Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 13


"Something important? What is that?" Claire asked curiously.

The patriarch was silent for a moment: "... It is a treasure given to us by the Beast God. In the early years, we did not have an absolute advantage in competing with the beasts. The Beast God gave us the treasure, so the beasts have spiritual power. , the Force in the orcs was also stimulated. It can be said that it is because of that thing that our tribe has such powerful power."

"But Pank said that it has been difficult to find qualified orcs and orcs in recent years. Is it because of this reason..." The Pank in Claire's mouth was the old orc who initially answered her questions.

"I don't know if the decline of the tribe is due to our failure to protect the gifts given to us by the Beast God. I only know that since that bastard Jem showed up with the guards from Flowell City, our tribe has fallen into a trap. An unprecedented disaster." He thought of the tragic death of his people, and the grief, anger and unwillingness of his father before his death. His hands on the table were clenched tightly, and his sharp nails dug into his flesh: "I will not let that person go. Absolutely not!"

"Although that guy Jem is not very good at fighting, I have to admit that he is too cunning. Every time I thought I could catch him and kill him, he always managed to slip away from me. More What’s more, he also has my good uncle Serante as his backer. Judging from the current situation of the orc tribe, it will not be easy for you to seek revenge from Jem."

"No matter how difficult it is, I will do it! As the culprit who killed so many of our tribesmen, Jim must use his blood to give us an explanation!" The patriarch looked at Pascal with a somewhat unkind look: "Still, As the nephew of the Lord of Selant City, do you plan to stop me?"

"Hey, don't get me wrong. Selant and I are not uncles and nephews who love each other. On the contrary, he is my enemy. He took away the position of city lord that originally belonged to me, destroyed my elemental power, and forced me to After being expelled from the city of Florwell, he was still worried about my existence and sent people out to hunt me down several times. He and I have long been in a situation where we have him without me, and I without him. If It was really troublesome for me to be misunderstood as being in the same group with him."

Claire nodded beside her: "Yes, I said before that we are here now only because of the ambush of the Lord of Selant. So there is no way that Mr. Pascal is with the Lord of the City."

Hearing Claire's support, the patriarch's face looked a little uncomfortable for some reason. The change in his expression was so obvious that Claire wondered if she had said something wrong accidentally, and she stopped thinking about it. spoke.

"How can I be sure whether what you are saying is true or false?"

Pascal spread his hands: "Believe it or not, it's up to you. But let me remind you, we can't be sure whether what you said is true or false - you have no way to prove it to us, so in this matter, I think we are even." ”

"At this time, shouldn't you prove your sincerity to me?"

"Sincerity, sincerity... Oh, from now on, we have a common enemy. We can form allies and deal with the Lord of Selant and Jem together. I can take back my position as Lord of the City, and you can also take your revenge. , and retrieve your lost clan treasure by the way - I think nothing can prove my sincerity better than this."

"I'm not sure if our tribe forms an alliance with your people, we will be held back." The patriarch looked at Pascal with disgust.

Claire thought that this guy always had inexplicable hostility towards people from the outside world, just like Mr. Pascal now, just like himself back then. It's really hard for the people in the orc tribe to have to endure such a weird-tempered leader.

Facing the clan leader's doubts, Pascal counterattacked unceremoniously: "Yes, that's right, you reminded me. Judging from the performance of the so-called warriors in your tribe just now, I'm afraid I can't have too many expectations for you. "

"You..." The patriarch's eyes widened, but he didn't know how to refute. After all, it is a fact that so many of them came forward to deal with the person in front of them, but they all failed.

But when Pascal faces someone he doesn't like, he doesn't mind poking at the sore spot. Now, the patriarch has tasted the feeling of being caught and poked at the sore spot.

"Okay, that's it. I don't want to argue with you over these meaningless things." After Pascal took advantage of his words, he pretended to be generous and said to the patriarch: "I don't know why you are treating me like this." With so much hostility - after I have explained to you the hostile relationship between Celant and myself. I just want to remind you that there are many difficulties for either you or me to deal with Celant and Jem alone. It’s a big difficulty, but this is something that both of us have to do. In this case, why should we get entangled in those minutiae? Could it be that if we join forces, we can be worse than fighting alone? "

When Pascal said this, it seemed that the one who was unreasonable and looking for trouble became the patriarch... Although this is true, no one likes to hear this fact.

The patriarch had a gloomy face all the time, and his expression looked very ugly, but from his expression, Pascal knew that he had listened to what he just said.

"I tentatively agree to the alliance." The patriarch finally relaxed, and Pascal, who had already planned it, immediately climbed up the steps: "In this case, it is time for you to show your sincerity as allies. As an ally, Our ally, you must not mind doing us a small favor and sending Claire, Jera, me, and I out? You know, we also need to return to the territory to prepare our strength."

The leader's cold eyes swept over Pascal: "I haven't finished speaking yet. Although I have temporarily agreed to form an alliance with you, I have not yet fully believed in your character as an ally. Therefore, when you are truly trusted by me and the tribe, Before the wise men and elders approve, you cannot leave our tribe and must stay here to be observed by us." His eyes flashed again to Jem's honest smile when he was still in the tribe, and his attitude was just a little gentle. He became tougher again: "I will never let you leave here before confirming that you are trustworthy."

"This sounds a little unfair to us. From the beginning of the negotiations, you have been making demands on us. I think we are equals, not subordinates."

"Yes, you are right. But I don't trust you. I will not entrust the safety of the tribe to people who do not know their character. We have already suffered such a loss!" The patriarch seemed to have expected Pascal. Saying this, he calmly picked up Pascal's topic: "Of course, you can think about it from another angle. During your stay, you can also observe the people in our tribe. This investigation is Mutual, not only we need it, you need it too.”

Pascal frowned, but said nothing. He could understand the concerns of this isolated tribe. If he wants to form an alliance with this tribe, he must consider their mood and make some compromises and concessions. Although this may not be fair to them, what can be done

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Pascal nodded to the patriarch.

Finally getting back a win from Pascal, the patriarch showed a faint smile: "I'm very happy. It seems that we have reached a consensus on this point."

"I agree that we should observe both parties, but even if it is observation, it must be set for a period of time, right? We are not from here, and we cannot live here for a long time."

"How about ten years? Ten years is enough time for us to have a deep understanding of each other." The patriarch said without hesitation.

"Oh, good, so in these ten years, all we have to do is observe each other, and there is no need to think about revenge against Selant, right?" Although he is now an ally with the patriarch, he is just like the patriarch Just as he was guarding against him, he had no good impression of the clan leader, so his tone was quite sarcastic: "Don't you think that the time you set seems too insincere? If you stay here for a long time and don't go back, I will I won’t be able to get the latest news from Selant and the others, and the strength of my men may also change.”

"Master Pascal, don't tell him! I think he is a little unusual today. He is deliberately going against us! Let's go find the wise men or elders. They can also make the decision on matters within the clan!" Claire He pulled Pascal and wanted to leave without leaving a single glance at the patriarch: "I don't understand why he can be so willful, it's natural for him to be so willful! I don't want to tolerate his willfulness anymore, not at all!"

Pascal looked at the patriarch's face, had some idea in his mind, and said calmly: "You are right, I originally thought that he would be able to sit on the position of patriarch at a young age, and he should be a wise and far-sighted person. I didn’t expect that the leader of the orc tribe really disappointed me. Let’s go and talk to someone who can reason.”

"Since ten years is not enough, then five years." The patriarch stared at Claire's back closely: "How about this time?"

"Are you bargaining with us? Do you think we are in a free trade market?" Claire looked at the patriarch in disbelief.

The patriarch looked at Claire with some depression: "You said you wanted to set a time, I just said the time I thought was appropriate." It seemed that he felt a little aggrieved.

Claire touched her forehead and completely prostrated herself.

"If we want to set a limit, I think three months is enough. We don't need to understand each other, we just need to see each other clearly." Pascal said unceremoniously: "And, just like you orcs have the force, We also have our own power. We cannot exert this power in the orc territory, and staying here for a long time will stop us from moving forward."

The patriarch frowned: "I have never heard of such a thing." He was a little suspicious that Pascal deliberately lied to himself in order to leave early.

"You have never left the territory of the orcs. How much do you know about us?" Pascal retorted: "To be honest, I think you should take your tribe out to see. You have been living in Here, we don’t know anything about other places on the mainland, and the information is too limited.”

Finally, the patriarch made a concession: "Two years, at least you have to stay here for two years, let me see clearly whether you are trustworthy people, and then I will make a decision whether to help you leave. Moreover, you The little beasts need to learn how to use mental power here - I guess you don't teach these things, right? For the little beasts, two years of mental power learning is necessary. You should do it for your little beasts. Yashou should think more about it.”

"If this is necessary for Jera, then I have no objection. But -" Pascal turned his head and said: "Since just now, I have been wanting to ask, what exactly is a sub-beast?"

"..." Claire met Pascal's gaze and forced herself to reveal an awkward smile: "Here's what happened, Mr. Pascal, please listen to me slowly and don't be too quick to get angry..."

"What did you do to make me angry?" Pascal raised his eyebrows. This time Nizi even used the honorific title, which seemed to be a big mistake.


"So, you raised my son as your daughter?" Pascal sighed: "Claire, I trust you so much that I gave Jera to you to take care of, but who knew... you are like this , how can I trust you again in the future?"

"I'm sorry, Lord Pascal, it's my fault. I didn't explain it to the orc tribe in time." Claire already felt guilty, but when Pascal said this, she immediately proactively admitted her mistake.

"I also know you didn't mean it, but I'm really afraid that Jela will have some psychological shadow because of being raised as a girl during this period. Well, in the recent period, don't get too close to Jela. "

The girl with solid eyes, Claire, apologized obediently again and felt guilty. Little did she know that the little person in her heart, the good father Pascal, was already laughing arrogantly.

These lionesses always said that he was not a qualified breeder, and they always used various reasons to prevent him from getting close to Jela. Now that he had caught Claire, of course he had to take advantage of it.

When he thought of being able to develop a father-son relationship with Jela alone, ah no, two lions, Pascal felt that the seemingly long two-year appointment was not so long. If he had known earlier, he should have booked it for one more year (╯□╰).

"Wait, according to you, Jela is not a sub-beast?" Looking at the guilty-looking Claire and the generous-looking Pascal, the patriarch was still confused: "How is this possible? I mean , Jela obviously has the mental power that only sub-beasts can have, and its talent is quite high. I think this is the most powerful proof! Moreover, it cannot turn into a beast!"

"I've already told you that the standards for judging females and males outside and in your tribe are different." Pascal did not explain to the tribe leader in detail: "Okay, the process is not important, what is important is the result, you All you need to know is that Jela is my son, a male cub, and he cannot give birth to offspring."

"Master Pascal, if we can't go back in the past two years, Wana and the others will be worried about us and look for us everywhere, right?" After surviving the parents' cross-examination with a 'near miss', Claire relaxed. After taking a breath, he was worried about another problem.

"That's right." Pascal thought for a moment and immediately turned his attention to the clan leader.

The patriarch was a little chilled by his eyes, which reminded him of the eyes of the orcs when they looked at the prey that was tied up and unable to resist.

"Master Patriarch, since you have so kindly invited us to stay, we can't refuse. However, we have to send someone to inform our companions. This matter will be left to you, the hospitable Patriarch. You orcs are best suited to do this. It’s just an errand. It’s just such a small thing, I believe you can handle it, right Patriarch?”

Patriarch: "..." What makes them orcs the best suited to do this kind of errand work? Are they orcs just running errands for others? Is it too late for him to regret and drive this person out now? If he had unfortunately died prematurely in the past two years, he would have been so angry at this person!