Limited Possession

Chapter 35


When the reporter came to tell the director that "Hua Sheng's President Gu is at the door", the director was stunned.

When he heard Gu Chenbai say "I am Tu Yan's husband" calmly, the director's smile instantly froze on his lips.

When Gu Chenbai's secretary put the sorted materials in front of the director and told him, "It has been verified that someone in your program team did what you leaked yesterday. President Gu is very angry, and you can weigh the consequences yourself." People are bad.

He told the news to the assistant director, the assistant director told the producer, and the producer told Chen Kai, a few people stared at each other and looked at each other, the director pinched the cigarette butt and said helplessly: "I only knew that Tu Yan's father was rich, who is he? I think his husband is richer, why do you think such a person should come to the entertainment industry?"

Chen Kai was the most embarrassed one. He looked at the director and shivered, "That little eucalypt—"

"Let him get out, if he doesn't get out, I have to get out."

The director made a corporate promotional documentary for Hua Sheng three years ago. He knew several members of the Gu family. He knew that the old man of the Gu family was not in good health, and he retired early. The faceless Gu Ershao glanced over. Outsiders know that Gu Chaocheng is a cold-faced Rakshasa in the business world, but they don't know that he can't be Gu Chenbai even if he offends him.

Even though Gu Chenbai looks gentle and elegant, and his demeanor is very low-key, those who have had contact with him will know how powerful he is. Gu Chenbai never fights unprepared battles. As long as he opens his mouth, he is fully confident.

So when the director saw the ratings report of "New Star Gourmet" attached to the materials handed by the secretary, he understood what Gu Chenbai meant.

If this matter is not resolved, the show will not be broadcast.

So he respectfully withdrew from the reception room, and as soon as he turned around, he called Tu Yan's agency, and discussed how to suppress all the unfavorable public opinion on the Internet.

He was so anxious at this point that Gu Chenbai was playing with the rabbit leisurely in the room.

"Think of me?" Gu Chenbai took Tu Yan's shoulders and hugged him into his arms.

Tu Yan struggled, but did not break free, so he lowered his head and did not speak.

"Bunny, are you wronged?"

Tu Yan didn't feel wronged at first, Xu Jiaan's villain behavior didn't make him feel wronged, and the overwhelming abuse on the Internet didn't make him feel wronged, but Gu Chenbai's gentle words made him can't help but feel sore nose, biting tightly. back molars.

Gu Chenbai held his face and forced him to look at him, "I'm here, don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid." Tu Yan angrily.

"I know, my bunny has always been the bravest," Gu Chenbai rubbed him into his arms, touched the back of his neck, kissed the top of his hair, and said softly, "He goes alone. To this day, he has suffered a lot and suffered a lot of injustice, but he has never complained."

Tu Yan buried his face on Gu Chenbai's shoulder, and a few tears fell silently on Gu Chenbai's suit.

Gu Chenbai hugged him tightly and whispered, "I won't let you suffer like this again."

Tu Yan wiped away his tears, broke free from Gu Chenbai's arms, and said, "This is what I have to bear in this circle, and it's none of your business."

"Actually..." Gu Chenbai paused: "Bunny, in fact, you don't have to disclose it so early. You are still young, and being married will bring some unnecessary trouble to your acting career."

Before Tu Yan finished listening, he looked at Gu Chenbai in surprise, "What do you mean? You don't want me to make it public?"

"I just feel sorry for you."

Tu Yan was still ashamed of his public confession. He was afraid that Gu Chenbai would hold on to this trick and make fun of him. He thought of countless ways for Gu Chenbai to tease him, but he never expected that But Bai only calmly said, "You shouldn't have made it public so early."

"So you still want to get married in secret, and then get divorced in secret? That's right, so you don't have to take any responsibility, I don't have to be scolded, and you don't have to come all the way to deal with the aftermath."

Tu Yan was about to leave after he finished speaking, but he was pulled before he got up, and after a while, he was pinned down on the sofa, Gu Chenbai covered him, looked at him with a half-smile, but didn't give him that The opportunity to open his mouth to send a knife again, he directly kissed it.

Tu Yan resisted with his hands and feet at first, but his body softened when he kissed him, and he was deprived of his breath. He could only breathe in small mouths under Gu Chenbai's control. He whimpered and glared at Gu Chenbai. , Gu Chenbai let go of him and jokingly said: "Bunny, I won't mention the first love, I've already let you go, you'd better not make trouble with me."

Tu Yan's face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, from the neck to the base of the ears.

The more Gu Chenbai looked, the more cute he felt, he untied the two buttons on Tu Yan's chest, lowered his head and kissed it.

Tu Yan really didn't struggle anymore, and lay under Gu Chenbai with a look of grief and indignation and let him bully him.

It was only later that Gu Chenbai became more serious and wanted to unbutton the third button, and also said that he would test the quality of the food for the little rabbit in the future, he pushed Gu Chenbai away in shame and yelled to let him get out.

Just when Gu Chenbai was about to lean over to kiss him cheekily, the door was slammed open, and the manager lady stood at the door in a panic. Halfway through saying "Mr. Gu, I'm sorry", it drowned in her throat.

The scene was silent for five seconds.

Tu Yan cursed in his heart, quickly pushed Gu Chenbai away and sat up, hurriedly fastened the buttons, pulled the manager out, and explained the ins and outs of the matter to her.

"What?" After hearing this, the agent was still in disbelief, and stuck: "Gu, Gu Chenbai is your husband?"

Tu Yan felt a little embarrassed to say the word husband, but he still nodded.

The agent finally understood why Tu Yan was not worried about Huasheng's advertising endorsement at all.

Good guy, it turned out to be its own industry.

After listening to it, the agent still felt foggy, and he didn't slow down until he got into Gu Chenbai's car and went back to the hotel.

Gu Chenbai and Tu Yan sat in the back row, Gu Chenbai glanced at the agent in the front row, and said, "Sorry, we didn't tell you in advance."

The agent quickly waved his hand, "It's okay, it's your personal business."

"Tu Yan has taken care of you over the years thanks to you."

The manager laughed embarrassingly, thinking that Tu Yan had never let her take care of her. Tu Yan has always been a stranger to people, and he didn't even tell her about such a big thing as marriage and pregnancy.

"I'm not competent enough, I really didn't help Tu Yan, and I didn't deal with yesterday's matter, so Tu Yan went to the guy named Xu Jiaan, and after a fight, I realized that it was someone in the program group who did it. ghost."

Tu Yan was leaning on the seat to make up for his sleep. After listening to the agent's words, he felt something was wrong for a while. His heart trembled, and suddenly he felt the temperature around him was a few degrees lower. He opened his eyes and looked to the right.

Gu Chenbai narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at him badly, and said word by word, "You still had a fight?"