Lingquan Space: Fortunate Wife of a Farmer’s Family

Chapter 153: Can save a lot of 1,000 taels!


Seeing this, the farmhand of Wang Jinhe's family smiled and said, "Master Luo, our boss asked me to show you how to do it. It's still early, why don't we go directly?"

"That's a good feeling."

They only used one thresher for the experiment, and placed the rest in a nearby farm.

After the rice was harvested, the farmhand came up with a big armful of rice. Hearing the sound of tinkling, Mr. Luo hurried over to see. When he saw that all the rice had come down, his eyes were filled with joy.

Turning around again, I found that after the farmhand turned the rice twice, it was clean and there was no residue at all.

"This thing is easy to operate and fast. You can divide your people into four parts. One part will harvest, one part will thresh, and the other part will pack the threshed rice into bags and transport it back to the farm to dry. When drying, there will be some rice leaves. Just use a rake to pick them up and clean them up. The rice from our 70 acres of land has now been cleaned up. After two more days of drying, it can be put into storage." The farmhand was telling Master Luo how they allocated the manpower.

The farmhand beside him nodded as he listened: "Okay, you guys come and try it too. If you don't understand, just ask them while they are still here."

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All the farmhands tried it and found that it was much easier and faster. Moreover, they didn’t need to use a mill to thresh the grain, which saved a lot of effort.

"This thing of the boss is really useful." After trying it, all the farmhands said happily: "We don't have to watch the rice soaking in water this year."

They felt heartbroken seeing so much rice sprouting due to being soaked in water because it could not be fully harvested.

"Okay, the autumn harvest will start tomorrow. Everyone has worked hard for a month. I will give everyone red envelopes after the rice is harvested." Master Luo shouted.


"Everyone, take the threshing machine back first and use it tomorrow morning."

"Boss, you guys go and do your own thing. It's still early, let's start harvesting first."

"Thank you all for your hard work." Mr. Luo was not the kind of man who was unkind because of his wealth. Like Mr. Zhang, he was very kind to the farmhands. Not to mention the wages, he would also give them some gifts during the Chinese New Year and other festivals. He would also give everyone a red envelope after every spring planting and autumn harvest. Although the money was not much, only about one or two hundred coins, it was enough for the farmhands. Therefore, the farmhands would never be lazy when working, especially during the busy farming season.

"Thank you so much today. Please keep this." Mr. Luo took out a purse and handed it to the farmhand.

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The farmhand waved his hands and said, "You can't do that. I didn't do anything. I just taught him. Besides, Master Luo is a friend of our boss. We can't take the money."

The day after they harvested the rice, the boss asked Manager Liang to give them red envelopes and had already started ordering winter clothes for them. How could they ask for money now since they were just helping out a small favor

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, Mr. Luo. I'll go back first."


Mr. Luo happily took his son home and said, "Son, you did a good job. But I plan to go find your uncle Yang and uncle Song tomorrow. They have more rice than our family and need this more. I'm thinking that the three of us can spend money to buy the blueprints together, and then make some by ourselves and put them aside, so we don't have to worry about it next year."

"Dad, I heard from Jingyu that Xiaohe has already handed in the thresher. I heard that the prefect personally delivered it to the city. It will definitely be popularized in the future. Is it necessary for you to spend this money now?"

"Why is it not necessary? How long will it take to popularize it? What will your uncle Yang and his family do this year? Even if we spend one thousand taels to buy it, we don't think it's a loss. Our families together lose tens of thousands of taels of silver every year, and this one thousand taels is a small amount. If we spend one thousand taels now, we can save a lot of thousand taels in the future. What's more, for several families together, each family will only have to spend two hundred taels. Isn't this much more cost-effective than soaking the rice?" Master Luo felt that his son was still too short-sighted.

"And you also said that the things have been delivered. The prefect and the county magistrate here are not the kind of people who seek credit. When the emperor knows about it, they will definitely reward you. It is necessary for us to establish a good relationship with them, which can also give you another connection." Master Luo is really worried about his son.

"Dad, Jingyu and I have a good relationship, there's no need to be like this." Luo Su knew that his father was doing this for his own good, but he still felt awkward.

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"Of course I know you have a good relationship. It's okay to make it better. Don't you think so? It's not bad for the two families to visit each other, right? I heard you say that their vegetables are also well grown. I wonder if they can sell them. We can go buy some when the time comes."

"Dad, let me tell you that Jingyu's vegetables are really delicious." He fell in love with them after eating them once.

"Really? Then tomorrow I will go to their house with your uncle Yang and the others and buy some vegetables with them."

"Dad, actually I want the eggs from his family. They taste better than the ones we buy outside. But Jingyu said that there are not many eggs at home, and it will take another month or two before they are available for sale. Every time Jingyu asks his sister to make tea eggs, I can eat several of them." Luo Su wanted to eat it just by thinking about the taste.

"I'll ask tomorrow if there's any. If there is, I'll buy some and ask the chef to cook for you." Mr. Luo had only one son, and his wife died of illness a few years ago. He wanted to accumulate more connections for his son and leave more things for him in case he passed away and left his son alone.

"Dad is still good to me. Dad, if you want to remarry, I don't mind as long as she treats you well." Luo Su said to Master Luo.

"No need. Your father is living a good life now. You don't need to worry about him." Mr. Luo gave his son an unpleasant look. He had a good relationship with his wife. After his wife passed away, he just wanted to take good care of his son and didn't think about anything else.

Luo Su still felt sorry for his father, but seeing that he insisted, he did not say anything more, but changed the subject: "Dad, I will go to Jingyu's farm the day after tomorrow to play. I see there are a lot of fruits. I will pick some for you then."

"Okay, have fun, and dad will give you some money when the time comes."

"Dad, it's free for us to go to the farm and play. Besides, I still have the money you gave me last time."

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"More? Why are you so frugal with your money now?" I only gave my son five hundred taels last time, and you still have some

Luo Su touched his nose embarrassedly: "Since I met Jingyu, we have become accustomed to not spending money that should not be spent. After this, I realized how much money I had spent before."

Mr. Luo's eyes were a little moist, his son had grown up.