Little Ancestor

Chapter 21


Cao Feng asked Duan Yuche if he wanted to use a computer. Duan Yuche said no and asked him to use it. He knew that when Cao Feng made some things, he had to check the information frequently. That day Duan Shumin said that he would buy a new one for Cao Feng, but Duan Yuche refused: "If you buy him a new one, he can cry to you."

A better notebook costs tens of thousands. Cao Feng refused to buy a new gel pen after using it. He only bought refills. Two days ago, I saw him researching how to put ink into the refills for use, and he got his hands on it. of ink.

Carrying the computer back to the room, Cao Feng opened the search box, but he didn't move. He struggled a bit on his face. After a long time, he typed the first letter T.

Type the word homosexuality, hit enter, and the dazzling information comes into view in an instant. In this day and age, there is already a lot of research on sexuality, but the first row that catches your eye is an unscrupulous advertisement: Can homosexuality be cured? How is homosexuality treated? Please call XXX Psychotherapy Center at 171XXXXXX…

Cao Feng's eyes only paused for a second, and then moved down. It was a post. A mother was asking for help: "My son is not normal, he likes men, what should I do? Please help me..."

There are still quite a few of these, and some are asking if the son is not a boy, but a girl, so he likes men. Many people also feel disgusting, terrible, morally corrupt, and want to cut off their relationship with their children.

Cao Feng was a little unbelievable, he was his own blood and blood, how could he think so

Even if he himself... felt a little unacceptable in his heart, but he would never hate others for such a reason!

Cao Feng continued to search for information, and there were many positive ones, saying that this was normal, and there were also scientific explanations. Cao Feng read the relevant materials for a long time, he couldn't ignore the conflict in his heart, but since his younger brother was a homosexual group, he had to learn to accept it.

Re-opening the browsing history, Cao Feng entered the same-sex dating site on Duan Yuche's website. Here, this topic is all open, but since his English is not his native language, it is a little difficult to read.

There are also transfer buttons for downloading beautiful pictures and downloading movies on the forum.

I originally wanted to watch some popular science movies, but when I entered, the straightforward picture made Cao Feng's eyeballs burst, and he immediately closed the computer! As if doing so, those things couldn't contaminate his eyes. How can there be such a thing!

His face was terribly red, his chest heaved violently, and it was really hard to accept all that.

The next day was the weekend, Cao Feng got up early and went out to buy vegetables.

It was dark, he put on his school uniform, carrying a supermarket shopping bag, went out from the back door of the community, and ran along Huishan Lake. The lake is foggy, and the clean road is surrounded by a large green belt with benches for rest. In the wealthy area, all facilities are ecological.

He originally planned to jog, but when the wind blew, he ran faster and faster. There was no one on the road. He ran recklessly, clenching his teeth, as if he could get rid of the mess in his mind.

When he got home, Duan Shumin just got up, holding a glass of water in his hand, doing high leg lift exercises in the living room.

"Xiao Feng, did you go shopping? What did you buy?"

"I bought fish, I'll stew crucian carp soup at noon, and I also bought beef, potatoes, cabbage..."

"Run back? Why are you still sweating?"

Cao Feng smiled and said, "I will also exercise."

"Go take a bath first. Uncle will make breakfast. Do you want to eat mung bean porridge?"

Cao Feng responded and went back to his room to take a shower and change his clothes. When he came out, Duan Shumin said, "I have warmed the milk, would you like to drink some?"

"Thank you, uncle." I don't know if it's Cao Feng's delusion. Duan Shumin has been getting better and better with him recently, perhaps because he knows his secret, but Cao Feng is not that kind of person. In any case, he won't say anything. out of secret.

"The porridge is almost ready. Go and wake up your brother. If his door is locked, knock on the door and get the key to open it."

Duan Shumin is counting the time. Duan Yuche will stay in bed for 20 minutes to several hours. When he was diagnosed with stones last time, the doctor specifically said that he had to eat breakfast. The reason why he got stones was because of his diet. The habit is not good, so Duan Shumin must ask Duan Yuche to eat breakfast every day, so that he can continue to sleep.

The door was unlocked, so Cao Feng pressed the doorknob and went in. He slept on a large bed, the quilt was messy, and his sleeping position was also very strange. exposed and hung by the bed.

"Little Che." Cao Feng walked in, his voice was not too loud, "It's time to get up, it's time for the sun to shine."

Duan Yuche didn't respond. Cao Feng called his name for the second time, calling him several times: "Breakfast is ready." Duan Yuche said confusedly, "What breakfast?"

"Your father made mung bean porridge."

"I don't eat." He closed his eyes deeply, with a look of disgust on his face, and his face was flushed before he woke up.

"Then get up and drink a glass of milk, and drink milk to grow taller." He learned Duan Shumin's usual language. "Don't learn to talk like him." Duan Yuche murmured, turned over and grabbed the quilt, revealing a neck and a little collarbone, stretched his neck when he yawned, like a lazy cat, "I don't eat mung bean porridge. "

Cao Feng glanced at his very delicious skin, and paused: "Then what do you want to eat? Chestnut? Brother will buy it for you in the afternoon, what do you want to eat now? Do you want to eat sweet wine and eggs, brother will make it for you. "

He replied with a nasal sound, and Cao Feng said, "Then I'll make you sweet wine and eggs, Xiao Che, stick out your feet and let me see how your ankles are doing."

Duan Yuche was obedient, squirming a few times in the quilt like a worm, and showing him his feet out of the quilt. Cao Feng observed it: "It seems to be a little swollen, what about the other one?"

With both feet stretched out, Cao Feng squatted down to see the degree of swelling of the ankles, but it was hard to tell with the naked eye: "It looks almost good, you can try it later." He was ready to feel it with his hands, his palms covered When he went up, Duan Yuche didn't respond, he just shrank slightly and mumbled, "Cao Feng, your hands are so icy." But Cao Feng didn't know what to think, as if he had been struck by lightning, his whole body froze, and the wheat turned pale. His face was gradually crimson.

He got up immediately, breathed a little too quickly, and said, "I'll do... make sweet wine and eggs!" He quickly left the room.

Duan Shumin saw him coming out and asked him, "How is it? Is he awake?"

"He still needs to sleep for a few minutes," Cao Feng walked quickly, and the whole person was very nervous, "I'll go back to the room and go to the toilet and come out."

This was originally a normal thing. For his age, it was too normal, and it was the same every morning, but he had no desire to think about anything. He took out the dictionary and read the words aloud, and then he felt nothing.

Cao Feng returned to his room, immediately locked the door, opened the Oxford Dictionary, and read out the first word he saw with a shaky breath: "Dispose!"

He's almost passed all the words starting with D recently.

After honestly reading two pages, he realized that this root is useless at all!


Half an hour later, Duan Yuche finally woke up, washed his face, rinsed his mouth slowly, and went to the restaurant.

Duan Shumin was reading the newspaper: "Are you up? The porridge is in the pot."

"I don't eat porridge." Duan Yuche glanced at the simple dining table and was in a bad mood, "Where's my sweet wine and eggs?"

"What kind of sweet wine to make eggs?" Duan Shumin raised his eyes from the newspaper.

"Cao Feng said he did it for me..." He was a little unhappy, "Where are the others?"

"He's been in for a while, oh yes, Xiao Che, take this in and give it to him." Duan Shumin gave him two boxes.

"What?" Duan Yuche read out according to the medicine box, "laxative gel..." He didn't know the word for capsule.

Duan Shumin's expression was a little serious, and he said, "You secretly put him on the table, don't call him, this child, it is estimated that the study pressure is too much, it has been half an hour."

"...Okay, then you make me a sweet wine brewed egg."

Duan Yuche thought that Cao Feng must be in the toilet, but when he opened the door, he heard his angry voice: "Early! Earh! E..."

Duan Yuche: "...?"