Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 12


Although Claire quickly caught up, she was still half a step behind the patriarch and the others. When she arrived, three warriors in the tribe had been knocked to the ground. The clan leader and the dozen or so warriors around him also looked like they were facing a formidable enemy. Obviously, the opponent's strength exceeded their expectations.

The clan leader stared at the enemy in front of him, and the sharpened spear in his hand stabbed upwards as flexibly as a snake. He was strong and strong, and his moves were extremely fierce. All of his moves were directed at the opponent's vital points, because he occupied the Seizing the opportunity, he forced the opponent to take two steps back. The patriarch found a gap and stabbed at the opponent's flaw. The opponent's reaction was also very fast. He pulled out the short dagger from his waist almost as soon as the patriarch attacked. , colliding with the opponent's spear. In the duel between strength and strength, four pairs of vertical pupils belonging to beasts looked at each other nervously, not letting anyone go, and for a while they were even at a stalemate.

But this stalemate did not last long. The strength of the two was almost the same, and the weapons they used were made of different materials. There was just a "click" sound, and the spear in the patriarch's hand broke into two pieces.

The patriarch lost the weapon in his hand and simply began to transform into a beast. An earthy yellow light rose around him. This light was very similar to the light that appeared when Claire and the others transformed, but the color was much darker. His originally human face was gradually replaced by some furry substance. Soon, he lowered his body, sharp claws grew on his hands, and a long tail was dragged behind him. With his huge body and thick mane, what appeared in front of everyone was a male lion.

This is the first time Claire has seen the beast form of the patriarch, but now, she has no time to care about it, because she has already recognized the intruder standing opposite the patriarch: "No, you all Stop fighting, stop! Please!”

With the keen hearing of beasts, the patriarch and the intruder certainly would not fail to hear Claire's words, but they still did not stop fighting with each other. If they want this battle to end, no one will stop unless one of them loses, and no one will believe that the other party will let them go after they stop.

There is a certain difference in strength between the human form and the animal form, so when the patriarch changes into the animal form, the balance of victory is slightly tilted towards him. The intruder blocked the attack of the patriarchal lion with a short dagger, while the patriarchal lion used his sharp claws to hold the dagger firmly, and despite the injury to his palm, snatched the dagger out of the intruder's hand. Then throw it far away. A fierce light flashed in the vertical pupils of the patriarch's lion. From now on, they were equal in all aspects.

"Intruder, where did you know the entrance to our tribe? You'd better tell the truth, otherwise I will kill you immediately!"

The clan leader leaped high, aiming at the vulnerable throat of the intruder. He would seize the man's fate by biting his throat and force him to tell the truth.

"Why do you think I will tell you, huh? You impolite guy!" The intruder raised his head at this moment, a wild and handsome face full of fighting spirit: "If you want to know the answer, defeat him first. I’ll say it again!”

That face and voice were clearly Pascal, who was chasing Claire and Jela.

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of golden light rose from Pascal's body, which represented his identity as a fire elemental master. He was bathed in pure and dazzling golden light, and combined with his seductive appearance, he looked like a god.

The leader of the orc tribe stopped for a step because of the sight in front of him. This kind of mistake can be remedied for him most of the time. He quickly reacted and continued his offensive, but Pascal did not give him a chance to make amends. He seized his hesitation and pause for a second, and rushed over like a bolt of lightning to pin him firmly to the ground. -At this time, he has also transformed into a strong adult male lion. No matter in terms of size or weight, he can suppress the patriarch without any pressure.

But when his neck was threatened by the opponent's sharp fangs, a trace of sadness flashed in the patriarch's eyes, and then he ordered the archers who finally arrived belatedly without caring about his own safety: "Archers, prepare -"

"Clan leader..." Looking at the suppressed clan leader, the archers who were stringing their bows hesitated. The intruder's fangs were pressed tightly against the clan leader's neck, but their arrows were still quite far away from the two men. If they take action, their clan leader will most likely be bitten to death before the intruder is shot; even if he is not bitten to death by the intruder, he may still die under their arrows.

The patriarch's eyes flashed with determination: "Don't worry about me, shoot! This intruder is too threatening. If we let him go now, there will be endless troubles."

"Please wait a moment, this intruder... Lord Pascal is my companion!" Claire saw that the situation was urgent and hurriedly stopped the two of them: "Previously, the people of the Lord of Serante killed me in order to ambush Lord Pascal. He and Jela were captured and lost the territory of the orc tribe. I think Lord Pascal is here just to find us. He has no ill intentions towards the orc tribe."

… …

After a series of crazy events, Pascal and his party - actually only two, ah no, two and a half people - and the clan leader and his party were finally able to sit down and have a good talk.

The corner of the patriarch's mouth was bruised from the fight just now, which made his usually dignified (old) and strict image collapse like a weathered statue.

After Pascal and Claire sat down, the former began to look for the 'half person' missing in his group: "Where is Jela? Where is it? Isn't it with you?" This was of course the question. Claire.

Claire smiled awkwardly: " currently studying with the cubs in the tribe. Before you broke into the tribe, I originally planned to hunt with the warriors in the tribe. "In the process of explanation, she deliberately downplayed the words "orcs" and "sub-beasts".

Now her mood when facing Pascal was as if Pascal had entrusted his boy to her care, but she turned around and sent him to a girls' school. Although the person involved agreed with this decision, she could not help but feel guilty. Especially since this boy's father is also her immediate boss.

The patriarch was a little surprised after hearing Pascal's words: "That little beast is your cub?" He looked at Pascal and then at Claire, trying to see what the relationship was between them. , Claire’s hair stood up all over her body when he saw her. She turned half of her body uncomfortably, trying to move the stone pier under her butt farther away, but found that the stone pier was directly connected to the ground ( ̄▽ ̄).

"Of course it is my cub." Pascal said without hesitation: "Why, do you have any questions about this?"

The patriarch pointed at Claire: "But that little beast is also her child."

"Claire is my subordinate. She usually helps me take care of Jela when I am busy (when I am disliked). Therefore, it is not wrong to say that Jela is her child."

"But she is a male. Why would you give your child to a male to take care of?" The more the patriarch looked at the two people in front of him, the more suspicious he became.

Claire looked at Pascal even more embarrassed by the male, and silently wiped the sweat from her forehead. As for the patriarch, she didn't have the courage to look at it...

Pascal raised his eyebrows: "Don't you know she is a female?" He cast his scrutinizing gaze on Claire. Although he did not speak, Claire could tell with her years of understanding of Pascal. Pascal was asking, 'What are you hiding from me?', so the sweat on Claire's head turned into violent sweat.

"You are a female? What is going on? Why don't I know?" The patriarch also locked his eyes on Claire. Although Claire did not raise her head, she could feel the patriarch's voice and Pascal's voice. You had the same question, so the crazy sweat turned into a waterfall of sweat.

What does it have to do with her? It’s not that she deliberately concealed her identity, but that the group of orcs wishfully regarded her as one of their kind... Thinking of this, Claire began to feel confident again: "I am originally a female. "

"But you can become a lion." The clan leader said quietly.

"I've said it before, I'm from outside, and the standards for measuring females and males there are different from those here. It's you who don't believe me. I never said I was a male."

At that time, she did not explain that she was a female. Firstly, she thought it would be too laborious to explain, and secondly, she felt it was unnecessary. What does it matter about being viewed as gay by these orcs? Isn't it just that she has to go hunting with her every day? This is her old profession and it's not troublesome at all. If she was treated as a female here from the beginning, she wouldn't be able to bear it, learning to sew things every day and how to fall in love with an orc. Besides, she confirmed that she has no mental power. From this point of view, there is still a difference between her and the females here.

"Then Jela was born to you and him?" the patriarch asked again.

"No ( ̄_ ̄|||)." Somehow, Claire always felt that their topic was tending to develop in an increasingly weird direction, and quickly brought the topic back: "I think, than Considering my gender and my relationship with Master Pascal and Jela, the patriarch should be more concerned about what is happening outside, right?"

Claire told the clan leader in detail how she and Jela appeared in the orc territory, and then Pascal added on the part of his solo experience: "... In order to find Claire and Jela , I defeated Black Panther Jem and the men he brought to ambush me, and learned about this place from its mouth.”

"Jim..." The patriarch's pupils shrank sharply: "That bastard, is he still alive?"

From the moment he heard the name, he believed Pascal's words. There was no way, the name Jem left such a deep impression on him.

"He was very cunning, and I failed to kill him." Pascal crossed his fingers: "Now, Jem is one of the most trusted people around that guy Celant."

"Yes, trust gained by betraying the savior." The clan leader said with contempt and hatred.

"So, Black Panther Jem is the one you saved back then?" Claire asked.

"That's right! My father once said that the most regretful thing he ever did in his life was to save him! Not only did he bring the Lord of Selant City to kill our people, but he also took away important things from us!"