Little Ancestor

Chapter 12


"Come with your uncle." Duan Shumin called him to his study.

This is the second time that Cao Feng has entered the study. He usually does not come in, nor does he come in to clean. Because there are important documents in it, even the part-time workers come to clean it, and the surveillance inside is always on.

"Xiao Feng, you are an older child."

Cao Feng still didn't speak, thinking in his heart, this is unfair to Duan Yuche, but he can't say such things.

"Uncle knows what you're thinking, sit down and don't." Duan Shumin frowned, took a pack of cigarettes from the drawer and lit one, "My relationship with Xiao Che's mother is very complicated, you He must have noticed when he came, his mother passed away for several years."

"I know... Brother, I said it." Of course Cao Feng noticed it. He also noticed that Duan Shumin didn't have a photo of the deceased hostess here, only Duan Yuche's room with him and his mother when they were young photos and save them in the photo frame.

The lights in the study were turned on very dimly, and the smell of smoke began to drift away in this closed and dim space.

Duan Shumin was quite surprised that Duan Yuche would actually tell him this, took off the cigarette in his mouth with his finger, and he continued: "Then you should also know that Vivian is engaged in art, that is, installation art. More than ten years ago, She came to Wuzhen to hold a lighting art exhibition, and I saw her at that time."

"Uncle is just like you. He was born from the grassroots and has been a farmer for three generations in the family, but I read it and went to the mountains to teach for two years. I don't want to be a teacher anymore. A classmate of mine opened a bar in Wuzhen, and I studied during the day. , research, and go to sing in the evening."

"After three months, it unfolded, and she left. Vivian asked me if I wanted to leave with her. She likes me very much. Of course I can't. My family and foundation are all here." He said With a wry smile, "Ten years ago, she came to Shanghai for a show. I saw a poster of her coming on the side of the road, so I went there on purpose. I went every day, and finally I saw her."

Cao Feng listened without interrupting him, as quiet as if he didn't exist.

"At that time, I realized that I had a five-year-old child. She showed me the picture. I thought she had changed her mind and might be willing to be with me, so I asked her if she could bring the child back to China, and I went with her. It's my child, too."

"You must know the answer. She didn't want it, and she looked down on me. I was working at the grassroots level in the bank at that time. She asked me if I could give my children the best education and life. I couldn't do it, but she could." Duan Shumin said: He was willing to talk about too many details, some things he was willing to talk about because he was relieved, but at that time, it was a great shame. Do what many people never do in their lifetimes.

"Later you found out that Xiao Che's mother was sick and brought Xiao Che back to China. It was the first time I saw him." He had a girlfriend who had been with him for two years, but he suddenly brought his son home. , his girlfriend felt that she had been deceived: "Your child is so old and you are still in love with me. Are you kidding me?"

Duan Shumin had no countermeasures when his girlfriend proposed to break up. The sudden appearance of the son, the cute child with ice and snow, took all his attention away.

"His mother told me that Xiao Che has some psychological problems, because she has held exhibitions everywhere, pursued her noble art, and has no time to spend with her children. His emotional needs are very strong, and he needs a father, which he has never experienced. Father's love, that's why I brought him back to China and let me continue to raise her after her death to make up for the lack of love in his childhood." He hated her to death at the time, and soon, he knew how big a problem this child had, and he tried to To please everyone, especially him, he was also busy with work at the time, and his son often called him pitifully, saying that he had fallen on his bicycle, fell down the stairs, had a stomachache, had a headache...

He always talked about the inexplicable cause, tricked him into going home, and wanted to take him to the hospital, but he refused.

He soon found out about the matter of pretending to be sick. He was very angry at first and taught him not to be like this. Xiao Yuche didn't cry or make trouble. He honestly said that it would not be like this in the future, but it will be the same next time. It seriously interfered with his normal work and lost many customers.

He had to call Duan Yuche's aunt and ask her to come and see him.

"His aunt said that this child has been like this since she was a child. She often called her to tell her that she had learned a new song again and asked her to guide her. It was only once or twice. It was always like this." He shook the soot, the red The firelight reflected on his face, and in the ashtray in front of him, four or five cigarette butts were lost, and the strong smell of cigarettes filled the study.

"I was going to take him to see a psychologist, and his aunt told me that Tommy wasn't sick, he wasn't sick, he just... needed a little company, as long as I was willing to accompany him, he wouldn't make trouble. If he's busy, he'll get angry."

"So, Xiao Feng." Duan Shumin looked at the tall boy who had been silent and seemed to be in a heavy heart, "You can't tell him about this, he is still too young, and when he grows up, he becomes an adult and has a girl he likes. Child... I can tell him when he is in a relationship and may no longer need me." Duan Shumin also knows in his heart that no girl is willing to spend such an underground romance with him until his son becomes an adult and grows up. , another few years.

No matter how deep the love is, it will not last so long. Who would want to wait for a person for several years

After listening to him, Cao Feng was silent for a long time, before he answered in a low voice: "Uncle, I will keep this matter a secret, next time you don't, don't do such a dangerous thing, if Xiao Che also talks to him today. I didn't go out either, it's... too dangerous."

Duan Shumin was also a little embarrassed, and explained: "It's not what you think, we're just... Forget it, I'll take her home, do you have dinner? I'll go outside and bring it back for you."

Cao Feng said that he didn't eat: "I bought the vegetables, and I'm going to come back and eat it myself."

"What's the nutritional value of eating noodles? When your uncle packs some food for you later... Don't miss out."

"No." Cao Feng assured.

If Duan Shumin didn't tell him this, maybe... he would feel sorry for his younger brother, and maybe he couldn't help telling him the truth. Duan Shumin only knew what kind of character Cao Feng was, so he specially called him to the study and explained it to him.


"Xiao Che, it's a little cold outside, you can put on a coat and come out."

Duan Yuche said to the door, "Okay."

The night cruise by boat was an activity arranged by Zhou Zeliang and his cousin-in-law. He said that he had been there once in the past two years.

In the afternoon, I bought a few tickets and waited for the cruise in the evening.

Duan Yuche didn't bring a coat, the only coat was given to him by Cao Feng when he was in the car.

This school uniform was a bit too big for him. When he was wearing it, Zhou Zeliang asked him, "Cao Feng's school uniform? He can really imagine that he wears a school uniform when he goes out to play."

Duan Yuche didn't say a word, because he was still a little uncomfortable because of what happened in the morning.

Zhou Zeliang looked at him listlessly and asked, "Are you in a bad mood? What's the matter?"

"Nothing." The place to take the boat is not far away, just a few steps away.

The night is like water and the wind is cool. The inn they live in is in Xizha, and they have played around during the day, but at night, when the lights are on, and when they are sitting on the boat, this ancient town shows her truest and most hazy appearance. .

The towering Huizhou-style buildings, the horse head wall, the Guanyin pocket, and the cornices and corners of the roof are all well outlined by various lights.

Duan Yuche took out Duan Shumin's digital camera, looked for composition, and took pictures.

When I put the camera in my pocket, I accidentally touched the plum candy in my pocket. As far as he knew, Cao Feng didn't eat much candy, and he would carry candy in his bag because he liked to eat it.

His school uniform was freshly washed, and it smelled of lavender softener. Duan Yuche's sheets and pillows also smelled like this, so he wore it as if he was wearing his own clothes, and the smell was familiar.

The cruise ship drove a circle, and after an hour, it returned to the end point. It was late at night. They had supper in the ancient town before returning to the inn.

Back in the room, Duan Yuche took off his school uniform jacket and was about to take a shower, only to find a small bag sewn inside the jacket.

The cloth bag is just under the armpit, has a zipper, and is made of a layer of cotton.

Duan Yuche touched it and found that there was something inside, money

He knew that Cao Feng didn't use a wallet before, he always stuffed his money in this place.

Duan Yuche opened the zipper, and sure enough he found a stack of renminbi, which was a hundred-yuan bill—

Looking at the new texture, you don't have to guess to know that this is the money his father gave to Cao Feng, and it looks like a thousand yuan. Duan Yuche put the money back, and at this time, he found that there was still a small note in the small bag.

He took it out and opened it to see that it was a schedule handwritten by Cao Feng.

On October 1st, in the morning, I watched a flower drum show with my brother, went to the post office to send postcards in the afternoon, and took a cruise in the evening. On October 2nd, in the morning, dyeing workshop, watching shadow play in the afternoon, and watching an open-air movie in the evening. October 3rd, morning…

The handwriting is a bit messy, but it is not difficult to see that Cao Feng checked some information in advance.

This morning, he was carrying a bag and was going to go with him, but something like that happened. He must really want to go, right

Duan Yuche felt more and more apologetic in his heart. His heart was blocked all day. As long as he thought of Cao Feng being alone at home, he felt a little sad, as if he had done something wrong to him.

Duan Yuche stared at it for a while, then put the note back in its original position. After hesitating for a while, he called the landline at home.


"Hey... Little Che." Cao Feng was just talking to Duan Shumin, and it took a lot of effort to accept the matter. Suddenly, he heard his brother's voice, and his heart suddenly stopped.

"That, I..." Duan Yuche paused, and said "I'm sorry", stuck in his throat, he couldn't say it.

"Do you want to ask about the pants?" Cao Feng said, "I found the pants for you this afternoon. They are in your room."

"I didn't ask about the pants..." He scratched his hair and muttered softly, "Forget it."

"Little Che." Cao Feng thought he had something to say, "What happened?"

"It's nothing, sigh, I'll go home on the third afternoon. Where do you want to go? West Lake? Qiandao Lake? I can… accompany you."

Cao Feng's eyes lit up: "...I haven't been there before. You can go anywhere you want. I like it. I'll wait for you to come home."

"That's good, by the way, I went to the Wuzhen Post Office today. I wrote a lot of beautiful postcards, and I sent you one. Please check it." In fact, he hadn't sent it yet. Knowing who to send it to, it is said that he did not buy anything if it could not be sent abroad.

But you can go there tomorrow.

"Really?" Cao Feng said happily, "Then I'll wait and see the mailbox."

"It's not that fast! The postal service is very slow, you can check it the day after tomorrow."

Despite what he said, Cao Feng hung up the phone and ran out to open the mailbox outside the door to see if there were any postcards in it.

Duan Yuche was taking a shower. It was already very late. He was running around all day today. It stands to reason that he was so tired that he would soon be able to fall asleep.

But when he was lying on the bed, facing the brightly lit window, he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

After lying down for a while with his eyes closed, still tossing and turning, he began to realize that it was his own bed recognition problem.

Duan Yuche sat up, closed the curtains, took out his long cotton sleeves from his schoolbag, and spread it on the pillow as a pillow towel.

This way, when you sleep, you can smell the smell of your home, and you may be able to fall asleep more easily.

After lying down like this for a few minutes, he felt uncomfortable again, sat up for the second time, grabbed Cao Feng's school uniform jacket from the end of the bed, and put it on him.