Little Ancestor

Chapter 13


After Duan Shumin left that day, he didn't go home for several days. Cao Feng became a person again. He wanted to buy the miniature music box for Duan Yuche, but he didn't have enough money on him. Although there was money from Duan Shumin, it was different. , he can not spend.

Cao Feng guessed that the craftsmanship of the thing might be a bit complicated. After all, he didn't understand music at all, but if he could disassemble the miniature music box and study it, he might be able to build a similar one.

He is not good at other things, but he is very good at handicraft.

So Cao Feng went to the store again. This was the fourth time he went. This time, he walked into the store and found that the miniature music box that was still on the shelf was gone.

The boss said, "You are late and sold it."

Cao Feng showed a disappointed expression. Every time he came, he touched it, and then shook it in his ear to listen, as if he could study its inner structure.

"Do you really want to buy it?" The boss always sees him coming, but he doesn't buy anything. He just looks at it with a cheeky face, and it doesn't seem like he wants to steal something. Obviously, he wants to buy but can't afford it.

Cao Feng said and thought: "I'm still... saving money." He considered some ways to save money. If he worked part-time, the money would be too slow. Maybe he could save up to 2,500 after his brother's birthday. Yesterday he Seeing that there are research institutes on the Internet that are recruiting people to test drugs, I called today and asked, the price is very high, and it only takes half a month to test the drug. Cao Feng hesitated and said to think about it again.

Come today, what he wants to buy is gone.

The boss stared at him for a while: "Are you still a student? Buying a gift for your girlfriend?"

"No, not a girlfriend." He hurriedly said, "It's for my family, my brother, he plays the piano very well, and it's his birthday."

"Oh, you just want to buy a mechanical music box?"

"Well, he'd definitely like that."

"I still have a bad one in my warehouse, do you want it? I'll sell it to you cheap if you want."

Cao Feng's eyes lit up, he suppressed the "Yes!" he was about to blurt out, and calmly said, "Can you let me take a look?"

"Just look at it, don't hold it and watch it for a few hours." The boss turned around and entered the small room inside. After two minutes, he came out and took out a slightly rusted mechanical music box.

It was also a little bigger than the beer lid, it was faded metal with uneven moiré carvings on it, and it seemed to be more delicate than the previous one, but it was broken and older.

Cao Feng turned the clockwork behind him, but the music box didn't make any sound—it was indeed broken.

He rubbed the rust on it, thinking that if he polished it, it would definitely shine.

"This... how can I fix it?"

"I'm an antique seller and not a repairman. If you want to fix this, you can check it online."

"What if parts are missing?"

The boss rolled his eyes: "I said, this is bad. If you want it, sell it to you cheaply. You have seen the stuff, do you want it?"

Cao Feng was not sure whether he could fix it. He felt that the money was likely to be spent in vain. It might not make any sense to buy it. Will my brother like old things

He wasn't sure.

"How much?" Cao Feng asked.

"Well..." The boss is also hesitating. If something is broken, it is not easy to price it. "It's not very good, and it's broken, but it's an antique. You can take it for 300 yuan."

Cao Feng touched his trousers pocket. In fact, he prepared 600 yuan. This is the money he saved by living frugally. He spends less than 100 yuan for a week at school - but this 300 yuan is very likely to fetch water. drift.

He looked down at the music box, thinking that if he welded a chain to it, he could hang it on his body.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Cao Feng bought it.

However, he still lacked some necessary tools, so he went to the watch repair booth, bought the tools that the master had eliminated, spent all the money, left a few bucks to drive home, opened the mailbox and took a look—

The postcard from my brother still hasn't arrived.

However, the younger brother was going home at night. Cao Feng didn't know when he would arrive, so he simmered the soup in the pressure cooker first.

Duan Yuche was a little late when he came home. He was probably really tired. He slept until noon the next day and didn't pay much attention to Cao Feng.

Duan Shumin happened to be returning home too. There was a secret between him and Cao Feng, but no one mentioned it. Duan Shumin proposed to go to the surrounding area for two days, but Duan Yuche seemed to want to refuse, and thinking that he owed Cao Feng, he agreed.

It was just a National Day trip, and there were huge crowds everywhere. Duan Shumin took a lot of photos for them in the scenic spot. In each of them, the protagonist was almost invisible. They were all passers-by who grabbed the camera.

Going home after playing, school started, and the whole school was faced with a nightmare review week before the monthly exam - except for the international class.

Most of the classmates in the class were not in a hurry, and leisurely carried words and grammar on their backs. If there are people in the class who study hard, it can only be Cao Feng.

But Cao Feng listened to the class and returned to the class. He listened and listened. Occasionally, he would walk away and glanced at Duan Yuche's seat.

He could always see Duan Yuche passing a note at the same table with him, a piece of paper being passed back and forth between their hands, it looked like they were chatting.

He was very unhappy, thinking that Du Pengfei had seriously affected his younger brother's studies. After school in the evening, the two walked towards the back door together. Cao Feng had been holding back for many days, and he couldn't help but slammed and asked, "Xiao Che, I saw you in class. Passing a note with you at the same table, are you… chatting?"

"Why are you staring at me in class?" Duan Yuche was a little strange.

"I didn't mean to, I... accidentally saw it."

"Oh, I'm just playing games with him."


"It's backgammon."

Cao Feng immediately said, "I can also play Gobang, and I can play with you."

"What do I usually play? I just play in class. Who is in the mood to play when I get home? And you're not my tablemate—"

"I can... change seats at the same table with you."

Duan Yuche stopped in front of the stall selling grilled sausages, ordered two sausages, and said to Cao Feng, "Why are you changing seats?"

Cao Feng said: "There are still two or three days before the monthly exam. You are at the same table... You must learn. You play Gobang with him, won't it affect his learning a bit, and I..."

"How is it with you? Aren't you also a good student?" He gave Cao Feng a sausage and looked at him, "Will it not affect your studies?"

"I can play chess with you while listening to lectures."

Duan Yuche smiled, not understanding why Cao Feng was so persistent.

Cao Feng wanted to change seats, but couldn't find a chance. He thought about it all night, and finally came up with a feasible plan. Two nights before the exam, he stayed up late to write code.

Duan Yuche's computer is currently used by him most of the time. When he wanted to check the information on Sankyo's micro-mechanical music box, he found the Japanese website, but since he didn't understand Japanese, he had to do research while translating online. He'd taken the music box apart, but just hadn't figured out exactly what was causing it not to work.

In addition to studying hard, Cao Feng still has a lot of messy things to do. The sports committee also signed him up for a lot of projects. Probably because he is tall and in good health, if any project is short of people, he will be sent to him. What project to rank for, and with the character of Cao Feng, he simply doesn't know how to reject others.

On Wednesday, doctors from the city's medical department specially came to the school for inspection, and asked class by class, "Students, is there anyone who has not been vaccinated against mumps? Does anyone feel a little pain in the cheeks and lymph, and bulging?"

Passing Duan Yuche's class, a boy raised his hand and said that he was a little uncomfortable.

The doctor touched his cheeks and lymph nodes on the spot and felt that he had hypertrophy of the masseter muscle, so he asked him, "What does it feel like?"

"hurts a little."

"What kind of pain?"

The boy said, "It's just sore."

"Have you eaten anything hard?"

The boy said, "Forget the betel nut? I ate four yesterday."

doctor:"… "

Duan Yuche also remembered at this moment. During the last physical examination, he grabbed Zhou Zeliang and ran away. This is another infectious disease. Once he becomes ill, he must be isolated immediately.

After missing the vaccination, Ma Xiaobo specially reminded him to take time to go, but he was too busy that day, so he didn't take Cao Feng to the vaccination.

He subconsciously touched his cheek. It didn't hurt, but he felt a little inexplicable. Shouldn't he be so unlucky to be infected

The doctor said solemnly: "Classmates, if there is any physical abnormality, you must say that this is not a joke, this is an infectious disease!"

Duan Yuche was a little flustered, and kept rubbing his chin. He was about to ask the plane at the same table to touch his face to see if his face was swollen, when he saw him picking dandruff.

Duan Yuche: "..."

He felt that he should not be sick, but he was not sure. After all, he was not vaccinated, and he was not alone. Cao Feng also did not get vaccinated, and he did not know whether Zhou Zeliang was vaccinated or not.

He didn't dare to be careless. After class, he rushed to Cao Feng's seat: "Cao Feng, Cao Feng! That vaccine!"

Cao Feng looked up at him.

"Didn't we not get vaccinated? It's that damn thing that we were asked to get vaccinated at the beginning of school!" Duan Yuche reached out and touched his cheek, touched and pinched it for a few seconds, and said, "Your face is not swollen. , what should I do if I feel my body is swollen, can you touch it?"

"Ah?" Cao Feng was dumbfounded for a few seconds before confirming his request and hesitantly stretched out his hand.

Duan Yuche pinched his face in distress and said, "I feel like I have an infectious disease. The right side of my face is more swollen than the left!"

"It doesn't look... swollen." Cao Feng's voice was a little dry, he swallowed involuntarily, his palm lightly touched one side of his cheek.

His hands are big, while his younger brother's face is small, a slap face, too small, with a smooth touch, the moment he touched it—almost instantly, Cao Feng's face turned red.

"You touch both sides together, is the right side of my face swollen than the left? Am I sick?" Duan Yuche hadn't noticed yet, after all, he was dark, and if you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't be able to see the change in his expression.

Cao Feng had to restrain himself, obey his request, and hold his face.

Duan Yuche blinked, his amber eyes flashing: "How is it? Am I sick?"

For some reason, Cao Feng saw that he seemed to want to get sick. When he got sick, he would go home and isolate for a week to half a month. This is what the doctor said just now.

In addition, tomorrow will be another monthly test, so when I go home, I can kill two birds with one stone. The little brother is so clever, he sees it very clearly.

"I don't think you are... ill." Cao Feng put his palm on his brother's face, stared at him with terrifyingly deep eyes, and said in a low voice, "If you are worried, my brother will take you to the hospital for a check-up. , don't let other people touch your face, they're not doctors, they don't talk much."