Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 17


The cubs were coming fiercely, and Jela was unprepared, and lost the opportunity again. He was pecked several times by the chick's sharp beak, and received a claw from the wolf cub, barely avoiding being beaten to the ground. However, Jela is not a vegetarian. There are life-and-death struggles every day on the prairie. Before Jela met Pascal, he had worked hard to obtain food and avoid being hunted by predators. Therefore, It quickly found its groove.

If he can beat you, he will bully you to death; if he can't, he will run away. Jela has always followed this principle.

Facing the cubs who had an absolute numerical advantage on the opposite side, Jela did not directly confront them head-on. Instead, he adopted the classic sixteen-character policy - the enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy is stationed and we harass, the enemy is tired and we attack, and the enemy retreats and we pursue , relying on his flexible body shape and extremely high movement speed to fight guerrillas in the 'enemy camp'.

It didn't take long for the orc cubs, who were originally confident, to discover that Jera, who was easy to deal with in their eyes, was like a slippery loach that they couldn't catch at all. It moved very quickly and kept scurrying up and down. It makes people's eyes feel a little dizzy. Its perception is also very keen. Even if you want to scratch its back, it will avoid it in advance as if it has eyes on its back. Except for the first few attacks, the cubs couldn't even touch a hair on Jela's body.

When the orc cubs approached, he suddenly took action and knocked them down. The usual training of the orc cubs is to punch and claw each other, and fight with real swords and guns. Where do they come from so many tricks? At the moment, he was fooled around by Jela.

So many cubs swarmed up, but they still couldn't catch a new one, which made the fierce little chicken extremely angry: "Chichijijijijijijijijijijijijiji, Jijijijijijijiji..." (You just know how to run. What kind of skills do you have, you coward! If you can fight, then have a good fight with us! If you can’t fight, go home as soon as possible! We don’t leave any cowards here!)

"I'm not cowardly, this is a strategy, do you understand? I know that you are outnumbered and I will get beaten if I stay where I am. Why don't I run? I'm stupid!"

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow~" (Asshole, you coward!) The orcs are obviously relatively simple, and their children are taught to curse people and can only use a few words upside down. Jela's left ear went in and out of the right ear, and it didn't take it to heart at all. It even had the mood to reply: "If you fight me one-on-one, how can I hide? It's obvious that you are timid and don't dare to go alone. , you are the real cowards."

The wolf cub was angry. It lay on the ground and began to gather strength to attack Jela. Unfortunately, Jela did not give it time to prepare. Jela jumped high and passed the wolf cub that rushed forward to catch it. The wolf cub crashed into the straw and shook its head violently before shaking the straw off its fur. It turned its head and aimed in the direction of Jela again. Unfortunately, before it had time to take action, one of its companions grabbed its tail and lost its balance.

"Baa uh uh uh, baa uh uh uh uh uh!" Suddenly there was a scream from the ground. It turned out that the sheep cub accidentally collided with the tiger cub when turning a corner. The two cubs fell to the ground together, and the sheep cub accidentally fell to the ground. Unfortunately, it became the meat pad of a tiger cub.

The situation was messed up by Jera. Many of the people chasing it bumped into their own companions, and a lot of its huge combat power was digested internally. Jela saw the opportunity and ran towards another field.

The place where the orc cubs moved was not a flat land, but there were some hills and other obstacles around it. Jera slipped into the hill in a blink of an eye, causing the orc cubs to lose their target. The cubs all have the energy to become more and more courageous as they get frustrated. The less they can catch Jela, the more they don’t want to give up. Although they are all worn down now, when they found Jela running into the hill, they Still he chased after him without hesitation. They are really unwilling to show this new guy some color!

When Jela approached the mountainous area, he quickly observed the surrounding terrain, then found a corner that was not easily discovered, lay down on the rock, and hid secretly, hiding his aura. For this kind of work, it can be said that it is familiar with it and is not unfamiliar at all.

Obviously, after the first round of high-energy attacks, the orc cubs were now beginning to fall into a state of exhaustion, and their gradually becoming heavier breathing betrayed them. Jela has developed great endurance because she has to avoid hyenas and other predators all year round, and she still has plenty of physical strength now.

It's time to fight back. Jela thought.

It is dormant quietly at the entrance of the cave, waiting for the arrival of prey. Since there is a smell-masking grass around the cave, it is difficult for the orc cubs to find out where Jela is hiding through the smell. The cubs were wandering around but couldn't find Jela, which obviously made them a little restless. The baby lion approached the cave entrance without any precautions. At this time, Jela rushed out like a bolt of lightning, knocked the baby lion to the ground, and bit its throat fiercely!

The baby lion was petrified by such a straightforward attack. As a strong baby, it had never experienced such bullying. Everything in front of him was like a slow-motion replay, and the baby lion felt that he had never been so close to death like this moment. So, it was very spineless and became the first cub to surrender: "Ho ho ho ho ho ho, ho ho ho!" (I recognize you as the boss, don't eat me!)

Jela leaned into its ear and said quickly: "If you want me to let you go, you can, but you must withdraw from the battle immediately! Don't bother me again!"

The baby lion nodded like a fool, and suddenly shook his head violently: "Ho ho, ho ho ho ho ho, ho ho ho ho!" (No, you are my boss, I have to help you!)

"..." Jela was too lazy to talk nonsense to it. The fight between the two of them had already alerted the other orc cubs, and now those cubs were rushing towards where it was. Jela jumped up and quickly found another place to ambush.

In fact, with the current bite force of its teeth, even if it really bites it, it is impossible to do anything to the stupid lion. It will make you cry if you say too much. However, there is no need for the stupid lion to know these things.

"Hohohoho(★w★)!" (So awesome!) The baby lion was stunned for a moment, and suddenly chased in the direction of Jela: "Hohohohohohohoho!" (Boss, wait for me. ah!)

Jela's silence was taken as acquiescence by some heartless lion cub.

Jela discovered that his good luck had come to an end since he knocked down a stupid lion cub and was recognized as the boss by the lion cub. Whenever it wants to fight an ambush, it will see a stupid lion rushing towards it excitedly, shouting: "Ho ho ho ho ho ho!" (I'll do it, boss) Help you!) It’s like a dog that sees meat and bones.

Then, Jera's position was exposed in advance, and it had to re-select the ambush location. Each time after that, it would choose a more secluded ambush location than the last time, but it would always be found out by the stupid lion again and again.

"Hoho, hohohohohoho!" (Boss, why didn't you wait for me!) The stupid lion cub looked at Jela sadly and aggrievedly like an abandoned dog.

A big tic-tac-toe appeared on Jela's forehead. It doesn't understand how this guy still has the nerve to make that aggrieved expression. He should obviously feel aggrieved, but no, it's the one who feels aggrieved, okay

Fortunately, that stupid lion cub kept calling it boss, it must have been sent by the orc cubs to harm it! The pig teammates are asking for a retreat!

Not far from them, a piggy was walking slowly forward. Suddenly, it seemed to feel a sense of malice, and it shivered unexpectedly. Well, I don’t know who is talking about it again...

Finally, under the constant troubles of the stupid lion cub, Jela's battle was almost broken. Jela was so angry that he jumped down from a high place and hit the stupid lion cub directly. It wanted to use its own weight to knock the silly lion cub down, but unfortunately, it overestimated its own weight and underestimated the silly lion cub's endurance—until it sat down on the silly lion cub. , Jera discovered that her body size was only half of the other party’s!

Regarding Jela's behavior, the stupid lion cub took half a beat to react. It did not show any displeasure, but became even more excited: "Ho ho, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho? Ho ho ho ho ho ho? Ho ho!" (Boss, do you want to take me for a ride? Then you have to sit tight!)

"Baa, baa baa baa!" (Ah, it's there!) At this time, another friend discovered Jela's traces.

This is not the first time that the enemy has been detected, so the friends are calm and mentally prepared to lose the enemy again, so they are not as overly excited as they were at the beginning of this chase.

However, when they watched Si Mao (a silly lion cub) running around on the grass carrying the object they were chasing, their jaws dropped in shock.

"Moo...Moo, moo, moo?" (Si Mao...what is it doing?) Niuzaizi, who had never done anything, asked.

"Squeak ... Squeak Qingqing Squeaks Qing Qing Qingqing Squeaks Qingqing, Squeaks Qingqing Squeak?" (I don't know ... Maybe the new guy rides on its back, it wants Throw it off?) The little monkey jumped up and down, chattering about his guesses, so lively.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!" (In this case, let's go over and help Si Mao!) Baby Bear suggested.

"Chichichichichichi, chichichi!" (What are you waiting for? Come on!) The little chicken rushed to the front, waving its wings that were not yet able to fly.

"Roar?" There was a sound in his ears, and the silly lion cub looked over in confusion, only to see a large group of small animals rushing towards them. The dust splashed under their feet could almost kill them. Their bodies were submerged.

The stupid lion cub said: "!!" Looking at the posture, it was almost fatal. The lion cub threw up his arms and started running wildly without saying anything.

All the cubs: "!!!" They were obviously here to help Si Mao, why did Si Mao run away as soon as he saw them

The cubs had been chasing Jera for a long time just now, and now they were exhausted after running a few laps on the flat ground. The stupid lion cub panted heavily and sat on the ground on all fours. Jela felt like she had climbed down from it, and almost covered her mouth and vomited. Unfortunately, even if it wanted to vomit, it couldn't. It lay on the ground, its body heaving violently. It took a long time before the feeling of dislocation in its internal organs passed.

"Ouch, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" (Si Mao, why are you running away!)

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!" (Then why are you chasing me!)

"Squeaking Qingqing Squeak Qingqing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qingqing." (We just want to help you carry the guy on your back.)

The lion cub patted his head: "Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar, Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar!" (I forgot to tell you Yes, it is my new boss. My boss is sitting on my back very happily!)

"..." After thinking for a long time, everyone realized that this chase was simply a mistake.

"Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" (I should have known how unreliable Si Mao is!)

Si Mao has no time to take care of his friends who have been tricked by him. He is busy chasing after his new boss and asking questions.

"Ho ho, ho ho ho ho ho, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho?" Boss, you are so awesome, how can you speak a language that only dad and the others can speak

Jera also discovered that these cubs have always spoken in animal language, unlike the adult orcs who can use human language even if they transform into animal form. This is probably because no one among the orc cubs has successfully transformed into a human.

Orc cubs are born as beasts, and most of them can transform into humans in their childhood, but the length of time varies from person to person and is quite unstable.

"Ho ho, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho, ho ho ho ho ho ho?" (Boss, what's your name? Why are you ignoring me?)

"Don't put your head so close!" Jela waved his paw on the big head close to him, and a faint mark suddenly appeared on Si Mao's face: "Also, I didn't intend to pay attention to you in the first place, don't Talk to yourself, okay?"

When the silly lion cub heard this, he lowered his head in disappointment.

Its little friends quit. Although this guy is a little dull, he can't be bullied by "outsiders". They are very loyal!

"Chichichichichichichi!" (Don't bully Si Mao!) The small but fierce little chicken jumped in front of Jela first.

"Make it seem like I'm a villain. I haven't asked you yet, why did you suddenly attack me?"

The little chicken stared with pea-sized eyes, looking at the confused wolf baby, then at the sheep baby pretending to be innocent, and finally at the stupid lion cub who had rebelled. Just now, they were the ones who decided to show off to the newcomer, but how should they say this

In the end, the clever monkey boy rolled his eyes and thought of the reason: "Zhizhizhiqingqingzhiqingqingqingqingzhizhiqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingzhiqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingqingby by Qingqingqingqing!" (Every orc cub who comes here must undergo the test of the 'old people'. If he fails the test, he cannot be considered one of ours!)

The sheep next to it quickly said: "Baa uh, baa uh uh uh uh mi uh uh uh uh uh." (So, you must continue to accept our test.) He also nodded seriously.

Silly lion cub: "Ho ho ho ho ho! Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!" (You are lying! There is no such rule at all!)

All the cubs wanted to rush up and strangle this idiot to death. They had been focusing on betraying their teammates for a hundred years!

This day was the most chaotic day that Jerra had ever lived since he arrived at the orc tribe. Here, he once again experienced the feeling of chasing and being chased. I have to admit that this really exercises its reflex nerves. The orcs who went out to hunt did not leave their orc cubs at home to be taken care of by the beasts, but gathered them in such a place, not without their own considerations.

In any case, although the beginning is a bit embarrassing and the process has too many surprises, playing with the orc cubs here is far more meaningful than listening to the beast teacher explaining the physiological knowledge about the beast in the cave. . Perhaps because they all fought together (?), Jera quickly became familiar with the orc cubs. The fierce little chicken even patted its chest with great loyalty and said to it: "Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi!" (From now on, I will protect you!)

Jela: “…”

Soon, the little chicken's true colors were revealed, and it came up with a sly smile: "Chichijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji..." (I heard that you are going to have classes with the beasts, really. Blessed are you, please help me pay attention to see which sub-beast has a better temper, and help me make a reservation in advance!)

Jera: "... ( ̄_ ̄|||)" Sure enough, the topic of Ya beast cannot be separated from the orcs, and the topic of orcs cannot be separated from the Ya beast, just like the little cub in front of it, at such a young age, he knows how to give it to himself Pay attention to your wife, but...

—Brother, you'd better turn into a human form first. The appearance of this little chicken is really not powerful enough.

He spent a lot of energy in the morning. When stimulating the mental power in his head in the afternoon, Jera felt that his energy could not be highly concentrated, which caused it to fail repeatedly when sensing the mental power.

If it is in the heyday of its mental state, it can easily perceive mental power without expending too much effort. I don’t know if it’s like the wise man said, it’s more talented in this area. However, it is difficult to capture and use spiritual power with the current iteration.

Nowadays, Jera is still in the transition stage from perception to capture. If the mental power it can perceive every time is a glass of water, then the mental power it can capture can only cover the bottom of the cup, and the rest will collapse on its own, and the waste rate is very high. And the little bit of mental power captured by it will disintegrate soon, and it can hardly do anything with that mental power. It guessed that this was probably because its mental power was not yet stable yet.

As for the other children, even the most talented sub-beasts are not half as capable as Jera in sensing spiritual power. It is conceivable that they can hardly capture any spiritual power. There are even a few small sub-beasts that are still unable to sense spiritual power, which makes them very frustrated. Whenever this happens, they will look at Jela and others with envy.

"What's so sad? For Yashou, the most important thing is to combine with the orcs and pass on our bloodline. What does it matter if we can sense spiritual power?" Teacher Yashou once said casually Say this to the little beasts.

Although he himself can sense mental power, his talent is extremely poor. He can barely capture mental power and cannot use mental power at all, so he doesn't care about mental power. It's just that due to the wise man's request, he had to set aside a separate time to teach courses on spiritual power.

The little beasts who couldn't sense much mental power were certainly comforted, but the teacher's attitude also greatly dampened the enterprising spirit of those students with some talent. How many students did not admire their teachers and did not want to be praised by their teachers when they were young? When they achieve something and want to be praised by the teacher, they will be very disappointed when they find that the teacher doesn't pay attention to it at all. Then subconsciously, I also think that this matter is not important.

It's not that there aren't any good students in Jela's class, it's just that those little beasts are all under the influence of the teacher and don't pay much attention to mental power and don't practice diligently, so naturally it's difficult for them to make significant progress.

Jela didn't like this teacher and thought he couldn't agree with his ideas, but he was an outsider after all and would not rush to find trouble for himself. I don’t know how much the wise man knows about this situation, but at least the old man still values mental strength. If there is a chance next time, it can mention the situation here to the wise man tactfully. As for more, it can't take care of it, it can only take care of itself.

Returning to the current scene, it can be easily discovered that Jera is working the hardest among everyone - although its failure rate in capturing mental power today is too high.

Jera's emphasis on spiritual power made Teacher Yashou not like Jera very much, and felt that it was deliberately going against him. In the past, his dislike for Jela was not so obvious, but since he knew that Jela was not a sub-beast, he became less polite when speaking to Jela - in his opinion, male cubs do not need to be treated with caution. Treated: "Look, what are you doing now when you are usually the most obsessed with spiritual power! You usually don't listen to my advice and waste a lot of time on such useless things. Now, you Have you finally figured it out?"

Jera raised its head, sweat flowing down its forehead, and its eyes were full of determination: "Spiritual power is not a useless thing, it belongs to me - rather than relying on someone, I trust the power I can control more .”

"Ah, that's right. After all, you are an orc. If you are very useless, who should you rely on? We beasts don't need to worry about this at all."

"No, I'm afraid I can't agree with you. I want to have my own power because I am an independent individual. I don't want to have to ask for protection from others whenever something happens. This has nothing to do with my gender. Female. With males, who is born to depend on?”

The teacher's breathing was disordered for a moment: "Oh, you are a bad boy, you are a bad boy."