Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 68


The kidnapping incident on the planet Mikonos has been a hot topic for several days.

The expeditionary fleet floated countless light years away, but it was not isolated from the world. For example, the number of push notifications from the Leto Daily increased to six or seven times a day, and each one was related to this matter.

The people of Mikonos were thankful to have escaped the disaster, and the Chief Executive also sent a formal letter to thank the expeditionary force for its assistance in resolving the crisis.

After the details of the incident and the rebels' plans were disclosed in detail, countless people used simulators on the Star Network to simulate what tragic consequences would occur if forty-two stellar-class missiles were really detonated in a short period of time.

The rebels' brutal tactics of sacrificing all the lives on the entire planet just to be used as a bargaining chip to guide the conflict of public opinion immediately aroused the sympathy of countless people.

As a result, since its establishment, the anger of the people has been completely ignited, and the voices condemning the rebels and advocating war have become louder and louder.

The most obvious thing is that the number of people signing up to join the army increased significantly in just a few days.

Vincent handed the sorted materials to Lu Fenghan, and did not forget to express a few thoughts.

"The description of 'the entire planet exploded instantly' finally made everyone in the alliance feel the same. Previously, the military had been promoting that we retreated from Turin to York, or that so many starships were blown up. For most people, they had no idea which front or how many starships were involved."

Vincent spread his hands, "This shows that only when it comes to what is in front of us, what is under our feet, and what is directly related to our personal interests, can people truly perceive and realize it, and then put themselves in their shoes and speak out."

Lu Fenghan raised his eyelids: "You are very good at external publicity, so I'll transfer you over?"

Knowing that his boss was annoyed by his talking too much, Vincent snapped his heels together and said righteously, "Commander, I'd rather be your lackey than be transferred!"

"Hawk dog?" Lu Fenghan said bluntly, "Get lost."

Vincent: “Yes!”

The door of the command room was closed. Lu Fenghan pinched his brows and suddenly heard Pojun's voice: "General, Eliza requests communication."


This time, Eliza came in the name of the White Tower contact person to inform Lu Fenghan that the key verification system of the star-level missile storage point had been updated.

"After the update, the method of bypassing the system and trying to match the key infinitely has been basically stopped. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that the rebels will invent something new in the name of 'God's gift'."

Eliza also mentioned: "As for the communication blockade, the rebels call it 'isolated island'. Baita submitted a progress report to General Nie two hours ago."

Apparently, Eliza didn't need to explain to him about the communications blockade. General Nie must have given her instructions when submitting the progress report.

Lu Fenghan didn't ask any more questions: "Thank you for your hard work."

After finishing the business, the topic turned to Qi Yan.

Eliza said happily: "I did an emotional test on Qi Yan. His emotional perception ability is recovering. It has recovered about 30 to 40 percent now. You should be able to sense it."

"Yes." Lu Fenghan recalled the night at the Mikonos Hotel, when Qi Yan was so exhausted that he fell asleep almost as soon as he touched the pillow. However, in the middle of the night, he was awakened by a slight noise.

Qi Yan was having a nightmare and his face was wet with tears.

Then he held his wrist until dawn.

After getting up the next day, Qi Yan seemed a little out of place. He was more silent than usual, often wrapped in his clothes, staring at a certain point in the air in a daze.

"This kind of recovery doesn't happen overnight. Qiyan needs time to adapt and deal with the various emotions that suddenly surge up in him." Eliza's words were full of relief. "We were very worried about his condition after gradually reducing the medication, but since he is by your side, there shouldn't be any accidents."

At this point, Eliza asked after careful consideration: "Commander Lu, I think you already know that you mean a lot to Qi Yan. Or rather, Qi Yan's feelings and dependence on you make you feel a little sick and tired."

Lu Fenghan knew what Eliza had not finished saying.

She was worried that one day he would want to get rid of the prayers because he was powerless and bored.

In response to this question, Lu Fenghan regarded Eliza as Qi Yan's elder and answered solemnly: "What you are worried about will not happen."

At this moment, Eliza could still sense the arrogance in Lu Fenghan's bones even across countless planets.

He is strong enough.

Strong enough to carry another life, strong enough to be an anchor for prayer.

The door of the room was opened. Qi Yan, who was reading the reader, raised his eyes and looked at Lu Fenghan who appeared at the door. After staring for a few seconds, he tilted his head and asked: "How do you feel now... Happy?"

Lu Fenghan raised his eyebrows: "Are you happy to see me?"

Qi Yan nodded hesitantly: "It should be."

Lu Fenghan walked closer, leaned over and pinched Qi Yan's cheek: "Well, then our emotions are the same now."

Qi Yan realized it belatedly and felt a little embarrassed.

He sat up straight on the bed and carefully told Lu Fenghan about his emotions.

"After you left, I felt a little lost. I saw a newly published paper on my reader and spent 70 minutes reading it. I felt satisfied. I had been looking for a paper book for a long time, and just received news that it was out of print. I felt a little... regretful? Pojun told me a joke to make me happy. I don't know how to describe this feeling. It seemed like embarrassment?"

Qi Yan's finger slid across the screen of the reader. "You said you would be back on time at six o'clock. I was at five and three minutes. I began to feel anticipation and anxiety. However, when the door rang, these two feelings disappeared. What followed was happiness. Very happy."

After listening to Qi Yan carefully, Lu Fenghan felt as if his fingertips that had just touched Qi Yan's face were burned. Perhaps because of the light, even the air in the room became soft.

Qi Yan analyzed it from the perspective of a research topic: "However, satisfaction, regret, and embarrassment are very shallow and only last for a few seconds. In comparison, loss, expectation, and anxiety are more obvious and last longer."

Lu Fenghan felt that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Every word and sentence of Qi Yan was spoken solemnly, but to his ears, it was like a cat's claws scratching his heart over and over again.

Unbuttoning the top three buttons of his standard shirt with one hand, Lu Fenghan changed the subject: "Do you still want to eat star flower mushroom noodles?"

After staying on Mikonos for one night, the two went out to eat noodles early the next morning before setting off back to the ship.

Qi Yan shook his head: "I have memorized the taste of the noodles and can savor it again."

Lu Fenghan tried hard to find a topic: "Is that my coat you're wearing?"

Qi Yan lowered his eyes and looked at the silver star on the epaulettes. "Well, it has your aura on it. I like it very much."

A heat rushed up along his spine, and Lu Fenghan couldn't help but lean over, supporting his arms on Qi Yan's side, leaning very close, with his nose close to Qi Yan's neck, and took a breath.

When he found that Qi Yan didn't dodge, he simply rested his forehead on Qi Yan's shoulder.

I was thinking, what's going on with all this talk

"Now..." Qi Yan carefully sensed, "My heart is beating a little fast, my mouth is dry, I feel nervous, and I seem to be very happy?"

Lu Fenghan's voice was hoarse: "Because I'm so close to you?"

Qi Yan: "... Yeah."

He couldn't come up with any other reason.

At this time, Po Jun spoke up: "General, Captain Mei Jielin has returned to report to you."

"Tell her - forget it," Lu Fenghan hesitated for a few seconds before standing up, "Let her wait in the command room."

Seeing Lu Fenghan preparing to leave, Qi Yan said: "I—"

"Hush," Lu Fenghan smiled helplessly, "I know, do you feel a little reluctant now?"

Qi Yan nodded, his hair swaying: "It seems so."

"Okay, I'll go for a while and be back soon." After saying that, Lu Fenghan pinched Qi Yan's earlobe.

I obviously didn't use much force, but after pinching it, a layer of powder appeared.

Seeing Mei Jielin sitting in a bad posture with her legs crossed in the command room, Lu Fenghan did not deliberately slow down his footsteps. When the person turned around, he stood up hurriedly and said, "It seems that your inspection trip was quite fruitful."

Metierin threw aside her military cap. She had obviously trimmed her hair short and flat. She dyed her hair pure black and made the ends of her hair flat to pretend it was long and straight. Her eyelids were narrow to begin with, which made her look even more cold and indifferent.

"Not really, just average." Mei Jie Lin's eyes turned, "But Commander, how can you tell that I got a lot?"

Lu Fenghan pulled out a chair and sat down: "There are still teeth marks on your neck. It can't be that you bit it yourself. If you want to see it, go back and look in the mirror."

She didn't reach out to cover it, and Mei Jielin also sat back in her seat. "On my way back, I secretly drove a micro-starship to a planet in the Southern Cross Region and stayed there for one night. I ran away after I slept, so I didn't delay anything."

Lu Fenghan was too lazy to listen.

The entire expeditionary force knew Meijielin's preference, which had not changed over the years - she only liked young and good-looking girls, and it would be best if they could call her "sister" in bed.

He tapped the table with his fingers: "Let's get down to business."

Mei Jie Lin's expression was serious. "You asked me to go around in circles, and I actually ran into them. There was a medium-sized ship and three small ships in the 11th Legion. They might have run away during the battle and were trying to join the 8th Legion in a hurry, but I stopped them and beat them up.

The Eighth Army was very patient. They must have received Donald's distress signal, and they didn't move a single soldier. The internal strife of the rebels is much more serious than that of our alliance."

Lu Fenghan: "Under monotheism, there is naturally only one supreme 'wise man'. People have relatives and friends, and once they have absolute power, they will divide their confidants into direct and dependent ones. Glory, power and wealth only slip through one person's fingers, and the leaders of the rebel army are all in competition with each other. Wouldn't it be better if one of them died? One less person would have to grab gold and silver."

Mei Jie Lin sighed: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's a bit miserable."

"It's nothing tragic. If the rebels conquer the alliance, these legion commanders will become powerful officials."

Lu Fenghan has always believed that some people would indeed be brainwashed by the rebels’ so-called “God/power”, or their minds would be shaken by technological destruction or hatred, but these people definitely did not include those legion commanders.

Not to mention the so-called "wise man".

The only thing that can attract hyenas to grab food is profit.

Mei Jie Lin blew the princess cut that floated to the corner of her mouth and said, "Commander, you also said that we have to conquer the alliance! They are dreaming!"

She changed her sitting position. "I secretly checked and found that the Eighth Legion should be sharpening their knives and preparing to attack us. The Eleventh Legion suffered a crushing defeat. If they can get back their advantage, they might be looked at differently by that wise man."

"Got it. Go back and tell Wei Yin and the others." Lu Fenghan said as he stood up and prepared to leave. "You go back and rest too."

Mei Jie Lin turned her chair around and stared at Lu Fenghan's back, wondering, what's wrong with the command? Not only is he suddenly concerned about his subordinates, but he also seems to be walking in a hurry

In the room, Qi Yan became a little absent-minded after Lu Fenghan left.

He was designing a frequency to interfere with the images transmitted back by the 'Clairvoyance'. Some of the knowledge needed to be learned by looking up information, but he could not understand a single word of the paper.

He couldn't help but recall the scene of the founding day in his mind. It was different from the feeling when the emotions were stripped away, when he was just flipping through the pictures page by page. Now, the memories came back with surging emotions.

Biting his lower lip, Qi Yan told himself again and again that Lu Fenghan was still alive, he was still alive—

The acute pain slowly subsided a little.

But, will it be the same as when I was in the White Tower, that these are all my own fabricated memories

No. Qi Yan denied it subconsciously.

During this period of time, Lu Fenghan did many things that he had never done when he was in Leto.

He is real.

At this time, Qi Yan shouted: "General."

No one responded to him.

Qi Yan was slightly stunned.

Po Jun said, "The general is talking to Miss Mei Jielin in the command room."

He remembered it wrong again.

After thinking for a moment, Qi Yan got out of bed.

The passage from the lounge to the command room was empty. Qi Yan did not go directly to the command room to find Lu Fenghan. Instead, he turned a corner and went to the kitchen first.

I took an apple and wanted to take it back to ask Lu Fenghan to help me cut it into a rabbit. Before leaving, I saw a transparent glass bottle with a beautifully colored liquid inside.

"Pojun, what is this?"

He realized that he was curious again.

Po Jun: "It's a fruity drink with a very low alcohol content. I searched and found that most reviews were 'sweet and sour and delicious' and 'thirst-quenching'. Judging from the purchasing population, it's very popular among young people."

Qi Yan hesitated, opened the bottle cap and took a sip.

It does taste sour and sweet, and is somewhat similar to the taste of nutritional supplements.

On the other side, when Lu Fenghan was halfway through his journey, he heard Pojun's voice coming from his personal terminal: "General, you may need to go to the kitchen."

Lu Fenghan paused and changed direction: "Is Qi Yan in there?"

"Yes, he's a little dizzy."

Lu Fenghan frowned and quickened his pace.

When he rushed to the kitchen, he saw Qi Yan standing against the wall, his earlobe was red, making the small mole on it look more conspicuous.

What reassured him was that apart from the unfocused look in his eyes, there was nothing else unusual about Qi Yan.

Lu Fenghan walked closer: "Dizzy?"

Out of the corner of his eye he saw an empty drink bottle next to him, and he understood what was going on, so he asked Po Jun instead, "Did Qi Yan drink all of this?"

Pojun: "Yes, it is said to be sweet and sour and delicious."

So dizziness is not a disease, but the result of a low alcohol tolerance. Even low-alcohol drinks can make you dizzy.

Lu Fenghan made a "tsk" sound and asked again: "Carry you back?"

It took Qi Yan several seconds to react, and then a few more seconds to think: "Carry me."

And picked it.

As he thought so, Lu Fenghan had already squatted down in front of Qi Yan.

Qi Yan lay on top of it.

After walking a few steps with the person on his back, Lu Fenghan weighed him with his hand and felt that the person on his back seemed to be a little lighter.

I have already counted the food in the kitchen in my mind, thinking about which ones I can eat.

As for cooking in person—

Forget it, Qi Yan might become thinner.

Not long after, Lu Fenghan felt the person on his back moving closer cautiously.

Qi Yan mentioned in his ear without any context: "I came to the kitchen to get an apple."

"Where's the apple?"

Qi Yan thought for a while before answering: "I forgot."

A little annoyed.

Lu Fenghan chuckled: "When you wake up tomorrow, you will see apples cut into rabbit-shaped pieces."

"Yeah, okay." Qi Yan closed his eyes and whispered, "Dizzy."

Lu Fenghan comforted him: "You won't feel dizzy after a good sleep."

Lu Fenghan took every step steadily, but the short distance made him want to extend the road a little further.

Just when he thought Qi Yan had fallen asleep, he suddenly heard the person on his back whisper, "I miss you."

No tone.

No modifiers.

Even when he said these three words, Qi Yan's breathing did not fluctuate.

Lu Fenghan sensed the wetness.

He cried.