Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 29


The escape process was not smooth. Although the five old people sacrificed themselves to buy everyone a little time, the flood quickly covered the human wall made of their flesh and blood and washed away the A flimsy stone wall piled at the entrance of the cave.

No one spoke, everyone moved forward faster.

Because Karen and others hid farthest away when everyone was digging the tunnel, they fell at the back when everyone was about to enter the tunnel to take refuge.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken by the flood, and there was an orc waiting to enter the cave in front of him, Karen was anxious, and he didn't know where he got the strength to pull the orc away from the cave entrance, and he He plunged into the passage.

The orc's name was Spear, and he walked slower than others because he lost a leg while hunting in his early years. He originally saw Karen and the other three sub-beasts walking at the end, and planned to protect them into the cave before entering himself. Unexpectedly, Karen suddenly became violent and dragged him to the ground. Spear could feel that the moment he fell to the ground, the bones of his injured leg were completely shattered.

how so!

Spear watched helplessly as the other two sub-beasts followed Karen, stepped over his body and entered the hole, his face twisted with pain and despair.

They have always been taught in the tribe that they must protect other tribesmen even if they sacrifice themselves. Although the sub-beasts were more arrogant than the orcs, he never thought that Karen and others would one day ruin his life just for themselves to survive.

When disaster strikes, some people choose to sacrifice themselves to buy time for their companions; some people choose to use their companions as stepping stones just to survive.

Spear approached as he heard the sound of water flowing in his ears, and in a daze he heard someone lying at the entrance of the passage calling his name. He climbed up from the water with difficulty, enduring the severe pain, and came to the entrance of the hole dug bit by bit by his companions.

The cold and fast water hit his calf, and a heart-wrenching pain snaked up the injured leg. The pain made his eyes black for a while, and he wished he could faint immediately. But he still bit his lower lip to maintain his sanity. He knew that it was difficult for him to escape this disaster, but there was one last thing he had to do before welcoming the arrival of death.

He climbed up the slippery mountain wall with difficulty, enduring the severe pain in his legs and crawled into the cave. The hole is only one person wide. As long as he can block the entrance with his body, he can withstand the flood for a period of time. Since his death is inevitable, at least he must use his flesh and blood to do the last thing for his companions. Not for the three selfish people of Karen, but for the companions who were still calling his name in the passage and were worried about him.

Huge water pressure swept in from behind the spear, as if it was going to crush him to pieces. Spear grabbed hold of everything around him to stabilize his body so that he would not be swept away by the current and buy a little more time for his companions.

His consciousness was peeled away from his body bit by bit. Gradually, he felt tired and tired. In the end, he only heard waves of anxious calls...

—Please go out with our hope!

Spear's body was washed away by the flood like a piece of rag. After losing him as a tenacious obstacle, the turbulent water rushed into the channel unstoppably.

The little Yashuocai who walked at the end was the first to suffer the disaster. Although he had just narrowly stepped on the spear and saved his life, his luck soon came to an end. Feeling the huge momentum coming from behind him, his eyes widened in horror. Before he could react, he was washed away by the current and loaded onto another sub-beast in front of him, Jin.

At first, the two of them struggled in the water. Soon, their mouths, noses, eyes, and ears were filled with water, and even their abdomens swelled like a rubber ball.

Whether they were willing to do so or not, they lost their lives staring into those frightened and desperate eyes.

In the face of such a disaster, casualties during the escape process are inevitable. But if they hadn't helped, if they hadn't hid far away while their companions were working, maybe they wouldn't have been the last ones to escape, and they wouldn't have been the first ones to be sacrificed.

Karen listened to the screams of his two companions behind him and quickened his pace. But the cave is only so big. No matter how fast he is, how fast can he go

Soon, he followed Cai Hejin's footsteps, and the little beast in his arms was not spared either. Before it died, its eyes were wide open, as if it hadn't had time to figure out why such a bad luck had befallen it.

The moment the water overflowed Karen's body, a solid earth wall blocked Karen's path. The flood hit the solid earth wall, but for a while there was no way to disintegrate it. Behind the earth wall, Claire manipulated her elemental power to build up the earth wall layer by layer until she was sure that the flood would not be able to break it away for a while, then she began to escape.

As one of the last people to enter the cave, Claire naturally saw the scene where the three Karens pushed their spears to the ground. Unfortunately, the flood had arrived by then, and she had no time to save the spear, so she could only watch the spear die at the entrance of the cave.

Claire deliberately walked behind because she had earth elemental power and could protect everyone from the flood. If the Karens and the other three hadn't sacrificed their companions to keep themselves alive, even if she didn't like them, she wouldn't have stood by them. But since they were so selfish and ignored the lives of their companions, she naturally would no longer care about their lives.

Claire walked forward, judging the distance of the flood from her by the vibration behind her, and then built a thick earth wall.

The passage to the outside world is much wider than the passage they dug themselves in the cave, and can allow five people to pass side by side. This made everyone escape much faster.

But Claire's burden increased.

In order to build an earthen wall in this passage to withstand the flood, she had to expend several times her previous elemental power. Gradually, Claire couldn't bear it anymore. After another earth wall was erected, her feet weakened and she fell to the ground. If anyone looked back at this time, they would see that her face was very pale, and sweat was dripping down her forehead.

"Are you okay?" A pair of hands supported Claire.

Claire looked up and looked into a pair of worried eyes. She felt a little surprised. She never thought that it would be this man who first noticed her abnormality.

"It's okay, thank you for your help, Patriarch." Claire held his hand to stand still, and then she felt the dizziness passed.

"...You can call me Yuzu."

Claire glanced at him in surprise: "I think the name is irrelevant to us. The most important thing now is to escape."

"That's right. We will have a long time to discuss these in the future." Without any warning, the patriarch took Claire's hand and started running.

Although his movement was very sudden, Claire relied on her excellent reaction speed and motor nerves to keep up with him without falling or being left behind.

The patriarch took all this into consideration. Although he said nothing, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

after awhile-

"Oh, wait." Claire gasped: "The earth wall at the back is about to be washed away by the flood. I have to build a new one..."

"We are almost at the exit. We can rush out before the flood arrives. Before that, don't force yourself. You don't want to cause irreversible damage to your body because of overdraft, right?"

Soon, a light port appeared in front of Claire and the clan leader, which made Claire relieved a lot.

When they saw the exit, everyone was very excited and started running at top speed. This long distance was quickly covered by everyone.

Claire, who was running at the end, saw a golden lion cub on Pascal's head, looking for her figure. Her heart warmed, and she walked a little faster.

The moment Claire and the patriarch rushed out of the passage, Claire used her last strength to seal the entrance of the passage, and then fell weakly on Pascal's body.

"Claire, are you okay?" The little lion tilted his head and looked at Claire worriedly.

The patriarch stepped forward and wanted to take Claire from Pascal's hand, but was stopped by Pascal.

"What do you mean?" the patriarch asked with an evil look on his face.

"I should be the one to ask you this, right?" Pascal was not to be outdone: "Claire is my subordinate. It is natural for me to take care of her. What is your relationship with her?"

"I… "

At this time, Claire's attention had been entirely focused on the little lion, and she completely ignored the patriarch next to her, whose face turned dark. Seeing that the little lion was worried about herself, Claire gently touched the fur on the little lion's head and comforted: "It's okay, Jela. You know, such a small difficulty will not be a problem for you." Aunt Lil. I have experienced more dangerous predicaments than this, and I finally defeated it and survived."

Hearing this, the people who had just cried with joy for the rest of their lives fell silent.

Indeed, they all survived, they were lucky, and they defeated the natural disaster, but in this disaster, they also lost a lot of things and a lot of people.

The wise men, the elders, the spears, and those who stayed on the hill until their death... they never came back.

Watching the people of the orc tribe raising their hands and praying for the deceased in a unique gesture, Pascal and Claire did not disturb them.

Walking to an empty and quiet place, Pascal said to Claire: "I originally thought that the orc tribe was just a remote and backward tribe with such and such bad habits. Therefore, even if I formed an alliance with them, I did not really count on them. How much effort do you put in?"

"But just now, I changed my mind. The orc tribe may not have strong power or fertility, but they have the most powerful spiritual power. As long as you give them time to develop, as long as you can provide them with Guide us on the right path, and over time, they will definitely become our most reliable allies and strongest backers."

"You are right, I completely agree with this." Claire said, "But Sir, how are you going to resettle them? Take them back to our place?"

Pascal shook his head: "No, if so many of us gather together, it will be too conspicuous, and it will definitely attract the attention of my good uncle."

"What do you mean?"

"Such a large grassland is enough for their entire tribe to live in."

Jera didn't interrupt, it was lying on Claire's head, trying to use its meager mental power to help Claire recover as soon as possible.

Looking at the grass under its feet that was constantly swaying due to the wind, a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling arose in its heart.

Grassland, they are finally back.