Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 33


After a long week, Gela finally escapes the "two world" with Pascal. Pascal seemed a little unfinished, he was dragging his feet and didn't want to return to the center of the territory. Jela didn't care so much. When he heard the roars of the lionesses, he felt as if he had been released from prison and walked happily towards the territory. ran towards the center.

As for Pascal's tangled eyes...he didn't see it, he didn't see anything!

During these seven days, Pascal bathed him with saliva every day. This frequency was unprecedented.

When around the lionesses, with the lionesses protecting him, Pascal would at least be restrained.

Vanna, Ruth, Lanny, Fanny, Berenee and Claire spent the entire estrus alone again. They have long been accustomed to this kind of life, so there is not much change compared to before the estrus period. Sarah, the only one among the sisters who has a husband, looks full of maternal glory.

Jera looked at Sarah's expression, and little Aisha who was already jumping around her, and vaguely guessed something.

Sure enough, as soon as Jela came back, Claire shared the good news with him: "Sarah is pregnant again, and Sheen is also very happy. They will have a new baby soon! Think about it, A fluffy, chubby little cub! Just like when you were a kid, Jela!" Claire's face showed a longing expression: "I like the little cub the best! It's so comfortable to hold! It's a pity, little Jela you When you grow up, you won’t let me pinch you anymore!”

Hey, hey, why did it suddenly get involved with him again? He doesn't want to think about the dark history of being pinched by lionesses when he was a child, okay? Originally, the lionesses were actually very restrained, but since he and Claire went to the Orc tribe and came back, the lionesses were...

Jela shook the unbearable memory out of his mind and decided to change the topic. He said to Claire: "If you want a baby, why don't you just give birth to one yourself?"

As for the child’s cheap father, there is one ready to go!

"Although the baby is very cute, finding a father for the baby is troublesome! Do you want me to find those male lions on the grassland?" Claire shook her head: "I don't want to think about it for the time being."

Jela believed that if possible, Claire would definitely choose single-cell reproduction to produce a child. He has always known that Yuzu is pursuing Claire, but unfortunately, Claire is not very enlightened among the two parties involved, and Yuzu's emotional intelligence is not too high. It seems that the two of them have a good time getting along.

In fact, the fact that things between Claire and Yume haven’t made much progress can’t be entirely blamed on Claire. When any girl is confessed by others, what she hears is, “Although you look very strange, you don’t match my taste, and Your behavior doesn't quite meet my definition of a female, but I still like you very much, let's live together." It would be weird if you agree, and it would be nice if you don't slap the other person's ear.

Jela, who was secretly complaining in his heart, didn't realize that in terms of emotional intelligence, he and Pascal... didn't seem to be much better.

When Pascal saw Jela, he looked like he wanted to swallow Jela, but he didn't say anything to Jela; and Jela... He always thought that his adoptive father was a straight man, and he didn't think about certain aspects at all. As a result, some speechless misunderstandings occurred.

"Master Pascal is also back. I always feel that his face is not very good-looking. It seems that he has been stirred up and his longing has been aroused, but he has not been relieved." Claire frowned: " I don’t know who provoked him. Could it be that there was a wandering lioness who teased Lord Pascal recklessly when she was in heat?”

Just like Claire and the others would rather spend their estrus alone than find a male lion randomly on the grassland, Pascal would also not look for the big cat girls on the grassland.

Pascal usually hides it too well in front of the lionesses, so Claire didn't see the truth, so it's no wonder she guessed like this.

"He's always been like this." Jela shrugged and said with a headache: "Oh, don't ask me, I haven't always acted with him, and I don't know what happened around him. In fact, His moods are constantly changing these days."

Sometimes he was happy, sometimes depressed, and sometimes he was extremely deep, as if he wanted to swallow him up right away. The closer Jela gets to Pascal, the less she understands him and the harder it is to resist some of his emotional behaviors.

"Poor little Jera." Claire looked at the lion in front of her lovingly: "You must be working very hard these days..."

As soon as Lanni came over, she heard the conversation between Jera and Claire, and said angrily: "Little Jera, Master Pascal bullied you again, didn't he? I knew it would be like this! I must do it later. Speak well of him!"

The other lionesses also temporarily "abandoned" the unborn cub in Sarah's belly and began to express condolences to Jela. After a while, the seat next to Jela was taken up. Pascal found that the lionesses were crowding out and had no intention of making room for themselves, so they had no choice but to hunt in anger.

Not long after he left, there was a sudden roar of a lion.

The lionesses immediately stopped laughing, and they all pricked up their ears and began to distinguish seriously.

Not long after that lion's roar, another male lion's roar sounded, and the sound was obviously more powerful and threatening than the previous one.

The roar of a lion can be heard far away. Even in the center of the Pascal pride's territory, Jela and the lionesses could clearly hear the roars coming dozens of kilometers away.

From the rapid roar, it could be heard that the two male lions were probably at war.

"I remember, that was Ghana's voice." Varner said, "The other one is probably the male lion Garaman, whose territory was occupied recently and was forced to migrate here."

Garaman is not an experienced lion. He is only five years old. For a lion leader, he is too young. Fortunately, he killed the original male lion of the pride when he was sick and got his own lion. However, under the attack of You and others, he quickly lost his territory and wandered all the way to here.

When the Garraman lions entered the territory of the Pascal pride, the lionesses headed by Varna once drove them away. Because there were lion cubs in the group, they were worried that the lions from the Garraman pride would threaten the safety of the cubs, and they showed no mercy to this group of intruders.

Although the Garraman lions were driven out of the territory of the Pascal pride, they did not just leave.

The life of wandering is very difficult, and Garaman is eager to find a new territory and re-establish his own kingdom. Knowing that the male lions and lionesses in the Pascal pride were not easy to mess with, he set his sights on the Ghana lion pride, which was adjacent to the Pascal pride.

If Ghana was still a male lion in his prime, Garaman would not take this risk easily; if the lionesses in the Ghana pride had the same fighting power as the lionesses in the Pascal pride, Garaman would also have to be careful Consider taking action.

But after hiding and observing with the lionesses for a few days, Garaman's worries completely disappeared.

Garner is old, he is almost twenty years old. For the lions in Pascal's pride, they are still quite young when they are twenty years old, but for Ghana, whose life span is only thirty years at most, his physical fitness in all aspects has begun to decline, and he has long since Without the strength he had in his youth - the fact that he's still as good as the Lions is surprising enough - Garraman's demise is down to Ghana's good fortune.

What makes Garaman even more reassured is that the fighting ability of the lionesses of the Ghana Lion Group is normal, unlike the lionesses of the Pascal Group, whose force value is unscientific.

If Garaman came alone, he would not have to consider the threat of the lionesses of Ghana. As long as he kills or drives away Ghana, he can become the king of this area, and the lionesses who originally belonged to Ghana can All lions will become his wives. But he migrated here with the entire Garaman pride. The lionesses of the Garaman pride will not accept a lioness who has no blood relationship with them to become their sister. Therefore, if the Garaman lions want to seize this territory, they must drive away the entire Ghanaian lions.

Garaman faced off against Ghana, and at the same time, there was also a fight between the lionesses of the two prides.

"Aunt Wana, I want to go over and have a look." Jela said.

Jela obviously also knew about Ghana's situation, and he couldn't help but feel worried.

After all, Garner is also the father of his body. Although he is not a very competent father, it is precisely because of Garner's acquiescence and connivance that he was able to survive in the early stages of time travel.

Perhaps because his relationship with Garner is not deep, Jela is able to look at things between himself and Garner more rationally.

In terms of the beast's values, Garner is actually not too bad as a father. Jela is not a pure beast, so he cannot accept this value and regards Garner as his father, but he has a certain gratitude to Garner.

Varner looked at Jela for a while, then turned sideways to make way for him: "Go ahead. Jela, you have grown up, you can make your own choices, we will not interfere."

They didn't say they wanted to go with Jela because this was a war between the other two lions and they had no intention of intervening, and because they believed in Jela's strength. Although Jela is only a sub-adult lion, he has already used his mental power quite skillfully. In terms of combat effectiveness and combat experience, he is not inferior to Garaman who has just grown up.

Jela smiled gratefully at Varner, then ran across the grass, and disappeared after a while, leaving only bursts of smoke and dust on the ground.