Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 34


When Jela arrived, the battle between Garaman and Garner was almost over.

Garaman stood in the center of the territory, showing off his achievements to the lions of the two prides. The lionesses of the Garaman pride were proud, while the lionesses of the Ghana pride were dejected.

The battle ended in a resounding victory for the Garaman pride, with all the lionesses in the Ghanaian pride unable to keep their cubs. They could only watch as the lionesses of the Garraman pride found their cubs one by one and killed them all.

In this battle, the dignity of the Ghanaian lions was completely destroyed. Jela even saw tears in the eyes of the lioness leader Ahir.

Needless to say, the lions in the Ghana pride are getting old. Garner has always stayed in this territory and never left. He kicked all his sons out when they turned three years old, and his daughters were also kicked out before their estrus period and were not allowed to stay in this territory - the lion's intuition passed down from generation to generation told him, He couldn't keep his daughters, let alone mate with them, so the little lionesses had to be driven away. Given that their neighbors are the Pascal pride, it becomes impossible for the young lionesses to even establish a territory near their own group.

Now, the aging of the Ghanaian lions is quite serious. The average age of the Ghanaian lions is almost two or three times that of the Garaman lions. In front of the young and energetic Garaman Lions, the Ghanaian Lions seem to be in decline.

Garner stood aside with injuries all over his body, his long mane hanging down feebly. He no longer looked as high-spirited as Jela had in his image. At this moment, he was just an old and weak person lingering on.

If it were in human society, such old and weak people would still be able to receive mercy and care, but in the cruel natural world, only death awaits them.

Being adjacent to the Pascal pride, no lions dared to set foot on this land for a long time. Garner has lived peacefully for so many years, and even though he has entered old age from the prime of life, he has not been driven away from the lions; but Also because it is adjacent to the Pascal Group of Lions, the aging of the Ghanaian Lion Group has become quite serious, and the overall combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a group of lions of similar size. I don’t know whether being neighbors with the Pascal Lions is a blessing or a misfortune for the Ghanaian Lions.

Jera lurked quietly in the grass, staring at Garaman like a hunter who has locked onto his prey. He does not rush to kill his prey, but waits patiently for the moment when his prey's vigilance is at a minimum.

When Garaman pounced on Garner, preparing to kill the old lion, Jela finally made a move. He lowered his body, calculated the distance, then jumped up and jumped on Garaman's back. Garaman was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground by Jela. Before he could react, Jela had bitten his aorta hard.

As the sharp teeth invaded the blood vessels, bright red blood sprayed out like a waterfall.

Realizing that his life was passing by, Garaman let out an indescribable roar. The ear-splitting roar almost pierced Jela's eardrum. After a while, the roar became weaker and weaker, turning into There were bursts of wailing.

The lionesses of the Garaman pride looked blankly at this sudden disruptor: "What's going on? If I'm not mistaken, this is still a sub-adult male lion, right? Garaman was actually killed by a The sub-adult male lion was easily defeated?"

"He's not yet an adult, but he's not far off. Oh, and I gotta say, he's pretty awesome as a challenger! Just think, he's been able to defeat a guy before he's even an adult. An adult male lion, how strong he will be when he reaches adulthood! If we mate with him, we will definitely get healthier babies!" Meli from the Garaman pride looked at Jela with an expression of interest. .

"But I don't think he attacked Garaman just to replace him as the male lion of our pride." Her sister, Bailey, a young lioness, said: "Look at the look in his eyes. He clearly knows that lion." An old lion named Garner.”

"Oh, anyway, since he killed Garaman, he should take on all the responsibilities that originally belonged to Garaman. Patrol the territory, expel the lions from other prides, reproduce... Okay, the last one can We’ll wait until he’s an adult, but he should take on the first two responsibilities,” Meili said.

"That's right." The other lionesses also agreed.

There are currently no cubs in the Garraman pride. When Garraman became the new leader of the pride, he killed all the cubs of the previous lion king. He did not have time to impregnate the lionesses until he was forced to migrate. . The lionesses had no cubs to protect, and they really needed a male, so they were very receptive to Jela. It can even be said that even if Jela wants to leave now, they will not let Jela leave easily.

Little did Jela know that during her meeting with her long-lost father, the lionesses of the Garraman pride had spontaneously regarded him as their future husband.

When the lions in the Ghanaian pride saw Jela, they didn't recognize him at first.

It wasn't until Ghana tentatively called Jela that the lionesses suddenly understood.

Is this the little one who never grew up? The lionesses' eyes widened.

The lioness leader Ahir still remembered that his sisters had talked to him more than once, hoping that Ghana could drive the little one out of the pride of lions. They don't have any deep hatred for Jela, but they definitely don't like him.

Therefore, when they later learned that while everyone was asleep, Ryan secretly picked up Jera and threw him outside, they never looked for him. They all thought that without the protection of the lions, the little one would not even survive a night.

But they were wrong. It wasn't until they went to attack the Pascal Lions that they discovered that Jela had been adopted by the lions of the Pascal Lions. Not only was he still alive, but he was also living well. The lionesses of the Pascal Lions They all like him. At that time, they did not see Jela.

Now, when they meet Jela again, they are old and Jela is still young. They were not very intelligent and did not know how to think about whether Jela was possessed by an evil god, but they instinctively treated Jela with a sense of awe.

Jela said to Garner: "When I was a child, it was you who kept me alive. Now, I have returned this kindness to you." He looked at the familiar and unfamiliar areas around him: "You continue to live here. Go down."

For the big cats, there is no such thing as retirement. Jela once heard about an old male lion who, after being unable to hunt prey, ventured to human-inhabited areas to capture their cattle and sheep in order to survive, and was eventually shot and killed by humans.

Just as nature treats male lions favorably when they are young, they are also cruel when they are old.

Jela believed that he could not do much for Ghana. All he did was to ensure that Ghana would not be driven away from this land, lose a stable hunting ground, and become a wandering lion. There is nothing more he can do at the moment.

As soon as Jela finished speaking, the lions of the Ghana Lion Group had no time to react, but the lionesses of the Garaman Lion Group started to discuss excitedly: "Let them stay here, what should we do? You Are we going to let our children not even have a fixed nest?”

"It's just that the lion is the worst who gives up the territory that should be his to others. Don't let us despise you!"

"Even if he is your father, you can't let him stay here! Unless you have the ability to grab a larger territory from Pascal's territory, otherwise, with the current number of prey in this territory, even if we want to stop, It’s not easy to get a full meal! Do you want to raise an old lion and let your children starve in vain?”

Jera: Wait, what kid? What decision he wants to make seems to have nothing to do with these girls, right? Why did they all act like his wives and prevent him from distributing the 'family property' (land) to his father and relatives? Could it be that something terrible happened without him knowing

None of the lions noticed that there was a mighty and strong male lion who saw everything. He was hiding behind a stone, grinding his teeth secretly.

Very good, I haven’t been under his nose for a while, and I even found a wife! And it’s not just one person, it’s a group of people!

It seems that he is so indulgent to this little guy that he doesn't even know how high the sky is!

Pascal remembered what he had just promised to Varner and others: "Respect Jela's wishes", "Don't bully Jela", "Be gentle and gentle to Jela"... He finally made up his mind and decided to restrain his behavior. , Jela just came to him like this! What a big surprise!

Pascal sneered. However, it just saves him the effort of suppressing his own nature!

Since little Jela is so dissatisfied with his needs, how can he, as a father, not satisfy his adopted son

"Hoo!!! Ho ho ho!!!!"

When the thundering roar came from behind, all the lions were on alert. Jela's face turned pale when he recognized the owner of the voice, and an inexplicable sense of crisis swept through his body. He didn't even know where the source was, but he never made a mistake in predicting a crisis.

He no longer hesitated immediately, leaving behind the Garaman and Ghana lions and started running wildly.

At the end of the pride of Ghana is a small city, and beyond that is the city of Flowville. With the strong enemy of the Lord of Serant, Pascal would not dare to take too big actions. As long as he could escape into the city, he would be safe for the time being.