Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 28


"Why are you panicking!" The wise man who had been standing by and observing the overall situation scolded the three Karens severely.

Several old sub-beasts, including the Wise Man, and cubs like Jera did not join in the action of digging into the mountain wall. They are weak and can play a negligible role in such an operation. Once they join, the orcs may have to worry about taking care of them. The wise man and his four companions understood this, so they did not cause trouble for the orcs. Instead, they stood aside and observed the surrounding situation, and helped the orcs and sub-beasts restrain the cubs that had lost their control. Keep the cubs out of trouble.

The wise man was very pleased to see his favorite disciple Sang leading a few sub-beasts to help the orcs cut the wall, and using his own mental power to point out to the orcs where the wall was easily destroyed.

Only a few sub-beasts with relatively strong mental power, including Sang, participated in building the wall. Most of the other sub-beasts still failed to endure this hardship, and did not even use their own mental power to guide the orcs - after all, they His mental power is too weak, and exhausting his mental power is a very painful thing. But they didn't let themselves be idle either. They walked around the cave, wiping the orcs' sweat from time to time and giving them some water.

Although the performance of these sub-beasts is still not satisfactory, at least they are already making changes. In this disaster, they gradually understood that it was not just the orcs' responsibility to allow the tribe to survive. They should do something too - even if it's something trivial.

The crisis of survival has forced many people to grow up, and many sub-beasts are no longer as heartless as they used to be. Their arrogance has not completely disappeared, but their mentality and self-perception are changing for the better.

Compared with these young beasts who are busy in the cave, the three Karens who do nothing seem a bit unique. Everyone has their own tasks, but they are excluded. However, they are unaware of it. Whenever there is any disturbance, they will yell next to them. Even the cubs are quieter than them.

The wise man glared at Karen fiercely: "If you can't help everyone, at least keep your mouth shut and don't cause trouble!"

"But, wise man, the flood..."

"No but. Do you think that if you shout loudly here, the flood will not come? If you have this time, you might as well think more about how to get everyone out as soon as possible!"

Jela lay down at the entrance of the cave and said worriedly: "The terrain inside this cave entrance is constantly getting lower, and the same is true for the passage leading to the outside world. If floods really come in, even if we dig the tunnel, it will be submerged." "

The wise man's attitude towards Jera was completely different from that towards Karen. He said approvingly: "Yes, my child, I didn't expect that you also thought about this level. It's really amazing." He walked to the entrance of the cave, regardless of the fact that it was still raining outside. It was raining heavily, so they brought a big stone in and placed it at the entrance of the cave. It seemed that they planned to use the stone to block the cave.

Seeing this, Jela followed suit and moved a stone that was about the same size as its body from somewhere. It was carried over with difficulty, and in the process of putting the stone down, it almost hit its own foot.

"You're really good, little guy. Even if you work so hard, we old men can't fall behind you." said the four old men standing with the wise man.

Among them, two are elders, and the other two, although they do not hold any positions, are also former elders. They were well-known figures in the orc tribe back then. As they have grown older over the years, they have become less minded, but no one dares to underestimate them. them.

The four old men also stood out, looking for large rocks.

When the cubs saw that Jela was praised by the elders for helping to move the rocks, they wanted to follow suit, but were stopped before they stepped out of the cave. The old people do not exclude the cubs from helping, but they do not allow them to step out of the cave and only allow them to pick up stones in the cave. After all, the stones in the cave are limited, and they are not particularly big, but it is safer.

I don’t know how many times the five old sub-orcs outside came back and forth. Their bodies were covered with rain and mud, and even their arms were shaking from carrying large rocks for a long time. At this time, the cave entrance was half filled.

Jera said worriedly: "Wise men, elders, please come in and warm yourself by the fire before continuing."

The bodies of the old beasts are already weak. If this continues, the five old men may not be able to bear it and collapse first. Moreover, the five old people are outside now. When the entrance of the cave is completely blocked by stones, they will not be able to enter.

The wise man's face had begun to turn blue, and his lips had long lost color. He did not accept Jela's suggestion. He shook his head and said hoarsely: "There time."

Yes, there is no time.

Jela stared blankly at the soles of the wise man's feet. Because the entrance to the cave was blocked by rocks, he didn't realize that the flood had actually climbed up the cliff! Even, it can already vaguely hear the roar of the flood...

None of the wise men or elders spoke anymore, they just accelerated the speed of carrying the stones. The current height is no longer within the reach of cubs like Jera. They can hardly do anything to help. They can only stand blankly in the cave and watch the stone wall being raised bit by bit.

Soon, the stone wall reached the chests of the old people. After a while, everything below their necks was blocked behind the stone wall, and they could only see their heads. Although their faces were full of exhaustion and their faces had even turned purple from the cold, their eyes were bursting with astonishing light.

Jela felt suffocated. At this moment, it realized that maybe these old people had no intention of coming in again since they went out to look for the boulders.

The five of them lined up in a row, like a wall between the rushing water and the stone wall. The water flow was very strong, and the huge water slapped on their bodies, making Jela wonder whether their old and weak flesh and blood bodies would be shattered into pieces in the next moment.

However, they did not fall. Facing the huge thrust of the water, they still stood firmly in front of the stone wall, like an indestructible city wall, firmly guarding in front of everyone, and like five brave and skilled warriors, knowing full well that there was no way out ahead. But not afraid of life and death.

With the cooperation of Pascal and others, everyone can already see the passage leading down the mountain.

Sang Zheng wanted to share this joy with his teacher, but he was shocked to find that his teacher and the other four respected old men were standing outside the stone wall.

The stone wall was not completely completed yet, but they already had to face the flood.

"Teacher!" As soon as he met the wise man's eyes, Sang already understood what his teacher wanted to do. He was so excited that he wanted to climb out from the stone wall: "Teacher, come in, I will do what you want to do! Come in quickly!"

"Silly boy!" The wise man scolded him lightly, but there was no blame in his eyes: "Call Pascal and You over for me."

Sang stumbled back to the deepest part of the cave, and after a while, Pascal and the patriarch came out.

The dignity that the patriarch usually put on his face had completely collapsed at this moment. He almost rushed to the patriarch and elders: "Wise men, elders, come in quickly! This kind of thing should be done by us! You can't be here... The tribe still needs you!"

The wise man shook his head and said gently: "We have lived long enough, why should you make unnecessary sacrifices to protect us old guys! What the future of the tribe needs is you, the younger generation, not us. We The era has long passed, and now, it is you who are responsible for the future of the tribe. Yuyou, after you take the tribe out, you must fully trust our allies, find a place, and develop our tribe well... and don't come back again. "

"Wise man, why..."

"This is just my plea, not an order. You have grown up, Yuzu, and have your own judgment. You are no longer a child who needs my hand-in-hand guidance. I can no longer order you to do anything. However, no matter where you are, However, I hope that none of you will lose the spirit passed down to us by our ancestors."

The wise man's voice was very soft. Amidst the huge impact of the flood, the patriarch had to concentrate to hear his words. But these words were like pieces of iron, weighing heavily on his chest.

—Wise man, what is tribal spirit

—Young, have you seen ants

—I’ve seen them before. They are very weak. I can crush them to death with just one step.

—Yes, they are weak and easy to kill, but their race is still very powerful to this day. Do you know the reason

-reason? have no idea.

-Well, look at those ants and tell me.

—It’s so strange, why do they clump together when crossing the river

-If you don't do this, all the ants will not be able to cross the river.

—But the ants outside will definitely die, so why are they still willing to stay outside

—Because they can use their own lives to bring new life to the tribe.

-Still do not understand.

-Ants are very weak and can only survive well if they unite together. Tribal spirit is the most precious wisdom and wealth left to us by our ancestors. Maybe you don't quite understand it now, but, Yume, one day, you will understand that it is precisely because of this spirit that our tribe can continue...

Fragments of memories kept floating up and down in his mind. Recalling the wise man who taught him well when he was young, the patriarch felt a heavy pain in his heart. What he couldn't understand at that time, how could he still know nothing about it now

The patriarch held back the tears in his eyes and nodded to the wise man: "I understand... understand..."

The wise man smiled happily and turned his gaze to Pascal. His eyes were soft and sincere: "I know that our tribe is backward and backward and has many bad habits. However, our tribe is not born despicable. Our tribe also has its own characteristics. Our own perseverance, we will never forget the spirit passed down to us by our ancestors - no matter when and where we will stick to our loyalty to our companions. There is no need to feel sorry for us, this is our choice. For you - our companion , our allies, I have only one request."

"Please take our tribe and go out!"

Pascal nodded: "I will, this is what I promised you."

"Come on, kids. Don't waste the time we bought for you."

At this time, the passage was finally dug. It was not wide enough to allow only one person to pass through at a time. The orcs picked up the cubs, performed the most solemn clan rituals towards the wise men and elders, and then entered the passage one by one.

The five old men watched them leave, then closed their eyes, silently enduring the flood that had reached their chests.

The water was so cold and biting, but they seemed to no longer feel it.

They turned their heads with difficulty and looked at the vast lake behind them. The small mountain col was completely invisible now, but they knew it was there.

There is the hometown they have watched all their lives. They are about to go home.