Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 18


After class, Jera was brought to the wise man alone by Teacher Yashou. He had decided not to teach it anymore.

"Oh, Patriarch, I've really had enough of it!" Teacher Yashou complained: "It doesn't obey my discipline at all. It's so annoying! And it's an orc and a foreigner. I can't think of anything I can do." Why should I accept such a naughty brat?"

The Yashu teacher spoke very excitedly, as if Jera had done something terrible, but the old Yasou man had been listening to his words quietly and was not affected by his emotions. After the Yazoo teacher finished complaining, the old Yaboman asked: "Is it true, Jera? Did you deliberately cause trouble in class?"

"Wise man, you asked this little kid what he was doing. He is not an honest kid. How could he tell you the truth..." Teacher Yashou was a little unhappy because of the wise man's distrust of him. He was not a person who was good at hiding his emotions, and his dissatisfaction naturally fell into the eyes of the old sub-orc. He is impetuous and makes decisions based on his own preferences in everything. This is how the old sub-orc man perceived this young sub-beast. Therefore, he did not believe his words. He shook his head gently and insisted: "Let Jela said it herself.”

Although Jela will not take the initiative to cause trouble, he will not swallow his anger when someone actively provokes him, especially now that the old sub-orc has made it clear that he intends to support it. It raised its head and looked at the old sub-orc seriously. In his eyes, it only saw a kind of wise depth and tolerance. This old man is different from the beast teacher. He is different from most of the beasts it has seen. Jera thought that maybe it could try to communicate with him.

"Will you believe what I say?" The little lion swung its tail and lay in front of the fire, looking very well-behaved.

"Of course, my child. Although you are not from our tribe, you go to class with our children, eat together, and grow up together. In my eyes, you are no different from other children in the tribe. If you have Whatever you want to say, don’t hesitate.”

"I can tell you that the reason I was hated by this teacher was because I made him understand that he had fallen."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Teacher Yashou said angrily, "You little bastard!"

Jera said in childish and mature words: "Isn't it like this? Don't you openly despise the cultivation of spiritual power? Don't you rely on the orcs as a matter of course?"

Teacher Yazhu sneered disdainfully: "I thought you were going to say something, but this is all? Isn't it natural for weak Yazhu to rely on orcs? As for mental strength..." He glanced at the old Yashuman. , obviously, he also understood that the old sub-orcs valued spiritual power, so he avoided the important and said: "Spiritual power is the innate ability of our sub-beasts, and it is a gift from God. But without this talent, we cannot It’s forcing, isn’t it? It’s rare to find something strange!”

Using words to induce him to express his true thoughts, Jera's goal has been half achieved. It took advantage of the victory and pursued it: "It is because you beasts are too weak that you drag down the orcs, causing your tribe to continue to decline. Go down. Nature is very cruel, and it will not be particularly tolerant to you just because you are sub-beasts! In order to protect the weak you, the orcs continue to make sacrifices, so they do not have enough time and opportunities to grow their strength. Since You know you are weak, why don’t you try to become a little stronger? Why can you feel comfortable holding back the orcs?”

Of course, the orcs won't think there's anything wrong with doing this, and the sub-beasts won't think there's anything wrong with doing it either. But this just goes against the rules of nature, the weak and the strong. The creatures in the group only rely on some strong ones to protect some weak ones. It is difficult for such a group to develop.

"You!" Teacher Yashou's eyes widened.

Jela would not care about his eyes. It supported its head with its paws, and its golden eyes reflected a strange brilliance under the firelight: "Do you know? On the prairie where I once lived, creatures living in groups In the face of powerful enemies, they often abandon the weak among their group, and only the strong can survive. Therefore, in order to survive and to ensure that they are not abandoned, everyone lives very hard. Such a group will never They will not weaken, but because those who survive are the strong ones, they will continue to get stronger. They are strong not just because they have strong bodies, but also because they have a heart that keeps getting stronger!"

Jera looked at Teacher Yashou: "And in this regard, you are out-and-out weak. You are far inferior to the orcs in terms of fighting, and you don't know how to make full use of your own advantages. Wait until one day even When the orcs can't protect you, you can only drag the orcs with you to destruction."

The sub-orc wanted to refute what it said, but he was clumsy and tongue-tied. He always stayed in caves and had too many experiences. He couldn't find the right words to refute Jela, so he could only curse meaningless words. : "Alarmist! You are simply alarmist!"

"Am I being alarmist? Grandpa, you should know best, right?" Jela looked at the old sub-orc man: "You have witnessed the most glorious time of the tribe. Come and tell me, the sub-orcs at that time were also like Just like the current sub-beasts, if you don’t work hard to cultivate, will you just wait for the orcs to protect them?”

"Once upon a time, we were always the most powerful orc warrior and the most powerful sub-beast spiritual master. Orcs and sub-beasts fought side by side and helped each other. No one was half a step behind the other. They were both strong." The old sub-orc man said A trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes: "However, all this changed after Jem invaded with the guards of Lord Serante and took away the treasures of our clan... Our sub-beasts became rare and weak. , gradually retreating behind the orcs, our orcs no longer give the sub-beasts a chance to fight, because we can no longer bear the cost of losing the sub-beasts. The orcs began to spontaneously and consciously protect the sub-beasts, just to make our tribe Can continue." The old sub-orc said to himself: "I have always taken these things for granted. Are we really wrong?"

Hearing the wise man mention the stolen treasure, the young Yashou seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw: "Wise man, our tribe has fallen to what it is today, all because of these foreigners! They stole the beast The treasures given to us by God have made it impossible for us sub-beasts to bathe in the blessings of the beast god, and our spiritual talents have continued to decline. It is their fault that we sub-beasts have become so weak!"

Jela paid no attention to the young sub-beast. People who refuse to admit their failures can always find thousands of reasons for themselves to shirk responsibility. What it really cares about is the attitude of the old sub-orc.

"Do you think so too?" it asked: "As long as you desperately protect the sub-beasts, is that enough?"

"I have always had the same idea as Karen. We always easily blame Jem for the decline of the tribe." Karen is the young sub-beast teacher.

"But, after listening to your words, I suddenly realized that maybe my idea was wrong all along."

"Wise man, don't listen to this little brat's nonsense! He is a foreigner, so of course he will help foreigners shirk their guilt!" Karen retorted fiercely. With him present, the old orc and Jera couldn't even communicate normally.

"Are you questioning my judgment, Karen?" The old sub-orc was obviously dissatisfied with Karen's rash intervention.

"No, I just hope that you won't be fooled by this little brat's words."

"Your course isn't over yet, is it? Go back and teach the children first, Karen. As for Jera, from now on, I will personally guide it in its mental power courses."

Although Karen was unruly, he did not dare to go against the wishes of the wise man. Wise men have a respected status in the ethnic group. On some matters, even the words of the clan leader are not as effective as those of a wise man.

Karen didn't dare to be angry with the wise man, so he could only put the blame on Jela. He glared at Jela fiercely, turned and left.

"Do you really think he can be a good teacher?" Jera looked at Karen's leaving back and said: "Teacher Karen doesn't care about mental power. He spares no effort to show that mental power is useless. Instilled in his students, those underage beasts will also be influenced by him."

"I understand. Except for a few of the sub-beasts here who still insist on training their mental power, most of the rest have the same idea as Karen. At first, because of the mental power of the sub-beasts, I The decline in talent and the inability to protect themselves resulted in the orcs acquiescing to the over-protection of the sub-beasts. Unexpectedly, it was my connivance that caused today's situation."

The eyes of the old sub-orc man were full of sadness: "After listening to your words, I realized that for us, what is truly terrible is not the loss of the family treasure and the regression of talent, but the death of fighting spirit. From our orc tribe Since its founding, the spirit of fighting has never disappeared. However, from the recent tribesmen, it is difficult for me to feel that high fighting spirit anymore. Few of the younger generation of sub-beasts hold the same thoughts as me. , there are only a few ya-beasts of my generation who are still alive. Most of them hold important positions in the clan and cannot teach the little ya-beasts in person. In this case, even if I replace Karen and use other ya-beasts, If the beast comes to teach the little beasts, the result will not change at all."

"Do you want to change this situation?"

"Of course I want to, but it's difficult." The old orc man sighed: "My child, do you have any ideas?"

"Have you ever thought about moving out from here?" Jela said: "If everyone in your entire tribe holds the same ideas, and you want to break these inherent ideas, then the best way is to take the tribe with you Move out from here and let them communicate with creatures from the outside world. You know, the residents of the grassland where I lived before are very fighting spirit, and they will do everything they can to keep themselves and their descendants alive. I believe , their fighting spirit can infect the orcs and sub-beasts.”

The old sub-orc thought for a moment: "If I were younger and still at the age where I dared to take risks, maybe I would agree with you. But now, I am old, worry more, and less courageous."

"I know this is a big deal for the tribe, and I fully understand your concerns. The outside world is so unfamiliar to you, and it must make you very insecure. After all, no one knows what will happen to the orc tribe after you go out. You will encounter something, but at least you have another possibility. If you continue to stay here, it will only cause your tribe to continue to decline. You can think about it carefully."

"I will." The old sub-orc man touched Jela's head: "Thank you for considering our tribe, but I have to say, you really don't act like a child."

Oops, I said it so blithely that I accidentally forgot the fact that my shell was still a little kid... Jie La laughed dryly: "Actually, these words were taught to me by my father. He has always wanted to persuade you. Move out, I just don’t have a chance to say it.”

This was the first time that Jela called Pascal daddy, but unfortunately a certain lion who was pulled out as a shield couldn't hear it at all.

The old sub-orc nodded and accepted the answer: "Your father? He is a very smart male. He will be a good father and an old leader."

—Hey, hey, stop praising him. Do you know he treats me as a reserve food

Although Jela started the topic, it was not happy to hear others praising Pascal in front of it.

The old orc man had a very sophisticated eye, and he could see from Jela's expression that there might be some kind of problem between Jela and its adoptive father. He couldn't say much about other people's affairs, he could only give a few reminders.

"Your dad, he loves you very much."

Jela nodded glumly, loving it and its meat very much.

Seeing that Jela did not agree with his words, the old orc man was not angry, and said in a gentle and tolerant tone: "You go back first, child. There are some things that you will understand in the future."

Is this being treated like a child? Forget it, it would rather be treated like a child than continue discussing this topic.