Little Ancestor

Chapter 2


"Xiao Che, your phone is ringing again." Zhou Zeliang said.

"Don't care about him." Duan Yuche held the cone that was about to melt under the high temperature in one hand, took out his phone with the other hand, took a look, and pressed it to hang up, "It's my dad again, annoying."

"Your dad really brought home the poor student he sponsored?" Zhou Zeliang handed him the bag of chicken nuggets, "Is it his illegitimate child?"

Duan Yuche held the chicken nugget in his mouth and said vaguely, "I asked him and he said no, and said I was thinking nonsense."

A few days ago, I heard that Duan Shumin was going to bring home the impoverished students from the ethnic minorities he sponsored, and they approached Zhou Zeliang to complain. The two pondered for a long time and felt that this impoverished student was likely to be Duan Shumin's illegitimate son, and Duan Yuche was completely distracted. , and a heated argument broke out with Duan Shumin, and he also said hurtful things.

In the end, he figured out that this poor student named Cao Feng was not Duan Shumin's illegitimate son, but he couldn't help himself to apologize, and he was very disgusted with strangers living in his home, so he had been in a cold war with Duan Shumin until now.

"How old is the poor student?"

"I don't know, it's bigger than me."

"Be careful, if it's your father's illegitimate child, what will you do if you rob you of the property?"

"Grab me?" The melted vanilla ice cream dripped onto his hand, and Duan Yuche threw it directly into the trash, with a light tone, "I'll kill him."

While the two were talking, Zhou Zeliang noticed that the beggar was following behind him.

He pushed Duan Yuche's shoulder: "Hello."


"Look behind, isn't that guy following us?"

Duan Yuche glanced back, the boy staggered and seemed to want to hide, but there was nowhere to hide. He looked like a stray dog that had just emerged from the trash can.

"You're really following us! What are you doing?" Zhou Zeliang dragged Duan Yuche away quickly, "Did that guy want to rob you because you were rich?"

"I don't think so," Duan Yuche said with those eyes, and at first glance he knew he wasn't a bad person, "Maybe they just want to thank me?" As soon as he finished speaking, the man strode behind the two of them.

Zhou Zeliang immediately guarded Duan Yuche behind him and stared at him vigilantly: "What are you doing?!"

Cao Feng followed all the way, and finally summoned up the courage to catch up. He just looked at Duan Yuche and returned him the money he just gave him without saying a word.

Duan Yuche looked down at the few dollars in his hand, and suddenly realized that he didn't want his own money.

The two looked at each other, Zhou Zeliang murmured to himself, he said that he had to pay back the money, what did he do for such a long time, he thought he was going to robbery. He reached out and took the money back, put it in Duan Yuche's bag, and dragged him away without a word.

When Cao Feng saw that the two were about to leave, he was in a hurry, so he stepped up and chased after them.

"Why are you still following!" Zhou Zeliang stared back immediately and shouted, "Is there any? Tell you, my uncle's police station, and then follow him to the police and arrest you!"

Cao Feng didn't look at him, his eyes only looked at Duan Yuche, but at the critical moment, he stammered when he spoke. This was his "root cause". He was studying in the county three years ago, and it was only then that he officially started. Learning Mandarin, many classmates laughed at his accent.

He didn't dare to speak, he hesitated for a long time, and no one could understand what he was saying.

Zhou Zeliang frowned and whispered to Duan Yuche, "You know him?"

"I don't know." Looking up at the ethnic minorities, Duan Yuche looked at it for a few seconds, "Who are you?"

"I, I am..." Cao Feng opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain it, he wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, and was speechless for a long time.

The more Zhou Zeliang looked at him, the more he felt like a bad guy, so he hurriedly dragged Duan Yuche away.

The two called a car to leave. Cao Feng chased him for at least 50 meters, and all his shoes ran away, causing Zhou Zeliang to curse "mad dog" in the car.

Cao Feng couldn't catch up. He was dazed on the street, watching the taxi disappear. After a while, he turned to pick up the shoes he had dropped in the middle of the road.


The taxi pulled up to Zhou Zeliang's house, and it was Zhou Zeliang's mother who opened the door. As soon as he saw Duan Yuche, he immediately greeted him warmly: "Oh! Little Che is here! Come in and blow the air conditioner, and Auntie will cook two more dishes. "

Duan Yuche said immediately: "No need for auntie, no need to do it specially, I just ate some snacks, I'm not hungry, I can't eat much."

"Don't be polite," she said with disapproval. "Are you tired of studying? Eat more, how can young people eat more? How can you grow your body!"

Zhou Zeliang said first, "Mom, I'll take him upstairs first." After saying that, he dragged Duan Yuche, who had changed into slippers, and walked quickly to his room.

Duan Yuche and Zhou Zeliang are at the same table in junior high school. Now they are in high school, they are also in the same school. He attended private junior high school and had just returned to China at that time. Apart from his oriental appearance, he did not look like a Chinese child at all. He was very different from the native Chinese. He could not speak Chinese well, and there were even rumors that he was Those who grew up in Europe are of mixed Chinese and German blood, of mixed blood from four countries... There are all kinds of messes.

Many people know that his father is the bank manager, and Duan Yuche's nickname is the walking ATM machine.

But Duan Shumin felt that he was too messed up in the private sector, liked to fight with people, and he had no time to manage. He was afraid that something would happen to him during his rebellious period, so he arranged for him to go to a more strict high school outside the field.

However, his high school entrance examination scores were not good, and he did not pass the admission score for the experimental foreign language, so he was sent to the international class.

Most of the students in the international class are preparing to study abroad. There are more English classes than other classes, and there are two foreign teachers' classes every week, so that students can successfully pass the TOEFL, IELTS or A.

It's just two days after school started, and Zhou Zeliang asked while turning on his computer, "Aren't you going home tonight?"

"Not going back." Duan Yuche threw his schoolbag on the ground and fell on his bed, covering his eyes with his arms.

Zhou Zeliang thought for a while and said, "That's fine, but you can't let your dad worry. Give him a call and say you'll stay at our house."

Duan Yuche snorted and said he understood, but still didn't move.

When going downstairs to eat, Zhou's landline rang, and Zhou's mother got up to answer the phone: "Hello? President Duan... Oh, yes, he is at our house."

Duan Yuche raised his head when he heard a sound.

Zhou Zeliang pointed with chopsticks: "Your dad?"

Duan Yuche nodded: "It seems so."

"Mom!" Zhou Zeliang said loudly, "Tell Uncle Duan, Xiao Che will stay at our house tonight..."

Zhou's mother heard it and told the phone: "The two children said they want to study together... Well, tomorrow I will send them to school... "

Duan Shumin responded, "Could you please let Duan Yuche answer the phone?"

Mother Zhou handed the phone to Duan Yuche, who took it to his ear, but didn't make a sound.

"Want to stay at a classmate's house tonight?" Duan Shumin's voice was indifferent.

He hummed lowly.

"Don't be angry with your father," Duan Shumin said in a calm tone as much as possible, "You can stay at your classmate's house tonight, but you have to go home tomorrow! Also, you have to go to school, your teacher Ma specifically told me about your situation today. , your grades are not good, Dad won't say anything, but treat your studies and teachers with basic respect."

After all, the child grew up in Switzerland, and the education there is different from that in China. When the child's mother just brought the child back, he specifically told him about this issue. Duan Shumin understands Duan Yuche very well, and he rarely talks about academic issues. It was difficult for him, even if he was called to the school by the teacher, he always politely explained his son's special situation to the teacher.

He continued: "I will go to your school tomorrow afternoon, and then you will come home with me."

"Why did you come to school? The head teacher asked you to come?" Duan Yuche frowned.

Duan Shumin said something, and told him a few more words.

In someone else's house, Duan Yuche didn't want to quarrel with him, so he gave a nasal "um" to show that he understood.

The next day, Mother Zhou sent the two children to school. Guo Guoliang, who was at the same table, asked Duan Yuche what he was doing yesterday: "Mr. Ma asked us to find you, how can we find someone here?"

Duan Yuche said he went to an Internet cafe.

Guo Guoliang looked at his indifference and didn't seem to be worried at all, and said, "When the teacher comes after you get off the horse, he must tell you to go to the office, so you are not afraid of him punishing you at all?"

Duan Yuche shook his head and said not afraid: "Can you still fire me?"

Sure enough, within a few minutes, the plump Ma Xiaobo appeared in the classroom, walked to Duan Yuche's seat, knocked on his desk, and said, "Duan Yuche, come with me."

Ma Xiaobo didn't scold him, just told him that he had to make time to get vaccinated, and that this kind of thing would never happen again: "This time you are a first-time offender, the school has rules and regulations, and skipping classes for more than You will be dismissed three times, and you don't want to be the first student to be dismissed this semester, right?"

Duan Yuche didn't care in his heart, but he answered it. He was already used to Zurich's loose education method. Even after returning to China for more than three years, he still couldn't accept this kind of high-pressure education.

Especially every time it reaches 3 o'clock in the afternoon, he is seriously sleepy, because according to common sense, he should go home from school at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

At least it used to be the case, and the content of the courses is far less boring than the domestic ones. Cooking, handicraft, football... I have four classes a day, school is over at three o'clock, and I take the school bus to go home slowly.

Just as he propped his chin in a drowsy state under the sound of the physics teacher's lecture, there was a commotion in the classroom.

"Is the one that Teacher Ma brought with him a transfer student?"

"When I went to the office with the exercise book in the morning, I heard the teacher in the office say that our class is going to have a transfer student from an ethnic minority..."

"Transfer student? Really?"

"Male and female?"


Extremely needy transfer student? minority

Now he is very sensitive to the word "minority", because the one Duan Shumin brought home yesterday is said to be an ethnic minority.

Duan Shumin said that he was going to the school today to do some errands, shouldn't he...

Duan Yuche opened his eyes and glanced at the head teacher's office diagonally opposite. The dark blue curtains were drawn in the office, only a gap was revealed, and a pot of dark green aquatic plants was struggling to grow towards the sun.

The seventh class of the international class is at the end of the corridor in the central teaching building, and the office is in the first room on the corner. As long as the curtains are opened in the office, the students sitting in the classroom can easily see what the teacher is doing. Similarly, the teacher can also easily See whether the students who are in class are serious, who is sleeping, who is listening, and who is passing notes.

So most of the time, the classmates sitting by the window are tacitly pulling the curtains tightly.

The reason why I opened it today is because there was a problem with the classroom fan.

Just as he was wondering if it was what he thought, he caught a glimpse of Duan Shumin outside the corridor, in a suit and leather shoes outside the window, as if he was looking for him.

Duan Yuche turned his head to look at him, Duan Shumin happened to see him too, and pointed his finger at the blackboard, signaling him to listen.

Duan Yuche simply lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to check the time, and the get out of class was about to end.

When the get out of class bell rang, Duan Shumin was no longer outside the classroom. Duan Yuche guessed that he might be in the office and walked over.

The office door was closed, and a student happened to enter. The door creaked open. Duan Yuche looked in and saw his father talking to Ma Xiaobo.

Coincidentally, he and the head teacher, Mr. Ma, were acquaintances. Ma Xiaobo and his junior high school Chinese teacher are lovers. Duan Yuche just returned to China a few years ago. He does not speak Chinese very well. Every sentence is in English, French and German. Only occasionally can a Chinese come out. He is in Zurich. Living in a German-speaking area, and going to school in a French-speaking area, it is difficult to accept the domestic education method after returning to China, so that every subject is poorly studied and fails.

In the first two summer vacations, Duan Shumin arranged for him to go to the language teacher to make up lessons.

The two couples are making up lessons at home, one for high school students in English and the other for junior high school students in Chinese.

Knowing that he grew up in Switzerland when he was a child, Ma Xiaobo asked a few of his students to come to Duan Yuche to speak, so he could practice his oral English for free.

Duan Yuche didn't plan to go in, just chewing gum, holding his arms by the door, and suddenly, his eyes snapped at another teacher's office seat next to him, sitting a tall boy who was seriously writing exam papers, with a hairy head on his back. Black curls.

He immediately thought of what the classmates were talking about just now—the extremely poor transfer students.

Duan Yuche and him looked at each other for a few seconds, and instantly remembered who this curly hair was.

Just saw it yesterday outside of school!

However, Cao Feng still stared at him blankly. He still remembered what happened yesterday. Cao Feng felt very guilty for not being able to bring him home.

After listening to his description, Xiao Zhang knew that Duan Yuche was with Zhou Zeliang again, so he called Duan Shumin to tell him about it.

Duan Shumin was accustomed to it, knowing that the child was making a fuss, he didn't say anything, and asked Xiao Zhang to send Cao Feng home.

Cao Feng moved into Duan's house, a big villa, he had never seen such a beautiful big house, and Uncle Duan also arranged a spacious bedroom for him, which was very kind to him, I took him to buy it today. clothes, and even brought him to report to school in person.

"Then I'll trouble Teacher Ma. Thank you. Our family, Duan Yuche, has a temperament and needs to be disciplined! If he does something wrong, feel free to call me!" Duan Shumin got up and shook the teacher sincerely. hand.

"It should be." Ma Xiaobo said kindly, "These are small things that I should do. By the way, students are not allowed to use mobile phones in the school. Once they are found, they will be confiscated. Remember."

Two days ago, Ma Xiaobo discovered that Duan Yuche was playing with his mobile phone during class.

Although he and this President Duan have only met a few times, they have known Duan Yuche for more than two years. Now their whole family has a savings card of Guangzhou Commercial Bank, and they have also bought funds and insurance.

Duan Shumin immediately said that he knew it, and said, "Don't worry! When the school officially starts, I will confiscate Duan Yuche's mobile phone, and I will definitely not delay learning!"

Ma Xiaobo nodded with satisfaction, saw Cao Feng getting up, and said, "There is one more thing, Cao Feng's hairstyle is not up to standard. Next week, he will check his appearance. It is best to have his hair cut this weekend."

His voice was full of energy, and Duan Yuche heard the name "Cao Feng" clearly.

He stared at the curl in disbelief.

Cao Feng? The poor student Cao Feng who was taken home by Duan Shumin? ?

The three of them said a few more words in the office before they came out.

Duan Shumin came out first, and Duan Yuche followed directly. After glancing at Cao Feng behind him, he was still in disbelief. How could it be so coincidental

His eyes swept back and forth several times on the faces of Duan Shumin and Cao Feng.

The poor student and Duan Shumin really don't look alike. His father is clean and gentle, while Cao Feng has a rough appearance. From deep eyebrows to firm jaws, he is different from Duan Shumin.

With a sigh of relief, he asked Duan Shumin knowingly, "Who is he?"

"Cao Feng, didn't I tell you?" Duan Shumin was afraid that he would embarrass people in front of him, so he grabbed his son's wrist with one hand, "Your brother Cao Feng came over to study with you in a class, his grades are good, You study hard with him."

Duan Yuche raised his voice abruptly: "Why..." Before he could say anything, Duan Shumin gave him a shut eye.

Duan Yuche had no choice but to swallow half of the rest of the words, and looked back at the hillbilly who was much taller than Duan Shumin.

Tall and big, holding a stack of brand-new textbooks, wearing new clothes, a pair of new shoes on his feet, and a new schoolbag on his back, he knew at a glance that Duan Shumin bought it. But despite the clean new clothes, it couldn't hide the cowardly rustic atmosphere that came out of the mountains.

After a few seconds of silence, Duan Yuche asked, "Is his grades good?"

Duan Shumin said yes, and his expression was obviously very satisfied: "There are more than 800 people in the middle school entrance examination, nearly 500 points more than you, and they are the first place in their state." Said he beckoned and called Cao Feng from behind: "Xiao Feng, come here. , This is the younger brother, Duan Yuche. Xiaoche, this is the elder brother, called the elder brother."

Duan Yuche was unhappy and kept his lips tightly closed without saying a word. He thought to himself how good it is if you study well, and what's the use of studying well

Due to his education, he has never cared much about grades.

Hearing Duan Shumin's words, Cao Feng's dry lips parted slightly and shouted, "Brother."

Listen, even Mandarin is so bad, how can you talk about good grades

Duan Yuche glanced at him blankly, as if confirming something in his eyes... But he only saw Cao Feng's nervousness.

Deep black pupils, surprisingly clear.

Duan Yuche didn't speak at the end, when Ma Xiaobo came out and stopped Cao Feng: "Come on, Cao Feng, the teacher will take you to the class to have a look and arrange a seat for you."

Cao Feng looked at Duan Shumin, Duan Shumin patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go, Xiao Feng, let's go to class today to get used to the environment, and come out with my younger brother after school later. Uncle will pick you up, don't be afraid."

Cao Feng hummed and bowed slightly: "Goodbye, uncle."

Seeing him doing this again, Duan Shumin didn't know what to say, because just after he brought the child home yesterday, he knelt down for him and said that he was grateful for his help over the years, which shocked him.

But this is just a coincidence. The Miao Village in Cao Feng's hometown is a key poverty alleviation area in the country, and Cao Feng is one of the few children in the village who can be admitted to the county's junior high school, not to mention that he is so good at studying and is a pillar of talent— As soon as he heard about his family, Duan Shumin decided to take him to Linzhou and let him come here to study high school and receive a better education.

Duan Yuche, on the other hand, just watched coldly on the sidelines, until Ma Xiaobo brought Cao Feng into the classroom, and did not speak to Duan Shumin: "Why let him study foreign affairs? How much did he pay? Why!"

After all, he was still in school, and he controlled the volume, it was not loud, but it was full of anger.

That’s all, the funding is enough, and he doesn’t make trouble when he takes it home, but now that he has been sent to study in a school or even a class with him, it’s hard for him to control his emotions.

"I didn't pay." Duan Shumin put an arm around him, and whispered at the railing on the second floor, "Don't be so rude, Cao Feng has good grades, and he is an ethnic minority. There are policies on the school. And subsidies.”

It was already past the admission time, and there should be a fee for inter-provincial transfer, but Cao Feng's grades were very good, and the principal of his county wrote a letter of recommendation to praise the student's excellence, and Duan Shumin personally went out to find the principal, so It's easy to get into the school.

Duan Yuche suddenly lost his temper. Not far away were classmates who were making troubles between classes, he was silent for a few seconds, and then chased after him: "Isn't that the principal selling your face and not wanting money for favors? I have no problem with letting him study, what to do in the same class as me! Could it be that you plan to send him abroad for further study? Or do you want to find someone to watch me?"

In the international class, most of the students want to go abroad. This class is more special than other classes. Many students have paid sky-high school fees, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and their grades are really poor. Yes, I heard it costs 200,000.

Of course, Duan Shumin did want Cao Feng to supervise him. His son was in a rebellious period, difficult to discipline and disobedient, and he did not accompany the child through childhood. It was not until a few years ago that the child's mother was diagnosed with cancer. The child was sent home to live with his biological father.

But his work as a father is so busy that he has no time to take care of the children.

Duan Shumin wanted to explain something, but the class bell happened to ring, so he had to remind him: "Cao Feng is two years older than you, so be polite and call him brother. Come out with him after school later, don't be petty. , Dad's car is parked in the old place."

Duan Yuche returned to the classroom. The teacher had just entered the classroom and said on the podium to turn to the page.

When he went in, he didn't bother to look for it at all, and at a glance he found Cao Feng sitting in the last row, in the corner of the wall.

He is sitting alone.

Cao Feng's appearance is really eye-catching, because he is tall and dark-skinned. In Linzhou, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, you can't see such a rough boy.

The other party showed him a kind smile, showing his white teeth, Duan Yuche had to pull his lower lip, he smiled, and hurried back to his seat.

"The transfer students are from the Miao ethnic group." Guo Guoliang, the talker at the same table, opened the exercise book and whispered.

"How do you know?" Duan Yuche rummaged through the drawer for a geography exercise book.

"You were not in the classroom just now. Teacher Ma brought him in and introduced him. It seems to be called Cao, Cao..."

"Cao Feng." Duan Yuche replied.

"Yes, Cao Feng, how do you know?"

"I heard it in the office." Duan Yuche asked him, "How many pages are in the exercise book?"

Guo Guoliang: "Twenty-five pages."

Duan Yuche turned the page to twenty-five, and it was clean—he didn't write or hand in his homework, and it was like this all week.

He looked in the direction of the office, and this time the curtains were drawn wider, and he could clearly see Ma Xiaobo talking to his father, Duan Shumin.

Why are you still talking, are you

He knew that Duan Shumin liked to sell their bank's products to others, and even if he reached the position of president, he still couldn't change this habit.

Today is Friday, so there is no need for self-study in the evening. The homework of each subject is written in the corner of the blackboard. Duan Yuche glanced at it, and did not look for the workbook. He put the empty schoolbag on his back and looked back.

Cao Feng did, because he had to clean on duty, and the broom was placed in the cleaning room behind his seat, and the door could not be opened until he gave up his seat.

He leaned against the wall, his dark and timid eyes stared at Duan Yuche, Duan Yuche also looked at him, struggled in his heart for a few seconds, and then hooked his fingers at him.