Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 89


The temporary communication channel where several captains were present was strangely quiet for a long time.

Until Duchamp said: "No wonder, no wonder!"

Long Xiyun also said: "No wonder."

Wei Yin was a little confused. He had a guess in his mind, but he was not sure, "Why? Why?"

He spoke cautiously, as if afraid of puncturing a beautiful dream, "By the way, directing his movements was a bit strange... It's not what I thought!"

Duchamp said in a leisurely and meaningful tone: "It should be what you think."

Anyone who is not blind can see clearly that the commander was holding Qi Yan with such strength that he wanted to hold him close to his body, and that after just one fight, his chin was placed on the other person as if it had no bones. It was too eye-catching!

Wei Yin was hit like a tsunami, and his words were stuttering: "But, but I... I threw away three years' salary on betting! My road to wealth is blocked?"

Mei Jie Lin, who had been quietly eavesdropping on the conversation, felt secretly happy - your road to wealth was broken into pieces, and they became my stepping stones!

Alas, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness.

Wei Yin was confused for a while, but still didn't want to believe it: "But what does Qi Yan like about the commander? Even though he is the commander, there are actually people who are willing to date the commander! To be able to date, don't people have to be very skillful, good at coaxing people, and very romantic?"

As for Lu Fenghan, when not in war, he spends most of his time in the training room and the command room, never takes a vacation, and never leaves the starship unless necessary. As for sentiment? How can someone who would rather take nutritional supplements than heat up a can of mashed potatoes have sentiment

However, it seems that the commander has prepared food for Qi Yan

Mei Jielin could hear the jealousy and resentment in Wei Yin's voice, and touched her chin: "Maybe it's because of her pretty face."

Wein was silent, because this point could not be refuted.

He admitted that in terms of appearance, the commander was indeed one of the best in the expeditionary force, but because of his status and his usual imposing aura, few people noticed him.

After this semi-public duel, a lot of true and false news began to be transmitted back from the fleets patrolling the star fields. As the adjutant, Vincent diligently collected and summarized the information.

"One popular theory is that in Leto, Qiyan agreed to save the seriously injured and dying commander on the condition that the commander must marry him." Vincent read out the notes, "But most people think that Qiyan suffered a loss in the matter of 'marrying him'."

Glancing at Lu Fenghan's expression, Vincent cleared his throat and continued reading: "The second version is that Qi Yan was forced. The commander implemented 24-hour surveillance on him and controlled Qi Yan's personal freedom. Qi Yan had no choice but to submit."

Lu Fenghan was reviewing documents while listening, and paused with his metal pen: "Didn't you say that Qi Yan and I were in love with each other?"

"Report to the commander!" Vincent held his stomach in and straightened his chest, looking forward, "No."

Lu Fenghan listened, forced threats and imprisonment were all used? It seemed that his men had a wide range of interests.

It's just that the brain is not very smart.

Vincent was frightened when he saw Lu Fenghan didn't say anything, and quickly changed the subject: "Commander, why don't you see the Chief?"

Although he belonged to the expeditionary force, out of respect, he would not call Qi Yan's name when there was no one else around.

"Lorenz called me away again." Lu Fenghan gave the answer by tapping the table with the tip of the metal pen, and habitually glanced at the sofa that was reserved for Qi Yan.

There was no one there, and the entire command room felt empty.

Vincent thought to himself that this was not good - how had he poked Lu Fenghan's trachea so accurately

In fact, he couldn't quite understand whether Qi Yan was sticking to them and giving orders, or they were giving orders and sticking to Qi Yan.

On the other side, Lorenz also heard the news. He fully recognized Lu Fenghan's ability as the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, but falling in love? He really couldn't imagine it.

With a spirit of academic inquiry, Lorenz rarely brings up topics outside of his profession: "What do you think of a conductor?"

Qi Yan did not hesitate: "The general is good, everything is good."

"I see." Lorenz silently took a sip of coffee and thought, this is indeed an area that he cannot understand at all!

Ten minutes later, "The problem has been solved." Qi Yan stood up and stretched his sore fingers. "I will make a data processing model for you later. It should improve efficiency a lot."

When he walked out of the technical department, the basic structure of the model had already taken shape in his mind. At this time, Ye Pei hurried over and stood next to him: "I'll take you out!"

As he said this, he winked at Qi Yan.

Qi Yan received the hint and glanced at Lorenz. Seeing that he acquiesced, he nodded, "Okay."

As soon as he left the technical department, Ye Pei put on an angry expression: "I'm so angry, I'm so angry!"

Qi Yan was puzzled: "Who mad you? Mondrian?"

"Mondrian stayed up all night and was half dead. It wasn't him," Ye Pei waved his hand and frowned, "It was Fantov!"

Qi Yan immediately remembered that Fantov was the scientific researcher who boarded the ship with the new recruits and entered wrong data, causing the self-check program of the central control system to slow down its processing speed.

"A few days ago, he kept chatting with me under various pretexts, asking me this and that. At first, I thought he was unfamiliar with the place and kept asking me questions because I was young. Later, I found out that he was looking for me because he heard from somewhere that we were classmates!"

Qi Yan understood the key point: "He came to you to ask about me?"

"That's right! He came to me to verify whether you were in the same grade and major as me. After he confirmed it, he started to slander me behind my back, saying that you were just a sophomore at Turan and hadn't even finished your classes, so how much could you possibly understand? He also talked about the central control system incident. The system was clearly capable of automatic maintenance, but the boss called you over anyway. It must have been planned in advance to target him. The character commands you entered were just random."

Ye Pei rolled his eyes, "Still targeting him? Are you overly self-conscious? You don't know your own level at all!"

After calming down, Ye Pei couldn't help but clench his fists: "You actually said that you just pressed it casually. So what if you are young? This person is really a frog in the well! Sitting in the well and looking at the sky! His vision is as narrow as a bean! A cicada does not know the snow! Ah, why can't I learn to curse?"

Qi Yan thought, I know this, and he said, "Maybe his brain fell into the wormhole during the interstellar jump and he forgot to bring it with him."

Ye Pei stopped and was surprised: "You are so good at this!"

Qi Yan was very honest: "I learned it from the general."

Learned from the conductor

Ye Pei always felt that the commander around Qi Yan was different from the commander in his impression. He did not continue to dwell on this matter. "I followed you out to quietly remind you that Fantov is a narrow-minded villain. When he came here, he wanted to make a big splash and hopefully become a person in charge. He didn't expect to make a fool of himself and be suppressed by you. Maybe he will bear a grudge and cause trouble for you."

Seeing Qi Yan nod, Ye Pei felt relieved but also a little sarcastic, "It's obviously his own fault that he is incompetent and his level is low, but he blames you."

"I'll pay attention," Qi Yan saw the obvious dark circles under Ye Pei's eyes, "If you can sleep an extra hour, sleep for an hour and get more rest."

Touching his eyes, Ye Pei smiled: "Mondrian and I were brought to repair the power system of Dingyuan. Dingyuan was in such a bad state, it was really destroyed by the rebels. Mondrian and I tried our best to repair Dingyuan inside and out!"

She smiled a little shyly, but her eyes were bright. "Those who are fighting in the front are spears and swords, so we can be a solid backing!"

Looking at Ye Pei's smile, Qi Yan thought that everyone had found what they wanted to do.

At this time, in the command room, after Vincent left, Lu Fenghan laid his chair flat and prepared to rest for fifteen minutes.

Pojun was very considerate and dimmed the lights in the command room.

Last night, Lu Fenghan used the same excuse again—I was a little afraid of the dark, and successfully stayed in Qi Yan’s room.

The two of them slept in the same bed, and Lu Fenghan was very restrained, not to the point of accidentally firing a gun. However, Qi Yan nestled in his arms, causing Lu Fenghan's heart rate and temperature to not drop for most of the night. It was hard to say whether it was torture or not.

Thinking of that little delicate girl who would cling to people even when sleeping, Lu Fenghan relaxed his lips and closed his eyes.

"… If you happen to be nearby, I'll send you the exact location…"

It felt like someone was talking in my ear.

Judging from Lu Fenghan's experience, the sound came through the communicator, with the subtle noise unique to the signal flow.

There was a residential area nearby, with lush shrubs in the flower beds. Lu Fenghan felt that he was walking towards a certain coordinate point, while asking: "How is your injury?"

He gradually determined that the person he was talking to was Nie Huaiting. At that time, Nie Huaiting should have been assassinated and seriously injured. He hurried back to Letona with the worst thought.

However, Nie Huaiting was lucky and survived, so he prepared to return to the front line not long after staying there.

But before leaving, he took a temporary mission.

Lu Fenghan couldn't quite tell whether he was dreaming or awake. His consciousness floated up and down in the water. The scene in front of him was fragmented and blurry, like a maze made up of debris.

Until a door opened in front of him—

Lu Fenghan suddenly opened his eyes.

A sharp pain came from his temple, making his breathing suddenly heavy. The back of his head was also throbbing with pain. The white noise produced by the starship's operation was infinitely amplified, making him irritated. The pulling pain in his chest actually calmed him down.

Po Jun said, "General, I detected that your heart rate has increased by 20% in a short period of time and has exceeded 100 times. This is tachycardia. Do you need a medical robot or a treatment cabin?"

"No need." After a long time, Lu Fenghan answered in the dimly lit command room, his voice hoarse.

He did not get up, but lay flat on his back, took out the spare white bandage he carried with him, and stared at it, absent-minded for a few seconds.

Suddenly I remembered that in Leto's house, not long after the contract was signed, Qi Yan was peeling fruit in the kitchen and injured his finger. He came to find him and said he needed a bandage.

What was Qi Yan's reaction after he wrapped the bandage around the wound and tied the bow

He looked at it over and over again, saying it was "very nice". Even after the wound had completely healed, he still stubbornly tied it for three days and refused to untie it.

At first he thought that wrapping bandages and tying bows was Qi Yan's unique hobby, but later he thought that Qi Yan was sensitive to pain, and no matter how small the wound was, it felt like being tortured to death.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that this was not the case.

The memory scenes suppressed in his subconsciousness came back one after another, and the surging emotions impacted countless nerve endings, even causing him to have some tinnitus.

He also remembered the explosion of the starship in the jump channel, and when they fell with the escape pod onto the planet where it was always raining, amid the sound of the overwhelming rain, Qi Yan talked about the death of his mother Lin Zhi.

“There was also a thunderstorm like this on the day my mother committed suicide.”

"I walked through that door and there was a strong smell of blood... I knew what had happened. When she left quietly without telling anyone, I guessed what she was going to do."

"I should act less smart, right? A little clumsy, a little timid, always needing her care - but she will still leave."

At that time, Lu Fenghan was unable to ask "what happened next".

At this moment, Lu Fenghan got the answer.

The door of the command room closed behind him. Qi Yan took a few steps inside, then subconsciously stopped and called out, "General?"

"I'm here." In the dim light, Lu Fenghan reached out to Qi Yan.

Qi Yan quickened his pace, shook Lu Fenghan's hand, looked at the chair, and made sure it could bear the weight of two adult men. Then he nestled into Lu Fenghan's arms and found a comfortable position.

He keenly noticed that Lu Fenghan's emotions seemed very deep and heavy, like the thick fog in a summer morning, and somewhat like the salty sea water.

"At that time... before I opened that door, were you sad and scared?"

Lu Fenghan's voice was very light, like a dust belt flowing among the nebulae.

This question was inexplicable and abrupt, but Qi Yan opened his eyes slightly, even forgetting to blink, propped up his arms and half stood up, and asked in surprise: "General, you—"

What met his eyes were Lu Fenghan's eyes filled with emotions.

Qi Yan stopped talking and rested her head on Lu Fenghan's chest again. After recalling the past, she replied, "I didn't feel anything at the time. I felt... numb, just like the numbness you feel when a wound hurts to the extreme. I was also very sad, but my eyes were very dry and I couldn't cry. I just felt my stomach cramping and I wanted to vomit. My chest was stuffy."

Lu Fenghan recalled that after he opened the tightly closed door, all he saw was darkness and the pungent smell of blood.

Eliza once said that after Lin Zhi committed suicide, Qi Yan stayed by Lin Zhi's side alone for a long time until he took the initiative to contact the outside world, and was then taken back to the White Tower.

Only at this moment did he realize that the person who sent Qi Yan back to the White Tower was him.

Lu Fenghan placed his rough palms on Qi Yan's thin back through a thin layer of clothing, gently stroking along her spine, and rubbed the top of Qi Yan's head with his chin: "So you like bandage bows so much?"

Qi Yan nodded slightly: "Yeah."

At that time, he didn't know how long he had stayed in the dark room. His whole body was cold and even the sense of touch in his fingertips became dull.

After Lu Fenghan opened the door, he was worried that his eyes would be burned by the sudden exposure to the light, so he thought of a way -

They wrapped the white gauze they had brought with them around his eyes and then carried him out of the room.

Only when he was sure that there would be no problems on the way to the star port was he allowed to remove the gauze covering his eyes.

After returning to the White Tower, with his memory becoming increasingly confused, he didn't know how many times he had recalled these scenes over and over again, day and night.

As well as the person's body temperature, breathing, scent, and appearance.

Lu Fenghan placed his palm on Qi Yan's shoulder blade and remained silent for a few seconds: "But before this, I forgot all this."

"It's not 'forgotten'." Qi Yan retorted, "On the way to the star port, the general told me that because this mission involves the core personnel of the White Tower, and your rank was too low at the time, you will be given a hint and this memory will fade. And this kind of 'forgetting' is irreversible. There is only a very low probability that you will break through the suggestion and remember it again.

But I remember, I always remember.”

Lu Fenghan kissed his forehead and asked in a low voice: "So that's why you saved me when you were in Leto, why you signed that contract with me, and why you quietly lay down next to me when I fell asleep on the sofa?"

Qi Yan was surprised: "You weren't asleep at that time?"

“Silly,” Lu Fenghan pinched the tip of Qi Yan’s nose, “If I could have fallen asleep under the circumstances, I would have died countless times.”

"Isn't it the same for the general?" Qi Yan looked up at Lu Fenghan, "Although he has forgotten, he still recognizes me subconsciously."

Qi Yan used Lu Fenghan's words to refute, "If the general trusted someone he had just met and had only known for a short time as easily as he trusted me, he would have died countless times."

Lu Fenghan was helpless.

Because what Qi Yan said was indeed true.

Even though there was the reason of the Type VI treatment chamber, Lu Fenghan had to admit that when facing Qi Yan, during the brief test after waking up, he subconsciously chose "trust".

Qi Yan repeated, his eyes clear: "Even if you don't remember me, the general still chose to trust me."

“I am very happy.”