Little Ancestor

Chapter 17


The weather was a little cloudy today, and Duan Yuche felt colder than usual as soon as he woke up.

Open the curtains, it is a foggy day outside.

When he got up, he only saw Cao Feng in the kitchen, but not Duan Shumin. Knowing that he hadn't come home again, he didn't even bother to send him a text message this time.

He told Duan Shumin a few days ago that there will be a sports meeting on Thursday, Cao Feng has a long-distance running event, and he also has a relay race.

Now it seems that Duan Shumin is mostly busy with work and forgets it. Duan Yuche doesn't understand why Duan Shumin is obviously not lacking anything, and he still fights like this even after his body has been checked out.

He knew that when his mother left, he left his alimony to his father, as well as a huge inheritance with his aunt, and he still has a trust fund, which will be left to him when he becomes an adult. Duan Shumingen does not need to make money like this.

Although Duan Shumin did not go home, Xiao Zhang dutifully picked them up on time.

Duan Yuche's class uniform has been changed, and it fits very well, which is very different from what other people wear.

He has smooth black hair, neat clothes, and a delicate appearance. He looks like a young master of the aristocracy in the Republic of China when he wears a Chinese tunic suit. When he entered the school with Cao Feng, many classmates turned to look at him frequently.

After entering the class, more people began to wonder: "Why do your clothes look different from ours?"

The entire class wore black, with the only exception being Cao Feng in school uniform.

He was very tall and stood out from the crowd.

Or rather out of place.

Cao Feng is very sensitive, he feels the difference between himself and others, and has a strange vision, but he is just taller and straighter, as if he was born so proud.

The whole morning was a lengthy opening ceremony, and at the end it suddenly started to rain. There was no project for Cao Feng in the morning, Mr. Xiaobo was busy cheering on the students in the competition, and Duan Yuche was also dragged by the plane to the canteen to buy snacks. Cao Feng went back to the classroom. There were very few people in the teaching building. He walked to the door of the office and gently pushed the door open.

The door is locked.

In the afternoon, Cao Feng had three events. He ran three kilometers, but he was a little tired. He was in better condition than everyone else, and even won the first place in the group.

As for the final grades, we'll have to wait until next week.

Ma Xiaobo was waiting for him at the finish line, and said excitedly: "Cao Feng, you are running too fast! It's a scud!"

For others, 3,000 meters is an endurance race, but for Cao Feng, who walks 10 kilometers of mountain roads every day, it is nothing.

Duan Yuche poured him a glass of glucose: "I was cheering you on when you were running just now, did you see me?"

"I see." Cao Feng gasped slightly and took a sip of glucose. He took off his school uniform and ran, and his whole body was wet with sweat.

"Wait for the relay later, the ground is very slippery, run slower, and don't fall." The rain stopped in the afternoon, and the rubber ground was slippery. During their competition, two classmates fell.

"I'm wearing spiked shoes, how can I fall! It's you, can you still run?"

Cao Feng smiled, expressing a small idea.

As a result, at the beginning of the relay race, one after another was thrown into the street.

It wasn't one or two, but Ji Shang fell and got up immediately and continued to run for the remaining tens of meters. No one stopped halfway and cried. The principal and the dean of education were nearby, seeing the situation, they were anxious, and they discussed in their mouths: "Or else stop it, so many students have fallen."

The principal frowned and said, "Then let's start the tug-of-war directly compared to the first year of high school."

Unfortunately, it was the seventh shift just before this order was given.

The position of the relay is not very particular. The most important thing is the first and last. Cao Feng is arranged in front. He is tall and has long legs.

Cao Feng ran over, handed the stick to the opposite side, and watched from behind.

He didn't care about the ranking, he only cared about his brother not falling when he ran. When she thought about it, a girl in the previous class slipped and sat on the ground, throwing the baton off.

A class next to him was running. Seeing that his opponent lost, he was about to overtake. Before he had time to laugh, he stepped on the baton and slipped again with a scream.

The headmaster not far away had a horrible expression on his face: "Call the school doctor, call the school doctor!"

Duan Yuche is next.

Cao Feng was really nervous about him, so he went to the side and followed him all the way. Duan Yuche's spiked shoes grabbed the ground and were not easy to fall, but these were a new pair of shoes.

He is explosive and runs fast.

Cao Feng watched as he was about to run, when his right foot suddenly twisted—it was only a moment, and he continued to run for the remaining ten meters without even pausing.

Duan Yuche slowly slowed down, his face a bit ugly.

The squad leader handed him a bottle of mineral water.

Many classmates who broke their skin simply treated their wounds with disinfectant next to them. Duan Yuche walked very slowly, he was drinking water, and others could hardly see that there was any problem with him.

Cao Feng slipped through the crowd with an anxious expression on his face, and went straight to him: "Little Che!"


Cao Feng said, "Does your foot hurt?"

"Did you see it?" Duan Yuche said, "Fortunately, it's not that I can't bear it, it's not a big problem."

"You sit and rest, don't move, come, come here." Cao Feng took him back to the rest area of the class, and asked him to take off his shoes to see for himself. Duan Yuche looked at a lot of people around him, and was ashamed and refused. Li said, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't matter, everything is fine, what are you doing so nervously, it's me, not you, who got the ankle sprain."

Cao Feng was embarrassed to say, I feel more pain than you when you are injured.

If you don't exert force when you sit down, there is no problem of course.

When the games were over, Ma Xiaobo asked the monitor to ask some boys to bring the water dispenser and desk back to the classroom. When the monitor saw Cao Feng, he called him. Cao Feng shook his head: "His foot is a little hurt. I have to accompany him to the infirmary."

Duan Yuche couldn't force his feet, so he had to turn on the single-leg hopping mode, jumped outside the infirmary, and found that there were still many people.

Because of the rain today, not a few people were injured.

Duan Yuche said forget it: "It's not a big problem, let's go back to the classroom."

Fortunately, Class 7 was on the second floor. He hung his whole body on Cao Feng without much effort and went upstairs. When someone saw him like this, they asked, "Are you injured?"

"It's just a wrinkle."

Helping Duan Yuche to the classroom, Cao Feng asked, "What do you want to eat? Brother, go to the cafeteria to buy it for you."

"I'll ask the plane to bring it back for us. Don't leave." He knew that Cao Feng spent a lot of energy in the afternoon. "Sit down, sit here."

Cao Feng thought about it and said yes: "Let the plane buy two more popsicles."

After a while, the plane came back when it was about to go to self-study in the evening: "Two corns, two sausages, two drumsticks, two popsicles, I bought them all!"

Duan Yuche said thank you, and Cao Feng took out a few ten yuan change from his pocket: "How much? I'll give it to you."

After the plane settled the account, Cao Feng gave him the money and said thank you, "Airplane, the evening self-study is a movie, can you change your position with me?"

The plane was also very refreshing. Without asking why, he took his things from the drawer and went to Cao Feng's seat to sit down.

Duan Yuche asked him in a low voice, "Why change positions?"

"You have a sprained foot, so you need to apply ice."

Duan Yuche didn't understand what this had to do with it, and Cao Feng continued, "You have to take off your shoes and socks."

"… I do not."

He wouldn't do such a thing in public!

Cao Feng was very patient: "Brother, if your feet are not iced now, it will be more serious when you go home."

Duan Yuche has been injured playing football before, of course he understands the truth, but... take off his shoes in the classroom

Cao Feng lowered his voice: "Wait a while, the whole school will play a movie, and the lights will not be turned on. You put your foot on my lap, no one will see it, and it will not be ashamed."

Duan Yuche: "..."

"Do not!"

Soon, the evening self-study began, the lights were all turned off, the teacher came in and played an Oscar, and went out.

Cao Feng touched him lightly: "Brother."

Duan Yuche ignored him: "I'm not enough."

"younger brother."

"Do not!!!"

Cao Feng was helpless: "What about the popsicles?"

"how could I know?"

Cao Feng felt that it was a pity that it would be a waste not to eat it, but eating it in cold weather was not good for Duan Yuche's stomach.

The popsicle had melted a bit. After he took it apart, he ate it in three or two bites. He shivered from the cold. Duan Yuche, who was next to him, saw him like this, and couldn't help laughing again: "What are you doing eating so fast, no one will rob you. …”

After school, the movie was not over yet. Duan Yuche had already seen this "Beautiful Life". He was not interested, and just wanted to go home early, but Cao Feng hadn't watched it, so he was interested in it until the bell rang after class, and Duan Yu Only when Che filmed him did he come out of the world of movies.

"Do you still want to watch? The movie is still an hour away."

Cao Feng shook his head: "Let's go, let's go home." Having said that, his eyes still refused to leave the screen.

The students left one after another.

Seeing that he likes it so much, Duan Yuche is not in a hurry: "Then just wait a while, it's just after school, I'm walking slowly, there are too many people and it's inconvenient."

Duan Yuche sent a message to Xiao Zhang, and Cao Feng continued to watch the movie. Twenty minutes later, there was almost no one in the class, and only a few remained unwilling to leave.

Cao Feng felt that the time was a little late, and Xiao Zhang was still waiting, so he said, "I'll take a look at it when I get home. Don't I have a computer at home?"

"Well, let's go." Duan Yuche couldn't walk fast, his ankle was even more painful than before. After leaving the classroom, Cao Feng saw him limping and couldn't help squatting down: "Brother carry you."

Duan Yuche was stunned: "No, I'll go by myself."

"There's no one in the school anymore. No one sees it so late. It's no shame."

After hesitating for a while, he fell in love with Cao Feng's sincerity, said "um", bent down, and lay on his back.

Cao Feng got up and went downstairs. He carried a pole weighing hundreds of pounds, and it was easy to carry him.

Duan Yuche asked him, "Am I heavy? I'd better go by myself."

Once he pretended to be sick, Duan Shumin hurriedly carried him to the hospital, but he started to pant after a few steps on his back.

Cao Feng shook his head and said very lightly, "You should eat more and grow more meat."

"I eat a lot and take vitamin supplements every day..."

"Eat more meat and protein."

It was getting dark. Cao Feng carried his younger brother on his back and walked slowly on the quiet campus road in the autumn night. The bicycle shed was sparsely populated. He bypassed the car shed and walked out of the school gate.

Xiao Zhang had been waiting for a while. He was getting out of the car and smoking a cigarette. When he saw this scene, he hurriedly ran over: "What's wrong, young master?"

"I'm fine, I got a sprained foot." He hooked Cao Feng's neck, then patted him, motioning him to put himself down, "Where's my dad?"

Xiao Zhang was a little nervous and said, "Your father still has work, so he will be back later."

"Oh." He looked a little ugly.

Xiao Zhang said, "Then let me tell him about your feet."

"You don't need to tell him." Duan Yuche got into the car, feeling indifferent.

Xiao Zhang did not dare to make a sound.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when I got home. When Duan Yuche took off his shoes, he saw a big bag on his ankle and frowned.

Cao Feng saw that the swelling was very serious, and said with a solemn expression: "Little Che, I have the medicinal wine I brought from the stockade in my room. I'll wipe it for you. There are also ice cubes. Brother, I'll get you some ice cubes and apply them for a while."

He imitated Duan Yuche as he did last time, taking out ice cubes and wrapping them in a towel.

Duan Yuche sat on the bed with his feet on the ice, and without having to press it with his hands, he turned on the computer and searched for movies.

Cao Feng went back to the room and brought the medicinal wine. Duan Yuche thought it would be very smelly, but when he opened it, there was no such smell, but it smelled a bit like essential oil. It works very well. Leave it on for another ten minutes, and I'll wipe it for you."

Duan Yuche endured the ice, nodded, and gave him the computer: "Go ahead and watch the movie."

Laptop on the bed, open it.

Cao Feng looked at the computer screen while looking at his frozen red feet.

After waiting for a while, he poured the medicinal wine and rubbed it in his palm to warm it up. After wrapping it in his palm and rubbing it, Duan Yuche let out a "hiss".

"Little Che, endure the pain."

It was really unbearable pain to rub the medicine into it, Duan Yuche gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, he couldn't help but whispered, "Enough, enough..."

Cao Feng stopped, looked up to see his face, and found that his eyes were glowing with water, as if he was being bullied, and he felt pain in his heart, and a strange feeling, and said softly, "It's alright, it doesn't hurt. Well, my feet won't be swollen tomorrow."

Duan Yuche made a nasal "um", probably feeling ashamed, and said, "Take the computer away, go back to your room to watch a movie, I took a shower and went to bed."

Cao Feng said: "Wait for ten to twenty minutes before washing, otherwise the medicinal wine will be washed away by the hot water."

"I see, go back quickly."

"Don't fall."

"… understood!"

Cao Feng went back to his room and watched the rest of the movie. The movie is short, but the life in the movie is very long. Feeling lost, he turned on the lamp on his desk and continued to repair his music box.

The structure of this miniature music box is too delicate, and all the structural parts are so small that they need to be repaired with a magnifying glass.

Cao Feng opened the search page, and then switched to the history. The last time he searched for relevant pages, it was only in Japanese. At that time, he used the web page to translate.

He was about to open it again to take a look at the information, when he saw a string of English webs lying in the historical records.

Cao Feng opened it.

The web page loaded slowly, and when I saw the first picture, Cao Feng was so frightened that he let go of his tools and fell to the ground with a bang.

It's a large-scale photo. Europeans and Americans, if there is a man and a woman, he doesn't need to be so shocked.

The problem is, there are three people in the photo - three men.

What is this? ! He hurriedly closed the webpage, his eyes widened in shock, how could it appear in his browsing history? !