Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 24


"Really, these two people..." The patriarch looked at the retreating figures of Pascal and Claire, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Do you think what they did is wrong, my child?" The wise man woke up from his sleep and walked slowly to the entrance of the cave.

The patriarch’s brows have been furrowed since Pascal and Claire left: “It’s too dangerous to go out in such heavy rain. It’s difficult to find food in this kind of weather, and besides, they I’m not familiar with the mountain roads in this area. If I’m not careful, I might fall off the cliff! Really, do those two guys know this?”

—Besides, it’s okay for Pascal to go, why would Claire join in the fun? Shouldn't she just stay in the cave and take care of the baby

"You underestimated their ability to survive." The wise man shook his head disapprovingly: "I think they did not run out unprepared. When Pascal fled to this mountain with me on his back, there were several times He was almost caught up in the flood, but in such a critical situation he did not make a wrong move, which shows that he is not as simple as you think."

"Really? How did that guy do it?" The clan leader did not doubt the wise man's words. What the wise man said must be what he saw with his own eyes. However, the patriarch still felt incredible about this fact. If it doesn't rain, all the orcs, even those who don't often leave their homes, can easily find their way with the scent left behind.

But now it was raining heavily outside, and the rain washed away all the smells around them, making it very difficult for them to identify the road by smell.

"Don't underestimate your allies. If Pascal can single-handedly break through the trap set by the Lord of Selant and come to our orc territory, he must be exceptional. Even the person next to him named Klee Your female also has strong survival ability and hunting experience. Although you have inherited your father's outstanding talents, you are still too immature compared to him. You have a lot to learn from him in the future. "

The clan leader pursed his lips and said nothing.

Although the wise man's words sounded unpleasant, he would no longer reject them blindly. In these days of action, he has fully realized that he is still far from being an excellent leader. There is no shame in recognizing your shortcomings. It was precisely because he saw these shortcomings that he had a way forward.

"Wise man, in your opinion, why do Pascal and Claire have to risk their lives to go out?" The patriarch humbly asked the old sub-orc for advice.

The old sub-orc narrowed his eyes: "They may have realized something. Maybe, the rain will not stop so easily. Yuzu, if we don't hunt, how many more days can our food last?"

"If you save some food, you can still eat for three days." At this point, the patriarch's face looked a little unhappy. These days, in order to save food, no one has enough to eat. If they encounter any danger now, they may not even have the ability to fight.

Originally, he had not sent anyone out to look for food because he thought the rain would stop soon. After all, the place where they lived had never experienced continuous heavy rain for a long time. But now, as he looked at the sky where the rain had not slowed down at all, he suddenly became less sure about all this.

The old orc man said: "Yes, if you save some food, it will only be enough for three days." After a pause, he said: "The flood has not receded, and the heavy rain has not weakened. If the disaster passes before , we have finished our food, what should we do..."

The patriarch's heart slowly sank, and he couldn't help but think about the wise man's hypothesis. If Pascal and Claire's judgments are correct, and if the wise men's assumptions come true, once the food is exhausted, a disaster will be waiting for them.

"Wait one more day." The patriarch said, "Wait one more day. If the rain doesn't stop tomorrow, I will let everyone go out to find food and collect firewood."

Pascal put a layer of energy shields on himself and Claire respectively, so even if they were rushing in the heavy rain, they did not get wet at all. At this time, Jela had been taken away from Claire's arms by Pascal and stuffed into his clothes, with only her head exposed at the collar.

Jela was surprised to find that Pascal's body was dry and warm, not at all as wet and cold as when he was in the cave.

Moreover, Pascal and Claire were on their way very fast, and were not affected by the heavy rain at all. If he hadn't seen with his own eyes that the heavy rain was still falling continuously, Jela might have thought that the rain had actually stopped.

"You feel it too, Claire?" Pascal slowed down and was level with Claire.

Usually during the journey, Pascal is always ahead of the lions of Pascal's pride. Even if his followers treat him casually, at this time, they will automatically follow him to show their recognition of his leadership status.

"Yes." Claire said seriously: "Since I left the hill where the orcs live, the force that has been restricting my elemental power has weakened. Now, I can already use the equivalent of a first-level elemental power. Elemental power.”

"I also recovered the second-level fire elemental power." Pascal said: "I discovered this while avoiding the flood. However, I have not used this power in front of a wise man."

As allies, Pascal and Claire already know the situation of the orcs quite clearly, but the latter still knows very little about the former. I have to lament that the orcs are still too simple in some aspects. No wonder they clearly have strong strength, but they were dealt such a miserable blow by the expeditionary force of Lord Serante despite having the home field advantage.

Listening to the conversation between Pascal and Claire, Jela suddenly felt that the safety of his group was slightly protected.

The heavy rain caused the animals to huddle in their nests, and it was difficult for Pascal and Claire to find their traces because their sensitive sense of smell was disabled. but-

"Why are you worried about this? Jela is here, isn't it?" Pascal gently patted the little head exposed at his collar, his tone full of trust.

"No wonder you didn't stop me when I wanted to take Jera with me." Claire said. She originally thought that Master Pascal would prefer Jela to stay in the safe cave.

"Even if Jela doesn't have the ability to sense, I won't leave him there alone." Pascal said, unbuttoning his front, holding up the little lion's body with both hands, and placing it on the ground.

As soon as the little lion landed, he couldn't help but curl up into a ball and left Pascal's warm clothes. It was too cold around him. But not long after, a light red light enveloped the little lion. The temperature was controlled very appropriately. It was neither too cold nor too hot. It was as comfortable as when it was nestled in Pascal's arms just now. .

Pascal touched the little lion's furry little head: "Okay, let's go, Jela."

Jela: Why does it suddenly feel like Pascal is a policeman and it is a police dog? If it completes its mission, it will be rewarded with a meat bone by Officer Pascal... Stop it!

Jela was chilled by her own association. It shook its head and began to concentrate on sensing whether there was any prey around it.

After a while, the Jella brand detection radar actually led Pascal and Claire to find two hens and a clutch of eggs they hatched.

Jera looked at the nest of eggs and swallowed.

They are in luck today. It has not eaten delicious eggs for a long time. Although there are no fried eggs, scrambled eggs, tea eggs, but it is very satisfying to be able to eat boiled eggs! In seasons when food is scarce, it is good to have some. Improving food is a luxury.

Unfortunately, Jela, who was still in joy, ignored an important issue -

How are they going to take so many eggs back without bags

The pheasants were easy to handle. With one in each hand, Claire quickly caught two female pheasants that were clumsily trying to escape. The two pheasants were still struggling in Claire's hands. Claire used elemental power to suppress them, and the two poor female pheasants immediately did not dare to move.

If they could talk, they would definitely shout with grief and anger: "I don't want to bully pheasants like this!"

After looking at the pheasant, Jera moved his eyes back to the egg, and soon it could no longer stand.

"What are you doing, Pascal!!!" It quickly rushed over in a protective posture, blocking Pascal and the pile of eggs.

There are two broken eggs at Pascal's feet. He is trying to cover up his own evidence of guilt, but obviously, he has failed.

Facing his adopted son's accusing gaze, he could only laugh and said awkwardly: "It was just an accident."

Jela glared at Pascal fiercely. No matter how much Pascal tried to persuade him, he would never let Pascal's poisonous hands touch these fragile eggs again.

But staying like this is not an option. The rain is getting heavier and the surrounding visibility is getting lower and lower. If they encounter a predator at this time, they may not be able to keep their prey and have to give up these eggs.

Jela thought for a moment, asked Pascal to take off his linen clothes, and then wrapped the eggs in the clothes.

It asked Claire to hand the chicken in her hand to Pascal, and then handed the clothes wrapped in the eggs to Claire.

"Shall I get this?" Claire looked at Jera in surprise.

Jela nodded, girls are more attentive. Compared to handing the egg to the insignificant Pascal, it was of course safer for Claire to hold the egg.

Unfortunately, Jayla made another mistake. Can the ladies in the big cat world be equated with the girls it came into contact with in its previous life

Claire took the egg: "Okay, but I hope you won't regret it."

Not long after, the little lion's shrill wail that almost penetrated the sky came from the rain: "Claire!!!"