Limited Possession

Chapter 31


"Can this, this, this be broadcast?"

"Oh my God… "

As soon as Tu Yan's words came out, the audience was stunned, and Chen Kai didn't care about controlling the scene, and hurriedly gestured to the director. The artists looked at each other in dismay, not knowing how to respond.

The director came up, pressed Tu Yan's shoulder, leaned over and asked him, "Are you kidding me? It's big news that this is aired, Tu Yan, you have to think about the consequences."

An omega actor who has many fans and is on the rise in his career, self-declared that he is married, which is tantamount to cutting his own way. In addition to his sudden disappearance, there has been no new work for half a year, and there have been many criticisms from the outside world.

To put it bluntly, with Tu Yan's existing strength, he can't bear all the consequences of revealing his married status.

Ruan Nan was in a hurry and was still happy for Gu Chenbai. She winked at Tu Yan and expressed her approval.

Tu Yan smiled back, and then said to the director: "I don't care, you can cut it if you want, or keep it if you want."

The director was at a loss for words, thinking: Good guy, you don't need to spend money to buy the hot search next month.

The filming of the show continued. Near the evening, Ruan Nanqing helped prepare the last dinner and was about to leave. After taking her own shot, she walked to Tu Yan's side and complained, "Being a star is so tiring, all the time. You have to hold it, facing so many cameras, it's hard not to pretend."

Tu Yan smiled, "Why are you here?"

"Because it's fun, I like to try all kinds of new things. My dad wants me to take over the family business in a proper way, but I don't want him to do so."

"Okay," Tu Yan nodded, then added after a moment: "But being a star might not be a good choice."

"I also think that being a star is actually the most boring thing. By the way, I see that they are secretly talking about you one by one. Is it possible that the fact that you have just disclosed your marriage will have any bad influence on you? "

Tu Yan didn't deny it, "It should be."

"What effect?"

"Fans get rid of fans collectively, brand partners terminate contracts, film contracts are reduced... That's about it."

Ruan Nanqing didn't understand the entertainment industry, but thought it sounded serious. She folded her arms and thought for a long time, then came over and asked seriously, "Can spending money solve it?"

Tu Yan smiled suddenly, "It should be possible."

Ruan Nan patted Tu Yan's shoulder lightly, and said with relief: "Then don't be afraid, Gu Chenbai has nothing else, but more money."

Tu Yan was a little stunned when he heard it, and he looked back, just in time to meet the exploratory look of the last young artist, who turned his head when he saw Tu Yan, and immediately looked away.

There is another reason why Tu Yan can't play with them, and that is that they all think that Tu Yan is lucky and has a pretty face to get what he is today, so they are jealous of Tu Yan, and Tu Yan is not good at explaining. .

People who don't know Tu Yan only know that he was selected by the big director at the age of 20 and acted in "Summer Boy". There are not many scenes, just take it as an accumulation of experience and accumulation. Last year, he also won the first gold-filled best newcomer award and a nomination for best actor in his life. The number of fans has doubled, and his career is at its peak.

Everyone said that he was smooth sailing, and only Tu Yan knew the pain, but he never felt that he was working hard before, nor did he think of taking advantage of his father's power to spend money to pave the way for himself.

He walked by gritting his teeth every step of the way.

Too bad others don't believe it.

Don't believe it, don't believe it, Tu Yan doesn't care, as long as that person believes it is enough.

"I never understood why Gu Chenbai liked you. Of course, I didn't know much about you at that time. I only knew that you were very cold, and you were different from those omega stars who were courting and behaving. I thought it was strange at the time. How could Shen Bai like a person with such a character?"

Tu Yan felt a little nervous, and unconsciously clenched the corner of his shirt.

"Now I know, the two of you are not only a good match, but also a natural pair," Ruan Nan lightly put his hands together and sighed, "Actually, your heart is not as cold as your appearance, right? You are still very dependent on Gu Chenbai. ."

"After Gu Chenbai was injured, we all felt it was a pity, and we all sympathized with him, but he is a very proud person, he doesn't want others to think he is a useless cripple, he doesn't even think he is disabled, it's just his parents And our group of friends used the wrong method at that time. They only cared about him blindly and encouraged him, but forgot one very important thing. He didn't need sympathy at all. He needed us to treat him with ordinary eyes. ."

"Maybe only you have done it. Your reliance on him satisfies his desire to be needed to a certain extent."

Tu Yan was so fascinated that he forgot where he was for a while, and everything in front of him turned into nothingness. He couldn't find a place to stop in the nothingness. When he was about to scream in panic, he walked slowly with a black and golden walking stick. Come over, Tu Yan's world suddenly calmed down. The man's outline gradually became clearer, he smiled when he raised his eyes to look at Tu Yan, and there was spring all around, with flowers blooming all over the mountains and fields.

In the evening, Tu Yan finally ended the first day of shooting. After checking that all the cameras in the room were turned off, he lay down on the bed and picked up his mobile phone.

Gu Chenbai hasn't sent him a video invitation yet.

Tu Yan was a little unhappy.

He put his finger next to the screen, hesitated for ten minutes, but didn't click.

"Little bunny, did your father forget me?"

Tu Yan muttered, and was about to throw away the phone angrily when the phone suddenly rang a video invitation ringtone.

Tu Yan's heart trembled, he swallowed, and pressed the green button faster than his brain.

When Gu Chenbai's face appeared on the screen, Tu Yan suddenly felt that all the fatigue of the day had vanished.

"Bunny, are you waiting for me to call you?"

Tu Yan snorted, "I think so beautiful, I'm going to sleep."

Gu Chenbai looked at him, as if he couldn't see enough.