Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 22


There was heavy rain in the gloomy sky, and the muddy road made it difficult for the large troops to move forward, so everyone could only stop and rest temporarily. Fortunately, there are many caves on this peak that are spacious enough for everyone to take shelter from the rain.

The hair of Jera and many of the little orcs was soaked through. The orcs raised the fire, and everyone sat beside the fire and warmed themselves up silently. At this time, even the most delicate sub-beast did not complain about the surrounding environment. There was a low and depressing atmosphere in the cave.

It was extremely quiet in the cave, and the sound of raindrops hitting the ground outside the cave could be clearly heard. Suddenly, there was a deafening sound, almost drowning out all the sounds of the rain. Everyone looked at each other and felt an ominous feeling in their hearts.

An orc with the quickest reaction rushed out first. Not long after, his horrified cry came from the entrance of the cave: "The flood is coming! The flood is coming!!!"

Everyone no longer cared about the pouring rain, and swarmed to the entrance of the cave, huffing and puffing out.

They had never seen anything like this before. The rapid water rushed to the front of the hill in just a blink of an eye and surrounded the entire hill. The waves of water that were higher than the previous wave easily covered the low hill. The huge momentum swept away the strong rocks, and the slightly fragile rocks were directly split in the middle by the water flow! Large swaths of rocks slid down into the flowing water, like a fish fixed on a chopping board. It could only struggle in vain under the butcher's knife, watching its scales being peeled off bit by bit.

The water rose higher and higher, like an insatiable glutton, eating away at the small hilltop. In just a moment, the entire hill was submerged in the ocean and disappeared.

If people didn't know that it was the place where they once lived, they might even think that it was originally a river.

With a "Wow" sound, someone couldn't help crying.

"My home!"

"No more, no more, no more!"

"The wise men and elders are still there! The flood is so big, what can they do?"

"Lord Beast God, please open your eyes and take a look! Save us, save your believers!"

The sound of painful cries echoed throughout the mountain.

Before, under the protection of the beast god, they had never encountered such a large-scale natural disaster. But now, successive years of natural disasters* have almost completely defeated them.

"Lord Beast God, Lord Beast God!" Someone shouted desperately, but no one answered.

Even Jela couldn't help but tightened Claire's sleeves - Pascal, he hadn't come back yet.

"Don't worry, Master Pascal...he will be fine." Claire's voice was dry and she was not confident enough. It was obvious that she was not very sure about Pascal's safety. She forced herself to calm down and comfort Jayla, just out of instinct.

Jela's face turned a little pale: "I, I wasn't worried about him!" It would be best if that vengeful guy never comes back! This way it won't be used as reserve food!

But somehow, when she thought that Pascal might not come back, Jela felt a little sad. It didn't have the urge to cry, but it just felt like its heart was stuffy, and it was weighed down by some heavy emotion. Fragments of it and Pascal's past together kept reappearing in its mind, making it upset. It wanted to drive these images out of its mind, but unexpectedly it had the opposite effect. More and more complicated memory fragments continued to pour into its mind.

- He is so bad and cunning, he will definitely not die in the flood easily! And he is also an elementalist!

—What about the elementals? What can a fire elementalist do in the face of a vast ocean flood? What's more, he can't even use elemental powers now... No matter what his life or death is, that kind of guy will die!

However, no matter how many times he persuaded himself in his heart, Jela could not deny that if Pascal died in this flood, he would never be happy about it.

Although that man was very petty, vindictive, had a bad temper, and used it as a reserve food, he was actually really kind to it. Not only did he save it and give it food, he even gave it far more than the average male lion. Their children care more.

Although Jela once thought about running away from Pascal when he grew up and getting rid of the fate of being used as a food reserve, he never thought about what would happen if Pascal died.

The surrounding orcs and sub-beasts began to enter and leave the cave frequently. They hoped that the flood would recede at the next moment, and secretly prayed that their houses would still be there - although everyone knew that this possibility was slim.

Jera's eyes kept moving as people came in and out. Every time someone came in, it would raise its little head and look at the entrance of the cave. When it found that the person who came was not Pascal, it would bury its head again. Go down.

Jela's fur has been dried out, but maybe it's because of traveling all the way these days and poor food, that its originally brilliant golden hair has become a little dull.

Claire put the fluffy little guy on her lap and hugged it tightly, as if to give it warmth and draw strength from it: "Okay, don't be so downcast. Everything is going to be okay, little one.”

Other little orcs usually vent their uneasiness and fear by making noises or howling these days, but Jela is so well-behaved that she feels heartbroken.

Even though it was feeling terribly uncomfortable, it didn't make any noise. It just quietly found a place to lie down, rolled itself into a ball, and didn't cause any trouble to anyone.

"Little Jera, would you like another piece of jerky? It's your favorite warthog. You didn't eat much at noon today." Claire gently rubbed Jera's soft hair with her chin. : "Look, you have lost weight recently. Master Pascal likes your chubby look the most. He will definitely be unhappy when he sees you now and feels that I have not taken good care of you. So, you have to work hard to The flesh grows back.”

Jela shook his head. Now that they were surrounded by heavy rain, Jela knew how precious food was.

Claire was afraid that it would be hungry, so she always took some from her share and gave it to it, but Jela could not accept it with peace of mind.

What's more, it really has no appetite now. Instead of wasting the meat on it, it would be better for Claire to keep it for herself.

Claire took out the dried meat and put it to Jela's mouth to feed, but Jela pushed the dried meat back: "Claire, eat."

Due to lack of moisture, its voice becomes somewhat hoarse.

Claire looked at the little lion who had lost a lot of weight and touched its head, her eyes filled with distress.

She was just about to say something more when she heard a surprised voice from outside: "The Wise Man and Pascal are back! They are back!"

The orcs and sub-beasts who were warming themselves or cooking in the cave stood up in surprise, feeling relieved.

"The wise man is really safe and sound? God of Beasts, this is great!"

At this time, no one paid attention to the situation of the elders. Everyone's attention was focused on the wise man. For them, wise men are beings who can guide them in the direction, messengers of God, and trustworthy sources of information. They are far more important than the elders.

A muscular lion walked in carrying the wise man on his back. The hair all over his body was soaked and he looked very embarrassed. A small area of his body was even hairless. But no one would laugh at him. The people of the orc tribe recognized him as the foreigner named Pascal. They thanked Pascal for rescuing their wise man, and no longer rejected him as a foreigner in their hearts. Instead, they respected him. Give him a respectful look.

Although the wise man carried on the lion's back was unscathed, his expression was sluggish after running around for a long time. He seemed to have aged by more than ten years, and his somewhat cloudy eyes were full of sadness that could not be resolved.

Seeing with his own eyes that his home was destroyed and his friends and acquaintances were submerged by floods, the grief in the wise man's heart was stronger than that of anyone present.

At this time, the patriarch came up, supported the wise man whose legs were trembling, and took his hand: "Wise man, now that we are all alive, this is the best result. You once told us that our hope In the outside world. Now, please join us in the outside world to find hope."

After this incident, the originally somewhat willful patriarch has grown a lot, and he seems to have become calmer and more reliable.

The wise man held his hand with joy and shook his head: "I am old and can no longer lead our tribe. Now, it is your turn to guide the tribe."

"The wise man..."

The wise man raised his hand to stop the patriarch from speaking, and held his hand tightly: "Tell me, can you do it?"

The patriarch nodded, his clear eyes shining firmly in the dark cave: "Yes."

The wise man nodded, slowly moved to the fire, leaned against the mountain wall, and closed his eyes. It can be seen that this time has indeed greatly weakened his energy and exhausted him mentally and physically.

On the other side, the big lion slowly walked towards the little lion and Claire. He walked slowly and hard, but at a steady pace. In front of the little lion, he squatted down, stuck out his tongue, and licked the little lion's face.

—I'm back, Jera.

Claire cried with joy. She reached out and wiped the corners of her eyes: "You are finally back, my lord."

If the Wise Man is the core figure in the orc tribe, then Pascal is the backbone of their group. Now, seeing Pascal return safe and sound, Claire's excitement is indescribable.

The big lion nodded. He looked very tired, and suffered many injuries while avoiding the flood. Some were scratched by sharp rocks on the mountain, and some were rubbed by branches. Although they were not serious, But they are so densely packed that they look shocking.

The most serious thing was the wound where even the hair fell off.

Claire picked up the little lion and put it, which was still in a dazed state, on Pascal's broad back: "Lick it for your daddy, little Jera."

Jera:...What? ! ! !