Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 31


Jela looked angrily at her skin that had become a little red and swollen from being repeatedly licked.

That Pascal just licked him, and yesterday he actually bit off a bunch of his hair! It hurts him so much! Even if he is eager to pluck him for lunch, there is no need to start talking now, right? He also said it was to punish him for disobedience, which is simply a gangster theory! He just didn't want to be used as food by his adoptive father. What did he do wrong that needed to be punished

It’s not that Jela didn’t feel the enthusiasm in Pascal’s eyes when he saw Jela recently. This weird enthusiasm made Jela feel afraid. He couldn't understand why Pascal suddenly became so interested in the flesh on his body. You know, when he was a child, he was also chubby and chubby. Although Pascal also liked to lick his hair at that time, it was really for the purpose of cleaning his hair.

Not like now—

Whenever Pascal looked at her with those aggressive eyes, Jela felt like a walking piece of fat.

No, we can't go on like this. While Pascal went out hunting, Jela began to think seriously about his escape plan.

He pawed at the ground beneath his feet for a moment, then looked up at where he was. These days, both Gela and Pascal have moved to the edge of their territory to avoid being affected by the pheromones of the lionesses in the pride.

The territory of the Pascal pride is now larger than when they first returned here ten years ago. Jela remembered that this part of the territory under his feet originally belonged to the Ghana Lions. When he was a child, he hunted here when he was too hungry to find anything to eat.

But now, this land has been incorporated into the territory of the Pascal Lions, and the root cause is an event that happened ten years ago.

Ten years ago, Claire and Jera were taken away by Jem sent by the Lord of Selant City. In order to find the two of them, Pascal left the territory with Leod and Sheen. At that time, there was only one male lion and six lionesses left in the Pascal pride, which was when the defense was at its weakest.

Ryan thought he had an opportunity and persuaded Garner and the lionesses in the tribe to join him in attacking the Pascal pride. Garner knew how terrifying Pascal was, and he did not dare to agree without determining what happened to the Pascal pride. However, the lionesses in the group supported Ryan.

When the Pascal Lions moved here, they had already encroached on a lot of the territory of the Garnerine Lions, and the lionesses have been resenting this for a long time. Once given the chance, of course they will take the land back! Moreover, even if these old and new grudges are not considered, in order to feed their cubs, they still need a wider hunting place! As for whether the invasion of the territory of Pascal's pride would lead to Pascal's revenge, the lionesses were not worried. In their opinion, Pascal had not appeared for a long time, and he might have died somewhere long ago.

By that time, the conflict between Garner and Lane had already broken out. Originally, the lionesses all supported Garner, but when Garner and the lionesses disagreed on the issue of whether to attack the Pascal Lions, Ryan cunningly operated the matter and turned his disadvantage into an advantage.

The lionesses felt that Garner had lost ambition by preventing them from attacking the Pascale pride out of fear of Pascale's retaliation. Therefore, in this matter, they bypassed Ghana and chose to focus on Ryan. Unfortunately, they overestimated Ryan and underestimated the lionesses of the Pascal Pride.

Ryan was fine with his tricks, but when it came time to get real, he was no match for anyone else.

Faced with Ryan's provocation, before Thornton, the only remaining male lion in the Pascal pride, could even wait for Thornton to take action, the lioness Varner pounced on him, pulled off one of Ryan's ears, and bit off his tail. Ryan had already discovered that the one attacking him was a lioness. He roared and wanted to fight back, but Varner became even more excited. She has elemental powers, but against Ryan, she did not use her elemental powers, but relied on her flexible movements and fighting skills to fight against Ryan.

Ryan never thought that a lioness could be so powerful. Moreover, the lioness in front of him was not only comparable to him in terms of strength, but also the speed and movement of her movements made it impossible for him to keep up, and he could only be pressed down and beaten.

Is this really a lioness

When he was almost knocked to the ground by Varner again, Ryan could no longer hold on and ran away with his half-broken tail between his legs. Even so, Varner did not let him go.

Someone dares to challenge the dignity of the Pascal Lions, and they must be taught a lesson!

Like lightning, Varner caught up with Ryan, who was running away in a hurry, and pounced on him, scratching and biting him. The attack power of a lioness is not comparable to that of a crazy woman. Ryan, a male lion, was bullied so badly by Varna, who was one-third smaller than him, that even his spine was bitten off.

It wasn't until he died that Ryan knew how terrible it was to be arrogant on the grassland. He thought he was the predator, but in the end, he was the prey.

While Varner was busy taking care of Lane, Varner's five sisters were not to be outdone. They used their wisdom and violence to completely crush the lionesses of Lane's pride.

"Oh my God, is this really a lioness? Why do I feel like I'm facing five male lions!" gasped Jones, the lioness of the Ghana Lane pride.

"No, their attack power is not inferior to that of male lions at all. Even if Ghana is here, he may not be able to defeat them." As the wisest elder among the lionesses, Aixier quickly gave her answer judgment.

"Are you telling the truth, eldest sister? A lioness who is more powerful than a male lion... Oh, my God. Now, even if someone tells me that the lion king of the Pascal pride is not Pascal, but this group Lioness, I’m not surprised at all.”

"That's because you haven't faced Pascal directly! Otherwise, you will know that all the lions in our pride can't defeat him!" A majestic roar came from behind the lionesses.

Although the sound made people's eardrums hurt, it made the lionesses of the Ghana Lion Group feel very at ease.

"Oh, Garner, you're finally here!"

"What have I told you! How dare you go behind my back to attack the Pascal Lions! Are you carried away by Ryan's bastard's sweet words?"

Although he was angry that his wives didn't listen to him, he could never do it if he wanted to see them all bitten to death in front of him.

Although the lionesses of the Pascal pride are extremely capable in fighting, Garner still risked his life to save his wives. In the end, he succeeded, but the price he paid was heavy. One of his legs was bitten by Lanny, and Sarah left a long scar on his back. This is the result of the lionesses releasing water.

As long as they wanted to, they could even keep the life of this male lion here, but they did not choose to do so.

"You should thank little Jera. If it weren't for you being its father, I would definitely bite your throat out!" said Aisha, the second child.

"Go away, if there is another time, even if you are little Jera's father, we will never let you go!" Beileni bared her teeth at the seriously injured Garner fiercely.

"No, you should say this - even if you are little Jela's father, you don't come and leave whenever you want." Varner came from a distance. Her beautiful fur is stained with blood, making her look even more mysterious and dangerous.

Varner has always been a good negotiator and is good at getting the best interests for his side. It was true that she liked Jela, but this love did not extend to Jela's father.

She walked to the place where the Pascal Lions and the Ghana Lions were: "From now on, this place belongs to us, do you understand? You lions who try to challenge the majesty of the Pascal Lions must pay the price for your arrogance!"

Since then, the territory that originally belonged to the Garneran Lions has belonged to the Pascale Lions. The Pascal pride has expanded several times, reducing the territory of the Garnerine pride by nearly one-third.

What happened next

Ah, by the way, Ryan is dead.

The wounds Varner inflicted on Lane were so severe that Lane was completely unable to hunt on his own. His brother Garner was disappointed in him, and the lionesses in the pride were unwilling to talk to him. No one would be kind enough to provide him with food, and Garner and the Lionesses even thought they were doing the right thing by not expelling Ryan.

In the end, Ryan died with a shrunken belly and resentment towards all the lions in the pride. Even to his death, he did not understand where he had lost.

Jela thought that since the Pascale pride could no longer stay, maybe he could go back to the Ghana pride for a while before deciding where to go next.

As for Ghana, Jela didn't care. Although he is still in his sub-adult stage, his mental strength can easily help him find Ghana's weaknesses, and he is not worried at all that he will lose to Ghana if he fights with force.

Jela did not take into account that although it only grew from a young lion to a sub-adult lion in more than ten years, for Ghana and others, it was enough for them to experience the transition from youth to old age.

Time, for Ghana and Jela, is different. Jera and others who can transform into human form are closer to humans in terms of growth period and lifespan. And Garner is just a lion with a lifespan of thirty years—provided he dies.

While he was thinking, Pascal had already dragged a bison to the dense grass.

The deep grass made Jera's figure looming, but Pascal immediately locked Jera's position by smell: "Jera, come and eat. How about we make your favorite barbecue today?"

Jela glanced at the attentive Pascal and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Pascal didn't care at all about Jela's indifference, and consciously cleaned up the bison, then found firewood, cut the bison into small pieces, and skewered them on the branches for roasting. Over the years, he had practiced barbecue a lot, and after a while, the smell of barbecue filled the air.

Pascal glanced at Jela secretly with his eyes, and deliberately moved the kebab in the direction of Jela: "Would you like a skewer, little Jela?"

Jela turned his head, was he giving a stick to a sweet date? Although he is a foodie, he does not only think about food. At least when it comes to life-threatening matters, he will never act heartless. Want to buy his life with a skewer of barbecue, dream!

Seeing that Jela ignored him, Pascal also knew that he might have been too impatient this time and annoyed Jela.

On the matter of "bathing", Pascal was unwilling to give in. That was his welfare. But in other matters, he was willing to pamper and let Jela go.

"Okay, little Jera, don't be angry, I will be a little gentler next time." Pascal took out the seasoning specially bought from the city of Delhi and sprinkled it on the roasted beef. The fragrance, Even Jela, who was full of worries, couldn't help but twitch his nose when he smelled it.

Pascal has been secretly observing Jela's expression. Seeing that Jela showed signs of loosening, he immediately became energetic and persuaded even more vigorously: "No matter what, you can't live with your own body. Look at you, you have lost weight recently. So, you have to Eat more and make up for it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pascal saw Jela looking at him with an unpredictable expression.

He blinked, a little confused. Did he say something wrong somewhere

—Look at you, you have lost weight recently. Therefore, you should eat more and make up for it.

Jela grinded his teeth. He finally found the reason for Pascal's abnormal behavior. It turned out that he thought he was not fat enough and had not enough meat. It was not easy to eat now, right? Are you really treating him like a pig

It's a pity that Pascal's sugar-coated shells have been seen through by him, and he will never be fooled again!

Jela snatched the meat skewers from Pascal's hand and started chewing them.

Although Pascal, the breeder, has bad intentions, why not eat the meat given to him for free? However, he is different from those pigs who are kept in captivity waiting to be slaughtered. Although he has eaten Pascal's feed for so many years in vain, he will never give his meat back to Pascal!

Let Pascal, the breeder, lose money! He has to save enough energy to run away!

Jela thought.

Pascal did not understand that his child was already preparing to escape from him. Seeing his child biting the barbecue viciously, Pascal thought that his child was going to lose his temper as usual.

Seeing Jela being fat and white by him, Pascal felt quite accomplished. A gentle smile appeared on his lips: "Good boy."