Lingquan Space: Fortunate Wife of a Farmer’s Family

Chapter 2315: Why not


Tan Songlin felt unhappy when he heard what Tan Zheng said.

What does he mean by this

It turns out that Ling Xiaoye plotted against him, so he still has to say thank you to Ling Xiaoye

Do I have to thank Ling Xiaoye for giving me death after I die

"Dad, if I were any more stupid, I would be dead. Let's see what you would do." Tan Songlin said unhappily to his father.

Tan Zheng stretched out his hand and rubbed his brow. He had only said a few words casually, but his son said so much. Who was he trying to please

"I'm talking to you nicely, don't make jokes here." Tan Zheng looked at his son unhappily.

After he finished speaking, he looked at him suspiciously and asked, "You were really not captured by Xuan Hongyi and his men? Aren't they framing the Second Prince?"

Tan Songlin's face darkened when he heard this, and he looked at his father as if he were an idiot: "Dad, how could you say such a thing?"

How could his father have the nerve to say that

If you say that someone framed the Second Prince, you should also consider whether they like the Second Prince, right

"Dad, people are at war now. How free do they have to cause trouble for a loser like me?" What on earth was his father thinking

Don't you think too highly of yourself

Tan Songlin glanced at his father unhappily and frowned, saying, "Dad, what on earth are you thinking? You actually think I was captured by them?"

Does his father really think his son is some treasure

Do you really take him seriously

Tan Zheng looked at his son with a twitching mouth.

"Why not?" Tan Zhengzheng didn't think there was anything wrong with his reaction.

On the contrary, his son’s attitude is the biggest problem.

Tan Songlin sighed heavily, and said with a worsening headache: "Dad, do you think too highly of your son? Do you really think your son is such a great person?"

"Is it worth it for them to go to so much trouble to turn me over and deceive you? And if I was really captured by them, why would I follow them to deceive you? Am I stupid or are they stupid?" Could his father have taken this question a little more seriously when he spoke

"..." Tan Zheng suddenly didn't know what to say.

Saying something bad about Tan Songlin

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Or am I just too stupid


When he saw Tan Songlin say such things, he felt helpless.

It was as if he was the stupidest person.

"Dad, the Second Prince is in this state, and you are still thinking about him wholeheartedly." He didn't know what his father was thinking.

Tan Zheng frowned: “Don’t say such things.”

Tan Songlin's expression turned serious. He looked at Tan Zheng and asked earnestly, "Dad, are you still thinking about the Second Prince?"

"When you were thinking about the second prince, did he ever care about your life or death? He is a selfish bastard." Ling Xiaoye is the person who is least worthy of being the prince.

But his father seems to be very optimistic about Tan Songlin.

This result was unacceptable to him.

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When Tan Zheng heard that his son was still insulting the Second Prince at this time, his face suddenly turned ugly: "Enough, I have told you very clearly that the Second Prince is not such a person."

"He's not that kind of person? Why would he hurt General Fei for his own selfish reasons? General Fei was obviously more suitable, so why did he let me, a person who can do nothing and knows nothing, come to fight? Come here to give my head to Xuan Kingdom?" Tan Zheng was angry, and Tan Songlin was also very angry.

Tan Zheng's expression also changed a lot.

He really didn't know that at this time his father still firmly believed that the second prince was not such a person. How ridiculous it was.

"You... Second Prince Tan Songlin is the one we should be loyal to, you can't say such things." Tan Zheng was also angry, looking at Tan Songlin and scolding him angrily.

That is the Second Prince, this is his son. He doesn't want this to happen, but the Second Prince is the one he must be loyal to, and how can he talk about the Second Prince

Tan Songlin was so angry that he laughed: "Oh, we are all prisoners now, and you are still thinking about the Second Prince. When you were thinking about the Second Prince, did you ever think about how scared mother and the others were at home?"

Yes, he is loyal, but what about his family

"If I died at the hands of Xuan State today instead of being captured, would you still say thank you to Ling Xiaoye? Thank him for taking the life of your only son?" Tan Songlin couldn't understand Tan Zheng's thoughts.

How come everyone has no idea what is going on

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But his father actually scolded him for Tan Songlin


What did he do wrong

Facing Tan Songlin's question, Tan Zheng was somewhat unable to answer: "You are still alive now, so this question is invalid."

Tan Songlin laughed so hard that tears came down.

"I'm really sorry to disappoint you. I am a coward who is afraid of death. The reason I am still alive is that I exchanged the city for it." Tan Songlin looked at Tan Zheng and said word by word.

After he finished speaking, he looked at his father very seriously, as if he wanted to know what he could say when he knew all this

Sure enough, Tan Zheng did not disappoint him.

When he learned that his son had committed treason in order to save his life, Tan Zheng's face turned pale and he looked at Tan Songlin with cold eyes.

It was like they wanted to kill him.

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Tan Songlin looked at his father calmly: "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

"Tan Songlin you..." Tan Zheng saw that he had done such a thing and still didn't think he was wrong. He felt very complicated and was mostly angry.

"Tan Songlin, you are from Ling Country, how could you do such a thing?"

"Why can't I do it?" Tan Songlin looked at Tan Zheng.

"I'm not in Ling Xiaoye's hands, and I'm not someone like you who would sacrifice my life and family for others. What's wrong with me doing this to save my life?" Tan Songlin asked back

"Why does Ling Xiaoye have so many people under his command? Those people are actually much stronger than me, but he still wants to fight with a half-baked person like me?" Tan Songlin has never understood this problem.

He started thinking about this problem as soon as he knew he was going to fight.

He still hasn't figured it out until now.

Now seeing Tan Zheng so excited, he couldn't help but ask.

Since my father knows so much, he should be able to answer my own questions, right

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Tan Zheng fell silent for a moment. He didn't know what the second prince's purpose was.

"Doesn't the Second Prince know that I am your only son? No, he knows. He clearly knows that if anything happens to me, you will have no descendants, but he still chooses to let me come. What is this question?"

Tan Songlin's consecutive questions made Tan Zheng a little overwhelmed.

I didn't even dare to look at my son's questioning eyes, for fear of seeing disappointment in them.