Literary Superstar

Chapter 905: Vulnerable


December 4th seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye, and today is regarded as the beginning of the Lunar New Year festival, because four domestic movies have made their debut.

December 4th seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye, and today is regarded as the beginning of the Lunar New Year festival, because four domestic movies have made their debut.

Lin Han probably understood what Miao Hong meant. Just like in the supermarket, the products that are discounted and promoted will never be the best-selling products.

There are endless ways to book the venue for fans. The rich will book the venue alone, while the poorer ones will raise funds. There are even slogans saying that they are not fans if they can’t book the venue!

Even if "Those Years" crushed "The Time Traveler's Wife", it would still be a victory for him. He was wondering if he should wait a few years to find someone to make the movie again, so as not to worry about it in his heart!

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

No, the topicality of these two movies directly exceeds that of another action-adventure blockbuster "Qi Men Dun Jia"!

The most eye-catching among them are of course the two works "Those Years" and "The Time Traveler's Wife". Although they did not have a large investment, and although their actors were not the biggest, the grievances and resentments in them have already taken over. The headlines in recent days!

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

December 4th seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye, and today is regarded as the beginning of the Lunar New Year festival, because four domestic movies have made their debut.

Even if "Those Years" crushed "The Time Traveler's Wife", it would still be a victory for him. He was wondering if he should wait a few years to find someone to make the movie again, so as not to worry about it in his heart!

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

Fans of Liang Yongzhi are always ridiculed by netizens for "one country, two wisdoms" because they often make these jokes.

There is indeed resentment, but it has not risen to such a big level yet.

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

The actors are not very attractive. If Lin Han hadn't written and directed it himself, it is estimated that the number of films scheduled would not have reached the current 21%!

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

There is indeed resentment, but it has not risen to such a big level yet.

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

The most eye-catching among them are of course the two works "Those Years" and "The Time Traveler's Wife". Although they did not have a large investment, and although their actors were not the biggest, the grievances and resentments in them have already taken over. The headlines in recent days!

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

There is indeed resentment, but it has not risen to such a big level yet.

The fans of these two little fresh meats are working hard to help their idols to boost the box office. There are mobilization orders on post bars, forums, and Weibo.

However, things seem to be different from what they imagined!

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

"Boss, will you allow the Spring Festival release of "The Matrix 3" to be sold at a discount?" Miao Hong asked instead.

No, the topicality of these two movies directly exceeds that of another action-adventure blockbuster "Qi Men Dun Jia"!

Originally, Lin Han thought it would be a fierce battle, but the victory seemed to come too easily!

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

Miao Hong couldn't remember the data, but he took out his mobile phone and found the China Movie Network. There were various detailed data on it, which was more accurate than the professional version of Maoyan Movies.

Miao Hong couldn't remember the data, but he took out his mobile phone and found the China Movie Network. There were various detailed data on it, which was more accurate than the professional version of Maoyan Movies.

Which film is good, which film is bad, and who can outshine the rest are all here on Friday.

Miao Hong smiled and explained: "That's okay. Under normal circumstances, any production company would be willing to spend a lot of money to make up for tickets. In the past, the platform used to make up for tickets in order to grab users, but now the users are basically stable. Like you If you are confident about "The Matrix 3" and think it will have an advantage at the box office, then you don't have to worry. It's just because Alibaba Pictures has no confidence in "The Time Traveler's Wife" that it uses this method to attract audiences."

Galaxy Pictures has been a fledgling company in the past two years. It started its miraculous journey with "Immortal" and now "The Girl We Chased Together All Those Years" has become quite famous.

The rest of the old films will share the remaining 5% of the film schedule, and the cruelty of the Lunar New Year slot starts from now on.

Miao Hong smiled and explained: "That's okay. Under normal circumstances, any production company would be willing to spend a lot of money to make up for tickets. In the past, the platform used to make up for tickets in order to grab users, but now the users are basically stable. Like you If you are confident about "The Matrix 3" and think it will have an advantage at the box office, then you don't have to worry. It's just because Alibaba Pictures has no confidence in "The Time Traveler's Wife" that it uses this method to attract audiences."

Galaxy Pictures has been a fledgling company in the past two years. It started its miraculous journey with "Immortal" and now "The Girl We Chased Together All Those Years" has become quite famous.

The fans of these two little fresh meats are working hard to help their idols to boost the box office. There are mobilization orders on post bars, forums, and Weibo.

Judging from the film schedule, "Qi Men Dun Jia" is backed by a large company and is the only 3D movie in this time period. It is not surprising that it received 27% on Friday.

The rest of the old films will share the remaining 5% of the film schedule, and the cruelty of the Lunar New Year slot starts from now on.

"Judging from the film schedule, it looks like we're down by 10 points. How about tomorrow's pre-sale box office? Is the midnight show data out?"

"At 12 o'clock tonight, several of our movies will be released. For midnight screenings, "The Time Traveler's Wife" has the highest pre-sale box office, and now it has 3.7 million yuan. Our "Those Years" mainly depends on your support. Supported by book fans and movie fans, it is slightly weaker in terms of explosive power, with only 2.8 million yuan."

"The Time Traveler's Wife" is distributed by Alibaba Pictures, and there are two popular celebrities in charge. At the same time, the box office subsidy has reached a shocking level.

The actors are not very attractive. If Lin Han hadn't written and directed it himself, it is estimated that the number of films scheduled would not have reached the current 21%!

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

"At 12 o'clock tonight, several of our movies will be released. For midnight screenings, "The Time Traveler's Wife" has the highest pre-sale box office, and now it has 3.7 million yuan. Our "Those Years" mainly depends on your support. Supported by book fans and movie fans, it is slightly weaker in terms of explosive power, with only 2.8 million yuan."

Which film is good, which film is bad, and who can outshine the rest are all here on Friday.

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

Miao Hong obviously came to see the little guy, but the little guy fell asleep without mercy, and he had to be pulled into the living room by Lin Han to talk.

Judging from the film schedule, "Qi Men Dun Jia" is backed by a large company and is the only 3D movie in this time period. It is not surprising that it received 27% on Friday.

"However, in the pre-sale on Friday, our attendance rate was the highest, and some prime events have been sold more than 80%."

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

No, the topicality of these two movies directly exceeds that of another action-adventure blockbuster "Qi Men Dun Jia"!

"Those Years" actually took the lead from the beginning. Although it was unable to maintain a high attendance rate during the evening prime time schedule, it ended up taking 78 million yuan at the box office with 21% of the schedule!

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

The biggest characteristic of fan movies is that they create the highest box office on the first day, and then plummet all the way, bleeding endlessly.

Which film is good, which film is bad, and who can outshine the rest are all here on Friday.

December 4th seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye, and today is regarded as the beginning of the Lunar New Year festival, because four domestic movies have made their debut.

Galaxy Pictures has been a fledgling company in the past two years. It started its miraculous journey with "Immortal" and now "The Girl We Chased Together All Those Years" has become quite famous.

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

Miao Hong smiled and explained: "That's okay. Under normal circumstances, any production company would be willing to spend a lot of money to make up for tickets. In the past, the platform used to make up for tickets in order to grab users, but now the users are basically stable. Like you If you are confident about "The Matrix 3" and think it will have an advantage at the box office, then you don't have to worry. It's just because Alibaba Pictures has no confidence in "The Time Traveler's Wife" that it uses this method to attract audiences."

The actors are not very attractive. If Lin Han hadn't written and directed it himself, it is estimated that the number of films scheduled would not have reached the current 21%!

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

The actors are not very attractive. If Lin Han hadn't written and directed it himself, it is estimated that the number of films scheduled would not have reached the current 21%!

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

The rest of the old films will share the remaining 5% of the film schedule, and the cruelty of the Lunar New Year slot starts from now on.

There are endless ways to book the venue for fans. The rich will book the venue alone, while the poorer ones will raise funds. There are even slogans saying that they are not fans if they can’t book the venue!

Originally, Lin Han thought it would be a fierce battle, but the victory seemed to come too easily!

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

Another newly released film "The Adventures of Panda" has its own audience. As an animated film, it will hardly conflict with the above films, so it is reasonable to get 15% of the film schedule.

But during the day, the situation was completely different!

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

Don't chase stars if you don't have money. You can't afford to book a venue, it's too embarrassing.

"Forget the 9.9 tickets, there are still 5.8 yuan?"

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

Miao Hong became happy instead. He smiled and said: "Boss, I think this is good news. It proves that the quality of their movie is probably not very good. If you really have confidence in the quality, you won't spend all your money on it." Up here.”

The rest of the old films will share the remaining 5% of the film schedule, and the cruelty of the Lunar New Year slot starts from now on.

Don't chase stars if you don't have money. You can't afford to book a venue, it's too embarrassing.

Don't chase stars if you don't have money. You can't afford to book a venue, it's too embarrassing.

This is still a scene without Hollywood blockbusters to disrupt the situation. Two Hollywood works will be released next Friday. Let’s see who can sustain it!

"Of course not!" Lin Han replied decisively.

Fans of Liang Yongzhi are always ridiculed by netizens for "one country, two wisdoms" because they often make these jokes.

At the midnight box office, "Those Years" failed with a box office of 3.1 million yuan, but "The Time Traveler's Wife" only had 3.8 million yuan in the end.

Lin Han couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's the truth?"

The biggest characteristic of fan movies is that they create the highest box office on the first day, and then plummet all the way, bleeding endlessly.

Fans of Liang Yongzhi are always ridiculed by netizens for "one country, two wisdoms" because they often make these jokes.

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

Judging from the film schedule, "Qi Men Dun Jia" is backed by a large company and is the only 3D movie in this time period. It is not surprising that it received 27% on Friday.

Judging from the film schedule, "Qi Men Dun Jia" is backed by a large company and is the only 3D movie in this time period. It is not surprising that it received 27% on Friday.

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

Lin Han said with concern, even though this movie took less than half a year from filming to release, it has gathered the efforts of quite a few people.

"Forget the 9.9 tickets, there are still 5.8 yuan?"

Another newly released film "The Adventures of Panda" has its own audience. As an animated film, it will hardly conflict with the above films, so it is reasonable to get 15% of the film schedule.

The most surprising thing is "The Time Traveler's Wife". The highlight of this film seems to be the midnight screening. Except for fans of the two leading actors, it has received almost unanimous negative reviews from the entire Internet!

Lin Han was frightened by this terrifying ticket supply. Alibaba Pictures must have made a desperate move. These special movie tickets are not just for one or two theaters occasionally, but for almost all theaters!

"Forget the 9.9 tickets, there are still 5.8 yuan?"

December 4th seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye, and today is regarded as the beginning of the Lunar New Year festival, because four domestic movies have made their debut.

Miao Hong couldn't remember the data, but he took out his mobile phone and found the China Movie Network. There were various detailed data on it, which was more accurate than the professional version of Maoyan Movies.

"Those Years" actually took the lead from the beginning. Although it was unable to maintain a high attendance rate during the evening prime time schedule, it ended up taking 78 million yuan at the box office with 21% of the schedule!

Lin Han couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's the truth?"

Miao Hong became happy instead. He smiled and said: "Boss, I think this is good news. It proves that the quality of their movie is probably not very good. If you really have confidence in the quality, you won't spend all your money on it." Up here.”

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

The fans of these two little fresh meats are working hard to help their idols to boost the box office. There are mobilization orders on post bars, forums, and Weibo.

Miao Hong smiled and explained: "That's okay. Under normal circumstances, any production company would be willing to spend a lot of money to make up for tickets. In the past, the platform used to make up for tickets in order to grab users, but now the users are basically stable. Like you If you are confident about "The Matrix 3" and think it will have an advantage at the box office, then you don't have to worry. It's just because Alibaba Pictures has no confidence in "The Time Traveler's Wife" that it uses this method to attract audiences."

The biggest characteristic of fan movies is that they create the highest box office on the first day, and then plummet all the way, bleeding endlessly.

Lin Han couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's the truth?"

Lin Han was frightened by this terrifying ticket supply. Alibaba Pictures must have made a desperate move. These special movie tickets are not just for one or two theaters occasionally, but for almost all theaters!

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

32% of the films were scheduled and only received a box office of 51 million yuan.

"Boss, will you allow the Spring Festival release of "The Matrix 3" to be sold at a discount?" Miao Hong asked instead.

No, the topicality of these two movies directly exceeds that of another action-adventure blockbuster "Qi Men Dun Jia"!

Miao Hong couldn't remember the data, but he took out his mobile phone and found the China Movie Network. There were various detailed data on it, which was more accurate than the professional version of Maoyan Movies.

This is still a scene without Hollywood blockbusters to disrupt the situation. Two Hollywood works will be released next Friday. Let’s see who can sustain it!

Miao Hong couldn't remember the data, but he took out his mobile phone and found the China Movie Network. There were various detailed data on it, which was more accurate than the professional version of Maoyan Movies.

Another newly released film "The Adventures of Panda" has its own audience. As an animated film, it will hardly conflict with the above films, so it is reasonable to get 15% of the film schedule.

Originally, Lin Han thought it would be a fierce battle, but the victory seemed to come too easily!

Judging from the film schedule, "Qi Men Dun Jia" is backed by a large company and is the only 3D movie in this time period. It is not surprising that it received 27% on Friday.

"Of course not!" Lin Han replied decisively.

"Forget the 9.9 tickets, there are still 5.8 yuan?"

32% of the films were scheduled and only received a box office of 51 million yuan.

Miao Hong became happy instead. He smiled and said: "Boss, I think this is good news. It proves that the quality of their movie is probably not very good. If you really have confidence in the quality, you won't spend all your money on it." Up here.”

This is still a scene without Hollywood blockbusters to disrupt the situation. Two Hollywood works will be released next Friday. Let’s see who can sustain it!

But now his mood is a bit complicated, because "The Time Traveler's Wife" was a novel he wrote after all, but it was turned into a bad movie by Alibaba Pictures.

But during the day, the situation was completely different!

Miao Hong smiled and explained: "That's okay. Under normal circumstances, any production company would be willing to spend a lot of money to make up for tickets. In the past, the platform used to make up for tickets in order to grab users, but now the users are basically stable. Like you If you are confident about "The Matrix 3" and think it will have an advantage at the box office, then you don't have to worry. It's just because Alibaba Pictures has no confidence in "The Time Traveler's Wife" that it uses this method to attract audiences."

The biggest characteristic of fan movies is that they create the highest box office on the first day, and then plummet all the way, bleeding endlessly.

There is indeed resentment, but it has not risen to such a big level yet.

"Qi Men Dun Jia", which had high hopes, has received negative reviews since its midnight release. The high 3D ticket price did not save the box office performance, and the box office of 55 million seemed unsatisfactory.

Lin Han probably understood what Miao Hong meant. Just like in the supermarket, the products that are discounted and promoted will never be the best-selling products.

Miao Hong became happy instead. He smiled and said: "Boss, I think this is good news. It proves that the quality of their movie is probably not very good. If you really have confidence in the quality, you won't spend all your money on it." Up here.”

"Judging from the film schedule, it looks like we're down by 10 points. How about tomorrow's pre-sale box office? Is the midnight show data out?"

Lin Han was frightened by this terrifying ticket supply. Alibaba Pictures must have made a desperate move. These special movie tickets are not just for one or two theaters occasionally, but for almost all theaters!

But during the day, the situation was completely different!

"Of course not!" Lin Han replied decisively.

But now his mood is a bit complicated, because "The Time Traveler's Wife" was a novel he wrote after all, but it was turned into a bad movie by Alibaba Pictures.

Nowadays, Chen Shuang and Liang Yongzhi's fans are equally matched, and their IQ and EQ are on the same line. It's like meeting a good talent and meeting an opponent!

"Forget the 9.9 tickets, there are still 5.8 yuan?"

Another newly released film "The Adventures of Panda" has its own audience. As an animated film, it will hardly conflict with the above films, so it is reasonable to get 15% of the film schedule.

Fans of Liang Yongzhi are always ridiculed by netizens for "one country, two wisdoms" because they often make these jokes.

No, the topicality of these two movies directly exceeds that of another action-adventure blockbuster "Qi Men Dun Jia"!

There are endless ways to book the venue for fans. The rich will book the venue alone, while the poorer ones will raise funds. There are even slogans saying that they are not fans if they can’t book the venue!

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

Even if "Those Years" crushed "The Time Traveler's Wife", it would still be a victory for him. He was wondering if he should wait a few years to find someone to make the movie again, so as not to worry about it in his heart!

"Qi Men Dun Jia", which had high hopes, has received negative reviews since its midnight release. The high 3D ticket price did not save the box office performance, and the box office of 55 million seemed unsatisfactory.

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

Miao Hong obviously came to see the little guy, but the little guy fell asleep without mercy, and he had to be pulled into the living room by Lin Han to talk.

There is indeed resentment, but it has not risen to such a big level yet.

However, things seem to be different from what they imagined!

Miao Hong couldn't remember the data, but he took out his mobile phone and found the China Movie Network. There were various detailed data on it, which was more accurate than the professional version of Maoyan Movies.

Lin Han probably understood what Miao Hong meant. Just like in the supermarket, the products that are discounted and promoted will never be the best-selling products.

Don't chase stars if you don't have money. You can't afford to book a venue, it's too embarrassing.

"Judging from the film schedule, it looks like we're down by 10 points. How about tomorrow's pre-sale box office? Is the midnight show data out?"

"The Time Traveler's Wife" is distributed by Alibaba Pictures, and there are two popular celebrities in charge. At the same time, the box office subsidy has reached a shocking level.

"At 12 o'clock tonight, several of our movies will be released. For midnight screenings, "The Time Traveler's Wife" has the highest pre-sale box office, and now it has 3.7 million yuan. Our "Those Years" mainly depends on your support. Supported by book fans and movie fans, it is slightly weaker in terms of explosive power, with only 2.8 million yuan."

"Qi Men Dun Jia", which had high hopes, has received negative reviews since its midnight release. The high 3D ticket price did not save the box office performance, and the box office of 55 million seemed unsatisfactory.

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

"Those Years" actually took the lead from the beginning. Although it was unable to maintain a high attendance rate during the evening prime time schedule, it ended up taking 78 million yuan at the box office with 21% of the schedule!

Lin Han said with concern, even though this movie took less than half a year from filming to release, it has gathered the efforts of quite a few people.

Don't chase stars if you don't have money. You can't afford to book a venue, it's too embarrassing.

The biggest characteristic of fan movies is that they create the highest box office on the first day, and then plummet all the way, bleeding endlessly.

Miao Hong couldn't remember the data, but he took out his mobile phone and found the China Movie Network. There were various detailed data on it, which was more accurate than the professional version of Maoyan Movies.

The rest of the old films will share the remaining 5% of the film schedule, and the cruelty of the Lunar New Year slot starts from now on.

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

"At 12 o'clock tonight, several of our movies will be released. For midnight screenings, "The Time Traveler's Wife" has the highest pre-sale box office, and now it has 3.7 million yuan. Our "Those Years" mainly depends on your support. Supported by book fans and movie fans, it is slightly weaker in terms of explosive power, with only 2.8 million yuan."

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

Miao Hong obviously came to see the little guy, but the little guy fell asleep without mercy, and he had to be pulled into the living room by Lin Han to talk.

"At 12 o'clock tonight, several of our movies will be released. For midnight screenings, "The Time Traveler's Wife" has the highest pre-sale box office, and now it has 3.7 million yuan. Our "Those Years" mainly depends on your support. Supported by book fans and movie fans, it is slightly weaker in terms of explosive power, with only 2.8 million yuan."

Lin Han said with concern, even though this movie took less than half a year from filming to release, it has gathered the efforts of quite a few people.

"Forget the 9.9 tickets, there are still 5.8 yuan?"

At the midnight box office, "Those Years" failed with a box office of 3.1 million yuan, but "The Time Traveler's Wife" only had 3.8 million yuan in the end.

The fans of these two little fresh meats are working hard to help their idols to boost the box office. There are mobilization orders on post bars, forums, and Weibo.

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

"At 12 o'clock tonight, several of our movies will be released. For midnight screenings, "The Time Traveler's Wife" has the highest pre-sale box office, and now it has 3.7 million yuan. Our "Those Years" mainly depends on your support. Supported by book fans and movie fans, it is slightly weaker in terms of explosive power, with only 2.8 million yuan."

Originally, Lin Han thought it would be a fierce battle, but the victory seemed to come too easily!

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

"Forget the 9.9 tickets, there are still 5.8 yuan?"

There are endless ways to book the venue for fans. The rich will book the venue alone, while the poorer ones will raise funds. There are even slogans saying that they are not fans if they can’t book the venue!

Fans of Liang Yongzhi are always ridiculed by netizens for "one country, two wisdoms" because they often make these jokes.

The most eye-catching among them are of course the two works "Those Years" and "The Time Traveler's Wife". Although they did not have a large investment, and although their actors were not the biggest, the grievances and resentments in them have already taken over. The headlines in recent days!

Fans of Liang Yongzhi are always ridiculed by netizens for "one country, two wisdoms" because they often make these jokes.

Don't chase stars if you don't have money. You can't afford to book a venue, it's too embarrassing.

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

Another newly released film "The Adventures of Panda" has its own audience. As an animated film, it will hardly conflict with the above films, so it is reasonable to get 15% of the film schedule.

But during the day, the situation was completely different!

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

At the midnight box office, "Those Years" failed with a box office of 3.1 million yuan, but "The Time Traveler's Wife" only had 3.8 million yuan in the end.

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

Fans of Liang Yongzhi are always ridiculed by netizens for "one country, two wisdoms" because they often make these jokes.

No, the topicality of these two movies directly exceeds that of another action-adventure blockbuster "Qi Men Dun Jia"!

Miao Hong obviously came to see the little guy, but the little guy fell asleep without mercy, and he had to be pulled into the living room by Lin Han to talk.

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

Nowadays, Chen Shuang and Liang Yongzhi's fans are equally matched, and their IQ and EQ are on the same line. It's like meeting a good talent and meeting an opponent!

Lin Han couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's the truth?"

But during the day, the situation was completely different!

"Those Years" actually took the lead from the beginning. Although it was unable to maintain a high attendance rate during the evening prime time schedule, it ended up taking 78 million yuan at the box office with 21% of the schedule!

Miao Hong couldn't remember the data, but he took out his mobile phone and found the China Movie Network. There were various detailed data on it, which was more accurate than the professional version of Maoyan Movies.

"However, in the pre-sale on Friday, our attendance rate was the highest, and some prime events have been sold more than 80%."

The fans of these two little fresh meats are working hard to help their idols to boost the box office. There are mobilization orders on post bars, forums, and Weibo.

32% of the films were scheduled and only received a box office of 51 million yuan.

"Those Years" actually took the lead from the beginning. Although it was unable to maintain a high attendance rate during the evening prime time schedule, it ended up taking 78 million yuan at the box office with 21% of the schedule!

Miao Hong smiled and explained: "That's okay. Under normal circumstances, any production company would be willing to spend a lot of money to make up for tickets. In the past, the platform used to make up for tickets in order to grab users, but now the users are basically stable. Like you If you are confident about "The Matrix 3" and think it will have an advantage at the box office, then you don't have to worry. It's just because Alibaba Pictures has no confidence in "The Time Traveler's Wife" that it uses this method to attract audiences."

Lin Han was frightened by this terrifying ticket supply. Alibaba Pictures must have made a desperate move. These special movie tickets are not just for one or two theaters occasionally, but for almost all theaters!

The biggest characteristic of fan movies is that they create the highest box office on the first day, and then plummet all the way, bleeding endlessly.

There are endless ways to book the venue for fans. The rich will book the venue alone, while the poorer ones will raise funds. There are even slogans saying that they are not fans if they can’t book the venue!

Even if "Those Years" crushed "The Time Traveler's Wife", it would still be a victory for him. He was wondering if he should wait a few years to find someone to make the movie again, so as not to worry about it in his heart!

No, the topicality of these two movies directly exceeds that of another action-adventure blockbuster "Qi Men Dun Jia"!

The fans of these two little fresh meats are working hard to help their idols to boost the box office. There are mobilization orders on post bars, forums, and Weibo.

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

The most eye-catching among them are of course the two works "Those Years" and "The Time Traveler's Wife". Although they did not have a large investment, and although their actors were not the biggest, the grievances and resentments in them have already taken over. The headlines in recent days!

However, things seem to be different from what they imagined!

"Judging from the film schedule, it looks like we're down by 10 points. How about tomorrow's pre-sale box office? Is the midnight show data out?"

The most surprising thing is "The Time Traveler's Wife". The highlight of this film seems to be the midnight screening. Except for fans of the two leading actors, it has received almost unanimous negative reviews from the entire Internet!

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

At the midnight box office, "Those Years" failed with a box office of 3.1 million yuan, but "The Time Traveler's Wife" only had 3.8 million yuan in the end.

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

Another newly released film "The Adventures of Panda" has its own audience. As an animated film, it will hardly conflict with the above films, so it is reasonable to get 15% of the film schedule.

Lin Han probably understood what Miao Hong meant. Just like in the supermarket, the products that are discounted and promoted will never be the best-selling products.

The rest of the old films will share the remaining 5% of the film schedule, and the cruelty of the Lunar New Year slot starts from now on.

32% of the films were scheduled and only received a box office of 51 million yuan.

However, things seem to be different from what they imagined!

The fans of these two little fresh meats are working hard to help their idols to boost the box office. There are mobilization orders on post bars, forums, and Weibo.

But now his mood is a bit complicated, because "The Time Traveler's Wife" was a novel he wrote after all, but it was turned into a bad movie by Alibaba Pictures.

Another newly released film "The Adventures of Panda" has its own audience. As an animated film, it will hardly conflict with the above films, so it is reasonable to get 15% of the film schedule.

Miao Hong obviously came to see the little guy, but the little guy fell asleep without mercy, and he had to be pulled into the living room by Lin Han to talk.

Lin Han couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's the truth?"

At the midnight box office, "Those Years" failed with a box office of 3.1 million yuan, but "The Time Traveler's Wife" only had 3.8 million yuan in the end.

The biggest characteristic of fan movies is that they create the highest box office on the first day, and then plummet all the way, bleeding endlessly.

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

The biggest characteristic of fan movies is that they create the highest box office on the first day, and then plummet all the way, bleeding endlessly.

December 4th seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye, and today is regarded as the beginning of the Lunar New Year festival, because four domestic movies have made their debut.

Lin Han said with concern, even though this movie took less than half a year from filming to release, it has gathered the efforts of quite a few people.

But now his mood is a bit complicated, because "The Time Traveler's Wife" was a novel he wrote after all, but it was turned into a bad movie by Alibaba Pictures.

At the midnight box office, "Those Years" failed with a box office of 3.1 million yuan, but "The Time Traveler's Wife" only had 3.8 million yuan in the end.

32% of the films were scheduled and only received a box office of 51 million yuan.

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

This is still a scene without Hollywood blockbusters to disrupt the situation. Two Hollywood works will be released next Friday. Let’s see who can sustain it!

But during the day, the situation was completely different!

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

This is actually the tacit publicity strategy of Alibaba Pictures and Galaxy Pictures. To do the rest of the publicity, you have to spend money on connections. Those previous reports did not cost anything.

"Those Years" actually took the lead from the beginning. Although it was unable to maintain a high attendance rate during the evening prime time schedule, it ended up taking 78 million yuan at the box office with 21% of the schedule!

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

December 4th seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye, and today is regarded as the beginning of the Lunar New Year festival, because four domestic movies have made their debut.

"At 12 o'clock tonight, several of our movies will be released. For midnight screenings, "The Time Traveler's Wife" has the highest pre-sale box office, and now it has 3.7 million yuan. Our "Those Years" mainly depends on your support. Supported by book fans and movie fans, it is slightly weaker in terms of explosive power, with only 2.8 million yuan."

"However, in the pre-sale on Friday, our attendance rate was the highest, and some prime events have been sold more than 80%."

But now his mood is a bit complicated, because "The Time Traveler's Wife" was a novel he wrote after all, but it was turned into a bad movie by Alibaba Pictures.

"Qi Men Dun Jia", which had high hopes, has received negative reviews since its midnight release. The high 3D ticket price did not save the box office performance, and the box office of 55 million seemed unsatisfactory.

"Boss, will you allow the Spring Festival release of "The Matrix 3" to be sold at a discount?" Miao Hong asked instead.

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

"Forget the 9.9 tickets, there are still 5.8 yuan?"

Therefore, its film schedule has reached a terrifying 32%, in order to create a miracle in the first weekend!

"Qi Men Dun Jia", which had high hopes, has received negative reviews since its midnight release. The high 3D ticket price did not save the box office performance, and the box office of 55 million seemed unsatisfactory.

Even if "Those Years" crushed "The Time Traveler's Wife", it would still be a victory for him. He was wondering if he should wait a few years to find someone to make the movie again, so as not to worry about it in his heart!

At the midnight box office, "Those Years" failed with a box office of 3.1 million yuan, but "The Time Traveler's Wife" only had 3.8 million yuan in the end.

The most surprising thing is "The Time Traveler's Wife". The highlight of this film seems to be the midnight screening. Except for fans of the two leading actors, it has received almost unanimous negative reviews from the entire Internet!

This gap has not widened at all. A midnight show worth several million yuan is incomparable to the tens of millions used for "The Matrix 2". They are both weaklings.

"The Time Traveler's Wife" is distributed by Alibaba Pictures, and there are two popular celebrities in charge. At the same time, the box office subsidy has reached a shocking level.

"Those Years" actually took the lead from the beginning. Although it was unable to maintain a high attendance rate during the evening prime time schedule, it ended up taking 78 million yuan at the box office with 21% of the schedule!

The rest of the old films will share the remaining 5% of the film schedule, and the cruelty of the Lunar New Year slot starts from now on.

"Those Years" is obviously not that type, so Lin Han and others expect it to have a beautiful later curve.

The rest of the old films will share the remaining 5% of the film schedule, and the cruelty of the Lunar New Year slot starts from now on.

32% of the films were scheduled and only received a box office of 51 million yuan.

This is still a scene without Hollywood blockbusters to disrupt the situation. Two Hollywood works will be released next Friday. Let’s see who can sustain it!

The most eye-catching among them are of course the two works "Those Years" and "The Time Traveler's Wife". Although they did not have a large investment, and although their actors were not the biggest, the grievances and resentments in them have already taken over. The headlines in recent days!

Fans of Liang Yongzhi are always ridiculed by netizens for "one country, two wisdoms" because they often make these jokes.

Miao Hong became happy instead. He smiled and said: "Boss, I think this is good news. It proves that the quality of their movie is probably not very good. If you really have confidence in the quality, you won't spend all your money on it." Up here.”

But during the day, the situation was completely different!

According to rumors, this box office subsidy will even allow theater managers to make money by buying 100% of the box office themselves, let alone selling tickets to the audience.

Originally, Lin Han thought it would be a fierce battle, but the victory seemed to come too easily!

Even if "Those Years" crushed "The Time Traveler's Wife", it would still be a victory for him. He was wondering if he should wait a few years to find someone to make the movie again, so as not to worry about it in his heart!

Galaxy Pictures has been a fledgling company in the past two years. It started its miraculous journey with "Immortal" and now "The Girl We Chased Together All Those Years" has become quite famous.

"The Time Traveler's Wife" is distributed by Alibaba Pictures, and there are two popular celebrities in charge. At the same time, the box office subsidy has reached a shocking level.

But during the day, the situation was completely different!

December 4th seems to have arrived in the blink of an eye, and today is regarded as the beginning of the Lunar New Year festival, because four domestic movies have made their debut.

"Forget the 9.9 tickets, there are still 5.8 yuan?"

This is still a scene without Hollywood blockbusters to disrupt the situation. Two Hollywood works will be released next Friday. Let’s see who can sustain it!

Miao Hong obviously came to see the little guy, but the little guy fell asleep without mercy, and he had to be pulled into the living room by Lin Han to talk.