Limited Ambiguity

Chapter 99


Mei Jielin strode in the corridor of the command ship, holding her military uniform jacket in one hand. Her long legs were straight and she was still reeking of gunpowder, causing the soldiers passing by her to subconsciously straighten their backs when saluting.

The metal door slid open to both sides. Meijielin took a step inside, then stopped immediately and blinked slowly.

The conductor stroked Qi Yan's hair indulgently.

The commander tore open the package of the nutrient solution and fed it to Qiyan's mouth while he was sitting on the sofa. Qiyan bit it immediately.

Qi Yan held the nutrient in his mouth and hugged the commander's waist loosely. The two of them were very close.

Am I too fucking early

Mei Jielin was at a loss as to whether to go in or go back. She stood in the middle of the door, motionless like a sculpture.

Until someone poked her in the back and said, "Why are you standing here blocking the road? Is your leg cramped? Can't you move? Isn't cramping a symptom only experienced by people in their 90s?"

Weiyin bypassed Metierin and strode into the command room: "Commander, Metierin's leg is cramping!"

"You're the one with cramps! Everyone in your fleet has cramps!" Mei Jielin strode after him and saw Qi Yan curled up in the sofa listlessly, his face pale and listless. She was a little worried, "Commander, what's wrong with Qi Yan?"

Lu Fenghan was holding Qi Yan's hand and massaging his joints. Hearing this, he replied, "Your brain is working too fast."

Add two more. I’m hungry and my hands hurt.

As soon as the war was over, Qi Yan left the technical department and picked up two bags of nutritional supplements from the kitchen and came over.

Blocking and breaking the rebels' 'system' is not an easy task and is very energy-consuming. After high-intensity character input, Qi Yan's fingertips turned red. At the beginning, he gasped in pain when he was touched lightly. Later, Lu Fenghan applied healing gel to all ten fingers one by one, and he felt a little better.

Seeing Qi Yan biting the peach-flavored nutrient and swallowing it bit by bit, like a tired cat, quietly having its fur combed, without any trace of the cold and sharp tone he had when he said "on par with gods" just now, Lu Fenghan's aura softened a little.

Wei Yin scratched the back of his head. In his life experience, he had only ever fallen asleep in the training ground when he was so tired that his eyes went dark. He had never experienced a situation where his brain was working too fast. He could only say dryly: "It's good that Qi Yan is not sick."

Out of respect for Bai Ta and Y, he wanted to change the title to "Chief", but Mei Jie Lin kept using the previous title. He thought about it and decided to follow suit.

After everyone arrived, Lu Fenghan sat down at his seat. Under the conference table, he still held Qi Yan's hand, kneading it from time to time, and said, "General Nie just sent a communication to commend you for your outstanding achievements in the battle that just ended."

When Wei Yin heard this, his eyes lit up: "Is it just a verbal praise, or is there a physical reward? Like star coins or something?"

Lu Fenghan dashed his hopes without hesitation: "The alliance is poor and has no money now, so it's good to have verbal praise."

The Central Administrative District and the Southern Cross District went to war on two fronts. After each war, starship ammunition and ammunition were all money and were spent like water. The finances became increasingly tight. It was said that the new Minister of Finance went to various departments every few days to cry poor, which made people sad.

Dushan interrupted, "Are we discussing the post-war rewards now? Don't you feel it's unreal?" He pointed at the golden planet on the star map, "Holy - bah, we really got Albert back!"

Mei Jie Lin raised her chin and said proudly: "On the way here, I silently repeated this sentence more than 20 times. Now it feels 100% real. You can give it a try."

She turned to Lu Fenghan and said, "Commander, what are the arrangements for Albert Star next? Stationing?"

Lu Fenghan denied her guess: "In order to reflect the sacred status of this planet, the rebels have stipulated that human activities are prohibited on the surface of the holy planet, and no plants or animals are allowed to survive. Excluding the gorgeous buildings on the surface, it is worse than a barren planet."

Mei Jie Lin laughed loudly, and the princesses on both sides swayed slightly: "Commander, if the wise man on the other side hears what you said, do you believe that he will perform a show to piss you off to death in front of you?"

Having said that, she knew very well in her heart that conquering the Holy Star was more symbolic than practical. After all, the planet was not only small in area but also had few minerals, so it had no practical use.

To capture the city would be a morale boost for the Alliance, but for the rebels, it might be heartbreaking.

Tsk, that’s so miserable.

Lu Fenghan continued, "Lorenz has already taken the technical department to the ground. Once they have reset and turned on the planetary defense system, the rebels won't dare to take it easily."

"Lorenz is not on the command ship now? What a good opportunity!" Mei Jielin and Du Shang looked at each other and saw the same intention in each other's eyes. "While he is not back yet, we will go to the technical department and submit all the maintenance applications. The amount will be only a little larger than before."

As she spoke, she pinched out a small distance with her fingers.

So after the meeting, as if the soles of their feet were greased, Mei Jielin and Du Shang disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the command room became empty in an instant.

Lu Fenghan picked up Qi Yan with his strong arms, sat on the sofa, put the person on his lap, and kissed the corner of the person's lips.

I always feel a little lighter.

Putting aside matters related to post-war arrangements for the time being, Lu Fenghan began to think about whether he should go to the kitchen to make something to eat for Qi Yan.

Pinching the metal button of Lu Fenghan's coat with his fingers, Qi Yan thought for a moment and said, "I'm a little unhappy."

Lu Fenghan lowered his eyes and looked at him: "Why are you unhappy?"

"I can't understand." Qi Yan asked the same question as he did to Leto, "Every advancement in science should represent a victory for humanity in its battle against the unknown, and the purpose is also for humanity."

He paused, as if he didn't know how to phrase it.

Lu Fenghan had already understood: "The 'system' used by the rebels is an excellent achievement in your opinion, but while this 'system' brings victory, it is in a sense 'anti-human'?"

After the war, Lu Fenghan ordered the salvage ships to capture several enemy destroyers. Without exception, after opening the hatches, the drivers had been dead for a long time and their faces were miserable. Their internal organs were almost crushed by the high pressure generated by the starship's high-speed travel, their bones were broken in many places, and bones were visible around the square chip installed at the back of their necks, and blood was slowly oozing out.

Seeing Qi Yan nod, Lu Fenghan said in a gentle voice: "The rebels' social system is very deformed. Their god is not a personal god, but a single god. Under monotheism, the wise man stands alone at the top of this pyramid. In his eyes, all people are not considered "people", but tools or livestock.

Similarly, the various legion commanders and emissaries in the privileged class also have contempt for humans, because only this kind of "contempt" can allow them to psychologically perceive their own uniqueness and gain a sense of superiority. "

Therefore, the rebel envoys will not hesitate to install a chip on the back of the neck of the destroyer driver, regardless of whether the other party dies or not.

Because of the huge imbalance in status, there is no such thing as empathy.

Qi Yan thought again: "Is this also the reason why the Alliance has never thought of peace talks no matter what the situation is since the establishment of the rebels?"

"Yes. If the Alliance surrenders to the rebels one day, then the citizens of the Alliance will be reduced to the lowest level of existence in society—laborers and reproductive machines without freedom and thought, and without dignity."

Lu Fenghan rubbed Qi Yan's hair with the tip of his nose, as if he was approaching a handful of clean snow, and gave the same answer as when he was at Turan Academy, "So, you don't need to know what those people think, Qi Yan, you just need to do what you think is right."


Seeing Qi Yan was so sleepy that his eyelids were about to close after drinking the nutrient solution, Lu Fenghan stopped talking and suggested, "Go back to your room and take a nap?"

Burying her head on the side of Lu Fenghan's neck, Qi Yan gently bit the pulse point of his artery and said, "I won't go back."

"Want to be next to me?"

Qi Yan responded softly, “Yeah.”

Lu Fenghan compromised, took out a pair of noise-canceling earplugs and asked Qi Yan to wear them, and let him sleep with his head resting on his thighs.

Although it was obviously not a very comfortable position, Qi Yan tightly grasped the hem of Lu Fenghan's clothes and soon fell asleep.

So next, the head of the logistics department who came to Lu Fenghan to report the number of ammunition and energy seized, Vincent who handed a large stack of documents to Lu Fenghan for review, and Lorenz who returned to the ship to report, all saw Qi Yan who was sleeping soundly on Lu Fenghan's thighs.

Oh, I see, we are in love, that’s great.

The news quickly spread throughout the ship, and Fantof also heard it.

He was taken away by a robot that suddenly appeared and locked up in a detention room. He was released only after the war was over.

After coming out, two people who were from Odin like him seemed to be afraid of something. They avoided the crowd and warned him that it would be best not to offend Qi Yan to avoid getting into trouble. They also asked him if he had any way to contact Odin's people and whether he could leave the front line as soon as possible.

Fantov was skeptical and simply agreed.

His biggest worry was something else.

While the technical department was busy repairing the damaged starship, Fantov went to the super optical computer and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Qi Yan used "Nandu", he did not discover that he used the optical storage device to copy the secret information.

What about delaying military planes? It's just pretense.

Fantov hid the light storage device - this incident made him realize that neither Odin nor the expedition's command ship was safe enough.

The expeditionary army won this time, but who knows what will happen next time. The information stored in this optical storage device is the life-saving talisman he prepared for himself.

After the war, the schedule became relaxed.

In the morning, Lu Fenghan exercised in the gravity training room for two hours, at least he managed to use up most of the energy he had accumulated throughout the night.

Qi Yan used to squeeze into his arms when she slept, tightly pressed against him. It was okay before, but now every minute and every second was unbearable, but Lu Fenghan couldn't bear to push her away, so he had to lie down and sleep, saving his energy to vent in the training room.

Lu Fenghan picked up the towel and wiped the sweat from the side of his neck. He glanced at the time and estimated that Qi Yan would soon wake up. He grabbed his military jacket, put it on casually, and went to the kitchen.

He finally found some time these past two days and was tinkering with jam. Following the recipe that Pojun had downloaded from the Star Network, he tried several combinations and finally found a flavor that had the right sourness and sweetness and that Qiyan shouldn't dislike.

After asking about the current time, Lu Fenghan asked Pojun: "Is Qiyan awake?"

Pojun immediately replied: "The chief has woken up and is in the room."

Lu Fenghan thought about it, packed the prepared jam, and took it to the lounge.

The metal door slid open, Lu Fenghan stepped into the room, and immediately saw Qi Yan sitting by the porthole in the dim light.

The space, which is always dominated by darkness, casts a layer of shadow on the side of his face, clearly highlighting the lines of his brow bone and nose. From a distance, it looks like a painting with delicate brushstrokes.

Putting the jam on the table, Lu Fenghan approached, leaned over to pick him up, put him back on the bed, and squeezed his slightly cold palm: "Why don't you put on your clothes?"

Qi Yan looked up at Lu Fenghan, his eyes a little confused, and answered irrelevantly: "I remember you asked me to wait for you in the room, but I wanted to go find you. I asked Po Jun, but... I'm not sure if what Po Jun said was something I made up."

The content was expressed in a confusing manner, but Lu Fenghan understood it immediately.

Prayers confuse memories and make it impossible to tell what is true or false.

Lu Fenghan thought of Qi Yan's expression: "Just now, I have been analyzing which memory is real and which memory is fictional?"

"Well, but I couldn't tell it. The memory content lacks any information that can be judged." Qi Yan felt a little cold and instinctively leaned towards Lu Fenghan to absorb the heat source.

"It doesn't matter if you can't tell. If you don't come to me, then you just need to stand there and wait, and I will come to you."

Lu Fenghan took the jam and showed it to Qi Yan, "Try it and see if it's edible?"

As he said this, he unscrewed the lid, took out a little and fed it to Qi Yan's mouth.

Qi Yan tasted it and his eyes lit up: "It's delicious, a little sour and a little sweet."

Hearing the word "very" from a picky child's mouth is a rare evaluation.

Lu Fenghan thought that he could try something else next time. Maybe Qi Yan could have several flavors for breakfast in rotation in the future.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Qi Yan call out, "General."

Lu Fenghan lowered his head and met Qi Yan's eyes.

He had noticed before that Qi Yan was always very focused when looking at him, as if he wanted to use his eyes to describe his eyebrows, nose bridge, Adam's apple, and even every inch of his muscle lines and the folds of his sleeves at his elbows, and then imprint them in his heart.

This kind of concentration made Lu Fenghan feel happy. He responded with a light nasal tone, as if hiding all his tenderness in it.

Then he heard Qi Yan ask, "Do you want to taste the jam too?"

Lu Fenghan had tasted it. It should be said that in order to find the right ratio, he had tasted the jam so many times in the past two days that he almost lost count.

He was about to refuse, but when his eyes swept across the tip of Qi Yan's lips, his eyes froze.

Before Qi Yan could react, he had already pinched his chin and kissed his slightly cold lips.

As their breaths intertwined, Lu Fenghan completely enveloped the person under him, his tight and thin arms supported on the bed, his palms resting on the back of Qi Yan's head, his palms rubbing the messy and soft hair, forcing the other person to welcome his invasion and continue to deepen the kiss.

Qi Yan's entire body was trembling slightly, as if his sensitive nerve endings could no longer bear it and were about to collapse, but his body was extremely addicted to the breath that was so familiar that it was engraved into his bones.

Their lips and teeth fit tightly together, and in their breath, the male hormones were mixed with pleasant fruity aromas. Lu Fenghan's voice was indescribably hoarse: "I tasted it, it's very sweet."

The author has something to say: Blowing bubbles makes a heart in the shape of love for you~ Good night

"You don't need to know those people... do what you think is right." This sentence last appeared in Chapter 24~


Thanks to the little angels who threw shallow water bombs: Donglou Cilantro Fsky 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw rockets: 2 for Yuan Gongzi; 1 for Shi Ji Ru Liu;

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: Tao Xiaochun 3; Nao Nao, blindliar, 396016081;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Jinjiang recharge is really troublesome 9; Snow Rabbit's Destruction, Turn around and calmly fry tea, Qiqi 1234567 Qiqi 2; Green Seed Sauce, and Salt, White and Black, Keep People, Yuan Gongzi, 46150119, 33063613, Lin Xiliang, Rabbit Feifei, Zhizhi, Ziyan, Lich, Picking Stars, Lagrange is not a theorem, Moon Fox, Xinye, Xuanxuan, Ni Sheng, Meow Lord, Bailong, Xia Yiqiu, blindliar 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Why is the Autumn Wind Sad? The Painted Fan 101 bottles; Yue Luoxi 81 bottles; Qi Qi is a Cute Baby Yaya 80 bottles; Ling 1362 bottles; With Salt 53 bottles; Lin Minhan 45 bottles; Pengshan Wanli, Iron Pot is Not a Pot 40 bottles; Sunset Boulevard 39 bottles; Late Night Yuheng, To Visit the Plum Blossoms or Kiss, Kaka's Magic Castle, Li Du, Jia Jia 30 bottles; Zhu Yilong's Little Friend 26 bottles; Shinran & Conan, Wooden Man 25 bottles;. , Xiao Shi, Zhang Junya, Nalan, yumifengwj, dd, Ragdoll cats are really cute, Sakura wine, Jimo, voice-over, a slight smile, you are between the eyebrows and in the heart 20 bottles; Qing Nanxiang 19 bottles; Hiding is still doing homework 18 bottles; racheljrj 15 bottles; Celadon Suspense, Circle Eating Fruit 13 bottles; Yunqi Yunsheng 11 bottles; Yingzhi, Mr. Fei's red autumn trousers, Zhizhi, Firefly is not a bug, Feifei little sister, miranda, Lingyin, Sedo River Masahiro, Zhou Zui, wishper, Yang Yiwei, smile, Hunhun wants to hug, Mujin Xiaochen, Shaoyu papa, garfield, Sui Yi, Zuo Ran, Xinye, hum, Bei Yanfeng, casual, Ximu, brainless readers, Lili's garden, round and round who loves to eat lychees, Xiaotang, Su Jingxian's wife v, lunlun4ever, Qingdu Shanshuilang, Xiansen, your cat is here 10 bottles; Fengchuiyunkai, □□□□, the zombie skull, Lu Yi 9 bottles; Yikeshu Yeah tree, *han.y* 8 bottles; I am the most a cub, mw, dawn will be daytime 7 bottles; Naihe, cat e 6 bottles; Xiao Liuzi eats chicken, Mu Hua ah~, sunny surname Qin, Zhou Jiayu is as cowardly as a quail, Jiuqi, Wang Xixi, fans of Tangtu, Jiangshang Yueming, Duo Mi, have you taken medicine today, 0_o, Xie Yu, k, sleep after eating, retreat to cultivate immortality, Lin Niang, Zhang Qiling, gaxy. Wu, 43102495, Ling Yuling 5 bottles; Kongting, you are all good at naming 4 bottles; 4 0585159, waiting, sand pear, Xu Xiaomi, Mr. K, Mr. Yu's Miss Leng Qiu 3 bottles; Ajuan, warehouse keeper, re, ikki, Aiba Jiujiu, big stomach king, Shi Anan, Zuo Zuoguai, Lin Wuyu, Xiao Yingying, Changfengyin, Fuzhai, soy milk bookworm 2 bottles; Meow Lord, Lan Ran, Ye Zhiwen, Xie Taifu, Yan Shuzhibei, fccsy, life with some sugar, white peach, Yin Xinya, derel, calcium tablets, Yunlei's girlfriend outside the circle, I am fireworks... .., 22228792, Liu Xixi, l Mu Tou, orange yellow orange green, Lan Xuan, Shui Yan, 48156858, strawberry smoothie without ice, Qiong, sft his mother, Ji Sinian, deep sea little whale fish fish fish 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!