Lingquan Space: Fortunate Wife of a Farmer’s Family

Chapter 114: Negotiate to buy someone


But for a family like theirs, it's actually a little late to buy now.

"I plan to buy a few more children with better talent in martial arts and train them all for Xiaobao. I have been training my people since they were young. I have had people around me since I was two years old. I think it's a little late for Xiaobao to buy them now." Su Yu looked at Wang Jinhe and said.

"Okay, if you think it's suitable, just buy it." Wang Jinhe said directly.

She knew that for Su Yu, who came from a large family, he would know better when to let someone go around the child, and what Su Yu said was right, children who grew up together and had a deep bond would indeed be more loyal.

"Then we'll go choose together."


After Su Xi got up, she was holding Xiaobao and talking to him. When she heard that the two men finally started to consider putting someone next to Xiaobao, she felt relieved and did not intervene.

When he first came, he saw that Xiaobao had no one around him, so he began to consider finding a few people for Xiaobao. Now that both of them have their own ideas, he will not interfere too much.

Xiaobao looked at them in confusion, not quite understanding what they were saying.

"Mom, what are you talking about? I don't understand." Xiaobao looked at Su Yu and Wang Jinhe curiously and asked.

"It means to put some people around you to take care of you."

Xiao Bao tilted his head and thought carefully: "Is he the same person as Uncle Yuan Bao and Uncle Yuan Xu?"

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Su Yu nodded: "Yes, it's the same as Yuanbao and the others."


"Xiaobao accepted it quite quickly." Wang Jinhe said with a helpless smile.

"That's right."

As they were talking, Wang Jinhe and Su Yu brought the food to the table, and the other people in the family also got up.

After dinner, the family of three went out and found people waiting at the door, even Huangqi came.

"Master Yuanbao said you asked me to come here today. Is there something you want me to do?"

"We are going to buy some fruit today. There is a family over there that has planted some sour dates. You can go and take a look and buy some if they are suitable." Wang Jinhe explained.

Huangqi was a little surprised to hear that they actually found sour jujubes: "There are really sour jujubes? I have always been short of this stuff. If possible, I will buy them all."

"Let's go, then."

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When the group arrived at Hulu Village, the villagers were already waiting at the village entrance.

Seeing a carriage coming from afar, one of them said happily: "People are coming, I saw the carriage."

"Here we go, we all see the carriage."

Wang Jinhe got off the carriage holding the sleepy Xiaobao, and looked at Huangqi as he came over: "Uncle Li, take Huangqi to see your sour jujube first."

"Hey." Uncle Li took people to his own garden. He planted more than twenty jujube trees, and the fruits of each tree were very good.

After everyone left, Wang Jinhe looked at the others and said, "Let's pick the peaches first, and then decide the price after Huangqi comes over to check the quality of the dates. Yuanbao, you have been in charge of these, so you decide the price."


When he went to the first farm, Yuanbao was stunned for a moment when he saw the big peaches, but he quickly calmed down. After walking around the orchard, he said, "Usually peaches are seven cents a pound, which is the highest price. This one can be nine cents a pound."

The orchard owner was very happy when he heard the nine cents: "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome. Your fruit is better, so I can offer you this price." If he transported it to the surrounding areas and sold it at this price, it would be no problem to sell it at twenty cents per pound.

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"You all grow fruits and know how to pick them. We only want the ripe ones. The unripe ones will be left on the trees to grow. If you pick them now, I will definitely pick out the fruits for you. Don't say that I am unkind then. After all, you picked the raw ones for me and we can't sell the fruits." Yuanbao said directly.

"You can rest assured about this. We all know this and have been picking fruits for many years."

"Okay, then start picking them. Be careful not to damage them." After saying this, Yuanbao went to the carriage to get the account book and wrote down the farmer's name and the price of the fruit.

Wang Jinhe looked at Yuanbao's serious and businesslike manner and couldn't help laughing: "Don't say it, Yuanbao is really good at fooling people."

"I'm not bluffing, but Yuanbao is always so serious when doing things." Su Yu laughed at Wang Jinhe's bluffing remarks.

Who talks like that

“That’s good.”

Yuanbao would look at each basket of fruit, and only when he saw that the fruits inside were good would he nod with satisfaction: "Very good."

Every time you pick a basket, someone will come to weigh it, and the owner will be there when the ingots are recorded.

It took two hours to pick all the fruits in the garden.

"The total is 2,497 kilograms. Please check it." Yuanbao handed the account book to the owner.

The owner waved his hand and said, "I can't read, but I believe you. You won't cheat us out of this little thing."

Yuanbao was stunned for a moment, then he started laughing. It was really good to feel trusted by others.

"Two thousand four hundred and ninety-seven catties of fruit, nine cents a catty, a total of twenty-two taels, four hundred and seventy-three cents." Yuan Bao quickly calculated the total amount: "Please calculate it and see if it is correct."

Although I am illiterate, I have no problem doing the math.


"Here are twenty-two taels of silver and here are copper coins. Count them. If everything is OK, put your handprint on this name." After Yuanbao paid the money, he took out the ink pad.

It was the first time the owner of the garden saw so much money, and his hands were shaking as he counted it.

This is really their family's money, not someone else's.

"Yes, that much." After pressing his fingerprints, the owner cried with joy holding the silver. He had only picked one third of the fruits in his garden, and he could pick two more times. He could still sell them for a lot of money. It was really great.

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The man's wife's eyes turned red as she looked at the money in her hand.

When they heard yesterday that someone came to buy fruit from them, they didn't believe it. But now that they have the money in their hands, they really believe it.

Fortunately, when they were about to give up, the village chief kept telling them to grow the crops well, just in case someone bought them.

Look at the fruit this year, isn't there someone buying it? The price is so good.

People around were happy for them when they saw their family got the money.

"Let's go to the next family. We don't have many cars, so we can only pick fruits for three families a day. But don't worry, we will pick all the fruits. It's just a matter of time. Don't worry." Yuanbao didn't expect their fruits to be so good. The number of cars he called this time was a little small, so he would call more tomorrow.

"no problem."