Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 19


Ever since Teacher Yashou was driven back by the wise man, he has been in a bad mood every day. He wanted to find something to do with Jela to relieve his anger, but unfortunately Jela was no longer under his control, so he could only keep sulking on his own.

"Tell me, teacher, has he been constipated recently? His face is so ugly!" The baby bear, who had a good relationship with Jela before, was biting the ear of the baby leopard.

"Teacher is in a bad mood for three seasons out of the year. We should get used to it!" Baby Leopard said, "Maybe Teacher is about to reach menopause."

Baby Bear curiously asked: "What is menopause?"

"Just... just... Oh, anyway, Jela told me that females will become very irritable when this time period comes." I couldn't pretend to be knowledgeable anymore, and the baby leopard felt that it was also very irritable.

"Are only females getting agitated? What about males?"

"I don't know, maybe I will become stupid."

"It sounds so scary. Let's stop talking about this. By the way, I haven't seen Jela recently. Will he not come to class with us in the future?" Baby Bear missed his little friend a little.

The sharp-eared teacher Karen caught the whispers of the two babies and slapped the wooden book on the stone table: "It's you two again! Today I will punish you to mentally copy the contents of the book ten times!" "

Strangely enough, Teacher Karen himself doesn't value mental power, but he always uses it to punish people.

"No, you deadly teacher!" The wailing of the baby bear and the baby leopard came from the classroom.

Jela was not punished, but the two cubs who had a good relationship with Jela were punished, which was probably a comfort to Teacher Karen.

On the other side, Jera and the orc babies were having fun. Before Jela came, the games played by the orc babies were usually free-for-alls with no technical content, and they would kill whoever was unhappy. Although this method greatly improved their own force value, their teamwork ability was not. Not exercised at all.

After Jela arrived, at Jela's suggestion, the orc cubs were divided into two groups. One group lurked in the hills and stayed behind, while the other group was responsible for attacking. None of the orc cubs have tried this kind of gameplay before, and it feels very novel.

In the first game, Jela's group of cubs were chosen as the left-behind team, with the purpose of guarding their own red flag - a conspicuous symbol inserted by Jela - from being taken away by the enemy. As the 'founder' of the game, Jela was unsurprisingly elected as the decision-maker of their group.

Another group is led by a feisty chick. Not everyone is convinced by Chicken Little, so before facing off against Jayla and the others, Little Chicken Little had a good "exchange of feelings" with its friends, and then he led his team onto the field with great vigour. .

Every time she saw it doing fierce things with its cute appearance, Jela couldn't help but sweat. It seems that not all cute things are harmless. The cuter the creature is on the outside, the more dangerous it is on the inside.

In the first game, the chicken team, which had no strategy but ran rampant, was completely bullied by the Jela team. Before the chicken team had time to figure out the situation, Jela used the advantage of the location to overthrow the chicken team. He fell out of the battlefield in embarrassment.

It got up from the ground and shook the fluff on its head, looking like it still hadn't figured out what was going on.

In the second game, the Chicken Cubs team was responsible for defending the ground, and the Jela team was responsible for the attack. The members of the Chicken Team didn't know their hidden whereabouts, so they were strutting around in the hills. Team Gera quietly approached them, and one by one from behind, they threw their black hands out of the battlefield to seize the signs. Team Chicken was once again completely wiped out.

"Chichijiji..." (Ah, I'm so angry, why do I always lose when I play with you!) Little Chicken stared at Jera unwillingly: "Chichijijijiji..." (You can't lead your people to be fair and aboveboard! Are you going to fight with us? Why are you always so sneaky?)

"No matter what, I won, and I didn't violate the rules of the game." Jela said: "This is strategy. When fighting with others, strength is important, and strategy is equally important. There is no shame in using appropriate strategies to win the game. This is wisdom.”

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" (You always have a lot of truth!) The bear cub who was also brutally tortured by Jela said gloomily.

"Many times, if we can use easier means to achieve our goals, why don't we do that?" Jela explained: "Just like when you are hunting, if traps can help you catch prey more easily, you And why do you have to compete with beasts for physical strength? All you need is food."

Jela noticed that orcs like to do things straightforwardly and rarely pay attention to technique. If they go outside, they will definitely be easily bullied. The orc Jera can't be bothered anymore. It has a pretty good impression of these orc cubs and doesn't mind teaching them some means of survival.

Although the cubs of the orc family are simple, they are not ignorant of thinking.

"Chiji..." (You seem to have some truth in what you said.) The little chicken flapped its wings that could not fly yet and said: "Chiji? Jiji..." (But are those traps really useful? Those beasts can be so stupid. ?)

"Zhiqingzhiqing! Zhiqingzhiqing..." (I know this! The place where the trap is set up looks no different from other places, let alone wild beasts. Even we, if we don't know the location of the trap in advance, we will Easy to step in.) The little monkey swung its slender tail and spoke enthusiastically.

The little sheep Vicky also answered excitedly: "Baa uh uh, baa baa..." (Yes, yes! Jela's strange father has caught many prey using this method before! Since Jela's strange father and uncle participated After hunting, the number of our prey has increased a lot!) Knowing things that other children don’t know, it feels so powerful!

So far, many uninformed people still think that Claire is Jela's father, because she looks different from ordinary males, and they all call her "Strange Daddy". As for Pascal, he is considered to be a weird man who likes to steal children from Jela's father. Even the lawless orc cubs would take a detour when they saw him, fearing that one day this strange skunk would abduct him and his father and mother-in-law would not be able to find him.

"Ho ho, ho ho!" (Boss, you know so much! So awesome!) Si Mao, the stupid lion cub, supported his new boss. But this time, Niu Zai Zi Jiaojiao chose to echo its words: "Moo moo!"

Because Jera knew many things that the orc cubs didn't know, his image in the hearts of the orc cubs quickly grew, and he naturally got along with the cubs who had just gotten along with him for a short time.

Attacking and defending territory are games they play every day. Jela also taught the cubs how to set up some simple hunting traps. In addition, fighting with live ammunition every day is also essential. Although skills are important, strength itself is more important. In the face of absolute strength, no skills can play a corresponding role.

Jela taught the orc cubs technical skills, and in terms of fighting, the orc cubs with strong instincts and talents also gave Jela a lot of help, and they promoted each other and made progress together. The fighting spirit burned into every cell in his body. In this fight, Jera felt the pleasure that he had not seen for a long time.

The wild nature in its body seemed to be released.

You know, although it still retains human thinking, it has the instinct of a beast hidden in its blood. It likes this hearty battle, it likes fighting and fighting.

Rather than staying in the classroom with the beasts and listening to boring content, this is the life it should have!

The second half of winter was a bit difficult due to lack of prey. Fortunately, there were still some stocks in the orc tribe, and no one died of starvation even when they couldn't catch prey. The friends were hungry and lost more or less weight. They like to eat meat and now sometimes have to eat vegetarian food to satisfy their hunger.

Jela rarely gets hungry. Most of the time, Pascal and Claire are able to feed it. But after this period of time, it doesn't look as plump as before.

"Chichichichi..." (There have been less and less prey in recent years, and we could still have enough to eat in the winter two years ago.) The little chicken looked at the snowflakes falling in the sky melancholy, and sighed like a little adult. Take a breath.

"Hmph! Hum hum..." (That's right! Although I didn't eat too much last winter, I never felt hungry.) The little piggy, who has always been an invisible pet in the team, also echoed. Nothing is as important to it as food! Food resentment is huge!

"Uh-huh..." (Besides, don't you feel that this winter seems to be colder?) The sheep shook his hair, curled up into a ball and huddled by the fire.

"Qing Qing..." (It will be fine, everything will be fine.)

"Since everyone is hungry, why don't we dig up snakes and eat them!" Jela suggested. Instead of starving and waiting for the few rations, it is better for everyone to "activity" together.

Hearing that there was food, Piggy licked his mouth and drooled. He was usually lazy and didn't want to move. This time he was the first to stand up and respond to Jela: "Hmph, hum, hum... "(Okay, take us there quickly!)

"Ooooooooooooo?" (Wait, Jera, do you really know where to dig up snakes?) The little wolf cub expressed confusion.

"Ho ho, ho ho ho!" (Of course, you still can't believe what the boss is capable of!) Si Mao expressed his support for his boss. He is a bit stupid and a bit resigned to death. Since he inexplicably recognized Jela as the boss, I have unconditional trust in Jela.

Jela was not able to adapt to the fact that he had an extra follower at first. Every time it asked Si Mao to leave, Si Mao would show a pitiful look: "I will be very good, don't abandon me." Jela even thought that she had done something cruel.

Later, it gradually got used to having a little tail following behind it. It felt that this little tail was silly, but sometimes it was quite cute. Of course, the premise is that it doesn't stupidly sell teammates.

With Piggy and Si Mao convinced and the other cubs doubtful, Jela and his entourage embarked on the road of digging snakes. Jera has mental power. Recently, its mental power has improved a lot under the guidance of wise men, and it has been able to reach the level of 'capture' in a short period of time. The duration of each 'capture' can last for thirty seconds, and it must be used again after half an hour. The range of 'capture' is within a radius of three meters with Jela as the center.

Overall, Jera is still half-assed, and it wouldn't be a surprise if he and his friends returned empty-handed. But when it comes to finding food, Jela always has good intuition and luck.

Within two hours, it and the orc cubs dug out six snakes accurately from the ice. These six snakes are thick and thin, but there is no doubt that they are enough for the cubs to eat several meals.

There were cheers from the cubs all around, "Ooooo, ooooo!" (Jera, you are awesome!)

From then on, everyone began to believe that following Jela would lead to meat.

Jera's method was quickly adopted by the orcs and sub-beasts. The reconnaissance abilities of the adult sub-beasts were obviously much more stable than Jela's. They modified the method and obtained a lot of food, not only Snakes and other hibernating animals, as well as some cold-resistant edible plants.

Some sub-animals are unwilling to go out to look for food, so they can only go hungry. This time, the orcs did not unconditionally give the snakes they dug out to the sub-beasts who did not participate in foraging as before. If they wanted to get food, they had to exchange it for something the orcs needed. Now, they still think that they should take care of the beasts, but compared to those beasts that are obviously capable of finding food but refuse to help, the orcs find that those beasts that are willing to brave the wind and snow to find food with them are cuter.