Little Ancestor

Chapter 25


When the two were in the hospital, they received a call from Duan Shumin, asking why they didn't go home.

"Something happened, we are in the hospital now." Duan Yuche couldn't think of any good reason, so he had to say it according to the lies fabricated by Cao Feng, "It's... Got a little hurt from the fight."

"Are you seriously injured?" Duan Shumin was really worried, "I'll come to the hospital to pick you up right away."

"No need." Duan Yuche said, "We'll take a taxi back right away."

Aside from the glass wound on his neck, and some on his face, the rest of his body was fine. Cao Feng didn't feel much, except that the wind was strong outside, and it hurt like a knife on his face.

The streets in the middle of the night were very sluggish, and there were pedestrians on the road holding umbrellas to keep out the wind, and the umbrellas were slashed.

Duan Yuche also felt the wind was strong, and when he saw Cao Feng's school uniform blowing up, he didn't expect it to be so cold at the end of October.

"You follow me to avoid the wind." Cao Feng said, beckoning to stop the car on the side of the road.

His back was broad and reliable like a wall. Duan Yuche raised his head and saw the gauze attached to the back of his neck, where nearly twenty stitches had been sewn, and there was dark brown blood on the back of his head.

After getting in the car, this feeling of being blown away disappeared, and Cao Feng reported the address of the community. The car radio is releasing the forecast for the typhoon "Likima" in recent days, and areas such as the coastal areas of Linzhou may be affected.

"Typhoon?" Cao Feng used to live in a mountainous area and had never encountered such a thing. He had only seen the word typhoon in a geography book.

"Last year, there was a typhoon too." Although the inside of the car was warm, there was an unpleasant smell. Duan Yuche couldn't help opening a gap in the window and said while breathing, "I was on vacation for a few days."

"Will the typhoon still have a holiday? Is it so serious?"

"It may rain heavily and cause a tsunami. People may be blown away by the wind when they walk on the street." These are what Duan Yuche saw from the news. When a typhoon is severe, it will cause heavy casualties. However, Linzhou is not so serious, it is a city that has been affected.

When he got home, Duan Shumin was waiting for them in the living room. He first looked at Duan Yuche and found that he was well behaved, so he was relieved, then looked at Cao Feng, seeing that he was seriously injured, and was furious: "What the hell happened? Who beat him? "

Cao Feng shook his head: "It's too late, I didn't see clearly."

"Which street did it happen in? I'll immediately call the police station and ask them to adjust the surveillance! It's outrageous!" Duan Shumin's identity has given him a lot of convenience. In this city, he can eat anywhere.

"It's an alley, and there's no surveillance there. It's okay, Uncle Duan, I went to the hospital to deal with it, and there's nothing wrong with it."

Duan Shumin's face was tense: "If you are like this, what will you do when you go to school tomorrow? Otherwise, I will ask you for a leave?"

Cao Feng said no more: "My hands and feet are fine, I can run and jump, and I still have medicines for reducing swelling and stasis, so I don't need to ask for leave."

Duan Shumin couldn't resist, and he sighed secretly, Xiao Feng is a good kid everywhere, but he is too rigid. It's nothing if he doesn't go to school for a day. Who goes to school and hasn't gotten sick yet

But when he thought about it, he remembered that it was the same when he was studying in the past. Even if he was sick, he still wanted to go to school. He was the youngest son in the family. It was not easy for his parents to raise him. All are working hard.

Unexpectedly, he failed the college entrance examination and went to a normal school. He dreamed of raising a child who was admitted to a famous school.

Just as he was about to let the two children go to rest, Duan Shumin suddenly remembered something and said, "I saw the cake on the table, Xiao Feng, did you bake it yourself?"

Cao Feng nodded embarrassedly: "I made it for my brother."

"That's right, let's divide the cake and go to bed, and the rest will be breakfast tomorrow." Duan Shumin said this, and Duan Yuche had no objection.

Cao Feng searched for recipes on the Internet and went to the supermarket to carefully select raw materials. He was a frugal person, but when he bought these, he bought the most expensive ones. They were covered with a layer of large strawberries and a layer of dark chocolate. The easiest cake ever.

The sales are a little different, but the taste is not bad. Before Duan Yuche took a small piece into the room, he said to Cao Feng, "You have a good rest."

"Good night, brother." Cao Feng returned to his room, took off his clothes and took a shower, only to realize that he had some bruises on his body. He took a shower and reflected on what he had done, but he felt that he had done nothing wrong.

Duan Yuche sent a message asking about Grasshopper's situation, and apologized to him on behalf of Cao Feng, but he didn't reply. He sat on the bed and unpacked everyone's gifts, which were all small things, night lights, belts and so on. Only Cao Feng's is the most thoughtful.

Since his mother passed away, no one has ever made a gift for him like this. He took out the small crystal ball, wound the clockwork, and listened to a piece of "To Alice" in a quiet room.

He shook the crystal ball and put it on the head of the bed. Duan Yuche was about to go to sleep when his phone vibrated suddenly. When he opened it, he saw that it was a QQ message from Cao Feng.

"Xiao Che, I'm sorry for what happened today."

"Happy birthday, brother, I hope you will always be so happy."

Duan Yuche's anger had long since disappeared, and he replied with an emoji to represent good night.

The next morning, he got up and saw a blue woolen sock hanging by the head of the bed, like a wind chime.

Duan Yuche watched for a while, then sat up and reached out to take off his socks. When his mother sent him back to China, she told Duan Shumin some of his hobbies and habits: "Tommy believes in the story of Santa Claus, so you have to prepare Christmas gifts for him every year, and put a pair of socks with gifts on his bedside."

She also told Duan Shumin that she liked toys.

The models of cars and airplanes in his room were all given by Duan Shumin, but he didn't like them.

Duan Shumin remembered to put gifts in socks, and then secretly put them on his bedside in the middle of the night, and later did the same for his birthday.

Duan Yuche pulled out a box from his socks. The box was very light. He shook it twice and opened it to see that they were two light concert tickets.

The best seats on the ticket, but the time is at the end of the year, and it is not in Linzhou, but a concert in Shanghai, the orchestra is the famous London Symphony Orchestra.

But he wasn't very interested, so he put the ticket back and stuffed it into the drawer.

Cao Feng made him a bowl of longevity noodles in the morning. The TV was turned on. Duan Shumin, who was watching the morning news, turned his head to look at the gloomy sky: "This typhoon is the biggest one in recent years."

"It's fine if you don't go out, anyway, the school will have a holiday when the typhoon warning comes." Duan Yuche disagreed. Roll the long thin noodles with chopsticks.

"Yes." But when the typhoon comes, it will inevitably cause some losses, just like the butterfly effect, and their financial industry will also have some impact. Duan Shumin looked at his son and suddenly asked, "Xiao Che, have you seen what's in the socks?"

"Look, thank you dad, I like it very much."

Duan Shumin naturally knew that he was dissatisfied with this gift. Judging from his attitude that he would not touch the piano once in a few months, this child only had a little liking for music.

But that was not the main purpose of his sending these two tickets.

"Dad has good news for you."

"Huh?" Duan Yuche looked at him.

"Your aunt will follow that at the end of the year..." He forgot what band it was. "Anyway, she and that band will come to the Shanghai stock market together. At the end of the year, you will go to the show and see your aunt." "Really?!" Duan Yu Che stood up happily, and the joy on his face bloomed, "That's great! Thank you, Dad, did you buy a plane ticket for me? Shall we go together?"

"Dad's work is the busiest at the end of the year. It's not that you don't know, and you can't find time. If Dad can't accompany you at that time, let your brother Cao Feng accompany you there."

Duan Yuche didn't care about this, whether Duan Shumin went or not, he would definitely go.


Cao Feng went to school in the image of this "bad student", which naturally attracted a lot of attention. As soon as he entered the school, some people looked at him. Cao Feng's own statement was: "I beat a hooligan."

Seeing that he was seriously injured, Ma Xiaobo immediately called him to the office for questioning, and said, "If you encounter any trouble, if you encounter any violence, Cao Feng, you can't hide anything, you must tell the teachers and parents in time."

He didn't want such a good seedling to be ruined by some messy things.

Cao Feng nodded to show that he understood, but he was not afraid of anything. Even if someone came to trouble him, he might not be able to beat him.

He returned to his seat and touched the waist knife in his schoolbag.

This knife never leaves his body, it is his friend, and he puts it under his pillow even when he sleeps at night. In the past, if he encountered danger when going down the mountain, he would take out a knife to protect himself, but here, he can't do that.

After two days of school, the blue warning of the typhoon came. At this time, the school did not give students a holiday, because the blue warning was nothing, until another day passed and it started to rain heavily. The pitch-black sky thundered with lightning, and pea-sized raindrops slammed on the window, making a terrifying and violent noise. The curtains in the classroom were blown up like clouds, and the classmates sitting by the window struggled to close them. window.

In the morning, the Meteorological Agency issued a white warning, and Ma Xiaobo received a notice at noon that all teachers and students were on typhoon holiday.

The students were happy again. Those who made phone calls and those who packed up their schoolbags were all going home.

Cao Feng has already searched the Internet. The typhoon this time is a "tropical storm" level, and the lethality is huge.

He couldn't go to class for many days, and he was a little worried, so he put all the books he could use in his schoolbag and took it home. There are so many books that I can't even hold my schoolbag, and I still hold an Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary in my arms.

Duan Yuche didn't pack anything, took the initiative to help him share some exercise books, and started to call Xiao Zhang.

Xiao Zhang said, "The traffic jam is too serious, young master, you have to wait. I'll come over in another way. I'll call you when I'm almost there. Come out when you get there, the rain is flooding your feet."

Cao Feng and Duan Yuche had to sit in the classroom and wait. Cao Feng continued to write questions. Duan Yuche's S was out of power. The classroom became a mess of porridge, and the whole teaching building was full of strange noises. Several boys were lying at the window looking at their classmates who were walking with difficulty in the wind, and laughed.

I don't know who opened the window again, the wind blows him a little cold, and he makes a movement to tighten the zipper.

It was this action that made Cao Feng beside him realize, and immediately took off his school uniform and gave it to him: "You can put it on."

"No, you wear it, I'm not cold." Duan Yuche saw that he was wearing thin long sleeves, which was embarrassing.

"Brother isn't cold either, touch it, I'm very hot." Cao Feng stretched out his hand, Duan Yuche touched it, and his body temperature was indeed very high.

"Xiao Che, put it on, don't catch a cold."

Duan Yuche looked at him, Cao Feng's expression was serious, with clear stubbornness in his dark eyes, it seemed that if he didn't wear it, he wouldn't wear it either.

He put on Cao Feng's clothes and stared at the torrential rain for a while before Xiao Zhang called and said that he would be there soon: "Your school is too crowded, I can't find a place to park, young master, you and Cao Come to the intersection in front of the bus."

The two went downstairs. Cao Feng opened his umbrella. The umbrella was facing the direction of the rushing rain. The wind was strong and it took a lot of strength to move forward.

Duan Yuche couldn't open his blown eyes, there was still water on the ground, and after a few steps, the water got into his shoes.

Cao Feng held an umbrella with one hand and Duan Yuche with the other: "Brother, you are in my arms, let's walk slower!"

Duan Yuche nodded, helped him hold the dictionary, turned his head over, and tucked his shoulders.

It usually takes ten minutes to walk, but today it took more than twenty minutes. Duan Yuche accidentally dropped the Oxford Dictionary on the ground in the middle. Cao Feng bent down and picked it up. Seeing that the dictionary was all wet, he felt a little distressed. Duan Yuche said: "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay, I'll take it back and dry it with a hair dryer."

When he got into the car, Duan Yuche was covered in rain, his hands and feet were wet, and his face was frozen.

Xiao Zhang apologized and said, "My car can't get in, and I can't park outside the school."

Duan Yuche said it was okay, Xiao Zhang turned on the heater.

When the typhoon came, the weather was much harder than the winter in Central Europe.

Duan Yuche's shoes got wet, and even his socks were soaked. He felt uncomfortable wearing it for a while, and bent over to get his shoes again and again. When Cao Feng saw it, he said, "Take off your shoes and socks, it's uncomfortable to wear."

Duan Yuche shook his head and said no, no matter how uncomfortable he was, he wouldn't be like this outside, even if it was the family car.

Cao Feng was too embarrassed to take off his shoes. He saw a piece of clothing behind him. It should be Duan Shumin's sports jacket.

Duan Yuche nodded, and after putting it on, Cao Feng asked him again, "Are your hands cold?"

He shook his head.

Cao Feng stretched out his hand and motioned for him to give it to himself. Duan Yuche hesitated for a moment and gave him his hand.

Cao Feng's hands were very hot.

Duan Yuche was surprised: "Don't you feel cold? Why is your body temperature so high?"

"It's natural."

Duan Yuche was about to speak when suddenly, he smelled a hazy scent of perfume from Duan Shumin's clothes.

Frowning, he sniffed again.

The old man spraying perfume is nothing to make a fuss about. The point is that he thinks the perfume on it is not a male fragrance.

It's a sweet women's fragrance.

His expression changed, and he took off his clothes.

Cao Feng asked him, "What's wrong?"

Duan Yuche threw one out: "Hot."

Cao Feng was a little confused, and he didn't know what was wrong with him.

On the way home, Duan Yuche kept leaning against the car door, watching the rain, and stopped talking.

Xiao Zhang delivered them and drove away again, this time to pick up Duan Shumin. Cao Feng and Duan Yuche went back to their rooms to take a shower. Cao Feng dried the dictionary and hung it on the table. He made dinner and Duan Shumin came back, but he didn't stay long when he suddenly received a call and hurried up. .

"Where are you going?" Duan Yuche asked him.

"Go out." Duan Shumin put on his coat and glasses, looking anxious, "Dad has a friend who is still outside and can't get a car, so I'll drive to pick her up."

Duan Yuche was taken aback.

What kind of friend, is he worth running out to pick him up in this weather

Cao Feng seemed to have guessed it, and didn't say anything. Before going out, Duan Shumin told him, "You two, please don't go out. If I don't come back tonight, I might be staying in a hotel outside."

Duan Yuche said "Oh".

After dinner, Cao Feng washed the dishes, and Duan Yuche was sitting on the sofa watching TV. It was a TV in English without Chinese subtitles, called "Dr. Secret". He is a huge fan of the show.

Cao Feng sat and watched with his brother for a while, but he didn't understand much, so he baked a few egg tarts, set the time, and let his brother eat when he heard the reminder, and then went to the basement.

His latest invention is a small program for lighting control.

His program has only done the basics, and he is still making installations. He bought a dozen light bulbs, and the table looks messy.

Although Duan Yuche likes to watch "Doctor Secret" very much, at this moment, his mind is not on the plot, and he is full of thoughts, who is Duan Shumin going to pick up

A woman, must be a woman.

He was so irritable that he remembered that he often didn't go home for social events recently, and everything had an answer. He knew that he had no right to interfere with Duan Shumin's emotional problems, but he still felt very scared in the face of this kind of thing. He took Duan Shumin's clothes again and began to smell it. The perfume on it was much lighter, and it was replaced by the wet smell of rain after he wore it.

At this moment, a reminder sound came from the oven, and Duan Yuche had just returned. The sweet smell of the egg tarts just baked was unusually reassuring in such a gloomy weather. He held the tray with gloves on, thinking about it. I thought about going to the basement.

"Cao Feng?" He was at the entrance of the stairs and saw the lights flickering below. He didn't know what Cao Feng was doing.

Cao Feng heard it, responded with a sound, and stopped working to see him.

"The egg tarts are ready." Duan Yuche went down the stairs, "You eat two too."

Cao Feng said with a smile, "I'll eat it when I do it."

Duan Yuche curiously watched what he was doing, and then sat down on the only massage chair next to him. Cao Feng was doing welding work. Looking back, Duan Yuche had already closed his eyes and started massaging. music.

Cao Feng didn't call him. After a while, he became part of the job. He was a little hungry. When he saw the egg tarts on the plate, his younger brother kept two for him and ate the rest. Egg tart heart, no egg tart skin.

The egg tart was already cold, and Cao Feng didn't dislike it. He washed his hands and ate it directly, even the leftover egg tart skin.

It was very late, and Duan Shumin had not yet returned home. Cao Feng sent him a message. He said that the car would not drive, so he would stay at the hotel at night.

"Little Che." Cao Feng called him softly.

Duan Yuche didn't respond, the massage chair stopped long ago, and Duan Yuche also fell asleep leaning on the ergonomic massage chair.

"Brother." Cao Feng called him, "I can't sleep in the basement anymore, it's uncomfortable." "Brother."

"You have to go back to your room to sleep."

"Little Che."

"Tommy." He knew that when Duan Yuche lay in bed in the morning, Duan Shumin went to call him, and he would call him by his English nickname if he didn't wake up.

After shouting several times in a row, Duan Yuche finally had a little reaction, his eyes were slit open, his long eyelashes were drooping, his little face was full of tiredness, and he didn't speak, he stretched out his hand towards Cao Feng.

Cao Feng was stunned for a while, thinking in his heart, is this what he meant by asking him to hug

Cao Feng didn't want to disturb him, so he put his arm through his back and said softly, "Then brother will carry you to bed."

Duan Yuche made a nasal sound in confusion: "Hmm."

Cao Feng used his strength and picked him up.

The younger brother is not light, but it is easy to hold, because he does not resist himself at all, as if he has mistaken himself for someone.