four-star customer of our bank. In addition: All the property in Mr. Qi Yan's account is inherited from his mother's estate. This is hereby announced."

"—I checked the star rating table of the Central Bank. Four-star customers have assets of tens of millions, five-star customers have assets of hundreds of millions, and there is no public information for six-star and seven-star customers. But there should be one more zero for each additional star? By this calculation, my deposit is only seven zeros less than Qi Yan's..."

"—Today's joke is that a seven-star asset person would kill someone just to steal the money of a six-star or four-star asset person. A more exaggerated answer is that the richest man in the alliance robbed a beggar for a coin? Ms. Jiang Yunyue, what do you think of this joke?"

"—This is the first time I've heard of a seven-star customer! Ah, I'm jealous! My savings are only six zeros less than Qi Yan's..."

"—My savings are eight zeros less than Qi Yan's... I will never lose when it comes to being poor!"

“—Hahahaha, Qi Yan almost said it out loud, I really don’t care about your little fortune, I have plenty of star coins!”

At this time, Qi Yan received several messages one after another.

"Xia Zhiyang: My savings are only seven zeros less than Qi Yan's..."

"Ye Pei: I just bought a set of equipment, and my savings are only eight zeros less than Qi Yan's..."

"Chagall: The combined savings of the four of us in my dormitory is only nine zeros less than Qi Yan's..."

Lu Fenghan also saw these messages, "It seems like you have accidentally become a unit of measurement."

He raised his eyebrows again—the poor are indeed the poorest in the First Military Academy.

As he was speaking, Vincent's message came.

"Commander, is there anyone who can support Happiness? Is there anyone who can support Happiness with seven more zeros in his bank account than me?"

Lu Fenghan replied with four words: "You can't imagine."

Lu Fenghan asked again: "This matter is within your jurisdiction. When will you arrest the person?"

Vincent: "Since you reminded me yesterday, I have sorted out all the hidden clues and can start leading people. I am on my way to the mission this time. Do you have any instructions?"

Lu Fenghan tapped the table twice: "Perform well."

On Starnet, many people also reacted: "Qi Yan has no motive to kill, Jiang Yunyue's statement is no longer valid, so what is going on? Why haven't the Leto police taken any action yet?"

But no matter what the public opinion on Starnet is, the Leto police remain silent.

Just as the Star Network was demanding a response from the Leto police, two people entered the frame during the live interview.

The host and Jiang Yunyue looked over.

Under the gaze of countless people, the young man who had obviously used a virtual face showed his ID and looked at Jiang Yunyue who was alert: "I am from the military intelligence department and suspect that you are colluding with the rebels. Please cooperate."