Lingquan Space: Fortunate Wife of a Farmer’s Family

Chapter 123: Someone is causing trouble


"This thing is really good, but it's still about two months away from the autumn harvest, so we can only try it then." Grandpa Wang said with some disappointment.

"Grandpa, two months will be quick. Don't worry. It will be useful eventually. If the effect is good, I plan to ask the county magistrate to come and take a look and give the blueprint to him. We will take Luo to sue the officials today. I think the county magistrate is very good. Su Yu also thinks that he has a good relationship with the prefect here." Wang Jinhe explained.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "You are doing the right thing. If this thing is useful, give it to the court. In this way, the court can popularize it, and the autumn harvest will be much faster."

This way you don’t have to worry even if it rains in autumn.

"That's what I thought."

Yuanbao looked a little unhappy when he came back in the evening. Wang Jinhe looked at Yuanbao in confusion. Since she met Yuanbao, she felt that Yuanbao was a very easy-to-talk-to person. This was the first time she saw Yuanbao so angry.

"What happened to Yuanbao? Why do you look so angry?" Wang Jinhe asked curiously.

"Yeah, what happened in Hulu Village?" Su Yu asked with a frown.

Today they took Luo to the county government office but did not go to Hulu Village. Yuanbao led people there by himself. According to the gratitude of those people in Hulu Village towards Yuanbao, they should not have done anything to make Yuanbao so angry, but Yuanbao's mood was not right.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Bao frowned and said, "It's not Hulu Village's problem, it's the problem of the neighboring village. They heard that the fruits in Hulu Village were all sold out, so they wanted me to go take a look. I told them very clearly that after the fruits in Hulu Village were sold out, if the fruits over there were good, we would also buy some, but the people over there refused to give in and delayed us for a lot of time."

Yuanbao felt extremely disgusted when he thought of the people in that village.

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After exchanging a glance with Su Yu, Wang Jinhe thought for a moment and said, "There's no need for us to say more about this. We'll go with you tomorrow. If they're still like this, we'll put them on the blacklist."

Even when they buy fruit, they only look at the person. People who try to force sales are not worthy.

"Yes, Madam, please don't bring the young master over tomorrow." Yuanbao thought about it and said seriously.

If there was a conflict with those people and the young master was hurt, he would definitely go crazy.

Wang Jinhe nodded: "You are right, we cannot take Xiaobao with us tomorrow."

When Xiaobao heard this, he pouted unhappily: "I still want to pick fruit."

“You can pick fruits anytime. There’s no need to rush today. There will definitely be things to do tomorrow, and children can’t go with you.” Wang Jinhe reached out and rubbed Xiaobao’s little head.

Xiao Bao was not the kind of person who would make trouble. After hearing what Wang Jinhe said, although he was still a little unhappy, he still said, "Okay, I'll go after you and mother have dealt with everything."

Anyway, there are still a lot of fruits to be picked over there.

He can pick them anytime.

The next day, when Wang Jinhe and Su Yu went there together, they saw that the villagers from Hulu Village were in a standoff with those from the neighboring village. The people from the neighboring village even stopped their people and did not allow them to pick the fruits.

Seeing this scene, Su Yu frowned slightly and found Hu Lin and asked, "What's going on, Village Chief?"

Hu Lin said self-deprecatingly: "This is someone from Lin Village. Their village grows fruit just like ours. The returns from fruit have not been good in recent years, so they haven't taken care of their gardens. Now they heard that all the fruits in our village are sold at high prices, so they came here to get a piece of the pie."

"Hu Lin, stop talking nonsense. When did we stop taking care of our own garden?"

Hu Lin sneered and said sarcastically: "You said your village takes care of its own garden?"

"Of course." The village chief on the opposite side said righteously.

Hu Lin laughed softly: "If you really take good care of your garden, why do you mix your fruits with ours and sell them together? Do you think Master Su and the others are easy to deceive?"

Even though they can't sell it, they still want to destroy their business. These people are really vicious.

After listening for a while, Su Yu and Wang Jinhe finally understood what was going on. It turned out that the fruits in Lin Village were not good, and since they saw that the fruits in Hulu Village were in demand and the price was high, they wanted to take advantage of the situation.

Yuan Bao frowned and said rudely, "There is no need for us to collect the fruits from these people, Young Master."

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Wang Jinhe nodded in agreement: "Yuanbao, I think what you said is very right. We really don't need to collect the fruits of these people."

When the people of Lin Village heard this, they were immediately dissatisfied: "Why don't you accept us?"

"Is the quality of the fruit in your village as good as that in Hulu Village? Given the trouble-making nature of the people in your village, we really don't want to have anything to do with your village. After all, once we get involved with people like you, we may never be able to get rid of them. We buy fruit to make money, and as long as the fruit is good, we have no problem paying a high price. But your fruit is not good, and you still want us to buy it. Are we stupid, or are you too naive? We are businessmen and we want to make money, not to help the poor." Wang Jinhe really didn't mind helping these people. He could just consider it as doing good deeds for his family. What's more, it was a win-win situation.

But this is only limited to places like Hulu Village. Even if the products are slightly worse than this, they will still accept them, but the price will be slightly lower.

"We..." The people in Lin Village were afraid to speak. They couldn't say shamelessly that their fruits were better than those in Hulu Village.

They haven't taken good care of the fruits in the garden for two or three years, unlike Hulu Village where they take good care of them every year.

The chief of Lin Village has been making fun of Hu Lin in the past two years. The fruit couldn't be sold, so why did he supervise the villagers to grow it well? Who would have thought that Hulu Village would turn around this year. Not only did people come to buy the fruit, but the price was not low. He felt extremely regretful just thinking about it.

The villagers of Lin Village looked at their village chief with some resentment in their hearts. It was the village chief who took the lead in not planting well. If their village chief could be like Hu Lin, they would not be in this situation now.

How can they start over next year? Many of the fruit trees in their garden are damaged.

The head of Lin Village frowned as he saw the villagers looking at him like this: "What are you looking at?"

"Why can't you do the same as the village chief of Hulu Village and let us plant fruit trees properly? He kept scolding the villagers to let them continue planting, but what about you? You are taking the lead in not planting." Some villagers in Lin Village said angrily.

When the head of Lin Village heard their angry accusations, he gritted his teeth and said, "You don't even want to plant, so how can you plant well if I stop you?"

The people in Lin Village were speechless. They really didn’t know how to do it.