Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 21


The people of the orc tribe were not unaware of the situation discovered by Pascal, especially the older beasts. They had experienced the rise and fall of the tribe for several generations, and their spiritual power could be released to far away places, and they could see the mountains. The snow that has not completely melted naturally knows that what Pascal said is true.

"If this continues, once midsummer arrives, it will become very dangerous here." Pascal was sparing no effort to persuade the wise man.

The wise man was silent for a long time and did not answer immediately.

Ever since Jela talked to him last winter, he had been thinking about whether to move the tribe. It’s hard to leave your homeland, and there are too many unknown factors, so it’s not easy to make a decision.

The migration of the tribe is a major event for the entire tribe. The wise man cannot make the decision alone, so he also invited the tribe leader and summoned the elders to let them vote together. Unsurprisingly, most people voted against it, and some of them were even quite radical, blaming the outsiders for their ulterior motives. They didn't know that it was just a young lion who made the suggestion to the wise man. They all thought that the suggestion came from In Pascal's mouth.

A wise man doesn't know whether to be happy that he doesn't have to move away from his homeland, or whether to be worried about the clansmen's determination to stay behind.

Pascal's arrival once again sounded the alarm for the wise.

The wise man said after careful consideration: "I know that as the weather gets colder and colder, the growing season of the grass will become shorter and shorter. With less green grass, fewer herbivores will come over. In the future, it will be harder to obtain food than now. It’s even more difficult. The severe cold climate also prevents us from getting enough food plants, and the beasts need these. But now, the situation has not reached the worst point, and we want to wait.”

"You and your tribe don't want to leave here." Pascal pointedly pointed out: "In the second half of last winter, most of the orcs were already starving and freezing. However, almost no one was starved to death and frozen to death. Despite the circumstances, you are still taking chances. I can understand your reluctance to leave, but as a wise man in the tribe, you would make such an unwise decision, which really surprises me."

The wise man smiled bitterly: "Maybe as you said, I am lucky that the environment here will improve. Our ancestors have lived on this land for generations, and we don't want to abandon it until the last moment. Now, you see, The wise man of the orc tribe is actually just an ordinary person who is indecisive in doing things."

"So, what if I tell you that if you continue to stay here, what awaits the orc tribe will not only be starving and freezing in winter, but the situation will be worse than you imagine?"

"What?" The wise man could hear the heaviness in Pascal's tone, and his heart sank: "Do you know something?"

As the hottest season of summer is approaching, everyone in the orc tribe is ordered to migrate. The small hilltop is now densely packed with people. They were climbing over mountains and ridges, crossing the top of the mountain where they lived, and arriving at the inaccessible peak nearby. As long as they climbed over this peak and found the passage in the peak, they could reach the outside world.

Many orcs and sub-beasts have never left the hilltop where they live in their entire lives, and naturally they have never seen the prosperous three major cities and nine small cities in the outside world. But at this moment, they were not at all happy that they were about to see the outside world.

Even though the temperature in all seasons is now colder than in previous years, standing under the scorching summer sun is still beyond what everyone can bear. Not to mention the sub-beasts who have always been pampered, even the orcs who hunt all year round and have rough skin and flesh can't stand it. In the summer, they usually choose to hunt in the Qing Dynasty to avoid the hottest time.

Hot sweat snaked down along the sticky skin, and someone finally couldn't help but complain: "What do you mean by the wise man? Why did you suddenly order us to move out? Even the pots, pans, bedding, etc." They didn’t even let us clean up, and they only allowed us to bring a few days’ worth of water and food.”

"I heard that a terrible disaster is about to happen, and the wise man wants to take us to escape."

The Wise Man has always had a high prestige among the group, so even though the instructions he gave went against everyone's wishes, some people still subconsciously defended the Wise Man.

"What kind of disaster?" As soon as he heard this, the man was frightened into lowering his voice, for fear that if his voice was louder, the disaster would really come: "The wise man is a sacrifice from the beastman. Could it be that he has obtained something from the beast god?" Instructions?"

"My brother works for the patriarch, and I know more about this matter. The wise man told the patriarch that in the near future, there may be a flood here, and the flood will submerge the mountain where we live. So, we have to get out of here." An orc boy said.

"Flood? But there has never been a flood here." A sub-beast said in disbelief: "Don't let the wise man make a mistake!"

"The wise man is the messenger of God, how could he be wrong?" The orc boy was very dissatisfied when others questioned him.

"No, it's not, why is it so bad!" Yashou glared at him, turned around and talked to his companion beside him.

Although everyone's steps were very tired and heavy, the team still moved towards the peak at a slow speed without stopping.

The patriarch glanced at Claire who was a few steps behind him. She was carrying a package on her back and holding Jela by the hand. The man who always made him hate him until his teeth itched was no longer with them.

The steps under his feet paused for a moment, and he turned back to look in the direction of the statue of the Beast God, with strong worry in his pupils.

The wise man is not here, Pascal is not here, and several elders in the clan and a small number of the elders' followers are also not here.

The moment he looked back, Claire led Jera to his side: "Don't worry, the wise man and Pascal will persuade them."

"No, you don't understand those elders. Where the statue of the beast god is, they will not leave." His eyesight was excellent, and he could see a high mountain a few hills away from them at a glance. It is the largest mountain here, and it is also considered the most sacred mountain. Even when the statue of the beast god was built, it was always facing the direction of the mountain.

After a long and cold winter, the mountains were filled with ice and snow. Due to the high altitude and low temperature, the breath of spring failed to melt the ice and snow on the top and mountainside. Only the ice and snow at the foot of the mountain gradually melted away part of it. But in the hot summer, the ice and snow covering the mountain surface began to collapse and slide in large areas.

It’s clear what kind of situation this much snow will cause.

At first, the clan leader did not notice this situation. It wasn't until Pascal personally took him to observe the snow-capped mountain up close that he felt frightened.

If Pascal had not reminded them, if they had continued to stay on that small hilltop when the floods came, no one knew whether they would see the next spring again.

The patriarch and the wise men chose to follow Pascal's advice and move out from here. But obviously, not everyone supports them.

The weight of the clan leader and the wise man in the clan was enough for most of the clan members to follow them, but the elders and their supporters did not buy it. They believed that they should not abandon the beast statues and leave their hometown under any circumstances. Even if a disaster is imminent, you should pray to the Beast God for help instead of running away like a bereaved dog.

The wise men and Pascal went to persuade this group of people.

Intellectually, the wise man knows that the possibility of the elders leaving with him is extremely low, but emotionally, he cannot do anything to watch these old guys who have gone through ups and downs together go to die and ignore it, so , after the large army set off, he returned here again and made his last effort.

"You don't have to persuade us anymore, Wu." Since the civilization in the tribe is not as prosperous as the outside world, everyone in the tribe has very simple names.

The elders knelt devoutly in front of the statue of the beast god. When faced with the wise man who came back to persuade them, they did not even raise their eyelids: "From the day we became the beast god's sacrifice, we have already decided that no matter when, we will They will never abandon the Lord Beast God. Only under the protection of the Lord Beast God can our tribe prosper forever."

"We just want to live. The Beast God has always protected us. He must hope that his believers can survive." The wise man said: "Each of us respects the Beast God from the bottom of our hearts. The Beast God will definitely be able to Seeing our thoughts, he will not blame us.”

"Shut up! You traitor!" Elder Luan was very angry: "You actually dare to say that the Beast God will forgive you, you are so shameless! Among all our sacrifices, you are the only one who can listen to the teachings of the Beast God. , do you know what a noble honor this is? Do you know how much we envy you for being favored by the Beast God? And now, you have actually decided to listen to the nonsense of this outsider and betray our Beast God. Sir! You are absolutely ridiculous! You will be punished by the Beast God!"

"If you don't leave here, once the flood breaks out, you will really die! The Beast God will not come to save you! Since the Beast God came ten years ago, I have never heard his voice again! Luan, Ye, Xun, we have experienced so many crises and managed to survive with the hope of our tribe, are you really going to give up your lives here?"

"Stop talking any more, wise man." One of the elders' followers, the orc son of one of the elders, stood up and looked at the old orc man with no respect in his eyes: "Although I still call you wise man, I think You have lost the qualification to be called that. You go, my father and I, as well as all the believers here, are loyal to the Beast God, and we will not leave. We firmly believe that the Beast God will never abandon it His believer! But you -" he said contemptuously: "If we see you again in the future, I will definitely reveal your true identity to the tribe! I hope you can survive until that time!"

While everyone was standing in a stalemate, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and not long after, huge raindrops fell densely, hitting people's skin painfully. Amidst the heavy rain, the sound of a rushing wave drowned out all the arguments. The huge wave formed by the snow water came towards the hill. Since the hill was low, it soon spread over the foot of the mountain and approached the mountainside. …

Pascal made a prompt decision, picked up the wise man on his back, and ran in the direction of Jela and the others, leaving behind the frightened voices of the elders and others.

"Wait...wait..." Just as the wise man was about to speak, a large mouthful of cold air was poured into his mouth, making him tremble.

While advancing at high speed, Pascal's voice was like a puzzle piece that had been dismantled one by one and then put back together again: "If you don't leave, it will be too late."

The cold wind whistled past the two of them. At this time, neither of them had time to speak anymore. They could only try to maintain their condition while running with all their strength. Several times, the wise man felt that the turbulent water was about to catch up with them, and it had even stained his clothes.

But Pascal accelerated every time and left the water behind him. He kept accelerating, kept accelerating, pointing and even began to wonder where the limit of this man from the outside was, or in other words, what is the limit for something like this? Does it really exist for him

Finally, the two stopped at a hilltop where the floods could not reach them. Pascal lay on the mountain wall panting violently, while the wise man looked back at the mountainside with heavy eyes -

The rushing water completely destroyed the altar they had built. The tall beast statue and those small black spots that were originally faintly visible are gone...

The wise man's eyes were so dry that he could not shed a single tear, but his heart was twitching violently. He felt that something in his heart collapsed along with the flood that destroyed everything.