Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 69


The next day, Qi Yan woke up at six o'clock.

If you listen to the white noise on the starship for a long time, you will subconsciously ignore its existence. I don’t know if it’s because I slept too long, but my head feels heavy and I feel a little thirsty.

Turning over in bed, Qi Yan saw a glass of water and some apples in a food container on the bedside table.

Each piece is cut into a bunny shape.

He remembered that he went to the kitchen yesterday to get an apple, but he forgot.

Later, Lu Fenghan said that when he woke up tomorrow he would see apples cut into rabbit-shaped pieces.

Qi Yan rubbed the soft pillow and murmured to analyze his emotions: "The feeling now is... happy."

Pojun said good morning to Qiyan: "Good morning, you woke up very early today."

After saying this, the lights in the room slowly lit up, simulating the situation at daybreak, and gradually stopped at the state of natural light.

"I fell asleep as soon as I came back last night?" Qi Yan's voice was still a little hoarse.

Although he was dizzy after drinking the alcoholic beverage, he did not lose his memory. He remembered that Lu Fenghan carried him back to the room and covered him with a quilt. He pulled Lu Fenghan's sleeve and fell asleep in a short while.

His emotions burst out, and he told Lu Fenghan that he missed him.

This sentence... is what he wanted to say to Lu Fenghan in the past.

Po Jun: "Yes, it took you only two minutes and forty-seven seconds to fall asleep. According to my records, last night was the fastest time you fell asleep. I will record this item as 'low-alcohol beverages help sleep'."

Qi Yan got up in slippers and prepared to take a shower. "Where's the general? I'm taking a shower, and you are not allowed to watch."

The slippers were made of white plush. Lu Fenghan bought them for him specially. There was a rabbit printed on them, which was very similar to the ones he wore in Leto before. After putting them on, only a thin and cold white ankle was exposed.

"Of course, I have my eyes closed now. The general warned me at the beginning and asked me to be more self-conscious. I think I understand what he meant." Po Jun answered Qi Yan's question again, "The general got up at 5:30 and is now doing physical training in Gravity Training Room No. 01."

Qi Yan quickly took a shower, changed his clothes, and while biting an apple while buttoning his clothes, he suddenly asked Po Jun vaguely: "Do you think... does the general mind me wearing his clothes?"

Po Jun did not answer immediately. After nearly twenty seconds, he said, "I just asked the general for you. The general said he didn't mind."

Then he added his own opinion, "You have worn the general's coat many times."

Qi Yan didn't expect Po Jun to ask Lu Fenghan directly, but it didn't matter if he asked. He stood there hesitating for a while, then went out to Lu Fenghan's room.

Two unfinished documents were displayed on the virtual screen, and a metal pen was casually placed on the table. Qi Yan didn't even glance at them. He just walked to the closet and took out a black shirt.

This is what Lu Fenghan wore when he went to Mykonos.

When he put them on, his heart beat faster for some reason, and even his fingertips felt warm from buttoning them, and he had a vague feeling of exceptional security.

Pojun praised without hesitation: "Although the general's clothes are a little big for you, they highlight the casual and casual temperament, which is very suitable for you!"

"Thank you." Qi Yan closed the closet door. "Would you praise the general like this?"

"Of course not, because the general would shut me up before I even said the fifth word. From my statistics, the general is only patient with you and is happy to listen to you. Others, such as Adjutant Vincent, are treated similarly to me. In a sense, the general treats everyone equally."

Qi Yan deliberately ignored Po Jun's middle sentence and asked, "Can you do statistics?"

"Yes, you gave me to the general. As an excellent artificial intelligence, I need to analyze the general's preferences and biases. Otherwise, I will easily be restored and initialized." Po Jun has a strong sense of crisis.

In the gravity training room, Lu Fenghan had just completed a set of physical training. His upper body was completely exposed, revealing his tight muscle lines. Due to floating in space for many years, his skin color was the uniform white of the Space Force.

This is also the reason why every time the different branches of the military sit together for a meeting, whether they belong to the navy, army, air force or space force can basically be distinguished by their skin color.

Just as I was taking a breath and reaching for the cup to drink water, I heard Pojun remind me that Qi Yan was here.

The doors to the gravity room slid open to the sides.

Lu Fenghan turned off the 1.5 times gravity mode and reminded Qi Yan: "Walk slowly when you come in. The 1.5 times gravity inside has not completely disappeared. It may be a bit tiring to walk. You—"

His eyes fell on Qi Yan, and he stopped talking about the instructions he hadn't finished.

Qi Yan wore a black shirt today, which was a bit loose, and his thin waistline could be vaguely seen. His skin color was originally cold, white as frost, and he was wearing black. Although it was extremely simple, it exuded a sense of rich and colorful magnificence.

And most importantly, Qi Yan was wearing—

His clothes.

When Po Jun asked, he just thought Qi Yan wanted to borrow his military jacket, so he didn't think much about it and agreed casually.

But now...

Lu Fenghan felt his throat dry, as if it had been burned by a flame.

Qi Yan felt a little uncomfortable under Lu Fenghan's extremely aggressive gaze. His lips were already thin, and because he pursed them lightly, they looked even more delicate and a little red.

His gaze paused for a second at Qi Yan's collar, where two buttons were undone. Lu Fenghan felt hot and saw that Qi Yan was uncomfortable. He softened his voice and said, "It looks good."


"I said, you look good in my clothes, I like them very much."

The two of them fell silent at the same time.

Lu Fenghan was thirsty, so he tilted his head back and took a few big gulps of water. His protruding Adam's apple moved up and down as he swallowed, and the scent of hormones spread unrestrainedly.

The gravity training room has small rooms for single people as well as large rooms for multiple people. In the past, Lu Fenghan liked to train in the large room because it was spacious and convenient to find people to compete with.

But it wasn't long before Vincent came to tell him that he was being collectively ostracized.

Vincent also made an analogy: "Commander, you are a typical tiger or leopard in the jungle. You are suitable for being alone. Even if you only occupy a corner, other people in the room will be affected and feel uncomfortable. Even the rhythm of exercise will be led by you. Like repels like, so you will try to be different. Do you understand?"

From then on, Lu Fenghan often trained in Gravity Training Room No. 1. However, even if he was not there, other members of the expeditionary force would not go in.

Vincent explained to him: "That's your territory. There are many traces and a strong smell. Anyone who goes there to do push-ups will feel uncomfortable."

Lu Fenghan thought this was a fallacy, but from then on, he trained alone and only occasionally asked Du Shang and others to practice with him.

However, he had discovered long ago that Qi Yan didn't mind staying close to him.

Not only is he not disgusted, he would occasionally even reveal a look that resembles comfort and relief.

"Did you drink that glass of water?"

Hearing Lu Fenghan's question, Qi Yan answered seriously: "I drank one third of it and finished the apple."

"Well," Lu Fenghan handed over the cup of water in his hand, "Take two more sips. You went to bed early last night and didn't drink much water. Your lips are dry."

Qi Yan followed and drank two more sips.

After drinking, he sat on the exercise equipment next to him and watched Lu Fenghan doing physical training. At the same time, he multitasked and constructed the interference frequency of "Clairvoyance" in his mind.

A few minutes later, Mei Jielin strode in and said bluntly, "Commander, I'm here to be tortured!"

The first thing she saw was Qi Yan. She greeted him and then took a closer look at the shirt Qi Yan was wearing. She felt as if she had seen it somewhere before.

She and Weiyin Dushan had a good impression of Qi Yan. On the one hand, Qi Yan saved Lu Fenghan, and was not only good-looking but also had a good personality and was smart. On the other hand, Qi Yan was the key to whether she could be promoted to the richest person in the expeditionary army!

When she turned to look at Lu Fenghan, she couldn't help but curse.

The C-type bent-arm jump was ridiculed by Lu Fenghan as a "performance training program" a few years ago. In the same amount of time, the effect is not as good as that of the A-type. Apart from looking good, it has no other advantages.

At this moment, Mei Jie Lin watched Lu Fenghan perform the C-type arm curl jump so well that it could be recorded as a teaching video. The muscle lines, the trajectory of the sweat beads, and the powerful momentum, just by taking a photo, she could send them to direct their debut on the spot!

Looking at Qi Yan who was watching intently, Mei Jie Lin suddenly realized something. She just wanted to laugh three times, and then go and share what she saw and heard today with Long Xiyun and the others!

Feeling that her own command was a bit childish, Mei Jie Lin felt a sense of relief in her heart.

It was probably because Lu Fenghan, who was the "chief commander", was too strict with himself on weekdays. He had no hobbies and didn't eat, drink, sleep or gamble. Wei Yin would listen to some rock music while driving the starship. I'm afraid Lu Fenghan didn't know anything except the First Military Academy's school song. His biggest pastime in his spare time was playing simulation strategy games, but this was considered tactical and consciousness training, not really pastime.

And Lu Fenghan has been very busy.

Just like this time, we have to clean up the mess caused by the great defeat, screen the internal forces, deal with the traitors, give an explanation to the living and the dead, win a great victory, and build the confidence of the alliance and the expeditionary force...

Now there is more vitality of young people, which is not easy!

Mei Jielin secretly felt lucky that she was just a captain and didn't have so many things to do, otherwise she would have no time to maintain her hobbies.

With mixed feelings, Mei Jie Lin took two steps and asked Qi Yan, "Is the commander in good shape?"

Qi Yan nodded and answered honestly: "Very good."

She noticed out of the corner of her eye that their directing movements were delayed for half a second because of these two words.

Wow, what destructive power, a high-energy particle cannon!

Mei Jielin took advantage of Lu Fenghan's back to quietly put a towel in Qi Yan's hand, blinked, and whispered, "It's for wiping sweat."

Then he resumed his normal voice, "The conductor is busy. I don't want to wait for him. I'm going to fight Du Shangwei and the others!"

After humming a few lyrics randomly, Mei Jielin thought to herself, I am really smart - people still have to learn to work hard on their own. For example, now I am definitely one step closer to becoming the richest man in the Expeditionary Force!

Another twenty minutes passed before Lu Fenghan stopped today's physical training.

The muscles on his body were well-proportioned and restrained, not exaggerated, and the proportions of his waist, abdomen, and arms were extremely good. Sweat flowed down from the sides of his neck, sliding over the lines of his abdominal and waist muscles, and finally soaking the top fabric of his pants into a dark color.

He was never that particular and was about to get his clothes and put them on, but in the blink of an eye he found Qi Yan standing near him, holding a towel and wiping the sweat off his chest.

His body suddenly tensed up, and Lu Fenghan grabbed Qi Yan's wrist.

The temperature of his palm was much higher than Qi Yan's, and he was careful not to use too much force.

Qi Yan was puzzled: "General?"

Lu Fenghan took a deep breath.

The tips of his hair were damp, and even his eyelashes were wet with sweat. His eyes were dark, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "You sit down and rest, be good, I can wipe it myself."

At the same time, I thought, Megerine Stuart, you have really made it!