Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 20


As winter turns to spring, the weather gradually warms up, herbivores gradually move back here to graze, and predators begin to appear more and more frequently. The orcs had enough prey, and the smiles on their faces gradually grew.

Because of the process of foraging in winter, Jela and the group of young children she belongs to are no longer content with playing around every day, and they have begun to participate in hunting.

Of course, as an advocate, Jera is very clear about the situation of his little cubs. It is impossible for them to participate in catching large prey with the adult orcs. Their claws and teeth are still too immature, their bodies are not strong enough, and they have no Enemy experience, rashly joining the adults in hunting will only make them a burden.

Although the cubs are young, they can't help but want to show off their paws. They choose to exercise themselves in less dangerous ways.

Their activity range is near the tribe where orcs patrol, so that even if they encounter any danger, they can seek help from the adults. Their hunting targets are usually less lethal animals such as rabbits and pheasants, and occasionally they will catch some lambs that have strayed from the flock.

As a result, the surrounding little animals suffered another disaster. They were either moved far away, or were killed by Jela and his friends. Although everyone is just a small animal, Jela's group is obviously much more ferocious than the small animals living around them. All orc cubs like to eat meat. This is their nature, even the little chicken Benben and the little lamb Mianmian, who seem to belong to the herbivore family, are no exception. When facing the pheasant, the little chicken didn't show any concern because they were all chickens. The little lamb Mianmian didn't show any concern when he caught the little lamb who regarded him as the same kind and bleated at him in a friendly manner. Show mercy.

While chasing the small animals, Jela accidentally stepped into a small pile of snow that had not had time to melt.

It felt weird because it was already halfway through spring.

"Strange, why is there snow at this time? Is this a cold zone?" Jela was confused for a while, and when he heard the friends around him calling him, he threw this idea behind his head and happily chatted with his friends. We went to catch chickens and hares together.

The orc cubs came home well-fed every day, and had extra meals from their own hunting. After one spring, each one became chubby and fatter than before the winter.

"Claire, why do you think Jela keeps running out recently?" Pascal had just dragged back a plump warthog and wanted to share it with his son, but found that his son had passed him and ran towards the door. Pascal was in a very unhappy mood. What about the promised family time? What about the promised life of two lions

Claire could not understand Pascal's depressed mood at all. She smiled and said: "It's better for males to be more lively. Lord Pascal, you were always running around when you were a child, and the city lord and his wife couldn't find you. I'm very worried. Have you forgotten?"

Claire was Pascal's playmate when she was a child, and became Pascal's bodyguard when she grew up. She knew most of Pascal's affairs. At the end, she did not forget to add: "Compared to you, Jela Already very well-behaved.”

"Really? I don't remember what happened so long ago." There was a slight sadness in Pascal's tone.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I..." Claire then remembered that Pascal's parents were no longer here.

"It doesn't matter, Claire. Although my father and mother are gone, they will always live in my heart. It is definitely not painful for me to recall the days I spent with them. On the contrary, I am very lucky that there are Being able to be by my side and talk to me about them from time to time.”

"You are so open-minded, just like your father, our respected Lord of Floville." Claire directly ignored Celant. In her heart, Celant could not be compared with Pascal's father. Argument.

"Claire, I will definitely take back the position of city lord that my father gave me from Selant."

"Well, you must be able to. That's why Leod and I follow you."

At this time, Claire restrained her usual carelessness and showed her sincere respect for Pascal. At this moment, they are no longer friends, but followers and followed.

"But do you really plan to stay here for two years as that annoying patriarch said? I mean, even for Jela's sake, two years is a bit too long - you know, about the spirit There is not much theoretical knowledge about force. As for practice, I believe there will be ample opportunities to practice it after returning to the prairie where we live." Claire asked.

Now they have only spent half a year in the orc tribe. In every aspect, Claire didn't like life here.

"I'm afraid you are upset because of the way those people in the tribe look at you, right?" Pascal joked.

Originally, everyone thought that Claire was a male, and they were still reluctant to accept the two extra lumps of flesh on Claire's body. After all, a male who can catch a lot of prey is a good male. Even if the male looks a little ugly or weird, there will still be females willing to live with him. His hunting ability is an important guarantee for the family's food source.

But since knowing that Claire is a female, everyone's view of her has completely changed. The orcs were relatively nervous. After the initial surprise, they accepted the fact that the person hunting with them was a female. However, the way they looked at Claire still made her feel uncomfortable. As for Yashou, the dream lover turned into a love rival, and their view of Claire changed from admiration to rejection now. They were always able to find thousands of faults with Claire, who was also a female.

"Oh, forget it..." Claire showed a constipated expression: "They are simply unbearable to me." Especially those sub-beasts, their attitude at any time is unbearable to her: "But these are not what I want. The main reason why I want to leave here. I don’t know why, but during the half year I’ve been here, I’ve always felt a little uneasy.”

Pascal raised his eyebrows: "Female intuition?"

"Whether it's intuition or premonition, you name it, I always feel that something bad is going to happen. These days, I always feel very depressed." Claire said: "You have a similar feeling ?"

Pascal nodded: "I'll tell you good news. I'm afraid we won't be able to stay here for long. Of course, maybe this is also bad news."

"What's the reason?" Claire knew very well that Pascal was not a random person. Moreover, the higher the level of elemental power, the more sensitive the elementalist's sense of the surroundings is. Although Pascal was unable to use elemental power on this hill, his keen senses as an elementalist had not disappeared. Claire detailed that Pascal must have sensed something that he could not sense.

"Good question, have you noticed that the climate here has become very abnormal? According to the wise men and elders of the orc tribe, although it snowed in previous winters, it has never been as cold as last year. The orc tribe is located in Foshan In the south of Lovell City, logically speaking, the winter here should not be colder than the winter in Lovell City. But as you can see, it snowed for nearly two-thirds of last winter, and until the end of this spring, When summer comes, the snow has not completely melted." Pascal's expression was a little solemn: "Think about it, what will the climate of Florville City be like during this season?"

"You mean, the climate here is getting colder? Oh, that sounds a bit scary." Claire thought carefully: "Although it is warmer than winter now, in fact, if you think about it carefully, the temperature has not risen much. The only reason we feel warm now is because it’s not windy and snowy anymore, right?”

As Pascal nodded, Claire's mood became heavy: "Will something bad happen?"

Abnormal situations are always reminiscent of ominous things.

"I don't know either. In fact, I have recently been persuading people from the orc tribe to leave here with us."

"They won't agree. This is the place where their ancestors have lived for generations." Claire blurted out. She could see that the orcs and sub-beasts of the orc tribe had deep feelings for this place. If it were her, she would not be willing to leave her hometown easily. The reason why she was willing to leave Folwell City with Pascal was because she knew she would go back one day.

For a tribe, relocation is no small matter.

"I'll try my best to convince them to move together. If that doesn't work, I don't mind taking some unconventional measures."

Claire nodded.

"When Jela comes back, tell it not to run out casually again during this period."

"Wait, Lord Pascal, don't we tell Jela these things?"

"Tell it what to do?" Pascal asked in confusion - it could be seen that he had never considered telling his adopted son about this.

"Although Jela is only a little child, he is very sensible. If we tell it the matter and let it understand the seriousness of the matter, it will definitely not run away casually again. It is now a child among the group of little orcs King, maybe he can also persuade those little orcs to stop running around. Those little orcs might be able to affect their families... "

Pascal frowned: "They are just a group of children. You shouldn't put your hope in them. If we reveal these things to a group of children and let them spread, the people of the orc tribe will definitely think that we are Nonsense.”

"But Jela..." Claire wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Pascal: "Don't tell Jela about this. If it refuses to obey and keeps running out, teach it a lesson. There are ways to make children obedient.”

"You are really... okay, I listen to you."

Although Pascal is willing to apologize to his followers for many small things, when there is no trace of indulgence in his eyes, no one can go against his wishes.