Lion King’s Adopted Son

Chapter 37


This competition is conducted in the form of a group, with seven people forming a team, and then going through layers of auditions to advance to the semi-finals.

The preliminary round can be held in their respective birthplaces, and the nine major cities are also eligible to host the preliminary round. However, in the semi-finals, all contestants must go to the three major cities. As for the finals, they have always been hosted in turn by the three main cities of Froville, Dritli and Garamanni. This year, it happens to be Flowerville’s turn.

After meeting with You and others, Pascal and others quickly determined the list of participants.

There were four people on Pascal's side, namely Pascal himself, his subordinate Leod, his adopted son Jera, and Claire.

The orc tribe is led by the patriarch You and two other warriors. The two warriors are Jing and Ci. They both have strong force and are the best in the tribe.

For You, Pascal and others, this is not just an ordinary battle, but also a battle of revenge, so they take it very seriously.

Yuzu looks a lot different from ten years ago. His long hair has been shaved short. He looks more capable and his eyes are sharper. Only when he saw Claire did he show his familiar arrogance: "Why are you here?"

That’s what you’re asking! As if she shouldn't be here! Claire said she had nothing to do with this male chauvinist who still needed a beating even after ten years. Claire knew that if she spoke, she would probably not say anything nice, and then she would quarrel with the guy in front of her. She didn't want this, not at all, to make it seem like she valued him.

So Claire turned her head, completely treating Yuzu as air, and continued talking to Jera. Seeing this, Yuyou frowned into a Sichuan shape, and he spoke again: "This operation will be very dangerous, you shouldn't come."

Claire, who had been chatting with Jera but always paid a little attention to Yuyou, finally stopped smiling and stared at him with a straight face and a pair of dead fish eyes: "You are going to start your male behavior again. The theory with females? If you have that kind of skill, you might as well think about how to reach the finals and meet Selante and Jem."

"That's not what I meant. You...I admit that you are very strong, even stronger than some males. But this operation is really dangerous. Can't you not go?"

"No!" Claire impatiently gave him two large sanitary balls: "After all, it's not that I look down on females! If you feel that teaming up with me is an insult to you, then you should quit. Let’s join the team. The list hasn’t been reported yet, so it’s still too late for you to quit!”

Jela on the side lit a candle for Yuyou silently.

He was obviously concerned about Claire, but why did his words change as soon as he said them? No wonder this guy couldn’t catch Claire after ten years of pursuit. Wouldn’t he die if he wasn’t embarrassed

Claire is a pure female man, and her thoughts are not so delicate. If she wants to wait for her to discover the concerns hidden under her poisonous tongue, she may have to wait until the year of the monkey.

"If you are concerned about Aunt Claire, wouldn't it be better to just say it outright?" Jela decided to help You.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Yuyou blushed and turned away, whispering: "Who, who cares about her..."

Claire was dumbfounded by the skill of changing her face.

You retreated in defeat, but Jing beside him took two steps forward and looked at the four Pascals opposite him with a dark expression.

A long scar ran from the corner of his eye to the tip of his nose, which made him look a little scary. There is no doubt that he is an excellent warrior, and the strong smell of blood on his body can prove this, but he does not seem to be an easy person to get along with.

His eyes only stayed on Pascal and Leod for a short time, and then lingered between Claire and Jela for a long time, his cold eyes full of criticality. Compared to Yu Yu's awkward words with concern, his words were much more straightforward and colder: "I don't know when females and cubs will be able to join our team and go to the battlefield with us. ? When we go to compete this time, we are not going to every house with the female and the cubs, are we?"

The naked contempt in the words made both Claire and Jera frown.

Pascal said: "It was my decision to let them join the team. I did it for my own reasons."

The stab beside Jing had his hands around his shoulders. He was obviously on Jing's side, although his expression was not so explicit.

"Of course we believe in your ability, but we are not sure whether you have the same good vision in selecting players."

Ci obviously has more thoughts than Jing. In the entire team, Pascal and Yuzu have the highest status. If it can be proven that Pascal has poor vision, then he is not suitable to captain the entire team. When that time comes, Yuzu will naturally be the captain.

Although Pascal, who once saved the wise man, is worthy of respect, compared to Pascal, Thorn is obviously more inclined to let his clan leader hold the position of captain.

Claire couldn't understand the curved intestines stabbed, but this didn't stop her from going crazy.

She stretched out her hand and punched the thick tree next to her. Suddenly there was a fist mark in the center of the tree: "Okay, stop chirping! Don't you just want to say that I It's very weak. Will it hold back the entire team?" She looked at Jing and Ci with fighting intent, retracted the hand that punched a hole in the tree, and waved at them provocatively: "Don't you? Believe in my strength, it just so happens that I also have doubts about your strength! Why don't we compete and see who is the real dragster!"

Jing glanced at her and looked away: "I don't do anything with females." One of the rules in the tribe is that you can't do anything with females. Moreover, in his opinion, even if he wins against a female, there is nothing to be proud of.

As soon as Jing finished speaking, he saw that Claire's fist had swept in front of him. She punched Jing in the face fiercely. If this blow was real, Jing would probably be knocked unconscious!

What a speed! Jing's pupils suddenly tightened, but his speed did not slow down at all because of his surprise. The experience he had gained from fighting for a long time helped him. He quickly turned his head and avoided Claire's blow. Claire's reaction was extremely fast. Seeing that the attack missed, she quickly swept her legs and started the next round of attacks.

Her movements were so fast, the connection between attack and attack was so close, and the attacks were so fierce, Jing had to use the Force to avoid herself being injured. At this time, he no longer dared to look down on Claire because she was a female.

A burst of sand and dust swept past Jing. Claire put her right hand on the ground, rolled back several times, and left Jing's attack range. Her wild eyes were filled with wrinkles because of the battle: "Why, you just Are these your only abilities? It seems like your reputation as a warrior is somewhat undeserved!"

Exciting people is not just the privilege of orcs, Claire is obviously very good at it.

Jing gritted his teeth, his eyes still gloomy: "I admit, you do have some abilities. You are even stronger than some orcs who cannot use the force. However, just a little boxing and kicking skills are not enough!" He raised his arms. , the sand and dust were suspended in mid-air with him as the center, and began to rotate at high speed: "The force is the key to victory or defeat!"

One of his arms pointed at Claire, and the sandstorm swept toward Claire.

Facing the opponent's menacing attack, Claire didn't panic at all: "It's just the right time. I've wanted to try it for a long time. Is your force power or our elemental power better?"

A row of soil in front of Claire suddenly rose up from the ground, blocking her in front of her, forming a solid wall. Jing just wanted to teach Claire a lesson, so he didn't attack too hard at first. His sandstorm was easily blocked behind the earth wall by Claire. Seeing that Claire also has supernatural powers, Jing intensified the intensity of the sandstorm. The sandstorm that originally only attacked Claire's front suddenly dispersed and moved towards Claire's side and back.

Claire stretched out her hands, and the wall of earth quickly spread behind her as she controlled it, forming a ball that enveloped her completely, leaving no gaps at all. Sandstorms impact on the soil ball, often only chipping away a thin layer of soil on the surface of the soil ball, but the removed area is quickly refilled by Claire.

Jing withdrew his hand and did not continue to attack. Although he only used 50% of his force power, judging from the way Claire was able to do it with ease, he believed that Claire must have some reservations. If the competition really continues, it's really hard to tell who will win and who loses between the two of them. This female is indeed not simple. It seems that Pascal's selection was not random.

He nodded towards Claire: "You passed my test. You are a strong person, and I will respect you as I respect a strong person, but I still don't approve of a young brat joining. Our team." He glanced at Jela.

Jera blinked innocently when her name was called. Still wet? Little cub? Are you talking about him? He is obviously almost reaching adulthood, okay!

"I'm really sorry for lowering the average level of the team. I'm going to quit...just quit!" He waved his finger at Jing. In the eyes of everyone who almost dropped their jaws, Jing raised his hand. With both hands on his left and right, he slapped himself twice hard on both cheeks.

Jela rested his head on his hands and looked leisurely at Mr. Warrior who was slapping himself in the face: "Judging people by their appearance is a disease that needs to be cured!"

As for why he didn't choose Jing, who made him more annoying... Jira said that Jing seemed to be easier to control and easier to bully, so it was the most suitable for him to use to establish his authority!

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