Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 27


In the next few days, the heavy rain did not stop, but it tended to get heavier and heavier. A lot of accumulated rainwater had no time to flow down the mountain and poured into the cave where everyone lived.

The food problem has not yet been solved, but there is a crisis in survival.

Sang, who had just returned from hunting, was carrying a hare that was so thin that it was almost out of shape and said worriedly: "This won't work. Can we find another cave?"

The patriarch's brows almost knitted into a frown: "You also know the surroundings very well. You should know that except for this cave, there are no caves nearby that can accommodate so many of us. And the terrain of those small caves is getting deeper and deeper. The lower it is. I’m afraid it’s been filled with rain by now.”

They originally wanted to wait for the rain to stop before continuing to cross the mountains, but who would have thought that the rain kept falling and they were trapped here and became trapped animals.

Now that the food in the clan has run out, those who go out to hunt often cannot catch much prey. If they can't go out anymore, they may really be trapped in this cave. Of course, they were more likely to drown before starving to death.

Looking at the water in the cave that was already up to his knees, the clan leader thought with a wry smile.

"We can't go on like this. If we continue to wait, we will just sit and wait for death. Choosing to go out or stay in is just the difference between dying sooner or later." Pascal suddenly stood up and was about to walk out.

"Wait, it's very dangerous to try to climb this mountain now, don't go! In the past, some of my friends lost their footing and fell down while climbing the mountain in this weather!" Sang stopped Pascal loudly, In his view, Pascal's behavior was courting death.

Although he understood that Pascal was right, if he could die later, everyone would be willing to live a little longer. After all, during this period of waiting, maybe there will be a turn for the better.

As soon as Pascal came out of the cave, he took a breath because of the sight he saw in front of him.

Large swaths of rain curtains hit the protective shield around him with alarming force, but he could no longer feel it. He just stared at his feet.

The turbulent and rapid floods have not receded for a long time. These floods are constantly swirling under the mountain, forming eddies, and the water surface is still rising. When he went hunting the day before yesterday, the water had just reached the foot of the mountain, but today, the water had reached the mountainside, and was only half a man's height away from where Pascal was standing!

If they don't think of a way to leave, I'm afraid they will be flooded by these floods before night!

how so!

Why did this place that had never flooded suddenly be hit by floods this year

The snow-capped mountain Pascal, which is the source of the flood, has also been seen before. According to the amount of snow on it, although it may cause a flood, it will not be of the scale it is now.

With the situation in front of them, it was as if God deliberately wanted to drive them all away.

Pascal's fists clenched tightly. No, the most important thing now was to escape from here first. Investigating this abnormal flood meant nothing to them at present. They must survive first before they can think more about it.

Since the situation is now very critical, we can't afford to waste even a minute or a second.

Pascal quickly walked into the cave and told the clan leader and others what he saw at the edge.

"How is that possible!" Sang obviously didn't believe all this, and he ran out of the cave quickly: "When I just went out to hunt, I clearly saw that the flood was still some distance away from us..."

His words stopped abruptly as the scene unfolded in front of him. The patriarch followed him out. When he saw the scene in front of him, his anxiety almost solidified. The orcs and sub-beasts who came out after listening to Pascal's words had begun to cry in fear and despair. This actually allowed the patriarch to regain some sense and calmness.

At this time, anyone can panic, but he can't panic. His people are still looking at him! He must find a way to get them out of here safely!

He turned to the hunter who often hunted on this mountain—an orc named Jay. This orc sometimes takes the clan's things outside to sell. Likewise, he will also bring back some of the things his clan members need from the outside world.

The patriarch knows that if they still have a chance of survival now, then this chance of survival must be tied to Jie.

"I know there is a passage leading to the outside world nearby. Can you tell where it is?" the patriarch asked.

He doesn't go out much, so he's far less familiar with the terrain here than Jie is. If it hadn't been raining heavily and his vision was seriously affected, maybe he could still find the passage. But now, this has become completely impossible for him.

"I know where it is." Jie's lips were very pale: "But its entrance is near the top of the mountain. It's raining heavily now and the mountain wall is so slippery. We can't climb up at all." It was also for this reason that he had no idea. Dong mentioned the passage to the clan leader.

The patriarch's eyes dimmed.

Could it be that climbing is the only way left for them? In this kind of weather, if you have to forcefully climb the mountain wall, it will be very dangerous for the orcs, let alone the sub-beasts whose physical fitness is inferior to the orcs in all aspects? If he wanted to escape from here by climbing the mountain, it meant that he had to make up his mind to abandon most of the sub-beasts...

No, the patriarch wiped away the rainwater that hit his face.

No matter what, they cannot abandon their companions! If he wanted to survive, he had to sell his conscience. He would rather they die here together!

At this time, Pascal spoke. Unlike the obvious panic on the faces of the people around him, his voice was still very steady. He seemed to have an infectious energy that could calm the people he was talking to: "That passage goes from top to bottom, right? So, at this height, where is that passage?" He said Looking at Jera: "Can you feel it?"

"Follow me into the cave." Jela tugged on Pascal's trousers, then stood up and walked into the cave first - now it can no longer continue to walk on all fours, the rain will flood it.

Seeing that it was having a hard time walking, Pascal grabbed the small thing with his arms and put it into his arms.

Pascal followed Jera's guidance and walked to the deepest part of the cave. The people of the orc tribe were influenced by Pascal and felt that they might be saved, so they followed in with a glimmer of hope.

It stretched out its paws and gestured in a certain direction deep in the cave: "I can feel that there is a hollow place nearby... Well, it is about half a cave deep from here. I wonder if it is there?" Jela Jela has never seen other caves, and its reference point is of course the cave where it is currently: "But there may be another cave there." It is not sure.

"Ah, I remembered that the cave is really not far from us at this height!" A strong light burst out from Jie's eyes, but the light quickly went out again. He shook his head: "Even if That’s the case, it’s impossible for us to escape from that passage.”

The distance of half a cave sounds like a short distance, but digging with bare hands would take several days. What's more, the cave they are in is actually very deep. Even if it is only half the distance of the cave, it is an impossible task for the orcs to dig through it with bare hands.

Moreover, judging from the rising speed of the flood, they simply could not wait that long.

"Since we're sure it's in that direction, it's easy to handle." Pascal took the lead to walk to the mountain wall, not caring whether his powers would be exposed. He folded his hands on his chest, and there was a large The flames spread from his folded arms to the mountain wall, and a large gap instantly appeared on the mountain wall.

The orcs' eyes suddenly lit up.

Pascal turned his head: "Anyone among you who has the force, come and help me dig a tunnel!"

Orcs with Force powers accounted for half of the orcs. After hearing Pascal's words, they all stepped forward to work with Pascal. But most of their force power is very weak, and they cannot make a hole with one move like Pascal. They can only add up to a small amount, but it is better than nothing. Even those orcs without the Force were silently digging into the mountain wall with their bare hands, trying to gain a little more life for themselves and their companions.

After a while, some of them ran out of Force power. But these orcs who had exhausted their Force power were not in a hurry to rest. Instead, they followed the example of the Orcs who had no Force power and began to dig into the mountain wall with their bare hands. Even though their hands were dripping with blood, they seemed to not feel anything at all. He had no intention of stopping.

No one complains about being tired. Now, everyone is working hard to race against time.

San and some of the Yaju also joined them. Although they are not as powerful as the orcs, before the crisis of the entire tribe, they no longer want to hide behind the orcs, and they also want to do their part. Maybe their power is insignificant, but what does it matter? As long as there are hundreds or thousands of such insignificant powers, they can have a little more vitality!

The power of the orcs and sub-beasts may not be strong, and their results are far less amazing than Pascal and Claire who possess elemental power, but their perseverance is daunting.

After a while, they actually made a big hole in the mountain wall.

Before everyone could cheer, they heard Karen, who was hiding in the corner with the two beasts, shouting in horror: "It's too late! It's too late! Hong, the flood is almost here!"