Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 32


Jela likes to roll herself into a ball when sleeping. This is a habit she developed during the time when she first traveled through time. At that time, he was worried that the Ghanaian lions would drive him out at any time, and even when he slept, he could not sleep peacefully. This situation improved a lot after it joined the Pascal pride.

Although he knew that Pascal may have adopted him for the sake of his own flesh, Jela was still small at the time and was not big enough for Pascal to fit between his teeth, so he was not afraid that Pascal would eat him immediately. Now that he had grown up, and Pascal acted like he wanted to chew him up and swallow him immediately, Jela's worry grew day by day.

Every time he saw himself growing taller or fatter, his reaction was not happiness, but worry.

With Pascal, he couldn't even sleep well, fearing that one day he would suddenly wake up and find that his head and tail were separated.

Since Jela always stayed awake while sleeping, he found movement around him in the middle of his sleep. His ears twitched and he woke up almost immediately. Then, he saw Pascal sneaking up to him and smiling awkwardly at him, like a fool who was about to do something bad but was discovered in advance.

"My dear, I'm very happy that you are so alert." Pascal was unusually thick-skinned. After his actions were discovered by Gela, he simply lay down next to Gela openly and used his own Their bodies surrounded Jera who was balled up into a fur ball.

Jela complained in his heart that if he hadn't noticed someone so close to him, he would have died a thousand and eight hundred times ago.

However, why hadn’t I noticed before that this male lion was so thick-skinned? Jela's face scrunched up in distress.

The weather was getting colder, and Pascal's soft hair actually made Jela feel very comfortable, but Pascal's strong aggressive male aura still made Jela feel a thorn in his back.

The animal instinct made Jela want to escape from Pascal, just because the aura on his body was too dangerous.

With the two lions so close, it was impossible for Pascal not to notice Jela's reaction. He stretched out his big head and rubbed Jela's forehead: "You are afraid of me, why?"

Hey, hey, don't talk to him in such an aggrieved tone, okay? It was as if he had bullied him! Jayla rolled her eyes.

Moreover, a strong man like Pascal is really not suitable for acting cute or pretending to be pitiful. His current tone and expression are simply terrifying!

Seeing that Jela didn't answer, Pascal rubbed his neck again and asked stubbornly: "Tell me, why? I obviously like you so much..." And you are actually afraid of me!

'You like me so much that you want to eat me! 'Jera thought angrily, he didn't want to talk to Pascal at all. Who are these people? They are making bad plans over there, but they still pretend to be a victim to question themselves!

Jela was thinking wildly when he suddenly felt a wet tongue licking his eyelids. He closed his eyes subconsciously. Then, the tongue that kept wandering like a snake became more and more wanton, and after a while, he was confused. Face full of saliva!

"Little guy." Pascal retracted his tongue before Jela exploded: "Don't be distracted, answer my question. Otherwise -" He hinted at Jela and hugged him tighter, and the flesh of the two lions was almost completely attached. When they were together, he said in a hoarsely hoarse voice: "I wouldn't mind giving you another bath. In fact, I'd be happy to serve you!"

It seems that this guy will not give up until he gets an answer today.

Jera sighed helplessly: "Why am I afraid of you? You can't possibly not know the real reason, right?"

Does this guy like to pretend to be confused so much? Or is it Pascal's new pleasure to tease him like this

Pascal was also silent for a moment. Of course he knew that his recent increasingly uncontrollable emotions and the desire to possess Jela when licking her hair must have been noticed by Jela, and he must have been frightened. To his beloved child. But he had no choice. Now his child was just a sub-adult lion and had not fully grown up. He could not express his overwhelming emotions that were almost irrepressible.

Licking his child's fur and cleaning his body were his only welfare at the moment and the only way to temporarily relieve the surging desire in his heart.

He knew that his child was scared, but he couldn't give up his own welfare. It was too difficult for him to endure. He didn't know if he would completely lose self-control and fall into madness if he was not even allowed to get close to his beloved child.

Jela looked at Pascal's expression and lowered his head listlessly.

He really didn't understand, was his meat so delicious that Pascal had to eat him? It’s not like Pascal couldn’t catch his prey, so why did he have to eat him

He also said that he was his child... In fact, he never regarded him as a relative at all, right

Yes, pig farmers may not have any feelings for the pigs they raise, but when it's time to send the pigs to the slaughterhouse, they won't hesitate at all. Maybe he and Pascal have such a relationship

The bright moonlight reflected Jela's somewhat sad eyes.

"Don't show that expression, it will make me want to bully you." Pascal's head went around Jela's head and rested on his back. The two lions' necks met in an extremely intimate posture. Pascal closed his eyes peacefully: "Go to sleep, little one."

When the sun was just rising, Jela began to look for opportunities to escape. It's a pity that Pascal clings to him so tightly that he hardly leaves him. Not to mention escaping, his range of activities was forced to be reduced a lot.

Lions can go without eating for several days after a full meal. Pascal makes full use of this leisure time to develop a relationship with Gela. He knew that after returning to the lions, he would not have such a good opportunity again, so these few days were very precious to him, and he must seize it firmly.

A few days later, when he felt hunger again in his stomach, Pascal left the place and took Jela to hunt, talking to Jela about various hunting techniques along the way.

In fact, in this aspect, Jela has already fully learned from the lionesses. Even Pascal has taught Jela before. Jela is now fully ready to teach. But Pascal was unwilling to let go of any opportunity to get close to Gela, so he deliberately ignored this and pretended that Gela was still the child who needed his guidance and made him feel uneasy.

"Look at those gazelles. They are all young and healthy male gazelles with no obvious flaws. Gazelles are faster than ordinary lions, so the lions in other prides always choose those older or pregnant gazelles. At first, these male antelopes are rarely targeted by them. But our running speed is much faster than those pure lions. With your speed, you can barely catch up with these male antelopes."

Pascal and Jela analyzed the situation in detail: "These male antelopes have not started eating yet. If you chase them, it is difficult to guarantee that you will catch them. But you can choose to wait until they are full before taking action. At that time, Their speed will drop, and you won’t have to worry about your prey running away.”

Pascal and Jela had been lurking in the grass. One of the male antelopes had just eaten. Before Jela could take action, Pascal jumped out like a bolt of lightning. The male antelope sensed the danger from the surroundings and immediately started to attack. He ran wildly, but his speed was obviously not as fast as before the meal. He was soon caught up by Pascal and his neck was bitten off.

Several other male antelopes kept a certain distance from Pascal, but did not run as hard as they could. The death of one of their companions meant that they were temporarily safe.

Pascal dragged the strong male antelope towards Jela and said to Jela enthusiastically: "Little Jela, you must be hungry too, right? Do you want to eat roast lamb or stew the mutton soup this time?"

Jela looked at Pascal hesitantly: "Are you... planning to feed me?"

"Of course, I thought this was an obvious thing! Why did you ask this question? Have I never fed you before?" Pascal looked back at Jela in surprise, and then he suddenly realized: "Go up You didn’t eat much beef once, no wonder you weren’t full. In this case, this time, you have to eat more.”

After listening to Pascal's words, Jela's face turned ugly again.

- Wait until the prey is full before taking action, so you don’t have to worry about the prey running away.

Does Pascal also want to use the tactics used against the antelope on him? When he was full and couldn't run anymore, he would attack with lightning speed, bite his throat, eat his flesh, and drink his blood

Jela looked at the antelope thrown to the ground by Pascal, and suddenly felt like he was about to enjoy the last supper.

No, maybe this is not his last supper, but at least Pascal's words reminded him that behind every sumptuous dinner, there may be a death crisis hidden.

And he didn't know when this crisis would really come to him.

This feels really bad.

Jela was not very interested in eating. Pascal could see it, but he didn't guess the reason.

He thought that Jela was dissatisfied with his failure to end the game. Lions are creatures that like to run and enjoy hunting. He was just too pretentious to show off in front of Jela, but he didn't take Jela's needs into consideration. It really shouldn't have happened.

"Do you want to try?" Pascal raised his front paws and pointed at the antelopes that were happily grazing on the grassland: "Remember what I just taught you, go catch a fat antelope and bring it back. Those who are thin can wait for them. Longer."

Jela: "..." Now whenever he hears Pascal talk about the antelope, he can't help but assume what he should do!

He wasn't fat enough to meet Pascal's standards, and Pascal was planning to fatten him up even more... Stop it, stop it! That's enough!

At the same time, the antelopes who heard Pascal's ferocious speech began to run wildly.

Did they say that if their companions were in danger, they would be safe? Why is this lion so cruel! Does he plan to catch them all in one fell swoop? ! ! !