Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 97


In the Technical Department, Ye Pei and others saw that Qi Yan was multitasking and seemed to be absent-minded for a few seconds when he was distracted by the information received on his personal terminal. They couldn't help but wonder, could there be some sudden accident or emergency

Just as they were thinking about it, they saw Qi Yan's eyes shift back to the screen of the Chaoguang computer. He had a tense expression and his hands were busy typing characters continuously. He hesitated for two seconds and said, "Pojun, please reply to the general for me and say... we'll discuss it later."

The ending tone of the word "议" is very light.

If Lu Fenghan were here, he would definitely be able to hear the subtle tone in it.

After hearing Qi Yan's words, the people present suddenly realized what was going on - it turned out to be a message from the commander. It seemed that it must be related to major issues concerning the war situation and even the development of the expeditionary force!

Po Jun responded to Qi Yan's request and reported: "All the starship signals connected to the enemy's 'system' have been blocked and cannot be repaired. The 'system' has lost all control. Chief, what should we do next?"

"Completely destroy the core of the 'system.'" Qi Yan's face was pale, and his voice was cold. "Also, this should be the first time that the 'system' has been deployed on the battlefield. It is accumulating a large amount of actual data. We must find a way to suppress it. Otherwise, once the 'system' is deployed on the battlefield in the Central Administrative District, Odin's victory or defeat will be worrying."

Almost everyone who heard this sentence felt their heart shrink.

In other words, the "system" is the same as cheating - avoiding artillery fire with excellent reaction speed, infinitely consuming the firepower reserves of the expeditionary force until they are exhausted, and then easily harvesting. At the same time, during this process, the pilots of the expeditionary force will also be completely defeated psychologically due to repeated failures to hit and the gradual depletion of ammunition/ammunition reserves.

And on the battlefield in the Central Administrative District, there may not be anyone who can stop the "system".

Once the "system" enters the battlefield, even if Nie Huaiting can win, there is a high probability that it will be a miserable victory.

Across the battle, on the rebels' command ship, the Fourth Army Commander Fred stomped his feet on the floor with an unhappy look on his face: "Didn't you say it was foolproof?"

His eye slits are long, with white space under his pupils, which always gives people a gloomy and irritable feeling.

The commander of the Second Legion had the appearance of a playboy, with his long blond hair braided into a short braid and draped over his left shoulder. Blowing the dust off his fingertips, He Luo said without raising his eyes: "Who could have expected that the monster Y would be on the command ship of the expeditionary force?"

The messenger who invented the "system" nominally belonged to the Second Legion, so He Luo would naturally not allow Fred to blame him and step on his face.

Fred pursed his lips into a line, with two obvious wrinkles on his brows: "How is the situation with the messenger?"

Holo kindly stepped aside, revealing the messenger who was blocked by him. "Not very good. He was mumbling something that no one could understand. He was crying and laughing at the same time, staring at the screen full of data streams like crazy. I think he was probably provoked by the opponent."

Glancing from a distance, He Luo had no awareness of being on the battlefield at all, and said casually: "But if you ask me, there are few of these messengers who are not crazy. They have been kept in captivity since they were young. It would be strange if they were not paranoid or crazy."

Fred put his hands behind his back, his eyes grim, and emphasized: "I think I need to remind Commander Hero that mental disorder is not a reason for the 'system' to be easily defeated by the expeditionary army! You and I have a lot of ammunition reserves, but they were easily taken into the pockets of the expeditionary army!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the messenger suddenly turned around, as excited as if he was on drugs: "God will never lose! How could God lose to a human?"

He Luo raised his eyebrows: "Is there still hope? Say something we can understand."

The messenger's white robe was wrinkled and dragged on the ground, and the wings of his hooked nose kept twitching: "Of course! As long as the core program of the 'system' is not broken, then we can replace another group of people to connect to the 'system' and go into the battlefield again!

Anyway, the human body is too fragile. The previous batch of people couldn't bear it, and their internal organs were almost shattered. They are useless now."

When he mentioned the word "human", there was obvious contempt and indifference, as if they were not his kind but the livestock at his feet.

Before He Luo could say anything, Fred sneered over the communication line: "If we send in another group of people, the signal might be blocked by the enemy before they even enter the battle circle, and they would be turned into a pile of scrap metal. What? Do you think the ammunition you sent to the expeditionary force is not enough?"

The messenger said contemptuously: "Impossible! I have encrypted the signal stream. Even Y can't respond in such a short time."

Disgust flashed in his eyes, "How dare you try to be on par with the gods? This is blasphemy!"

The last sentence was even a little hysterical.

Holo scratched his ears which were hurt by the shock. "Okay, I'll do as you say. To me, how old is that Y? Is it worth putting him at the top of the sniper kill list for three or four years? Fred, you are too afraid."

He waved his hand at his adjutant, "Do as the messenger says."

When the adjutant nodded in response, the room was suddenly pierced by a shrill alarm. He Luo stood up suddenly, holding the armrest of the chair, and asked in a stern voice: "What's going on?"

Someone immediately answered: "It's the Messenger's 'system' that sounded the alarm!"

At this time, the messenger had already rushed to the super optical computer, and was tripped by the white robe halfway. With both hands on the edge of the table, he whispered in fear: "How could it be... Impossible!"

The messenger grabbed his hair twice, then held his hands above the virtual keyboard, not knowing what to do. He muttered a few unclear sentences before starting to type a series of commands with shaking hands.

He Luo sat back in his chair, his face cold: "Someone come and explain to me, what's going on?"

The messenger's assistant said carefully, "Y is invading the core of the 'system' and has triggered the preset alarm." He caught a glimpse of the gloomy look on the Fourth Legion Commander Fred's face and immediately added, "Of course, the messenger is trying to stop him! He will never let Y succeed!"

Fred snorted.

At this moment, another alarm sounded suddenly, and He Luo's face darkened: "Did that Y trigger the preset alarm again?"

The adjutant quickly reported: "Report! The Chanyuan has just destroyed the joint protection system between our heavy ships. The armor layer is now 11% damaged. Please give instructions!"

He Luo picked up a rose beside him and bit one of its petals hard, revealing his ruthlessness: "At this time, there is no need to calculate the ammunition reserves. The entire ship is raised to the highest attack level."

He glanced at Fred and said, "The First Legion will go to protect the Holy Star. You and I will fight together. Please don't be stingy with the ammunition of the Fourth Legion."

Completely unaware of these secret codes, the messenger sat in front of the super optical computer with a sallow complexion, large beads of sweat running down his temples, and dark marks on the cloth on his shoulders. His hands were shaking uncontrollably: "How could... How could such a fast computing power exist... Monster! Blasphemous monster!"

He roared out the last few words hoarsely, gasping for breath, and ordered his deputy in a panic: "Open! Open immediately! Open all defense chains! Don't let him enter the core of the 'system'!"

Just like a locked city gate, the core was immediately protected by high walls.

Just as he thought, the opponent's offensive was blocked and immediately slowed down.

y is no different.

Just as the messenger was feeling complacent and repeatedly comforting himself that God's wisdom was invincible, a glaring red warning box suddenly popped up in the center of the super-optical computer screen, warning of an intrusion.

Then, the warning box flipped over, and a white tower-shaped logo appeared in front of the messenger.

The smile froze on his face, becoming strange and stiff.

He seemed to hear something collapsing with a loud bang. At the same time, someone, across the distant sea and warships, made a move that determined the outcome.

When I checked the opened defense chain again, the originally logically strict data chain collapsed in an instant, and the screen was full of garbled characters!

The messenger's mind was still blank when a cry of surprise suddenly rang in his ears: "The armor layer is damaged! The one firing was our medium-sized ship B113!"

When this sentence came out, almost no one could immediately react to what was going on, simply because it was too unbelievable.

Until the second report sounded: "Medium-sized ship e32 is about to launch a particle cannon attack on our ship! Please give instructions!"

Before he finished speaking, everyone's feet shook violently, as if they were ships sailing on rapid waves.

At this moment, everyone reacted clearly - it was not a false alarm, nor did they hear it wrong, but they were really attacked by their own side!

There was immediate chaos. He Luo hurriedly asked the two attacking starships to explain the situation, but only received a busy tone.

Amid the chaos, a hoarse, shrill laugh suddenly rang out, like a metal pen being rubbed on sandpaper.

Holo had lost his patience and frowned towards the source of the voice: "What are you laughing at?"

The messenger slowly stood up, his eyes widened with a crazy light in them: "Y won! He won! He broke all my defenses and attacked the core of the system!"

He Luo suddenly had a bad guess: "What do you mean by 'he broke into the core of the system'? Explain it clearly!"

"Don't you understand yet? Stupid!" The messenger said in a naughty tone, with an exaggerated expression and a frivolous tone, "What it means is that Y is now the master of the system! He controls the system, and any data stream flows through his fingers and is under his control! As long as he wants, he can go anywhere he wants and control anything he wants!"

He pointed at the lit star map, then at the radar display, "Everything, everything! It's all under his control!"

"Report! The medium-sized ship E103 was destroyed by B75!"

"Report! Our ship has been bombarded again..."

“…Report!” An extremely terrified voice sounded, almost losing his voice, “The joystick, the joystick is out of order! All turrets cannot be activated!”

He Luo suddenly understood what the messenger meant when he said "y is now the master of the system"!

But it was too late.

The starboard side missile thrusters of a nearby main ship were raised, and the black muzzles of its guns were neatly aimed at the command ship where He Luo was!

The sudden flash of fire was like erupting lava, and it penetrated the armor layer amid the rising and falling alarms.

The messenger standing in front of the super-light computer murmured the words "on par with gods" and was instantly engulfed by the flames.

It's like a handful of sand that scatters away when blown.

On the expeditionary command ship, in the communication channel, Mei Jielin and others were stunned by Qi Yan's operation. Looking at the red light spots on the star map that were extinguished like candles, no one spoke for a moment.

Fight back brazenly.

In the distance, countless enemy ships exploded one after another, and flames silently cut through the darkness.

Qi Yan's delicate eyebrows and eyes were slightly sharp, and his lips were pale, giving people a sense of fragility. His voice was hoarse and cold: "If you want to prevent the rebels from activating the 'system' again, the best way is to make them pay a high enough price as a deterrent."

I don’t know if the price of the destruction of the second and fourth legions is enough.

The author has something to say: Better than a heart made of golden sycamore leaves~Good night


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-10 05:56:11 ~ 2020-11-11 05:20:50~

Thanks to the little angels who threw rockets: 4 Niu Niu;

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: 2 for Qingzijiang; 1 for Tao Xiaochun;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Jun Lixiao, Qiqi1234567 Qiqi, Ni Sheng, Zhuanzhuan Congrong Sencha, Xuetuzi no Chuixi, blindliar, 46876443, Qiongzhi Zuo Yanluo 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Red Rabbit Bunny 127 bottles; Teacher Ju's Pipi 80 bottles; Please give me milk tea 63 bottles; Yuebai 60 bottles; Lu Qinglan 54 bottles; 47422500, m 50 bottles; twelvee 35 bottles; Yunmiaomiao 33 bottles; _erhua_, Oh Huo Ya Hei 30 bottles; Orange Flavoured Soft Candy 25 bottles; Bai Zhao, Gili Gulu, Thirteen Young Masters, Tangtang, Orange Branch 20 bottles; Killer without Emotion 18 bottles; Little Willow Seed 16 bottles; Fan Leng, Hee Hee Hee 15 bottles; Yixiao Naihe, Jin Xiaotang, Koi Orange Treasure, Minixun, Xiaotang, Xi Moer, Dumpling Tiamo, Qiongzhi Zuoyanluo, Trivial 10 bottles; Ji Sinian 6 bottles; Uncle~, Nizi, Ximen Green, White Tea Pear, Sweet Orange, Re, I Want to Eat Fish, Qi Yu, Ming Ruozhixia, Snow Flower Rain 5 bottles; Xiaoxue, Rong Jin 4 bottles; Sand Pear, Yan, Luilui 3 bottles; A Little Grapefruit, Jiuchong, Minniellkk298, Zhongli 2 bottles; Yinxi, Qianshan Wenzhoudu, Warehouse Keeper, Cecily, Xie Taifu, Yingying., A0730405, Xiaodao, Dafu^^, Ye Zhiwen, Lin Wuyu, Jiangyu., Strawberry Smoothie Without Ice, Deep Sea Little Whale Fish Fish Fish Fish, 24817881, Fat and Happy, White Peach, Yunlei’s Girlfriend Outside the Circle, Calcium Tablets, Qiyan Laogong 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!